Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 2014 Full of complaints

Fang Zan and Zhu Zhixi immediately knew the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Shen Shitong. He also knew immediately that the province's investigation of Feng Weiqi was probably actually for himself. The night before Zhu Daidong took office, he rear-ended with Lu Baorong, the younger brother of Lu Baochang, the Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee. At that time, the handling method of the traffic police brigade of the Dongcheng Branch made Zhu Daidong very angry.

Then, after knowing Zhu Daidong's identity, the Dongcheng Branch did not satisfy Zhu Daidong's handling of the relevant responsible persons. Even Lu Baorong only received a major punishment. Fang Zan still remembers what Zhu Daidong said to himself: "It's not only your shame to leave someone like Lu Baorong in the police force, but also my shame as a mayor!"

But Fang Zan did not pay attention to it at that time, because he knew that Zhu Daidong was unpopular in the city, and the main leaders in the city had opinions on him. That's why he dared to violate Zhu Daidongyang. After that, Zhu Daidong asked Huawu City to carry out public security rectification. At the beginning, he excused that the whole city had strengthened the public security rectification before the provincial party Congress. Today, Zhu Daidong asked him to report on his work, and he also dared to let Yu Hewei go.

"Secretary Zhu, is there someone targeting me about Feng Weiqi?" Fang Zan suddenly realized that he suddenly understood that this matter might be done by Zhu Daidong's instructions behind his back.

"Ton you?" Zhu Zhixi said in surprise that he also suddenly thought of the public security situation of Zhu Daidong, Huawu City, and the province also criticized it by name many times, but Fang Zan did not take effective action. It was not that Zhu Daidong felt that Fang Zan occupied the pit and wanted to find someone who could pull out the shit.

"Secretary Zhu, you have to be in charge of this matter. Feng Weiqi is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. I didn't know the news until half an hour before the double rules. What does this mean? Are you afraid that I will inform you, or are you worried that I will be in the same way? The more Fang Zan said, the more excited he became. As his supervisor, Zhu Zhixi should support his work.

Originally, Fang Zan did not intend to say hello to Feng Weiqi. The reason why he had to return the 800,000 yuan as soon as possible was that he wanted to let it live and die. But now, he thinks that Feng Weiqi is actually to protect himself.

"Jiang Bin, is Secretary Kong free in the afternoon? I want to report the work to him. Fang Zan then called Ma Jiangbin. If he didn't want Zhu Daidong to achieve his goal, he must get the support of Kong Fuhua.

"How about four o'clock in the afternoon?" Ma Jiangbin took a look at today's schedule. In the afternoon, Kong Fuhua will receive an inspection team of the national ministries and commissions, and it will take at least 3:30 to return to the municipal party committee.

"Okay." Fang Zan said that he also knew that Kong Fuhua had a lot of reception and escort tasks every day, and sometimes he had to participate in provincial activities. His time was squeezed out like the spirit of a nail.

"Minister Lu, I have to say hello to you in advance." Fang Zan went to the municipal party committee again and directly found Lu Baochang, the head of the organization. The reason why Feng Weiqi was double-regulated, I'm afraid it was his brother Lu Baorong.

"What's the matter?" Lu Baochang recognized a trace of surprise in his eyes. Fang Zan used to talk to him casually. In private, they rarely saw him talk to him so solemnly. Perhaps this is related to Feng Weiqi's double regulation. As the secretary of the Municipal Law Commission and the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Fang Zan also has a leadership responsibility in Feng Weiqi's affairs.

"Today, Feng Weiqi was double-regulated. Someone was dissatisfied with me and couldn't catch my handle, so he pointed the finger at Feng Weiqi. But what can Feng Weiqi do? I think it's all about catching the wind and catching shadows to spread it. Of course, under pressure, I can only let the Dongcheng Branch expel Lu Baorong. Fang Zan said angrily.

"Isn't fired?" Lu Baochang was stunned, and then frowned tightly.

He knew that Lu Baorong had not been doing his job since he was masturbated by the director of the police station. It is a registered policeman, but in fact, he wanders among all kinds of people all day long and has also made some fame in Huawu City. Sometimes, he is more useful than his own minister of organization. After all, when he finds someone, he has to convey it layer by layer, but Lu Baorong can be called a brother whether he keeps up with, middle or lower.

"Yes, as you know, Lu Baorong has left a very bad impression on Mayor Zhu. Mayor Zhu once said that leaving people like Lu Baorong in the police force is not only the shame of me, the head of the public security bureau, but also the shame of his mayor! Last time I resisted the pressure, but they changed hands and set Feng Weiqi's double rules. If I still commit a crime against the wind, I'm afraid it will be my turn next. Fang Zan said sadly that although he did not add fuel and vinegar, copying the original words would still make Lu Baochang very angry.

"I'll explain this matter to Comrade Daidong. Can you delay Baorong's punishment first?" Lu Baochang asked, if it hadn't been for Lu Baorong's matter, he wouldn't have whispered.

"You said something, how dare I not carry it out?" Fang Zan said with a smile. In fact, he didn't say hello to Xia Shiguang at all. Since last night, he has been very anxious. Until now, Xu Xinyu has not heard from him. Although he believed that Xu Xinyu would not have any problems, he was very worried. Xu Xinyu did not know that Feng Weiqi was double-regulated. If he went directly to his house to pay back the money, it would be a big deal.

"Then thank you." Lu Baochang said lightly that if it hadn't been for Zhu Daidong's request, Lu Baochang felt that it would be okay to let Lu Baorong take off his police uniform. With his flamboyant character, something will happen sooner or later. Instead of letting him have a bad impact in the future, it's better to let him leave the officialdom early. At that time, an outsider, no matter how big a disaster, is still within control.

After leaving Lu Baochang, Fang Zan went to Kong Fuhua again. In the face of Kong Fuhua, Fang Zan did not hide his emotions, complained and expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhu Daidong without reservation.

"Secretary Kong, Zhu Daidong is a retaliation. Isn't it that he didn't fire Lu Baorong? Is it worth beating me in such a big circle?" Fang Zan spread all his resentment on Zhu Daidong.

"Comrade Fang Zan, if there is no basis, you can't say it casually. You are my husband. Can you arrest anyone without evidence? Kong Fuhua said lightly that this matter is really not caused by Zhu Daidong. Although Zhu Daidong has a good relationship with Shen Shitong, how can Shen Shitong make a deal with personal friendship on the issue of principle?

Of course, although this matter is not led by Zhu Daidong, it is not clear whether Zhu Daidong has played a role in promoting the flames. The public security of Huawu City is really not very good. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, the province has criticized it several times. He also asked Fang Zan to come up with an effective plan, but after each crackdown, it can be a good time. But soon after, it recovered as before.

"Secretary Kong, Zhu Daidong and Secretary Shen used to work together. As soon as Secretary Shen took office, he took the Public Security Bureau to support Zhu Daidong. I don't think it will be long before he will compete with you for power and profit. Fang Zan said worriedly that Zhu Daidong has not taken any action so far, but this person is very taught. As long as he catches the opportunity, he can give you a fatal blow at any time.

"Don't mention the public security bureau. The municipal government asked the public security bureau to take a public security rectification plan. It's been more than a month. How did you become the director of the public security bureau? Do you want me to say that you are arrogant or powerless? Kong Fuhua said, in any case, Zhu Daidong is the head of a city. Although he is now the acting mayor, the level is here.

"Secretary Kong, Mayor Zhu has just taken office and is not familiar with the situation of Huawu City. Every year, the bureau has to carry out public security rectification, but it can only achieve a one-time effect. Huawu City, together with the foreign population, has already exceeded 10 million. The public security situation is compelling. As long as the rate can be Fang Zan said.

"Don't always look for objective reasons. If you think you can't do this public security director well, just change someone to do it." Kong Fuhua said faintly that before Zhu Daidong took office, he appreciated Zhu Daidong very much, otherwise he would not have clearly supported Zhu Daidong at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

But after Zhu Daidong took office, his mentality suddenly changed. On his first day in office, Zhu Daidong proposed to him to adjust the division of labor of Fang Zan, which made him very dissatisfied at that time. But now, he feels that Zhu Daidong's original proposal is correct. This time, Feng Weiqi, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, may have a case. If that's the case, Fang Zan, the director of the Public Security Bureau, can't escape. The most important point of the municipal party secretary is to know people and make good use of it. Only when you know how to use and dare to use people can we carry out our work better.

"Secretary Kong, that's not what I mean. The bureau has reported the latest public security rectification plan to Mayor Zhu in the afternoon." Fang Zan said that it seems that Kong Fuhua has doubted his ability because of Feng Weiqi's double rules. If this is really the case, it will be troublesome.

"It's up to you." Kong Fuhua said that in most cases, fate is in his own hands. If Fang Zan can come up with a satisfactory and effective case, his seat will naturally not be shaken. But if he still takes the previous plan to be perfunctory, maybe he will really consider the question of the choice of the director of the public security bureau. If he decides, he will ask Zhu Daidong for his opinion.

When Fang Zan was in Kong Fuhua's office, his mobile phone actually rang, but it was adjusted to vibration by him. When he came out, he looked at the mobile phone and it was Xu Xinyu who called. He suddenly felt relaxed. Since last night, he has lost contact with Xu Xinyu. He called back immediately, but it was not Xu Xinyu who answered the phone.

"My uncle, something happened to my aunt." Xu Jie said eagerly that he was driving back last night because he was not familiar with the road conditions and overturned on the road.

"What?!" Fang Zan's hanging heart suddenly rose to his throat and screamed.

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