Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 2029 Continue to be unmotivated

While Zhu Daidong is investigating Kong Yunxing, Kong Yunxing is also observing Zhu Daidong. Although he has heard a lot of rumors about Zhu Daidong, after all, hearing is empty, and seeing is believing. Kong Yunxing admired Zhu Daidong's drastic reform in Jiao Sui, and at the same time, he also admired Zhu Daidong's confidence in fighting corruption in Jiao Sui. But he admired it. When it was really his turn to make a choice, he hesitated.

There are two questions in front of Kong Yunxing: Do you want to report to Lian Vico, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection? Do you want to talk to Zheng Saijun directly? Report to Lian Vico, indicating that he is still the original Lian Vico. He does not want to do a good job, but just wants to do stable work. Talking directly with Zheng Saijun is to do his duty as the director of the supervision bureau. After asking Lian Vico for instructions, he will make a decision, that is, to do his duty as the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. With different responsibilities, his path will naturally be different in the future.

Kong Yunxing thought about it all night and reported the situation to Lian Vico the next morning. Is there a money exchange between Zheng Saijun and Rebel? It seems to be reasonable, but it may not be true. The essence of Chinese people is that they like to watch the bustle and only go to the street. If they are surrounded by people, even if they are not interested, they will slow down and glance at them. Most people will get in and watch the hustle and bustle.

Kong Yunxing is also a veteran discipline inspection cadre. When he was first transferred to the discipline inspection system, he was also enthusiastic. However, with the passage of time, the edges and corners of his body were slowly flattened. Now he, sometimes even looks down on himself. But the reality is very cruel. He has suffered enough setbacks and blows. Now he only does things with his conscience. As for the principled position, he has not adhered so much.

"Secretary Lian, Mayor Zhu talked to me yesterday and proposed to investigate Zheng Saijun of Wuguo Group. I think I still need to ask for your opinion." Kong Yunxing said bluntly, it doesn't matter whether Zheng Saijun has any problems or not. As long as the Commission for Discipline Inspection is willing to investigate cadres like Zheng Saijun, there must be a lot of problems. However, the resulting chain reaction and the consequences cannot be controlled.

"Zheng Saijun? Someone reported it?" Lian Vico took a look at the documents on the table, which were just sent by the secretary in the morning. He rummaged through the documents on it and didn't see a report letter. As the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he receives a lot of report letters every day, but most of them will be intercepted by the office and the secretary. The only cases that can really reach him can attract the great attention of the city. And such a report letter will not be reviewed in person until he receives dozens or even hundreds of them.

"According to Mayor Zhu, someone reported Zheng Saijun's problem to him." Kong Yunxing said that if something had happened to the mayor, it would have been known to everyone. However, Kong Yunxing did not receive the wind before, which shows that this time the situation is a little special. Things are abnormally evil, and he doesn't want to be a pawn in the hands of others.

"Alstong Company is acquiring state-owned shares of Wuguo Group. Zhu Daidong may not know much about the situation of Wuguo Group. It is also possible for people with ulterior motives to smear Zheng Saijun on him." Lian Vico said lightly that after Zhu Daidong took office, he had always done his duty. What happened today made him feel a little strange.

Of course, Zhu Daidong is the acting mayor. He asked Zheng Saijun to investigate Zheng Saijun, which is also within his authority. If Zheng Saijun has no problem, it's fine, but if he really has any problems, he will be passive.

"I think so." Kong Yunxing nodded repeatedly and handed over the decision to Lian Vico. He didn't even mention the suggestion and picked himself clean.

"Well, you can talk to Zheng Saijun and listen to what he said. Let's discuss the specific situation at the meeting at that time." Lian Vico glanced at Kong Yunxing and said. In terms of seniority, Kong Yunxing is not shallower than him. In terms of ability, the original Kong Yunxing was stronger than Shi Lirong of the current Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, but a few years ago, after he fell down because of a case, he had been not enterprising, and all the light was suddenly ecized. Now it is like an old Never say more, doing things is really watertight.

" OK, I'll do it right away." Kong Yunxing said that he tossed and turned last night and thought about it all night. But he doesn't know Zhu Daidong's current attitude. After all, there is a big difference between the second-hand and the first-hand. When Zhu Daidong was in Jiao Sui, he dared to fight against all forces because of the nature of his work. If the secretary of the municipal party committee was emptied, what else could he do? But the mayor is different. It is very common for the mayor to be emptied by the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Moreover, Zhu Daidong has just arrived in Huawu City, while Kong Fuhua has been operating in Huawu City for decades. Coupled with the natural advantage of his leader, no matter how Zhu Daidong jumps, he can't jump out of other people's hands.

After Kong Yunxing returned to the office, he called Zheng Saijun in person. Although Kong Yunxing's identity was detached, he was still very polite on the phone. He just asked Zheng Saijun to come to the Commission for Discipline Inspection when he had time. He wanted to ask him a few questions. Zheng Saijun received a phone call from the Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Director of Supervision. How dare he say that he didn't have time? Although he is very beautiful in front of people, no matter where he goes, there is a lot of traffic, but it is only a matter of minutes for Kong Yunxing to deal with him.

The last thing cadres in the system want to offend is the people in the discipline inspection system. Even people who organize the system are not that terrible. If you offend the organizational cadres, at most you don't have a good position, but if you offend the discipline inspection system, you may face prison at any time.

"Secretary Kong, I don't know if there are any important instructions?" Zheng Saijun rushed to Zheng Saijun's office as quickly as possible. As soon as he entered the door, he wiped the sweat on his forehead. Although the artificial element is higher than reality, it can make people feel that he did come as quickly as possible.

"There is no instruction, I just want to ask you a few questions. Someone reported the situation to the city's leaders, saying that you had improper economic dealings with Rebel of Alston Company. Is there such a thing? Kong Yunxing straightened his body and said solemnly.

"Zebel? Secretary Kong, this is really unfair. I do have a good relationship with Rebel, but it's just a normal working relationship. As you know, he is a foreigner. How can he have such a relationship with me? Of course, if it is an ordinary human relationship, it is true that we have given each other gifts, and the value is not low. Zheng Saijun said that the things he gave to Rebel were all public funds. As for what Rebel gave him, he didn't know who paid for it. RS