Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 2034 Transfer from the task force

Zhu Daidong cherishes his personal time. Many times, under the leadership of the province, he and Kong Fuhua have to socialize, and it is normal to run several meals at a time. In addition to trying to arrange in the same place, sometimes the two have to help each other and deal with each other.

For example, if only Zhu Daidong or Kong Yunxing goes to toast, they may not be happy. But if the municipal party secretary and the mayor go, even if they just toast and leave, it also shows that Huawu City attaches great importance to itself.

"Secretary Zhu, you should hire a nanny to eat in the canteen every day. What's going on?" Yang Shiguang carried a few food boxes and put them on the table while complaining. His wife was not transferred for the time being. Originally, he wanted to come to Zhu Daidong for dinner when he had time, but Zhu Daidong did not hire a nanny. Either for dinner or in the canteen, he didn't have a chance to come.

"How many meals can I eat at home in a month?" Zhu Daidong said that Zhao Wenqi had told him about this for a long time, but he felt that there was no need for it now. There was a nanny at home, but he felt uncomfortable.

"That's true, but home-cooked meals are more delicious than big meals in hotels." After Yang Sheguang arranged the dishes, he went to his room to take a few bottles of Maotai. When he came back, he poured them for Zhu Daidong.

"Let's talk about the case of Kong Yunxing's wife and children." Zhu Daidong said that for the internal rectification of the Public Security Bureau, Yang Shiguang is familiar with it. In recent days, the city has been paying great attention to this case. Presumably Yang Shiguang is also under pressure. If it hadn't been for the progress of the case, I'm afraid Yangshiguang wouldn't have time to come to drink with himself.

"According to what we know, during the time of the crime, Kong Yunxing was investigating the smuggling case of Hualong Company. At that time, the case involved a number of officials, so there was a lot of resistance. Chen Long, the boss of Hualong Company, is Secretary Chen's younger brother. In addition, it was Chen Chao, the deputy captain of the Second Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, who handled the disappearance of Han Zhihui and Kong Yihao at that time. Yang Shiguang said that before he came, he specially investigated the Chen Dynasty and found that he was still very capable in criminal investigation. Although he had a cousin who was the leader of the city, it was impossible to be promoted all the way to the deputy detachment leader without some real skills.

"What is the relationship between Chen Chao and Comrade Chen Ze?" Zhu Daidong suddenly caught the point. All three of them are surnamed Chen, and they can play a very important role in the case. No wonder if they have no relationship between them.

"Chen Chao is Secretary Chen's cousin." Yang said slowly. He said slowly.

"Is Chen Chao responsible for the re-investigation of Han Zhihui's murder this time?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Today, I have transferred Chen Chao from the task force." Yang Shiguang said that he originally thought it was most appropriate to let the Chen Dynasty be responsible for the re-investigation. But when he learned about the relationship between Chen Chao and Chen Ze and Chen Long, he immediately felt that it was inappropriate. Even according to the normal procedure, the Chen Dynasty had to avoid it.

"That's good. You should be clear about my attitude. No matter who is involved, no matter what background he has, what he should check, what should be caught, what should be killed!" Zhu Daidong said solemnly that although he can't make a plan for anything like Jiao Sui in Huawu City, as long as the discipline must be observed, he can still stick to it.

"I have never doubted this." Yang Shiguang firmly said that the reason why he did not consider it and immediately arrived in Huawu City was that he had absolute confidence in Zhu Daidong. For him, as long as he works under the leadership of Zhu Daidong, there is basically no need to think about these things.

Although Chen Chao did not find anything wrong, when he was transferred from the task force, his heart still squeaked. He is very clear about what role he played in Han Zhihui's case. Although more than six years have passed, over the years, he reminds himself every night that he is still a qualified policeman? Is he still a real criminal police officer? Can you really hold your current position?

Chen Chao seldom goes to Chen Ze's house, but tonight, he brought something to visit. As one of the main leaders of the city, Chen Ze had a lot of social activities. Although the Chen Dynasty passed after nine o'clock, it didn't go home until after eleven o'clock. Seeing Chen Chao at home, Chen Ze was very surprised, but he knew that Chen Chao was stable and would not disturb himself if it was not important. And he also knew that Chen Chao was the leader of the task force of Han Zhihui's case. Even if Chen Chao did not come to beat him, he planned to take time to find out the latest situation of the case from Chen Chao.

"Uncle, I was transferred from the task force today." As if reporting his work to the leader, Chen Chao sat next to Chen Ze in a regular manner, closed his knees and leaned forward, and said respectfully.

"Why?" Chen Ze is very satisfied with Chen Chao's attitude. Although he is his nephew, work is work. If he always wants to rely on his own relationship, do whatever he wants in the unit, and be arrogant and domineering outside, he will fall after all. Although Chen Chao's position is not high, it is not bad in the public security system. To be honest, he, as the deputy detachment leader, did not take much of himself.

"I'm not sure either. Maybe it's to avoid suspicion." Chen Chao said that although this explanation was very reasonable, he always felt that something was wrong. He withdrew his team leader. There was no news in the previous bureau. I heard that this was the meaning of Yang Siguang. He thought it would never be as simple as avoiding suspicion.

"Avoid suspicion? Is the task force going to investigate me? Chen Ze said unhappily that he was the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Public Security Bureau wanted to ask him about the situation, at least Yang Shiguang to ask for instructions in person. Otherwise, he had to ask Fang Zan to come in person.

"That's not the case, but the task force has checked Hualong Company, and also knows that there are several security guards in Hualong Company who suddenly resigned after Han Zhihui was killed. And at that time, Kong Yunxing was investigating Hualong Company, so the attention of the task force had turned to Hualong Company. Chen Chao said.

"Chen Chao, don't have any mental burden. If you feel unhappy with your current work, I can help you change your position or even transfer out of the public security system." Chen Ze said that he actually knew some inside stories about those years. This matter may have something to do with Chen Long, and Chen Chao should also know the inside story. The reason why the Public Security Bureau has not yet grasped valuable clues is inseparable from Chen Chao's responsibility for investigating and handling the case.

"That's not necessary. If I want to change my job in the future, I'll trouble you then." Chen Chao said that he also wanted to see what name the task force could find out. Moreover, he is not in the task force now, but has more time to inquire about the latest case.

"You're welcome to talk to my uncle." Chen Ze said. RS