Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 2037 Incentive Scheme

When Zhu Daidong was about to get off work, he called Duan Hongwei, the general manager of Wuguo Company. Last time Duan Hongwei went to the office to report his work to him in the evening. At that time, Duan Hongwei was very confident, but after such a long time, he investigated Zheng Saijun's matter, and there seemed

"Let's go to Wuyi Road behind the municipal government in the evening and have dinner together." Zhu Daidong said that Wuyi Road is only two roads away from the municipal government dormitory, and it takes less than ten minutes to walk. And there is a snack street in Huawu City, which is affordable and can eat local specialties.

"Mayor Zhu, I know there is a restaurant with an authentic taste." Duan Hongwei has indeed been a little depressed recently. His conflict with Zheng Saijun in the group has almost been made public. He has the support of the majority of employees, but Zheng Saijun has an advantage on the board of directors.

"Well, you decide the place, and I'll go there then." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Yan Bin, do you have anything to do at night?" After Zhu Daidong hung up the phone, he saw Jiang Yanbin coming in to deliver the documents and asked. Eating with Duan Hongwei is not only for work, but also to understand the real situation of Wuguo Group.

"It's okay. Do you have any plans?" Jiang Yanbin asked that after he arrived at Zhu Daidong, in addition to going down to investigate, Zhu Daidong would ask him to work overtime, and basically get off work at other times.

"Let's go to dinner together in the evening. I have an appointment with Duan Hongwei. By the way, you can call Yu Yue. You don't have to drive. Let's walk there together." Zhu Daidong said that Yu Yue is the driver he set. His driver's standards have always been the same. Good driving skills are only basic requirements. If you don't have a mouth, you have to be smart when things happen. At present, Yu Yue has performed well. Although he is very young like Jiang Yanbin, Zhu Daidong is quite satisfied.

"He should be fine, too." Jiang Yanbin said that he knew that Yu Yue was talking about his girlfriend, but it was rare for Mayor Zhu to invite him to dinner. No matter how big it was, it should be let go.

Jiang Yanbin told Yu Yue that he agreed without thinking too much. Yu Yue is really not good at talking to people, just like he is talking about his girlfriend now. As long as the two are together, they usually talk to each other and he listen. If the other party doesn't ask, he usually can't speak. Up to now, his girlfriend didn't know that he had driven Zhu Daidong in addition to knowing that he was driving a car in the municipal government. Because when Yu Yue talked about his girlfriend, he was just an ordinary driver. Now he drives Zhu Daidong and does not take the initiative to tell the other party.

After Zhu Daidong got off work, he deliberately changed into casual clothes. When he usually went to work, he was dressed in formal clothes. When people saw it, they knew that he was working in the office. Put on casual clothes and put on sneakers. It seems that Jiang Yanbin is more like an office cadre than him.

"Boss, you seem to be familiar with these streets?" Jiang Yanbin said with admiration when he saw Zhu Daidong taking them through the alley to Wuyi Road after seven turns and eight turns. Although he is from Huawu City and works in the municipal government, he is really not familiar with these alleys behind the municipal government.

"When I'm free, I like to walk around." Zhu Daidong said that he likes to go out for a walk when he is free at night. He can not only understand the people's feelings, but also communicate with ordinary people. After he arrived in Huawu City, he met several local friends. Of course, these people don't know Zhu Daidong's identity. Once Zhu Daidong's identity is revealed, I'm afraid he can't go deeper into the grassroots like this.

"Boss, it's not safe for you to come out alone. You should call me or Yu Yue." Jiang Yanbin said with some concern that Zhu Daidong is at least the second-in-command of the city. If something really happens, he can't finish eating with Yu Yue.

"You have no confidence in Huawu's public security. Later, I have to tell Yangshiguang and ask him to give you a guarantee." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that even if he can't punch, he will always be preemptive when he is in danger. And if he can't beat it, he can also run. Zhu Daidong has to run for an hour every morning. It is impossible for ordinary people to hurt him.

"Boss, I have to report this to Mr. Zhao." Jiang Yanbin said that Zhu Daidong is also "unorganized and undisciplined". If he has to come out, at least he has to inform the municipal government office.

"Why, I don't even have personal freedom now? The President of the United States can also go out to buy fast food by himself. What's wrong with me shopping after work? Zhu Daidong's face showed displeosure.

"If you take me with you, it's almost the same." Jiang Yanbin took the opportunity to put forward the conditions, which was after work, otherwise he would not dare to look directly at Zhu Daidong at all.

"If I come out next time, I'll call Xiao Yu." Zhu Daidong said that Jiang Yanbin actually works harder than himself every day. If he gets off work, he should let him follow him. Occasionally once or twice, it will affect his health over time.

"Let you make a profit." Jiang Yanbin glanced at Yu Yue and said.

Yu Yue just laughed and didn't say anything. He knew that Zhu Daidong was just an anciproposition. If he went out ten times and only called himself once, who would know? You can't really follow him 24 hours a day.

The shop that Duan Hongwei said was not big, and it was not on the main road of Wuyi Road. He had to walk into an alley. Three or four minutes later, he saw a small restaurant called Delicious Home Restaurant. From afar, Duan Hongwei was already looking forward to it. After seeing Zhu Daidong and his party, he immediately trotted out to welcome him.

"Mr. Duan, the boss can accompany us. Are you afraid of losing it?" Jiang Yanbin saw that Duan Hongwei wanted to speak, so he immediately said loudly.

"Hello, Zhu...Boss." Duan Hongwei immediately realized something and quickly changed his words.

"Since you're going out to eat, you don't have to pay so much attention. Let's go in together." Zhu Daidong waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Duan, I heard that you are a master of jokes. Let's have a look today." In order to enliven the atmosphere, Jiang Yanbin sat down and asked Duan Hongwei to have a meat.

"You are not married to Xiaoyu. It's not good to listen to this." Duan Hongwei glanced at Zhu Daidong and said awkwardly. Although meat jokes can enliven the atmosphere, it seems that he has not reached that point between him and Zhu Daidong.

"It's okay. I'll see it, too." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"Well, I'll be alone. A pair of lovers met after 50 years. Thinking of the past, they were full of emotion, so they wanted to make out again. A quarter of an hour later, the old man sighed: a river of spring water has dried up, two high mountains have turned into a flat river, the scenery of the past is no longer there, only two raisins left. Duan Hongwei said slowly. If you tell jokes, you have to make people understand. Sometimes if you say it quickly, if one word is wrong, the meaning will be completely different.

Zhu Daidong was the first to react. His voice was the most **. When Duan Hongwei spoke, he was drinking tea, but a mouthful of tea spewed out. If he didn't react quickly, he almost sprayed Jiang Yanbin's face next to him. Jiang Yanbin and Yu Yue also understood that although Zhu Daidong was nearby, the two were still laughing presumptuously, even saying that Duan Hongwei was very appropriate.

"He just said that there should be the second half." Zhu Daidong said that since the old man sighed, the old lady also had a little drama.

"The boss was right, and the old lady also sighed: the withered grass was rummageding around, and there were no guns and eggs. The vicissitudes of time were not forgiving, and only a dried radish!"


Because of a joke, the atmosphere of the wine table immediately became extremely lively. Since it is lively, it is natural to drink more to cheer up. Duan Hongwei was very careful. He knew that Zhu Daidong liked Maotai, so he had prepared a box for a long time. It is said that there are five stages of drinking. The first is the virgin stage, which should be strictly guarded; the second is the girl stage, half pushed and half; the third is the middle age stage, and those who do not refuse to come; the fourth is the widow stage, if you don't come to me, I will find you; the fifth is the old

Because of Zhu Daidong's identity, others started directly from the "girl stage", but when others reached the "intage stage", Zhu Daidong said that he wanted to drink less. Naturally, his words are the highest instruction. If the three of them are drunk, won't they let Zhu Daidong serve them?

"Hongwei, I heard that you submitted an incentive plan to the board of directors?" Zhu Daidong casually asked, in fact, as long as they have fun. It is precisely like them that when they are half drunk and half awake, people are also comfortable and excited.

"Yes, but the board of directors is still approving, and it may not work." Duan Hongwei's brain is not enough. Since Zhu Daidong already knows about this matter, as long as he can convince Zhu Daidong, there is naturally no problem of approval.

The incentive plan proposed by Duan Hongwei is based on the profit of Wuguo Company in the previous year. From the growth profit, ten points are extracted as additional rewards for employees, of which five percent are rewards for middle and senior cadres, and the remaining five percent are rewards for all employees. It should be said that such an incentive plan will be effective, but the board of directors of Wuguo Company may not agree. After all, this is to let others give away their profits. If you don't have courage, you can't make such a decision.

"Let's not talk about whether there is any chance. Do you think this incentive plan can improve Wuguo Company's performance next year?" Zhu Daidong asked that his understanding of Wuguo Company was definitely not as good as Duan Hongwei. And what he doesn't like to do is the lay leader. Since it is a plan proposed by Duan Hongwei, he should naturally let Duan Hongwei answer it.

"This is for sure, and I believe that as long as this publicity is in place and really inspires all people**, the company's performance next year will be very amazing." Duan Hongwei said that in addition to performance, similar incentive mechanisms can be adopted in terms of production, quality and technology. It's just that Wuguo Company is a state-owned enterprise. If you want to reform, the resistance is not so great.

"It's enough to have you. I'll do other people's work. I hope Wuguo Company can really create more wealth in your hands." Zhu Daidong said that when he said the word "real", he aggravated his tone. RS