Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 2084 The Road Is Ahead Finale

After the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came forward, the case of Hualong Company made rapid progress. The whole Hualong Company, and even the whole Huawu City, know that the province is going to take it seriously. The so-called tree fell and the wall fell, and everyone pushed. They learned that Chen Long had been taken to other places for interrogation, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection intervened, and more and more people took the initiative to provide information to the task force.

A month later, Chen Ze was transferred to the director of the Department of Science and Technology of the provincial government. Although this is a promotion for Chen Ze, everyone knows that the investigation of Chen Ze has just begun. Half a month later, when Chen Ze presided over the meeting in the Science and Technology Department, he was suddenly taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Since then, Chen Ze has never appeared in the public eye.

Around the position of deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, Huawu City also launched a fierce competition. Finally, on the recommendation of Zhu Daidong, Liu Suifeng served as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. The executive deputy mayor of the municipal government is Xiao Liusha of the Finance Bureau, and Song Jiangfeng, the director of the Health Bureau, is appointed as the director of the Finance Bureau.

Xiao Liusha can't believe such an arrangement. He used to be very close to Liu Suifeng, but now he can take the position of Liu Suifeng. Naturally, Liu Suifeng will not have such ability. He also knows the inside story, which was arranged by Zhu Daidong. Although Zhu Daidong has not been in Huawu City for a long time, he still has a say to the main assistant of the municipal government.

"Mayor Zhu, I promise you that I will be your assistant in the future and hit wherever you want." After Xiao Liusha took office, he expressed his determination to Zhu Daidong.

"Well, I'll take care of your actions." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that the reason why he transferred Xiao Liusha to the municipal government was that he wanted to form an alliance between him and Liu Suifeng, and also wanted to give Song Jiangfeng a seat. Starting from this year, Huawu City will officially engage in free medical care for all, and 40% of the fiscal revenue will be invested in the new hospital project. In addition, Zhu Daidong's dividends in Jiao Sui Pharmaceutical Company will also be fully invested, with an investment of nearly 10 billion yuan a year. If there is no suitable person, he is really a little worried.

"Secretary Kong, did the Finance Bureau really give up like this?" Lu Baochang found Kong Fuhua, sighed and said. Zhu Daidong's hand is very beautiful. He not only drove Chen Ze away, but also let Liu Suifeng take over. Because Liu Suifeng and Zhu Daidong did not deal with each other, the municipal party committee did not particularly stop it. Unexpectedly, after Liu Suifeng took office, he eased his relationship with Zhu Daidong, which was unexpected.

And Xiao Liusha, the director of the Finance Bureau, served as Liu Suifeng, which helped Zhu Daidong in the city again. If Yang Shouguang, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, is added, then Zhu Daidong will have half of the sky at the Standing Committee.

"The mayor is in charge of the money. Of course, the finance director has to satisfy Comrade Dai Dong." Kong Fuhua smiled faintly and said that Chen Ze was investigated. As he expected, it was also Zhu Daidong's suggestion to let Liu Suifeng take over Chen Ze's position. He felt that the work of the municipal government needed to be further strengthened, so he didn't care.

And Liu Suifeng's position, Zhu Daidong, as the mayor, of course, has the right to advise. The original meaning of the province was to send someone down from above. However, Kong Fuhua felt that instead of adjusting from the top, it was better to come from the city. These things, looking at them separately, are nothing, but when they were combined and observed, they found that this was Zhu Daidong's set of combined punches. And this set of combined punches soon had a significant effect. Even if Kong Fuhua knew it now, it was too late.

"But..." Lu Baochang wanted to say something else, but Kong Fuhua waved his hand, and he couldn't say any more.

"Don't mention this matter anymore. Now the focus of the city's work should quickly turn to economic development. Comrade Daidong is still very capable in terms of economy. Kong Fuhua said lightly that he had heard the news that Zhu Daidong might not work in Huawu City for too long, so even if Zhu Daidong made some small moves during this period, he did not stop it.

In the second half of the year, the economic development of Huawu City began to follow Zhu Daidong's ideas. Relying on the six pillar industries, coupled with utopian livelihood benefits, Huawu City attracts foreign funds. For example, free medical care for all in Huawu City can be extended to employees of all enterprises. Even these employees do not have a household registration in Huawu City. If they have worked in Huawu City for more than five years, their wives, sons and daughters can also enjoy this policy. If you work for more than ten years, you can also enjoy free education and public transportation. How can such a policy not make outsiders crazy? How can it not strongly stimulate the economic development of Huawu City?

New hospital projects, underground drainage systems, old city protection, urban subway and other projects have greatly boosted the GDP of Huawu City. At the end of 2003, the GDP problem of Huawu City reached 3,260 billion yuan, with an economic growth rate of more than seven percent.

In the second year, the economic growth momentum of Huawu City was still rapid, and 3,000 new buses were added in the city. Moreover, the Huawu subway has been built. I believe that in another year or two, the travel of Huawu citizens will be more convenient. But at this time, Zhu Daidong will be transferred from Huawu City.

The first thing he didn't believe was Yang Shuguang. He always felt that Zhu Daidong would take over Kong Fuhua's class, and he would have been working under the leadership of Zhu Daidong. If Zhu Daidong is transferred again, he may not be able to follow. After all, he, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, has only been in office for less than a year, and he is still in the provincial capital. In the future, his job transfer will be studied and decided by the provincial party committee. Sometimes, it will even pass through the Central Organization Department.

"It's normal to transfer personnel. Besides, it's natural to abide by the organizational arrangements." Zhu Daidong originally wanted to transfer Yan Ruiling to the province at the beginning of the year, but when he met Li Bing and Gan last year, he guessed that he might move. And with Yan Ruiling's personality, he doesn't want to work with himself.

"Secretary Zhu, is the rumor true?" Yang Shuguang said that Zhu Daidong did not deny it, but acquiesce.

"Whether the rumor is true or not, as long as the organization decides not, we will not listen, believe or spread it." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"Secretary Zhu, I still want to follow you." Yang Guang said sincerely.

"Shuguang, we will definitely have a chance to work together." Zhu Daidong patted Yang Xiguang on the shoulder and said affectionately. Although he has promoted Yang Sheguang several times, it is also related to Yang Sheguang's outstanding working ability. But now at the level of Yang Shuguang, if you want to move at will, it is basically impossible, let alone cross-provincial. They may work together one day, but it is not certain when.

In October, Wang Xiu was at work and suddenly received a task to pick up a new car. When I went there, I found that it was a brand-new imported Audi. Looking at the model and exhaust volume, he knew that this must be the special car of the head of the provincial party committee. He has always been an ordinary driver. Although he occasionally drives a car for the leader, this kind of big Audi is the first time.

On the way back to the unit, Wang Xiu specially tried the test condition, which was very good. Whether it is control, power, interior or comfort, it is first-class. Unfortunately, he could only drive this time, so when he went back, he deliberately went around and had a good experience.

"Director Liu, the car has been brought back." After Wang Xiu parked the car, he reported to Liu Wenhao, deputy director of the office of the general office of the provincial government. Although the car is good, it can't be driven by itself after all. It's just that he is a little strange. Why should he let himself report this matter to Liu Wenzhao? You know, Liu Wenzhao can be said to be the superior of his superior.

"Xiao Wang, thank you for your hard work. How's it going? Is the car okay? When Liu Wenzhao saw Wang Xiu, he quickly came out from behind his desk, held Wang Xiu's hand enthusiastically, and said kindly.

"Director Liu, the car is fine. It's good." Wang Xiu has never felt the enthusiasm of his superiors and is very uncomfortable. In his memory, he couldn't think of anyone else except when he was in the army and the captain was so enthusiastic. Of course, if you want the captain to be enthusiastic about him, you have to be rewarded for meritorious service.

"As long as there is no problem, by the way, Xiao Wang, this car will be used by you alone in the future. There is no need to say more about your driving skills. You are also very professional in the maintenance of the vehicle, and you still believe in the organization. Liu Wenzhao said.

"Director Liu, are you really willing to drive such a good car for me?" Wang Xiu asked in surprise.

"No matter how good the car is, it always needs to be driven by someone." Liu Wenhao said with a smile. In fact, he was also very puzzled. In the morning, Secretary-General Li specifically told him to arrange for Wang Xiu to pick up a new car and be a full-time driver for the new Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee.

Liu WeNZhao has also received countless leaders, but it was the first time that the leaders of the provincial party committee had appointed drivers before they took office. But no matter how many questions he has, he will not raise them. I just wondered in my heart whether Wang Xiu had a special relationship.

"Director Liu, is there something wrong?" Wang Xiu asked.

"You are really calm. Yes, the organization has decided to readjust your work and let you be a full-time driver. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I will go to the airport to pick up the new Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, and I will serve as his full-time driver in the future. Liu Wenzhao said.

Wang Xiu suddenly felt that his head was a little stuffy. He had always been an ordinary driver, and it was common to drive for retired cadres. But letting him drive for the newly appointed Minister of Organization is something he didn't even think about. But anyway, he is still a little excited to drive the main leaders of the provincial party committee.

In the evening, Wang Xiu drove the car home, which was specially told by Liu Wenzhao to let him drive directly to the airport tomorrow morning. Originally, Wang Xiu wanted to rest early, but as soon as he entered the house, he knew it was impossible. There are already several groups of people waiting for him at home, and after he gets home, there are still people coming. They are all colleagues in the unit, former acquaintances, and some of them even have only one relationship with him, but they all rush home with things, as if they were brothers of life and death.

Wang Xiu has never encountered such a thing since he started working, but he has heard a lot of such rumors. At that time, he just sneered, but when he was in the scene, he found how difficult it was to refuse each other in the face of smiling colleagues and friends.

But after all, Wang Xiu came from the special forces, and his will was very firm. No matter who brought it up, he refused everything. He knew very well that as long as this opening was opened, it would be out of control. He also stayed in the office for several years, knowing that many people eventually deteriorate because of their weak will.

The next morning, Wang Xiu drove to the airport early. After arriving at the airport, he found that many leaders had also come to the provincial party committee. In the past, Wang Xiu usually stayed quietly in the corner, but today, Lu Tianhang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, kindly pulled Wang Xiu aside and had a good conversation.

"Minister Lu, who is the new Minister of Organization?" Wang Xiu asked Liu Wenhao yesterday, but Liu Wenzhao didn't tell him. He just told him with a smile, and he would know it today.

"You really don't know?" Lu Tianhang asked in surprise.

"I'm also confused." Wang Xiu said.

"Wait a little longer, and you will know then," Lu Tianhang didn't tell him.

The more mysterious it is, the more curious it is. Wang Xiu stretched out his neck and kept looking at the airport exit. Suddenly, the crowd greeted for a while, and Wang Xiu immediately stared at the exit. Soon, a familiar figure came out of it, and the other party seemed to see him and nodded to him in the air.

"Minister Zhu, welcome to work in Hunan Province." Lu Tianhang hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully.

"Hello, Vice Minister Lu, thank you for coming to the airport." Zhu Daidong shook hands with him and said with a smile.

After the greeting, Zhu Daidong got into Wang Xiu's car. It was not until then that Zhu Daidong had the opportunity to talk to Wang Xiu.

"Xiao Wang, I didn't discuss with you in advance to be the driver for me this time. Won't you blame me?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"No, no." Wang Xiu said quickly that he really didn't expect that there would be such a big opportunity to send Zhu Daidong back to Huawu City last year.

"Then I'm relieved." Zhu Daidong looked out of the window and said lightly that he came to work in Hunan Province and will start from scratch. As the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the staff around him are very important.

Looking at the passing scene outside the window, Zhu Daidong sighed with emotion. The new unit and new personnel are also his new starting point. He knows very well that he will also start a new journey...

This book is over!

PS: It's finally finished. Although I'm very reluctant to give up, when it's time to end, it's only over. See you in the next book! RS