Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 8 Strong Holy Demons

The group entered the conference room. Without waiting for Yan Qinglong to speak, the middle-aged man came straight to the point: "Captain Yan, I actually have a few points to tell you. First of all, the affairs of the Japanese must be kept secret and must not be mentioned to the public. You must know this reason. After all, the current Ying Ri is still too weak. Secondly, instead of doing nothing to wait for the natural awakening of the Japanese martial arts, it's better to give him to me and I'll try. Third, I am ready to accept some necessary knowledge every day. Remember, Yingri is not only the hope of the Yan family, but also the hope of the whole Linghan country!"

Zheng nodded, and Yan Qinglong's mood fluctuated extremely violently at this time: "I really didn't expect to shock you. This is really lucky for me. I believe that with your personal supervision, the future will be unlimited."

Laying Ri's hand, the middle-aged man turned around and walked out of the conference room door: "There are still a lot of things for me to deal with, so I won't stay. Although I really want to take Ying Ri to the palace, it will be too noticeable and cause some unnecessary trouble, so I arranged ten days. In these ten days, I will do my best to stimulate the potential in Yingri's body. After ten days, everything will be handled by you. In the future, your responsibility is to cultivate Yingri well. You don't have to go back to the palace for the time being. When the response day can be alone, you will take over the position of the Yuning Palace Brigade!"

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, the four elders sitting in the seat looked at Yan Qinglong standing next to the middle-aged man with doubts.

"Uncle Qinglong, I...?" Being pulled out by a middle-aged man, Ying Ri also looked at Yan Qinglong with a worried face.

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Qinglong's mood swing was more intense, and his voice almost trembled: "Yes, follow this uncle, which is harmless to you. Ten days later, Uncle Qinglong expects you to appear in front of me."

It was not until the two left that Yu Qing, one of the four elders, opened his mouth to ask Yan Qinglong, whose mood had not yet calmed down, the reason. At the moment when Yan Qinglong said his identity as a middle-aged man, none of the four elders took a deep breath and was glad that he had not done anything beyond the rules just now.


On the huge luxury carriage, Ying Ri sat quietly without saying a word. The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Ying Ri, and his eyes were full of expectations.

"Ha ha, don't be so nervous. Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Yuwen, and my single name is Ke. If you don't mind, you can call me uncle. Maybe I will become half of your teacher in the future. I hope we can get along well." After patting Yingri's shoulder, Yu Wenke's soft voice suddenly brought the distance between the two a lot closer.

Looking up at Yu Wenke, there was a faint uneasiness in Ying Ri's eyes. After all, no one would feel good if he had to be with a stranger for so many days.

"Yu...Uncle Yuwen, where are you taking me?" Ying Ri glanced at Yu Wenke again and asked weakly.

smiled, and Yuwenke replied with a little mystery and excitement, "Hey, Uncle Yuwen wants to go to a place with you that can make people very powerful all of a sudden. How about it? Are you interested?"

As soon as I heard that I could make myself stronger, my eyes suddenly flashed, and instead, the light flashed: "Yes, yes, yes, of course I'm interested. As long as I can become stronger, everything will be arranged by Uncle Yuwen."

"Hahaha... OK, OK."

About half a day later, the two got off the carriage together.

This is the foot of a cliff on both sides. Looking up, it makes people feel as small as the sea. The cliffs on both sides tower into the clouds and stand straight on both sides. After years of wipers and air drying, the mountain walls become extremely smooth.

"Ying Ri, just above here is the destination of our trip. Are you ready?" When Yu Wenke said this, a trace of cunning and childlike innocence flashed in his eyes.

"Eh? Are you ready?" While Ying Ri had not fully understood this sentence, Yu Wenke picked up the collar of Ying Ri's back and soared up like an eagle catching a chicken. Suddenly, there were screams like killing pigs in mid-air.


After more than a dozen breathing hours, the two flew down in front of a cloudy mountain top.

As soon as he landed, his legs were softly spread on the ground, with a frightened face. Yu Wenke's face was ruddy and breathless. It seemed that a trip to the top of the mountain was also difficult for Yu Wenke.

After half axiang, Yu Wenke slowly got up, pulled up his legs and said, "It's time to tell you well. Do you remember the black and white beam of light you triggered that day? That's the proof of the Holy Demon!"

took a deep breath, and Ying Ri pushed his heart down with his hand: "I'm scared to death, Uncle Yuwen, you are really, I'm not mentally prepared at all. Well... Uncle Yuwen, how did you know that I triggered a white and black beam of light that day?

At this time, I saw Yu Wenke's hand touch on his chest, and suddenly a red crystal the size of two thumbs appeared on his hand: "Have you seen this? This is called telephonic crystal. We usually use it to talk to each other from a distance. That day, the curator of the test conference used this to tell me everything.

"So that's it, uncle, can you play tricks? Otherwise, why did something suddenly appear in your hands? As soon as he suddenly realized, he was aroused by Yu Wenke's trick-like action.

Shaking his head with a smile, Yuwenke took out a silver crystal necklace from his chest: "Do you see this? This thing is called a storage necklace, which is made of precious ore "can silver", which is carefully created by the refinery master. A storage necklace can put a lot of things. However, due to the preciousness of necklaces, they are generally rarely shown to others. After all, people are greedy. A necklace is still very attractive to people below Wu Kui.

"I also have a necklace, and it's more beautiful than yours, but I can't take it off. I don't know who put it on my neck at the beginning." Ying Ri said, and also took out a delicate emerald necklace from under his neck, emitting a faint green light.

As soon as his pupils contracted, Yu Wenke opened his mouth and could hardly believe his eyes. A greedy desire gradually sprouted from the deepest part of his heart: "This, this is... Qinglan King Chain! How can it be? How can this be possible!"

Hands fiddling with the necklace on his chest, Ying Ri saw Yu Wenke's expression at this time, with a puzzled face: "Uncle Yuwen, what's wrong? What's with your expression?"

He slapped himself fiercely in the face. Yuwen blamed him for possessing. After recovering himself, he asked very solemnly, "Esping Ri, tell Uncle Yuwen that anything unusual happened to you before and after this necklace appeared?"

Ying Ri held his chin and thought about it, and then told Yu Wenke all the things that happened in the woods.

"Yes, I know. It seems that there are some unknown secrets hidden in you. In Japan, the necklace on your chest is the top existence in the storage necklace, called Qinglan King Chain. I only know that this kind of necklace is no more than ten fingers on this continent! Even your Uncle Yuwen has only learned a small part of the wonderful use of this king chain from the book. I don't know why you have such a horrible artifact on you, but I'm sure that this thing will be a great help for your cultivation in the future. Don't show it in the future, you know?

Trying to find the information in his brain, Yu Wenke told Ying Ri all his knowledge of the necklace. Just now, I couldn't even control myself. If others know, it is inevitable that there will be people who kill for the treasure.

After listening to Yu Wenke's evaluation of his necklace, Ying Ri was overjoyed: It turned out that I had such an amazing thing, and when I first found out, I was troubled for several days because I couldn't take it down. Forget it, I don't have time to take care of the necklace now. It's more important to become stronger quickly.

"Uncle Yuwen, did you just mention the black and white beam of light that day? Is there any problem? What is the Holy Demon? I remember that the crystal ball was broken that day. Why is that? Thinking of Yuwenke's words just now, Ying Ri recalled what happened during the test that day.

"That's because ordinary crystal balls can't carry such a powerful martial arts spirit in your body. Generally, we practitioners rely on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to constantly improve our martial arts, and since the martial arts we cultivate are nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, it is not too much to call it the holy breath. But half of the sleeping martial arts spirit in your body is the original spirit of demons.

"The two spirits echo each other and can continuously absorb the aura of heaven and earth for your body anytime and anywhere. That is to say, even if you are not practicing after your martial arts, your body will absorb the aura of heaven and earth by itself. Of course, if you enter the state of cultivation, the speed of cultivation is not comparable to ordinary martial arts practitioners."

"This is not the most important thing yet. Generally, when we practitioners want to advance, we have a large failure rate. Once we fail, our efforts for several years or even decades may be destroyed. Like me, I once failed when I attacked the King of Wu and fell from the high peak of Wushou to the middle peak of Wushou. This kind of thing often happens to martial arts practitioners, but your physique does not have such obstacles. Once you advance, you will have a ten-perone success rate. A constitution like you is also rare in history. There are a few strong martial emperors who are proud of the world, so there is a saying that 'the holy demon is the same body, and the martial emperor is determined'. As far as I know, no one has the same constitution as the Holy Demon. Even the six famous martial emperors today are not. That's why I'm eager to come here.

Yu Wenke said and unconsciously became excited.

The small poverty of the Linghan Empire was almost deprived of the right to speak on the mainland, and it still relied on the protection of the fifth largest country on the mainland, Teng, to survive, even so. The annual tribute also makes Linghan's treasury empty every year. As soon as Yuning Palace attended the meetings of several countries around him, he was despised by other countries. Therefore, Linghan country urgently needs strong people and strong forces to revitalize its national strength.

"Wuhuang? King Wu? What is that? I only know warriors, warriors, generals and so on..." Under Yu Wenke's words, he never paid attention to the division of the hierarchy of the strong, and showed a strong interest for the first time.

"In our practice of martial arts, there are also strong and weak. We who have just awakened our martial arts are called martial artists. If martial artists can advance to become warriors after practicing, then they are: generals; Wu Kui; Wushou; followed by the king of martial arts. After the martial arts king, there is also martial master; Wuzong; and then the strongest martial emperor. Each stage is divided into three stages: primary, intermediate and advanced, and each stage is divided into nine levels. However, this is only limited to today. In the books of Yuning Palace, it is recorded that there have been three people who have surpassed the ranks of the martial emperor at different times in history. Historical people call those three people gods of war. Because I felt that those three people were already gods, I gave them this title.