Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 48 Pro

I saw more than a dozen young women tied up all over their bodies by several thick men and pushed them to Chen Xiong's side. Their mouths were actually stuffed with cloth and there was no sound.

With the appearance of these dozen young women, the emotions of the Yan family suddenly fell into a state of madness, and the strong and angry martial arts burst out. The colorful martial arts rendered the murderous spirit more violently. The tension between the two sides at the scene made the fight imminent.

These dozens of women were definitely part of the people who quietly sent them away shortly before the Yan family came out.

"What on earth do you despicable bastards want to do!"

The blue veins on his face suddenly rose. At this time, Yu Ying's old eyes were round, pointing to the Chen family in front of him and cursing.

Originally, after quietly transferring the women in the clan from the younger generation, the four elders and other elites of the Yan clan wanted to teach the Chen family a painful lesson with mortal determination, but they did not expect that the Chen family was so calculating that even the old and weak women and children in the clan were intercepted.

What do you want to do? Hey hey..."

Walking to a beautiful Yan's woman with a joking smile, Chen Yanghong raised his hand and pulled it hard. On the street, spring suddenly appeared, making some onlookers' lower abdomens evil fire, and his face was full of salivating.

Looking helplessly at her clan, the famous woman twisted her body violently and tried to break free from the shackles on her body, but everything was futile.

"Let our Chen family perform well in front of the Yan family."

With another hand, those thick men are the women who choose a famous clan, line by word, and their faces are full of primitive animalism. "If you want to blame, blame Yan Qinglong and Yan Yingri. This is the end of making me angry, hahaha..."

At this moment, the people in the Yanzu team are eager to rush to fight with these beasts. However, at this time, the Chen family controls the names of the young generation and these women in the Yan clan. There is nothing they can do. Everyone can only resist their impulses and gritt their teeth and wait for the instructions of the four elders.

"Let them go, what conditions do you want?"

Clenched his fist, Yu Ying, the head of the four elders, gritted his teeth and his face, looked coldly at Chen Xihong in front of him, and squeezed these words word by word from between his teeth.

They all blame themselves for being too careless and impulsive to be caught by such a big loophole by the Chen family. At this time, Yu Ying regretted it very much, but at this point, what's the use of regretting? The most important thing is how to save his people.

Conditions? What qualifications do you have to talk to me now? But..."

He raised his hand to remove the snow-white hair that was slightly blown by the wind, and a fierce color flashed on Chen Xihong's face.


"Fubo..., to Uncle Eagle..."

It has been more than ten minutes since Yingri returned to Yanfu. After rushing back, Yingri was anxious to find Yuying and others in Manyanfu to inquire about the latest situation.

Push open the door of the last room in Yan's house, and there was still no one in it. At this time, my heart was gradually anxious.

What about people? Where are the people in Yanfu?' Since Ying Ri returned to Yanfu, he has been muttering in his heart. When I searched all over the house but couldn't find anyone, an inexplicable uneasiness finally rose in my heart.

"There is no reason. There is no one in the house at this time. Something must have happened."

As the uneasiness in his heart gradually intensified, he realized that it was not a way to blindly bump into the house like this. He hurried to the gate of Yanfu and wanted to know what had happened. He could definitely find out about it in the city around Yanfu.

When Ying Ri hurried to the gate, he bumped into a trembling figure outside the door.

"Ah" With a painful howl, the figure fell on the ground, struggling but unable to get up.

"I'm sorry, what's wrong with you?" Surprised by whether the impact force was really so strong just now, it made people unable to sit down. After Apologizing, he lowered his head and stretched out his right hand to the figure in a friendly manner. When his eyes fell on the face of the visitor, he suddenly found that this person was actually the cousin Ying, who had always liked to bully him before!

At this time, the Yingling was covered with large and small wounds, and the blood flushed his clothes. His left hand covered his chest and gasped for breath, struggling to get up from the ground, and his face was full of fear.

"Uncle Ying, Uncle Ying, go and save people..."

His mouth kept gasping, and Yingqi finally stood up and continued to stagger towards the door, noting the person who knocked him down at all.

When Ying Ri saw the form of Yingqi, his heart suddenly 'clucked', and then his face of extreme concern appeared. He turned around and pulled Yingqi, who was struggling to cross the threshold, and eagerly asked, "Yingqi, it's me, I'm Yingri. What's going on in the clan?"

After hearing Ying Ri's inquiry, his whole body trembled and seemed to suddenly wake up. His facial expression stagnated. He turned his head and looked at the speaker carefully. After a moment, the two lines of men burst into tears. Finally, his body could not support it. He was paralyzed to the ground and his voice was sad: "Ying Ri, it's really you. You finally came back. You bastard, do you know that our clan is about to collapse?

Take out a small bottle, pour the pills inside into Yingli's mouth and let it swallow, then carefully lean Yingli's body against the door frame.

"Don't move, I'll help you deal with the wound, tell me what's going on, and why did you suffer such a serious injury? Why is there not even one in the house?"

Ying Ri poured the pill into his hand again, urged the martial spirit in his body to shake it into powder, and gently applied it to the wound of Yingli. Then he asked. Although he was anxious, Ying Ri was not in chaos, and immediately made the most correct treatment for the injury of the calli.

Regardless of the injury on his body, Ying Jing took Ying Ri's hands that were applying medicine to his wounds, rubbed the tears on his cheeks on both sides with his shoulders, and said excitedly, "Ying Ri, come on, the old, weak women and children in our family, including the young generation below Ying, have been captured by the Chen family."


In his dark eyes, a trace of red light flashed by. After hearing this sentence, Ying Ri's heart pounded. He didn't expect that things were worse than he thought and evolved to this extent.

"Then how could you be so seriously injured? What about the elders? Why is there no half of the people in the house?

"When I was in a panic, I grabbed a gap and escaped, but I was accidentally found by a Chen family and chased all the way. Finally, I hid in the garbage heap of the market and escaped." Thinking of the ruthless pursuit of the Chen family just now, Yingqi still had a lingering heart and a miserable face.

"Before setting out to escape, I heard my father mention that today, our Yan clan will devote all our efforts to seek justice from the Chen family. For more than a year, the Yan clan has lived a really hard and too hard life..." Speaking of sadness, Ying Ying came from it and lost his voice and pain: "If they are not in the house, I'm afraid I have already gone to fight with the Chen family.

patted Ying's sobbing shoulder, and slowly got up. His cold face was murderous. After confirming that Ying's body was not fatally injured, the wind under his feet jumped out, and then swept his figure on the dense roof of Peitung City and roared in the direction of Chenfu.