Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 62 The bride price

"Father-in-law, please listen to your son-in-law first. In the past two days, my son-in-law has been worried about what to hire Liang'er. Although I don't know if the orcs have this custom, I know that the human race has it. After listening to the conversation between my father-in-law and the three king snakes just now, I finally let my son-in-law find a suitable bride price.

Ying Ri directly ignored Ran Snake King's attitude towards him, and still said to Ran Snake King with a smile.

Lianger originally wanted to explain to the Snake King that Ying Ri was actually a strong Wu Kui, but Ying Ri stopped him. It is not that he has the habit of being discriminated against, but that he has his own considerations.

The main purpose of coming here is to improve your own strength. Before you know what the environment, people, things and things here may have on you, it is obviously unwise to expose your bottom line.

Don't look at some people with a grandson's face in front of you. It's very likely that when he killed you, you don't know that he killed you. It's not a good thing to be too sharp at any time and anywhere.

After listening to the talks of the four king snakes, Yingri was thinking about the words of the four king snakes. Gradually, Yingri felt an opportunity in his mind, an opportunity to greatly increase his strength, which was not available to others.

The Snake King listened to Yingri and sneered, "Oh, then tell me, what kind of bride price you can give."

"I want to take the defeat of the eastern scorpion army as a bride price!" A trace of light flashed in his eyes, and the words at this time were decisive.

Ran Snake King smiled. Not only Ran Snake King, but all the people present, except Lianger and Zhan Gang, laughed, and laughed exaggeratedly.

Hongli, the second son-in-law of the Snake King standing beside Yingri, laughed and patted Yingri on the shoulder: "I said Yingri, did you think that you would flash your tongue when you said this? Do you also want the Biandong giant scorpion army to be defeated? Joke, what a big joke, hahaha..."

"Second brother-in-law, don't look down on people. Since Ying Ri said so, he can definitely do it. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see." Lianger looked at Ying Ri being entertained by Hongli, and an anger arose in her heart.

"Hahaha..., Ran Snake King, I said that your three sons-in-law are really interesting. Look at the body board that flew away after the wind blows away. I admire and admire you."

Ren Snake King's figure was bloated, and with a smile at this time, he squeezed a pair of small eyes and almost disappeared from his fat face.

"You..." As soon as Lianger heard this, she took a step forward to argue with him, but was pulled by Ying Ri.

Ying Ri bowed deeply to Ren Snake King: "Is this Lord Snake King? Xiaosheng is reasonable. Let Lord Snake King just say that he has a negative attitude towards Xiaosheng, right? If so, does Lord Snake dare to make a bet with Xiaosheng?

"Oh, interesting, how to gamble? Tell me, anyway, everyone is anxious today. It's good to listen to jokes to relieve your mood." The Snake King said with a careless smile.

At this time, a cunning eye flashed in his eyes: "If I can succeed in defeating the giant scorpion army in the east, how about asking the Snake King to give up half of the territory to help me add another dowry?"

As soon as Ren Snake King heard this, the smile on his face suddenly froze. After that, he breathed a lot. Although he didn't believe what he said from his heart, he suddenly heard such a sentence, which made him angry.

Staring at Ying Ri and looking at half of the pay, Ren Snake King could not lose face in front of a descendant, and then asked coldly, "What if you can't do it?"

"If Xiaosheng can't do it, then Xiaosheng will take out five first-class weapons and give it to you. What do you think of it?"

Through these two days of understanding, Yingri found that the weapons in the vein of the spiritual snake are quite rare, not to mention grade weapons. At least Yingri has not seen anyone with good weapons on him so far, and even the Ranwang snake is just holding an ordinary black iron painting halberd.

"A weapon!" Everyone present, including Lianger, exclaimed.

Among the low-level orcs of the spiritual snake, weapons are indeed quite lacking. The value of five first-class weapons is definitely much higher than that of the territory of the Snake King. Even if it is used by the current patriarch of the spiritual snake, it is only a weapon, and that one-class weapon is still a spiritual snake. A long time ago, after losing a large part of its combat power, it was snatched from a human who broke into the wilderness, so everyone present exclaimed because of a word of five weapons.

"Well, who can't fool people with a sentence? You really don't know if you have a weapon. What should you do if you can't take it out at that time?" Ren Snake King was not a fool and immediately interrupted the future of Yingri.

Ying Ri smiled and suddenly raised his right hand, and his fingers lit up a red light. He shook in front of everyone and said, "If you can't get it out at that time, the nickname of Xiaosheng will be handed over to you as the Snake King. How about it? Do you dare to bet with Xiaosheng?"

"Hm? This is..." Unable why the response day's move, Ren Snake King put his heart: "Let's bet. What about time? You have to set a deadline, right?"

Anyway, the boy in front of him is not capable. In this case, why not exchange an impossible half territory for five pieces of weapons?

And the day is even more winning: five first-class weapons, isn't that simple? As long as the materials are enough, I can make it out. Even if I lose, I can afford to lose. Besides, since I dare to speak loftily, I'm not sure how to do it. I'm still very interested in this kind of thing.

"Three months, three months at most, I want the giant scorpion army to retreat from my east." Ying Day roughly calculated and immediately gave the deadline.

"Okay, three months, I'd like to see how you, an ordinary human race, can defeat the giant scorpion army that we can't even deal with!" After saying that, the Snake King shook his fat hand and left.

At this time, all the smiles on the faces of all the people in the hall disappeared, replaced by doubts. They couldn't figure out why Yingri dared to make this bet with the Snake King. Lianger's eyes were full of worry at this time. Although she understood that Ying Ri was also a strong man with the strength of Wu Kui, it was almost impossible for Lianger to defeat the giant scorpion army within three months with the power of one person.

Ying Ri nodded to Lianger and asked her not to worry. He turned his head and said, "Brother-in-law, can you allow me to go to your station to understand the current situation? My second brother-in-law doesn't believe me, so I have to find you."

Zhan Gang looked at Ying Ri and sighed, "Hey..., why are you suffering? In this case, it's okay to let you follow me, but the danger of the front position will come all the time. I can't guarantee your safety."

"It doesn't matter. Let's go now. I don't have much time. Lianger, please stay at home and wait for me first. Don't worry, your husband won't let you be widowed. Father-in-law, goodbye." After arching his hand to the Snake King, Ying Ri turned around and left with Zhan Gang.

The beautiful eyes slowly drooped with the disappearance of Ying Ri's figure. Liang'er couldn't help but feel very worried about Ying Ri's going to the front line.


When he came to Zhangang's station, he realized how fierce the war was. Along the way, the injured giant snakes accounted for almost one-third of the total number of stations, and most of the leaders who have turned into human-shaped teams are more colorful.

I don't want to waste time. After asking Ying Ri just asked Zhan about something, he asked for a map of the distribution of the frontier forces and went into the tent to study it.

As night fell, the two moons rose, and on the outskirts of a giant scorpion force station not far from the war station, a strong teenager in black quietly appeared. The teenager could not feel any breath on his body, as if he were part of this desert. Slowly, slowly, more and more away from the giant scorpion army Near.

Yes, this teenager just arrived at the station at noon!