Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 129 The Competition

This person is Lingyao Taiyu, one of the top ten martial arts kings of the Ice Valley. He was extremely cautious. This time, he was ordered to come to the Cook Empire to carry out a mission. Originally, he did not intend to participate in the war between these small countries, but the leading tomb of the Cook Empire took this opportunity to launch a war against neighboring neighbors.

In the decisive battle with the Yijiao Empire, the army of the Cook Empire could not resist the great counterattack of the Yijiao Empire at all. However, the cemetery took advantage of the retreat to lead the Yijiao army to the vicinity of Ling Yaotaiyu and others. Forced the task was extremely secretive. In desperation, Lingyao Taiyu had no choice but to take action. Assist the prison to annihilate all the troops of Nayi Qiu.

Originally, I thought that after destroying the Yi Qiu Empire, the mausoleum could stop, but I didn't expect that he would stop and directly turned to Ling Hanguo. The main battlefield he chose was still mainly close to Ling Yao Taiyu and others. Of course, Ling Yao Taiyu knew what the mausoleum was thinking, so he came to the barracks with his companion Feiyu Phoenix to show the prison. The main reason for the police is that it is still the target of this prison attack, which is the subordinate empire under the jurisdiction of the sworn sword palace of the ice valley.

The mission is both secretive, of course, the less people know, the better. Most importantly, this mission cannot be noticed by the Sword Palace, otherwise it will definitely have an extremely far-reaching bad impact on the ice valley.

What is terrible is that Ling Prison launched a deadly attack on Linghan Kingdom. Seeing that the final battle is about to be carried out, how can Ling Yao Taiyu be held back?

If the Linghan Empire is destroyed, it is difficult to guarantee that the Sword Palace will not investigate this matter in depth. In this way, Ling Yao Taiyu's mission this time will definitely be exposed. At that time, they will be blamed by the senior officials in the valley. If they are directly expelled by the valley under the abolition of cultivation, it will be a fatal thing for them. Therefore, this time, Ling Han Guo can never let the mausoleum borrow their hands to destroy it.

When the two were scolding the mausoleum in the commander's camp of the Cook Empire, they happened to encounter the trouble, and the martial arts formula used was actually a phantom sword formula from the Sword Palace. Therefore, Ling Yao Taiyu and Feiyu Phoenix wanted to figure out what was going on. After all, if the people of the Sword Palace really participated in, then But it's a big trouble.


With the Japanese mind, after listening to Ling Yao Taiyu's words, he understood that the latter had some scruples: 'It turned out that I was afraid that I had *, in this case, then...'

"My teacher? Why do you ask this? Let me tell you that Linghan is a subordinate country of Jiqi. Today, the people of your ice valley actually intervened in the war between the subordinate countries. If this matter spreads to the divine sword palace of Jiqi, I think you should know what the consequences will be.

Ying Ri, who is confident in his heart, directly bypassed the topic of his teacher and moved out the Divine Sword Palace. For him, this is also a way to transfer the focus point, and of course, there is no lack of a thorough understanding of the contradiction between the Sword Palace and the Ice Valley before the Sun.

What a person is Ling Yao Taiyu? The method of changing the topic in response to Japan did not have much effect on him. He reached out and stroked his long beard and meditated for a while. Lingyao Taiyu continued to whisper in a low voice: "What sharp words. There are such a figure like you in Linghan Kingdom. Looking at the martial arts formula you just made, you are the direct disciple of the palace of the Sword Palace. The phantom sword formula, I think your relationship with the Sword Palace should be very thought-provoking.

At the same time, far behind Ling Yao Taiyu, Ba Tianshou and Yu Wenke both met the mausoleum and Feiyu Phoenix, and the situation in the two battle circles was completely different.

Of course, the prison can't wait to kill the two here on the spot, so that he can take the opportunity to take down the Linghan Empire, but his strength is still inferior to that of the sky hunting. Although he will not be defeated for the time being, it is impossible to kill him. What he is waiting for is Ling Yao Taiyu or Feiyu Phoenix to vacate his hands. In his cognition, this It's easy for the two strong men in the ice valley to kill Yingri and Yu Wenke.

But what the mausoleum did not expect was that Lingyao Taiyu was not in a hurry to deal with the killer of the sun. The Feiyu Phoenix also preserved its strength. While paying attention to the situation of Lingyao Taiyu, he attacked and defensed back and again with Yu Wenke, and did not intend to take heavy action against Yu Wenke at all.

For the sake of the overall situation, since the two of them didn't want Linghanguo to be destroyed, how could they kill the leader of Linghanguo here? The satisfactory calculation in the prison can be regarded as a wrong direction this time.

"You're right. I'm the proud disciple of the Sword Palace, the branch of the Cui Lin Empire - the Sword Sect. If you dare to take action against our Linghan Kingdom, I will definitely report to the patriarch and let him repay what you have done here."

Ying Ri is not a fool. Of course, he will not let Ling Yao Taiyu turn his attention to himself. If he reveals his identity as the owner of the Sword Palace, I'm afraid that ten of them are not enough to die with his current cultivation. How can he solve the crisis of the Linghan Empire? Therefore, he directly pushed himself to Cui Lingjianzong Under the door, after all, it is true that he revealed the phantom sword formula just now, and only this method can attract Ling Yao Taiyu's attention to himself.

Sure enough, after hearing about Cui Lin Jianzong, Ling Yao Taiyu's original solemn and abnormal look instantly eased a lot. Cui Lin Jianzong is a branch that has been abandoned by the Divine Sword Palace for a long time. In this way, the threat to their mission this time is not so great.

With a relieved smile, Ling Yao Taiyu did not doubt what Ying Ri said. The direct disciples of the inner palace of the Sword Palace have always been regarded as the most promising fresh troops in the Sword Palace. They rarely let them go out to practice alone, and Cui Linjianzong was different. That sect was originally because of the phantom sword formula. The sword palace abandoned, and the inside story is complicated. Therefore, if Ying Ri is a native of Cui Renjian, it is reasonable.

However, Ling Yao Taiyu secretly sneered at the threat of Yingri: How can Cui Yinjianzong, who has been abandoned by the Divine Sword Palace, have a chance to contact the people of the Divine Sword Palace? It can be said that there is no relationship between the two, so he will not worry about what Yingri will reveal to the Divine Sword Palace in his eyes. The threat of the sun is just a paper tiger, and there is no substantial deterrent.

He raised his hand and waved his hand. Ling Yao Taiyu motioned to stop the flying feather Phoenix, who was fighting with Yu Wenke, and then restrained his breath into his body. He looked at the sun and pushed the boat along the water and said, "I have to say that your threat has indeed worked. Well, I promise you that we will not intervene in the war between your two countries in the future. But you should understand that we will not sit back and watch the Cook Empire be destroyed. Therefore, after I let the prison stop the attack on Linghan State, I hope that Linghan State will also have its own moderation and not wave its army to counterattack the Cook Empire. Otherwise, at that time, we will take action under unavoidable circumstances. Believe in the end of the Yi Qiu Empire, you Linghan Kingdom. It should be very clear."

While Ling Yao Taiyu's words fell, Feiyu Phoenix had easily shocked Yu Wenke and flew back to the former side. Of course, Yu Wenke also returned to Yingri's side.

If Feiyu Phoenix wants Yuwenke's life, I'm afraid Yuwenke can't hold on for more than three minutes. The strength of the fourth level of King Wu can't resist Yuwenke, who has just broken through to the level of King Wu.

Since Feiyu Phoenix retreated, the mausoleum prison certainly did not have the intention to fight with the world hunting. After exerting a powerful martial formula, he also retreated to Ling Yao Taiyu by the anti-shock force. Although he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

The power situation on the mainland often affects his whole body. As one of the top ten martial kings of the ice valley, Ling Yao Taiyu understands this truth very well, so he does not show dissatisfaction or even anger at the threatening words of the Japanese. An old monster like him who has lived for hundreds of years, how can he be int it? Compared with ordinary people, Xu Shaojie, a talented teenager with a 'heart glass sword spirit', died in the hands of the old and treacherous Fu Tianying.

"Master, Uncle Yuwen, are you all right?" Without responding to Ling Yao Taiyu in a hurry, Ying Ri turned his head and asked the two concernedly.

After both of them nodded to themselves, Ying Ri turned his head again and turned to Ling Yao Taiyu. Fortunately, both of them were safe and sound, otherwise Ying Ri would not have let go so easily.

"As long as you are in charge of the Cook Empire, our Linghan guo will not take the initiative to stir up trouble. Since we have reached a consensus today, we will also ask the Cook Empire to withdraw those troops in our border areas. In return, I will not disclose any information. What do you think?" At this time, he seemed to have become the leader of this war.

"Yes" Ling Yao Taiyu answered quite simply.

"Well, we will wait for your withdrawal in the camp. Master, Uncle Yuwen, let's go."

After the negotiation was established, Ying Ri also had no intention of pestering any more. He raised his hand and waved back. The three cautiously faced each other and slowly retreated. After reaching a safe distance, they turned to the barracks on the border of Linghan.

In Yingri's heart, he was secretly relieved and made a comment on Ling Yao Taiyu: 'This old fox is so scheming...'

Similarly, Ling Yaotaiyu, who looked at the three people's distant figure, also had an inexplicable meaning on his face: "Cui Jianzong has a later life, and he must be able to do something in the place in the future. This time, the Sword Palace has missed a good embryo."

Watching the three of Ying Ri leave, the mausoleum, which was the leader of the Cook Empire, suddenly became anxious: "Lord Taiyu, why didn't you destroy Linghan directly, I..."

" shut up! It almost ruined me. What's in your mind? Why don't you go back and withdraw your army, or I will abolish your cultivation!"

After only half of the words in the prison, he was scolded by Ling Yao Taiyu. He was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth and dared not speak again. No wonder the latter's attitude was so, and the big plan of the ice valley was almost destroyed in the hands of this.

swallowed his words, and the mausoleum could only bury everything in his heart, waved his wings and turned to fly in the direction of the Cook Empire barracks. It was very clear in his heart that Ling Yao Taiyu's threat was not just empty words, if he didn't follow his If you do it, I'm afraid he will really abolish all his cultivation.