Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 166 The Inside story of Jianzong Gambling debt repayment

Qianhuai Town is a town located in the south of the Cui Lin Empire. It is backed by the Cui Lin Tiandu Mountains. The three sides of the town are vast primitive forests of the mountains. There is only one road to the outside world. It is an almost isolated place. People live and work peacefully here and have no dispute with the world, so the folk customs of Qianhuai Town are also extremely honest. Park.

Generally, people living here will not easily enter the Tiandu Mountains, because they know that there are a large number of horrible orcs in the primitive forests of the Tiandu Mountains. Of course, except for some people who come here from other places to break into the primitive forest to find the spirits of heaven and earth, they want to rely on this. A bold person who has made a fortune at night.

Generally, those orcs will not take the initiative to attack this town, because most of the orcs have a very strong sense of territory. If it is not their territory, they will never step on it at will.

Ying Ri, who accidentally came here, learned that if he wanted to go from Huai Town to his destination Jianzong, he still needed to walk through four towns to reach it. Although he was anxious to find his beloved wife Bin Bin, he had just arrived at the Cui Lin Empire and didn't know much about everything here, so he decided to go here first. Stay in the place for a day or two and grasp some necessary information.

Unexpectedly, there was no place for people to stay in Huai Town, and some were just a few places to provide home-cooked meals. In desperation, Yingri had to find a kind family to stay before dark.

After all, it is not wise to sleep in the wilderness in such an unfamiliar place.

It is said that it is a family. In fact, there are only two mothers and daughters. Coincidentally, the daughter of the mother and daughter is the little girl who took gold coins to explore the news from her during the day.

When I walked into this family, to be honest, it was the first time I saw their family's poverty. In the past, when their family was poor, there was at least one Yan Qinglong's Yanfu to live in, but in this family, in addition to the four walls of the family, really couldn't find other words. Described.

"Brother, thank you for the money you gave me today." In the humble small house, the little girl spoke to Ying Ri in her sweet voice.

The little girl's original name was Sisi, and her mother's name was Jin Ping. Originally, they also had a happy family. Although they were poor, they were also warm. However, since Sisi's father became addicted to gambling and committed suicide with a huge gambling debt, they have never had a good day.

Today's gold coin is a huge asset for their mother and daughter, so when Yingri came to their house to stay, Sisi's mother Jin Ping showed considerable enthusiasm on the corresponding day. She not only sorted out one of the two single rooms in the small house, but also put on the original celebration of their mother and daughter. Let Yingri enjoy the dinner with them.

On the table, there is an oil lamp with a faint light. Poor families like Jin Ping can't afford to use fluorescent stones.

"So your name is Sisi. You're welcome. Today, my brother's money is a thank you gift." Reaching out and touching Sisi's head, Ying Ri's face with a sweet smile on the dinner table, turned to Sisi's mother Jin Ping and asked, "Sister Jin Ping, Ying Ri would like to ask you, what kind of organization is Jianzong in the Cui Lin Empire?"

Jin Ping and Sisi were obviously shocked by Ying Ri's reaction. Jin Ping looked at Ying Ri and looked a little puzzled.

Realizing his gaffe, Ying Ri grabbed his head and laughed twice. He sat in the chair again and said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I didn't scare you. By the way, what happened after Liang Yichao passed the sword spectrum to Batian Hunting?"

"It doesn't matter, don't mind." He waved his hand to Ying Ri, and Jin Ping then said to him, "Liang Yichao privately passed the sword score to the Batian Hunter, but he didn't know why it was found out by the inside of the Sword Palace, and now he punished Liang Yichao."

"Liang Yichao has been doing his best for the Divine Sword Palace, so the Divine Sword Palace only removed Liang Yichao from the disciples of the inner palace and did not pursue him too much. At the time when the punishment order of the Divine Sword Palace was coming, he also left Emperor Cui Lin with the phantom sword recipe under the instructions of Liang Yichao. Guo, no one will track down where he went later.

"It turns out that there is such a story in Jianzong. Now I finally understand it. Thank you, sister-in-law Jin Ping." After understanding these things of Jianzong, Ying Ri finally had a bottom in his heart. Originally, he went to the Cui Lin Empire and planned to tear his face with Liang Yichao and even the whole Liang family, but in this way, the original plan still needs to be corrected.

After all, Liang Yichao is the master of Batianhun. In the true sense of Yingri, it is not good to make things too stiff. Otherwise, Batianhun will definitely scold Yingri.

"You're welcome..."

Just as Jin Ping wanted to ask Ying Ri why he inquired about Jianzong's news, there was a knock on the door from outside the door, and then several voices of different men sounded.

"Open the door and open the door..."

" Sister Jinping, we are coming."

"It's time to be ecstasy..."

Hearing the sound from outside the door, Jin Ping slowly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, frowned, bit her lower lip tightly, and her face suddenly turned green and red. "Daw, why did they choose to come at this time..."

"Sisi, take Brother Yingri to the next room first. No matter what you hear, don't come out, you know?"

"Ye, I know my mother." With a complicated expression, after listening to Jin Ping's explanation, Sisi immediately put down the chopsticks in her hand, took Ying Ri's hand and walked to the next room.

Although he was pulled by Sisi so inexplicably, although he was a little confused at this time, after all, he was embarrassed to ask more questions. He had to go to the room with Sisi and let Sisi close the door.

Just after closing the door, Sisi climbed up the shabby bed with some skillful movements, pulled up the quilt to cover her whole body, and her small body kept trembling in the quilt.

"Sisi, what's wrong with you?" Standing in front of the shabby bed, Ying Ri felt a little puzzled why Sisi showed such a situation at this time. Obviously, Sisi was now being tortured by extreme fear.

How can Yingri know the huge gambling debt owed by Sisi's father? How can those who come here from other places to open a gambling house easily give up? As the saying goes, for Jin Ping, who is unable to repay the debt in terms of money, if these people who open gambling want to What she does, how can she have the ability to resist? She, who lost her husband at a young age, can only let these devilish figures constantly rub her body for a long time.

And most of the people in this town are honest and peaceful people. Everyone knows that Jin Ping's husband owes a huge gambling debt. For Jin Ping's long-term humiliation, they also choose to be silent, because they know that what these outsiders have* is not theirs. It can be provoked.

"Hum, why don't you take off your clothes quickly and have some men to help you?"

"Hurry up, I just finished drinking and I'm in a hurry to vent."

"Beauty, let me love you well today..."


Outside the door, there were constant filths of those men, and in those filths, Ying Ri faintly heard the sound of clothes falling to the ground, as well as Jin Ping's thin and silky words, "It's agreed that I can cancel it with you in another year. If you dare not admit it, I will Even if you are a ghost, I won't let you go."

"Good, another year, another year, ha, by that time, I will have lost interest in your body..."

"Yes, one year is enough for us to play, boss, go up and perform for us first."

"Jin Ping, don't shout too loudly later. Your daughter should still be in the room, hahaha..."


Which friend casts a red vote for me every day? I'm very moved. I'm here to say thank you. In addition, I'm used to rolling all over the ground for a collection...