Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 211 Li Hu of the Chiba Empire

Because his body was devoured by the five mysterious formula, after arranging everything properly, he did not immediately leave for the Anglo-Emp Empire, but chose a very hidden cliff cave alone in the Cook Empire. First, he properly recuperated his wounds, and then absorbed the two martial arts books. The source was completely refined, and then he set out for the Angyan Empire.

The Taoist immortals also have the origin of the martial arts of another strong man in the ice valley Wuzong. I don't know how to strengthen it, but it actually has the same characteristics as the heavenly ice soul. Therefore, after the daily absorption and refining, the cultivation has also moved forward again, reaching the situation of the seven levels of Wuzun.

You should know that it takes many years of energy for ordinary people to reach the level of Wuzun, and they may not be able to break through the level. It can be said that the sacred demon martial arts are indeed very unique.


The Angyan Empire, located in the western part of the unknown continent, is less than a hundred miles away from the currently uninhabited flooded area. If you want to go from the Cook Empire to the Angyan Empire, you have to span almost half of the unnamed continent.

Although Wu Zun's special ability can be used to open space channels to increase the movement speed, after all, there are several countries to pass through, and it is impossible for those strong men in the empire to let him pass so easily.

In addition, the movement mode of space channel is also very huge for its own martial arts consumption. Continuous use will certainly make Yingri occasionally appear tired, thus adding some unnecessary dangers. Therefore, Yingri still chose the method of light flight. After all, he can't be too flamboyant now. You should still understand the principle of being careful to sail a ten-thousand-year ship.

Under normal circumstances, the powerful people of the unknown mainland will not casually use space capabilities in other countries. That must be a kind of contempt for this country, except for those super-strong people who can use space capabilities unconsciously.

Flight is different. After all, this is an upright flight. When passing through the national border, as long as you stop to show your identity, you will not be investigated.

Fly to the western part of the mainland, Ying Ri drove for several days without sleep and food. Finally, he couldn't stand it and settled down in a town called Feiyu in the Chiba Empire, intending to have a good rest for a day before rushing.

It's not that the physical strength of the day. If you reach the level of martial arts, you can already rush to the roadside to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to maintain the strength of physical strength and martial arts. The reason why you can't stand it is because of loneliness along the way.

I randomly found an inn in Boyu City and set up a room. After a little tidying up, I walked to the bustling street to feel the lively atmosphere.

After all, I have been flying alone in the sky for several days. No matter how calm he is, he will be tortured by loneliness.

"It's simply bullying too much. This was originally the market of my Li family, and you actually openly occupied my Li family's territory here!" When he wandered around the street, he actually heard a familiar man's voice.

'Strange, I seem to have heard this sound somewhere.' Some wondering, he immediately walked in the direction of the sound.

Anyway, the Chiba Empire came down to relax mentally. In this case, it's okay to join in the fun. Besides, I haven't experienced this kind of life for a long time.

When Ying Ri saw the talking man, he couldn't help sighing for the uncertainty of things in the world. It turned out that the man was Li Hu he had met at the youth draft.

At the youth draft, Li Hu once made a lot of words to make Ying Ri look good. As a result, the tragedy became the step of Ying Ri's promotion of the Linghan Empire, and was almost peed in his pants by Ying Ri.

Recalling the situation at that time, Ying Ri still can't help laughing. At that time, in order to promote the Linghan Empire, even Ying Ri himself almost went bankrupt.

He shook his head with a smile, and Ying Ri once again turned his attention to a store where Li Hu was located.

Compared with a few years ago, Li Hu's appearance was much more mature and looked a little more stable. He was no longer as impetuous as at the youth draft at that time. At this time, he was followed by several entourage with weapons and roared angrily at the front of the store. Several men in uniform gray and blue clothes roared. The situation seems to be fighting with each other at any time.

However, the men in gray-blue clothes looked ruffian, looked a little disdainful, and did not look at Li Hu. Each of them raised his head to look at the sky, and one of them whistled.

"What's the quarrel? How can we do business in this way?"

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in gorgeous clothes and looked extremely fat came out of the medicinal materials store, like a top, and came to Li Hu with a mumbling in his mouth.

"Yang Li, isn't it too much for your Yang family to do this?" Seeing this middle-aged man, Li Hu suddenly became more excited, and his expression seemed to be willing to eat the middle-aged man named Yang Li alive.

"What's the matter? Whoever has the ability can stand. Do you really think that the current Li family is still the same Li family back then? Humph, is it just you, the loser who was scared unconscious at the youth draft? Come on, the genius of our Chiba Empire..." Yang Li snorted disdainfully, looking a little impatient.

"You..., you..., you are ** naked encroachment!" At this time, Li Hu was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Since being so engaged in the Japanese at the youth draft, Li Hu, a famous genius in the Chiba Empire, has been directly demoted to a sinner who humiliated the Chiba Empire.

Of course, the most direct impact of this matter is that the Li family, which rose by Li Hu's reputation, once again plummeted and became a very ordinary family in the Chiba Empire, and this street was the last remaining industry of the Li family.

However, it is obvious that with the declining situation of the Li family, even this last industry can't be well protected. The Yang family, which has a huge force in Feiyu City, has extended its hand to this street.

"What's so, not?" Yang Li answered more impatiently, "If you have the ability, come to me to take the tax. If you don't have the ability, you can go as far as far as you can."

"Bastard, I'll fight with you!" After being insulted to his face, Li Yu finally couldn't stand it any longer. He pulled out his waist knife and chopped down Yang Li's facade.

"Hunyuan's secret - Kaiyuan Zhan!"

However, Li Hu should have thought for a long time that since people dare to cut his face so face to face, they must have full confidence. Although Li Hu's talent is also excellent, after all, he is still young, and he is obviously a little witching Yang Li.

Raising his fat palm, Yang Li also took a black iron stick from a subordinate next to him and waved it up at will. The sound of Dang was the martial arts formula that blocked Li Hu, and then he turned the iron bar and directly opened Li Hu's sword, which looked quite relaxed.

"You, you'd better go home and practice well, but I don't think you will be promising no matter how you practice. If you want to collect taxes from me, dream about it. Sooner or later, this street will be surnamed Yang, even if your useless father comes forward."

After Yang Li said this, a clear man's voice suddenly came from the onlookers, "Brother Li Hu hasn't seen you for many years. He is well."

The speaker is the right day.

At this time, Li Hu was in extreme anger and suddenly heard a man talking like this. He did not react. He held a sword and still stared at Yang Lin, who was like a meat ball.

"What, you seem to have encountered some difficulties. Do you need a brother to help you solve it?" Seeing that Li Hu chose to ignore himself directly, Ying Ri continued to say again.

Originally, he didn't want to interfere in Li Hu's matter. After all, he had seen that side and embarrassed the other party as soon as he met, but after hearing what Yang Li said to Li Hu, Ying Ri decided to take care of the matter by himself.

Because Yang Li violated the biggest taboo of the day.

After Ying Ri offered to help, Li Hu turned his eyes to the former. However, after seeing Ying Yi's first glance, Li Hu was directly stunned.

"You..., are you the day of the Linghan Empire?" Li Hu asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, I'm glad you still remember me. It seems that you have encountered a little trouble..." Ying Ri immediately replied.

After the name of Linghan Empire was said, there were bursts of exclamation among the crowd around.

The champion of the last youth draft conference said that this name is well known in mainland China, and it is even better than the previous champion Xu Shaojie.

And everyone knows very well that the champion of the youth draft in front of him is a real martial arts king. Even if Yang Li's cultivation is not bad here, it is just a piece of cake in front of Yingri.

"It's really you! Would you like to help me? I..." Thinking of what Ying Ri had just said, Li Hu's angry expression began to change a little.

If he is willing to help, he will definitely be able to keep his own industry today. At this time, Li Hu is very clear in his heart, but what he said to the former seems to be unbelievable.

"Yes, it's also a helper, but more, I'm very unhappy to see this fat man named Yang Li..."

Sorry, I'm not feeling very well today. This chapter will be a little over. After that, I will find a time to break out three times a day as compensation and say sorry to my friends who support me again.