Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 301 confession in the carriage

"Ye, come right away." Ying Ri turned around and nodded to Qinghong. After slightly tidying up his clothes, he lifted the curtain and walked into the very spacious carriage.

In the center of the carriage is a square wide wooden table, and on both sides of the wooden table are four beds covered with brocade silk. The table and the bed are connected to the whole carriage, and there is no need to worry about being shaken and move. At this time, the three women are on their beds, stretching their necks excitedly to each other. Talking.

It may be the joy of returning to my hometown, or it may be the joy of being able to be with such a big man as Yingri. The topics discussed by the three women are inseparable from their hometown Linghan Empire.

Looking at the three women laughing and playing with excitement, Ying Ri showed a strange smile, walked to his bed alone and lay down on **.

"Oh, Mr. Yingri, you seem to be very tired. What's wrong?" Ying Ri's action made the three women in the play stunned, and then Qinghong blinked her watery eyes and asked strangely.

turned his head and glanced at the nirvana on the bed opposite him. Ying Ri stretched out and said, "It's nothing. It's just a pity that there is a delicious food in front of him and can't be swept around arbitrarily."

Shuiling's eyes lit up and raised his eyebrows. Qinghong looked at the drooling day, and then looked at the Nirvana with his head down and fingers fiddling with the corners of his clothes. He immediately understood and turned his head and pouted to Zihong. Then the two covered their mouths and smiled, left the carriage together and moved towards the driver of the carriage.

"Son Yingri..." Pink her cheeks, Nirvana gently raised her face enough to make the man crazy. Her eyes were full of tenderness, but after touching Yingri's fiery eyes, she lowered her head again.

Seeing that the two women Zihong Qinghong came out of the carriage very well-informed, he came to sit down in front of Nirvana's bed. Then, he actually stretched out his hand directly, pulled Nirvana, who was only wearing thin clothes, into his arms, and then gently put her on his thigh.

seemed to be scared by Ying Ri's sudden bold move. Nirvana lay on his back on Ying Ri's lap, and his face looked a little dull. However, after a few breaths, this dullness directly turned into extreme shyness and turned her head slightly. She didn't even dare to look at Yingri any more.

"Nirvana, to be honest, do you like me?" Without any concealment, Ying Ri looked down at Nirvana, who was wandering around because of nervousness, and asked directly.

Just as Ying Ri asked this sentence, his left hand stroked his nirvana hair, but his right hand walked to the downstream of the latter's pink neck. Seeing that he was about to reach the peaks that even if he was lying down, he was still standing proudly.

At this time, Nirvana, whose side face lay on Yingri's legs, clearly felt that the unique thing of the man who was quite close to him was rapidly expanding, making her perfect and beautiful face blush to the ears.

"Ah..." With a delicate * chant, Nirvana had not yet answered Yingri's question. He had already felt the latter's restless palm and was pinching the softness of his heart. His strength was strong and soft, and he swung gently from left to right, which made Nirvana suddenly felt numb all over his body, and he couldn't even speak clearly. .

"Ying... Ying Ri, I... Ah... I like you..." His body trembled slightly, and Nirvana's whole body seemed to lose strength and began to gasp, and his eyes slowly closed at this time.

Outside the carriage, there was a giggle of the two women, Zihong and Qinghong, but the two people in the carriage did not pay special attention to it.

After rubbing for a while, Yingri's hand was finally willing to let go. Nirvana also exhaled slightly at this time, but at the next moment, her heart kept beating wildly.

Because of the day, he is letting go of his hand with straight peaks and slowly moving towards the upper abdomen of Nirvana to his navel and even his lower abdomen...

As the distance approached, Nirvana's heartbeat also accelerated, and his breathing became more rapid. However, Yingri stopped his hand on his lower abdomen when he was about to reach the mysterious triangle.

Opening his eyes, Nirvana seemed to suddenly wake up. He suddenly sat up from Ying Ri's thigh and hurriedly sorted out his messy hair.

"Ying Ri, do you think that Nirvana is a very casual woman..." The action gradually slowed down with this sentence. At this time, Nirvana looked like a child who did something wrong, hanging his head, but there was some crying in his voice.

Looking at the beautiful appearance tenderly, Ying Ri shook his head, reached out to stroke Nirvana's hair, and said, "How come? It's just that I suddenly realized a problem."

"What's the problem?" Nirvana raised his head and asked puzzledly. After seeing Ying Ri's hot eyes, he blushed and lowered his head.

"I... already have a wife's room, and there are three." When he said this, Ying Ri looked a little ashamed, and his white and handsome face seemed to be slightly red.

Nirvana, who heard this sentence, trembled violently, and then looked up at Ying Ri in a daze. A pair of beautiful eyes were filled with tears in an instant.

"What did you just... say?" It seemed that she didn't hear Yingri's words clearly. Nirvana opened her mouth to confirm again, but her voice was choking and trembling.

sighed, and Ying Ri also gave Nirvana a clear statement again: "Oh... I just said that I have three wives, so I don't know whether it's right or wrong for me to do that."

Yingri's words finally made Nirvana's tears directly fall on his pink cheeks.

dull. At this time, Nirvana was like a statue. He sat next to Ying Ri, supported the bed with his hands, and looked at Ying Ri in a daze. His eyes were motionless, and only tears were still dripping silently.

"I'm sorry, but I... I really like you..." With an extremely unbearable look, Ying Ri stroked the hand of Nirvana's hair, came down his head to his shoulder, put the latter's fragrant shoulder, and gently rubbed it.

Ying Ri rubbed his shoulder, and Nirvana's voice choked and closed his eyes again.

"Wow..." After a few minutes, I saw Nirvana take a long breath, raised his hand and wiped away the tears on his face with his sleeve. In a word, he opened his eyes and looked a little surprised and unbelievable.

"It turns out that Nirvana can still have three sisters. It's really lucky. Since that encounter, there has been no half a relative around Nirvana. If you can have sisters to accompany them, you can be less lonely in the future."

"This...so, girl Nirvana, what do you mean?"