Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 329 On the Eve of the Great War

Something suddenly happened last night. I'm sorry for this chapter.


The time for Emperor Yuntian to refine the evil is set half a month later. Once he is allowed to make all the goodbyes, then the life of the former demon emperor of the demon clan will be blown out like a candle flame lit in the wind.

This matter is not a earth-shaking event for Yingri and Lingying. Not only the two of them, but also if other demon people know it, it will certainly set off a stormy wave.

It can't be delayed any longer, otherwise, the demon clan will face an insurmountable obstacle that appears out of thin air on the premise of losing the evil of its predecessor demon emperor - Di Yuntian!

At this time, Ying Ri and the two people were very sure that they could no longer sit still and wait for death. If we hadn't obtained this information from these three people today, I'm afraid that in the final stage, the demon clan would have been kept in the dark.

"Xingying, you have done a good job. Today, you have helped your father, your third uncle, and the whole demon clan." Looking at each other, Ying Ri first praised Xing Ying in a soft voice, and then turned to the four holy beasts and said resolutely, "You all go back now and prepare well. Next, there will be a series of wars. As for the specific steps, I will order them one by one later."

"Yes." The gradual solemnity on their faces also made the four holy beasts very worried. However, at this time, they could only try their best to do their best. They had no other way but to listen to the deployment of the demon emperor and the demon emperor.

After receiving the order, the four holy beasts flew in the direction of their bedroom to prepare for the upcoming war, while Yingri and Lingying stood still, with their faces full of worries.

"Brother, what do you think of this matter?" The shadow turned his head and asked the sun.

After a little meditation, Ying Ri said, "In the information just obtained, we know the specific combat effectiveness of the Tianfu Hall. According to this number, I believe that with the three major organizations I currently control on the mainland, it should not be difficult to suppress it. The most important thing is that my father is about to be regarded as a sacrifice. On the matter of refining.

"That's right." The shadow nodded and echoed, "Di Yuntian's own cultivation has reached a peak level. If he successfully steps into the martial arts god level this time, then our demon clan will definitely usher in the real end!"

"Therefore, we absolutely can't let him get what he wants, which is also for our father." It should be said harshly.

The planning is still the same, how can the achievements be abandoned before this moment? Once it is successful by Di Yuntian, all the previous efforts will be in vain, because no matter how large the organization is, no matter how many strong people there are, they will never play much role in front of a god of war.

This point is quite clear not only in response to Japan, but also in the hearts of the strong people of the whole continent.


After returning to the second demon world, due to the information obtained by Yingri from the three people of Nirvana, the strong men of the demon clan were all rubbing their hands and preparing to do a lot in the next few days, while Yingri took advantage of these days to invite Yan Qingling and his wife and Binbin, invite Ying, Liang'er and the family to reunite well. Fan.

After several years, Liang'er has also given birth to a big fat boy for the sun. Although he does not have the same martial arts as Yan Xingying, it is better than the innate quality of the body. If he grows up and trains diligently, he will certainly achieve a lot.

After the invitation left the demon clan a few days ago, she was also pregnant with Yingri's child. However, the fetus in her belly seemed unwilling to be born and always refused to come out in the invitation. As the queen of the spirit snake, she obviously felt that the fetus in her abdomen seemed to be in At an extremely rapid speed, absorb the energy of the mother itself, and sometimes, even through the invited body, absorb the aura of heaven and earth to supplement itself. It should not be easy for this child to be born in the future.

I don't know why, after the meeting between the Senluo Cliff and the Near Shadow and the Four Holy Beasts, Yingri unexpectedly ignored the affairs within the demon clan and threw them all to the Near Shadow and the Four Holy Beasts to deal with. Except for meeting with the demon clan heresy alone, the other times, they almost shrank in the magic palace. He enjoys family happiness with Yan Qingling and his wife and children, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

And time, under the tense atmosphere of the demon generals in the second demon world, unconsciously passed five days.

Magic Hall, a high-end meeting of the demon clan.

At this time, a strong man of the demon clan held a scroll and reported the unified distribution of the demon army one by one, as well as all the combat power that the demon clan could currently mobilized, while the demon emperor was in the middle and high position, standing on both sides, with rosefinch Xuanwu and green dragon and white tiger.

"The demon master, according to statistics, at present, there are seventy-two strong people at the level of the Wuhuang level, 534 strong people at the Wuzong level, and 2,289 strong people at the Wuzun level. Among them, there are only three demon masters who have reached the high level. The number of strong people at this level, we and Tianfu There is a huge difference between the halls, because according to previous statistics, the five palace elders of Tianfu Hall are all strong men of the higher classes of the Emperor of Wu. In addition, Emperor Yuntian, and the lonely marquis proposed by the Japanese Demon Emperor are also a high-level super strong man of Emperor Wu. Behind the Tianfu Hall, whether there is still hidden power, we I don't know at all."

"In terms of the number of Wuzong and Wu Zun, our demon clan is also more than one piece, and it is said that the twelve marquis of Tianfu Hall are all super strong men who can fight against Wuzong alone. The Eight Holy Sects are no less than any strong man in the first-level martial emperor. Therefore, according to the current gap between the current military forces , I'm afraid it's quite difficult to save the evil emperor and other captured demon people in one fell swoop!"


At a high level, after quietly listening to these statistics, he did not feel much pressure, because he knew very well that this was only the unilateral strength of the demon clan. Today's demon clan will no longer fight alone as before.

Baihua Sect, Ice Valley, Shenjian Palace, these three old forces that have been passed down from the unknown continent for a long time, will never be weaker than the current demon clan. Although there may not be many of these three forces in the high-end strong, they are better than the number of middle-end strong, as long as they use the numerical advantage to supplement the array. Even if there are a large number of high-end strongmen in Tianfu Hall, they will never stand such a sea of people.

It can be said that in the past few years, all the back roads have been paved for the demon clan.

However, it is a little puzzled that Yingri has not made a statement that he will send troops in the past few days, but it is not easy to say. After all, it is rare for Yingri to return to the demon world once, so he can only prepare everything for the next battle to be dealt with.