King of Martial Arts

Chapter 96 Change of Heart

"This is your room!" The pink lady threw Jiang Hanye to ** breathlessly and said angrily, "I'm going to boil water to help you warm up. Don't think that you are a martial artist. The martial artist is first of all a person!" After saying that, the pink lady raised her foot and went out of the door.

Jiang Hanye came all the way, and the feelings in his heart changed a lot. This vast Kunlun Mountain is covered with white snow, which looks so magnificent, and there is no gloomy atmosphere on this mountain. Probably, it has been frozen to death by the ice and snow.

Although Jiang Hanye worked hard to remember the road all the way, the pink lady seemed to deliberately take him to a stone complex. It turned out that this was the location of the Demon Sect - the Blood Demon Palace.

The whole palace is like a maze, and the door is an extremely inconspicuous mountain gap, covered with snow on both sides, full of rocks. The gap was only for one person to pass through, and it was also hidden in two pine trees. If it were not for those who were familiar with the doorway, there would have been no way to find that there was an entrance here. But once you enter this entrance, your eyes will suddenly be enlightened.

I don't know what kind of magic power people use in the magic religion. In this ice and snow, there is such a place full of green. It seems to be another winter, with all kinds of flowers and plants in the maze, and the whole palace is connected by a winding passage, in which the sects live.

Jiang Hanye lives in the most inconspicuous place in this maze, but it is also the most difficult place to get out of. It is surrounded by empty houses, which is also good and clean.

"Come on, hot water!" The pink lady held a large basin of hot water and two towels on her shoulder. She entered the room excitedly, and then put down the basin and couldn't wait to close the door.

"I'll do it myself!" After this period of time, Jiang Hanye was able to move his hands and feet slightly, so he said coldly.

"Yo, little brother, you are frozen, is it possible that your heart is also frozen?" The pink lady smiled and said, "What's wrong with letting my sister wipe your body for you? You are still so unhappy... Alas, put down the dead man and destroy the atmosphere!"

As the pink lady said, she was about to come forward to take down Xiaoyu's body. However, as soon as Jiang Hanye heard the word 'dead man', she was immediately furious: "Don't say that she is dead, she is my wife!" She is not dead!"

Ah? Are you all married?" The pink lady had a lost expression, but soon giggled and said, "It doesn't matter if you get married. Is there any man who is stupid enough to live a woman for a lifetime? Come on, change your taste and let your sister wipe your body!" After the pink lady finished speaking, when Jiang Hanye couldn't move his hands and feet too much, she stripped his whole body.

"Wow!" The pink lady saw Jiang Hanye's healthy complexion, tight muscles, long body, and a pair of eyes almost stared out. She swallowed her saliva, quickly soaked the towel in the hot water basin, rubbed it out and wiped Jiang Hanye's body.

Jiang Hanye felt extremely nauseous, but he couldn't avoid it completely. Finally, he closed his eyes and let it go. The pink lady carefully wiped every inch of Jiang Hanye's skin and sighed, "It's good to be young, it's good!"

"Please hurry up!" Jiang Hanye said coldly, "I want to find a room for Xiaoyu."

Room? The grave is almost the same!" The pink lady sneered.

"You are not allowed to say that! Xiaoyu is not dead. She just fell asleep. What I want to find for her is a place to sleep, and it will never be a grave!" Jiang Hanye roared, his eyes were blood red and full of grief.

"Yo, even if she is not dead, can you still live with a woman who can't open her eyes all her life?" The pink lady curled her lips and said.

"Of course, she is my wife!" Jiang Hanye answered without hesitation.

The pink lady was shocked by Jiang Hanye's roar. She first stopped, and then looked at Jiang Hanye in a daze. After Jiang Hanye stopped talking, she blinked her eyes and squeezed back the tears that almost flowed out.

"Ha ha, let's wait until you really can do it!" The pink lady said lightly, "Okay, it's done. Are you going to sleep like this for a while? Or should I temporarily separate from your 'wife' and 'brother' to sleep more comfortably?

Jiang Hanye frowned. When he was thinking about what to do to reassure both sides, the door was pushed open from the outside and Luo Xingyun in a white shirt came in.

Luo Xingyun's face was calm and without saying a word. He looked at Jiang Hanye, who was **** with his body, and the pink lady with peach blossoms in his eyes, and couldn't help staring at her fiercely: "You are so bold!"

The pink lady was scared by Luo Xingyun's appearance. Her face changed and she said, "Who sent me to take care of him?"

Although Luo Xingyun felt that the pink lady did something absurd, he also knew that she would not do anything really out of line, so he no longer cared about her, but went straight to the bedside, stretched out his big hand to lift Xiaoyu's body, and took the magic tripod with the other hand.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Hanye roared in a hurry.

Luo Xingyun's body glowed cyan. He held Xiaoyu in one hand and Fumo Ding in the other, and turned around and walked out.

"If you dare to do anything to Xiaoyu, I will overturn your Kunlun Mountain!" Jiang Hanye continued to roar.

"Alas, if a man could be so dedicated to me, my pink lady wouldn't have today..." The pink lady looked aside and couldn't help sighing.

Luo Xingyun went out, and Jiang Hanye twisted the moving part of his body and struggled to move under the bed.

"What are you excited about?" The pink lady asked.

"What will he do with my wife and Xiaobai?" This is what Jiang Hanye is most worried about. The people in the magic religion want to get Qiongqi, but now Qiongqi is locked in the magic tripod. If they really call out, I'm afraid that many people in the world will suffer. However, more importantly, Jiang Hanye is afraid that Luo Xingyun will destroy Xiaoyu without authorization.

"It won't happen!" The pink lady said slowly, "After all, he is your father, isn't he? Maybe no one in the world is worthy of your trust, but there are two people you have to believe. One is the father and the other is the mother.

Jiang Hanye sneered: "If he is trustworthy, is there any trustworthy person in the world? Take me to Xiaoyu, or don't blame me for making trouble for you!"

"Yo, boy, you can do it, how can you learn to blackmail me!" The pink lady looked at Jiang Hanye and suddenly laughed, trembling with laughter. She leaned forward and backward, and it took a long time to calm down.

Jiang Hanye frowned and just wanted to ask her why she laughed so much, but the pink lady said, "According to what I know about the patriarch, he will neither kill your brother nor destroy your wife. Now he has mostly gone to the Ice Palace."

"Ice Palace?" Jiang Hanye frowned.

"Yes, the temperature there is low, which can save your wife forever." The pink lady said.

"What about Xiaobai and Fumo Ding? And Qiqi!" Jiang Hanye asked again.

"I don't know that, but if I guess correctly, I guess Xiaobai should have no problem." The pink lady talked to Jiang Hanye seriously for the first time.

"Oh..." Although he didn't know Luo Xingyun, Jiang Hanye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the hanging heart finally landed.

Wanjian Villa.

"What?" Ji Shangxuan returned to the villa, and the dirty battlefield on the villa had been cleaned up for a long time, but when he just sat on his stool and didn't have time to breathe, he heard another bad news. Only then did he realize what blessedness was.

Ji Shangxuan hurried back to the inner house and saw Ji Wei Qingzhu with a blue veil on his head and lying with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Where's your son?" Ji Shangxuan asked.

"Where's your daughter?" Ji Wei Qingzhu also asked.

The two were silent at the same time. Ji Shangxuan fell down in the chair and muttered, "Is this destined?"

At night, Ji Shangxuan sat alone in the study, at a loss. When he came in, he felt more and more that sometimes he would be involuntarily, as if there was another person in his body, thinking instead of him and doing various things instead of him, which was a terrible feeling.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew. The wind was gloomy and terrible, blowing open the door of his study. Ji Shangxuan frowned. He has now detected a person.

"Who are you?" When Ji Shangxuan saw a dark shadow flashing at the door, he couldn't help looking up and asking.

"Master Ji, be all right!" A voice that couldn't help but feel a little hairy said.

"I don't know you!" Ji Shangxuan stood up as he spoke. He held a magic weapon and seemed to be ready for a fierce battle at any time.

"You don't know me, but do you know this thing?" After saying that, he lost the same shiny thing to Ji Shangxuan.

Ji Shangxuan only felt a sinking heart, and a familiar taste that could no longer be familiar grabbed his heart in an instant: "broken soul beads?" Ji Shangxuan was stunned and said, "Who are you and why do you have this thing?"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is this thing. Do you need it?" The voice said again.

Ji Shangxuan replied coldly, "This is my thing. Whether I need it or not, you should return it to me."

"Wrong!" The voice said, "I'm afraid your piece has been robbed, and the piece in my hand is brand new."

"Since you know this is a broken soul bead, haven't you ever thought about collecting it?" Ji Shangxuan still didn't dare to be sure of what happened in front of him. Unexpectedly, someone personally sent him a little bit. Although it was only a small piece, it was enough to attract Ji Shangxuan.

"Collection? Hahaha! If such a good thing is not taken out and used, won't it be a violent thing? The sound was getting closer and closer, as if it was not far from him. Ji Shangxuan carefully observed every inch of the place around him, but found nothing.

"Who the hell are you? What exactly is the intention?" After all, Ji Shangxuan is a supreme faction. Even if he has suffered one after another, his spirit is still there.

"Lord Ji!" A man in gorgeous clothes gradually came out of the darkness, and his face was so handsome that people, whether men or women, could no longer let go after looking at it.

"If you have something to say!" Ji Shangxuan forcibly swallowed the following sentence 'Farts quickly'. Even if he was a supreme faction, even if he was a respected person, he could not laugh at the face of a pair of children at this time.

"You can take this fragment of broken soul beads for temporary use. If I use you in the future, you must appear!" The man in gorgeous clothes said.

Ji Shangxuan frowned. He looked down at the scarlet crystal the size of a nail cover in his palm. He couldn't help but be a little excited. He trembled his hands, picked up the broken soul bead fragment and put it in the light to observe carefully.

"It won't be fake." The man in gorgeous clothes seemed to see through Ji Shangxuan's mind and sneered, "If you have this fragment of broken soul beads, you must do two things for me."

"What's the matter?" Ji Shangxuan looked up at him and asked.

"First, help me catch Jiang Hanye, I want to live!" The gorgeous man said, "Second, I want to borrow your Wanjian Villa!"

"What?" Ji Shangxuan's eyes were awe-sed, "What does it mean to borrow Wanjian Villa?"

"Ha ha ha!" The man in gorgeous clothes smiled gloomically, "Lord Ji Zhuang, why do you suffer? Aren't you already a fellow?

"Well, I'm the supreme of a famous family. On the other hand, you are full of anger. You must be an evil man. What are you talking about? What a joke!" Ji Shangxuan sneered.

"Joke?" The man in gorgeous clothes laughed and said, "I think what Ji Zhuangzhu said is a real joke. When you got the first fragment of soul beads, there was a period of time when you couldn't help it every night, right?"

Ji Shangxuan was guessed the secret, and his expression changed again. He said coldly, "Who are you? How can it be so powerful?"

"It's just a ghost life." The man in gorgeous clothes smiled and said, "But do you know how you got the fragment?"

"By chance..." Ji Shangxuan immediately stopped talking as soon as he opened his mouth and said three words. Now think about it, I'm afraid it's not accidental that he got the broken soul bead fragments. Ji Shangxuan couldn't help looking up suspiciously at the man called Ghost Life, full of doubts.

"Let's not mention the past. I just need you to help me do two things. You can promise, if you don't..." The ghost smiled and stopped talking.

"What if you don't agree? It's just death!" Ji Shangxuan said with a disdainful look.

"Oh? Is it just a death? So do you care about his life and death? The ghost slowly spread his left hand to Ji Shangxuan. Ji Shangxuan was surprised to find a dark hole in the ghost's left hand, which seemed to penetrate the palm of the ghost's life. However, when Ji Shangxuan bent down to deliberately look at the back of his hand, he found that the back of the hand was intact.

"What kind of demon method is this?" Ji Shangxuan said awe-inspiringly.

"You'd better take a look at this first!" The ghost twisted the spell and suddenly began to ripple like a water wave in the dark hollow. Some images began to slowly appear in the ripples. Ji Shangxuan looked carefully and found that the image was actually his son Ji Mingyu's.

Ji Mingyu was blindfolded at this moment, with his hands tied back, and locked somewhere.

"Ah! Xiaoyu!" Ji Shangxuan only felt black in front of him, shaking his body and almost falling down.

"How's it going?" The ghost took the magic power and sneered, "Is Master Ji willing to cooperate with me?"

Ji Shangxuan closed his eyes in pain. He held back his tears and nodded: "Okay, I'll cooperate!"

Ji Shangxuan only has two children, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu. No matter how strict he disciplines the two children, one thing is certain, that is, no matter what Ji Shangxuan becomes, his love for his children remains unchanged, which is caused by nature.

"Well, please let me borrow your body!" The ghost smiled gloomyly, and his eyes went straight to Ji Shangxuan's eyes.

Ji Shangxuan suddenly felt that the pressure in front of him doubled, and it seemed that something was oppressing his mind, making him unable to concentrate, let alone perform his skills.

"Lord Ji, from now on, you will no longer exist! Instead, there is another you, another you who are free and can do whatever you want!" The ghost said slowly.

"I don't need..." Ji Shangxuan had time to finish saying this sentence. He only felt a tingling in his heart. He looked down in surprise, but found that his new camphor had been taken out. The dark red heart was steaming and beating in the hands of the ghost.

"You are..." Ji Shangxuan staggered a few steps and said.

Don't worry! Lord Ji, you won't die!" As the ghost said, he took the fragments of broken soul beads from Ji Shangxuan's hand, and then filled the fragments into the original heart. In an end, Ji Shangxuan only felt that his whole body was cold. His eyes rolled up, and his eyes rolled back and forth in his eyes, and then stopped.

"Now, you are completely free!" The ghost said with a smile, "From now on, you can do whatever you want, and your heart will be kept with me for the time being. Your skills and cultivation have increased significantly, much stronger than before. You can go to all the people you hate and hate to revenge!"

As the ghost said, he retreated with a gloomy smile. He came and went without a trace. Unexpectedly, a real person, as if he were a visitor from hell.

Ji Shangxuan stared at the place where the ghost disappeared at the door. He looked down at his chest. If it hadn't been for a pool of blood there, he would have thought that what had just happened was just a hallucination or a dream, but there was obviously a trace of the heart being cut out.

"Since then, have I no heart?" Ji Shangxuan staggered a few steps and muttered. He only felt that he was cold and surprisingly cold.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Ji Yuan happened to pass by here and saw Ji Shangxuan's lost appearance.