King of Martial Arts

Chapter 101 Red Powder Magic

"What's the magic doctor, how is he now?"

In a daze, Jiang Hanye heard Luo Xingyun's voice, which was a little anxious and heartache, which made Jiang Hanye, who was still not too clear, actually felt a little comfort.

Jiang Hanye tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it. His eyes seemed to have been covered with paste, and his eyelids weighed a thousand pounds, making him unable to open his eyes and see everything in front of him. What happened? Why is he here? Where is this place? All this made Jiang Hanye curious.

"Revelation to the Lord!" The voice of a strange man came to Jiang Hanye's ears. At first glance, it sounded like soft and weak, not as strong as ordinary men, but it was so calm that it made people feel comfortable after listening to it.

The man said slowly, "The young master was attacked by fire at the time of luck. In addition, there was the true spirit of the master at that time, which caused the true qi that had been lurking in his body hit his internal organs like a frenzy, and now his life is hanging on the line..."

"What should I do?" After listening to the words of the magic doctor, Luo Xingyun was silent for a long time before asking slowly.

"What?" What Luo Xingyun said has no beginning and no end, and the magic doctor failed to react for a moment.

"What should I do to save him?" Luo Xingyun took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"For today's plan, we can only disperse the true qi in his body, otherwise if those true qi are allowed to run around in his body, I'm afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable..." Moreover, the magic doctor's voice is very light. Even if the doctor with such a voice does not treat him, this sound alone will make the patient feel a sense of support in his heart, at least Jiang That's what the cold night thinks.

"To disperse the true qi..." Luo Xingyun's voice became a little strange. After a moment of silence, he said to the magic doctor, "The magic doctor, you are also a practitioner. You should know better than me what this dispersing of the true qi means to a martial artist... Is there be no other way?" Listening to his tone, there was regret and intolerance.

"Master!" Moreover, the magic doctor's voice became a little deep. He said seriously, "The true qi in the young subject does not all belong to him. Those true qi depend on his body and will devour himself sooner or later. It's better to take advantage of everyone's strength to help him break up this time. The young master is still very young. If you want to practice, the future will be long..."

When Jiang Hanye heard these words in the haze, his heart suddenly panicked. What? Do you want to dispel the truth? If a martial artist has no true spirit, is he still a martial artist? No way! He shouted in his heart, "No, don't do this!" I still have a big revenge! You can never disperse my true anger..."

"Is this the only way?" It can be seen that Luo Xingyun is also very unwilling to do this. He hesitated and said to the doctor, "If there is any other way, no matter how difficult it is, we will try it!"

"Master!" Moreover, the magic doctor said solemnly, "If there is any other way, my subordinates will not propose the helpless act of dispersing the young master's true qi. Lord, please make a decision as soon as possible! The four elders returned from home this afternoon, which should be the best time. I have to make some preparations in case of emergency, so I will leave first!"

"Well, you go..." Luo Xingyun's voice seemed a little old and helpless.

Jiang Hanye tried to open his eyes, but he could only see a back turn away from the haze, and then saw another vague figure appear in front of him, with a pair of warm hands stroking his forehead.

"Alas, why is your child's fate so bad?" Luo Xingyun stroked Jiang Hanye and sighed, "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

When Jiang Hanye heard Luo Xingyun's words, he actually felt relieved. Although Jiang Hanye didn't know who Luo Xingyun's words were said to, Luo Ri or Jiang Hanye, no matter who he was, he felt that kind of guilt, that kind of guilt from his father's love.

"Ha ha, it's okay..." Jiang Hanye closed his eyes very easily. By Luo Xingyun's side, he felt the unprecedented safety and tranquility, as if as long as there was Luo Xingyun in the world, no one or anything could hurt him.

Jiang Hanye fell asleep...

Time passed slowly in the deep sleep of Jiang Hanye, and I don't know how long it took before he finally woke up again.

"Where is this place?" At first, Jiang Hanye raised his head with difficulty and looked at the surrounding environment. At first, the environment was very strange. The stone house, but soon the memory came - isn't this Luo Ri's room?

"What?" The pink lady's voice appeared in Jiang Hanye's ear, with some surprise and heartache. She rushed up from nowhere, lay on Jiang Hanye's bed, and bit her hand on his nose and asked, "Wake up? Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

"Hungry!" Jiang Hanye nodded rudely and said, "I'm really a little hungry. What time is it now..."

"No wonder you're not hungry. You slept for four days and nights. It's noon. You wait here. I'll bring you food!" The pink lady said with some excitement.

When the pink lady went out, Jiang Hanye got up and walked twice. Now his whole feeling is refreshing, as if he had just woken up from the sweetest sleep.

It's a good thing to be refreshing, but Jiang Hanye soon thought of another thing - he remembered in a trance that before he completely fell asleep, he had heard a conversation between Luo Xingyun and a magic doctor or something. They seemed to mention that they wanted to disperse his true anger? Thinking of this, Jiang Hanye's heart is a little heavy. If he is really angry, what else can he take to revenge?

"No, I have to try!" After Jiang Hanye finished speaking, he went to bed cross-legged, closed his eyes and tried to run Zhenqi, but his body was as calm as before, and nothing appeared. Jiang Hanye's heart sank, but he still didn't believe it. He breathed again several times and closed his eyes again to run the true qi. It was still the same. He sadly found that there was no trace of true qi left in his body.

"How can..." Jiang Hanye opened his eyes a little lost his mind. He touched his skin. The skin temperature was the same as that of ordinary people. Before that, his skin had always been cold. Jiang Hanye twisted the spell in a panic and ran the ice barrier, but no matter how many times he recited the spell, there was still the stone house in front of him, the invisible air.

Jiang Hanye staggered and sat down by the bedside without real anger. This blow was too big for him. The day after tomorrow, the three-level realm was not high, but it was not low. Many people even spent their life's energy to get here.

"Come on, eat while it's hot!" The pink lady held the food and appeared at the door of Jiang Hanye with a smile. The meal was a soup of four dishes, and two large white steamed buns, all of which were steaming hot. When the pink lady had not entered the room, Jiang Hanye had already smelled the fragrance.

He was probably really hungry for too long. The aroma of the food made Jiang Hanye greedy. He couldn't help feeling that he was already hungry with his chest against his back. Looking at the pink lady put the food on the table, Jiang Hanye stood up and walked to the table - anyway, he had to live first.

Looking at Jiang Hanye's devouring appearance, the pink lady said with a smile, "Eat slowly and choke!" Her voice is not as unrestrained as before, but like a mother talking to her son lovingly.

Jiang Hanye stuffed the last bite of the first steamed bun into his mouth, which gave him some strength. He couldn't help looking up at the pink lady. It seemed that this woman had treated him like this since they knew her. No matter what she had said or done to herself, one thing was obvious: she had always been taking care of Jiang Hanye, meticulously, from eating to pulling, from wearing to sleeping, she had prepared for Jiang Hanye. Everything is available.

"Thank you!" Jiang Hanye looked at the pink lady and suddenly came up with such a sentence.

"What?" The pink lady was slightly stunned and immediately giggled, "Are you stupid? Why did such a brainless sentence suddenly come out?"

"Thank you for taking care of me!" Jiang Hanye wiped his mouth and picked up another steamed bun. The steamed buns of this Blood Demon Palace are really big. Each one is the size of a baby's head. It is white and round, fragrant and soft. It is simply a pleasure to eat it in the mouth.

"Hehe..." Jiang Hanye has always shown hate and avoid the pink lady. Therefore, when the pink lady heard Jiang Hanye's tone and said thank you very seriously, she was stunned. After a long time, she smiled awkwardly, but after laughing, she also recovered. As usual, he held Jiang Hanye's cheek and said, "Look at this little face. It's really tender. It makes people want to pinch it."

Speaking of which, Jiang Hanye was full of food and drink, so he sat by the window in a daze. He was at a loss and didn't know where he would go in the future. Although this is Luo Xingyun's territory, and Luo Xingyun is also known as his father, does he have to stay here for a lifetime like Jiang Hanye?

"No!" The more Jiang Hanye thought about it, the more unwilling he became. He said secretly, "At the beginning, I also became a warrior from an ignorant boy. Why can't I do it now?" The more Jiang Hanye thought about it, the more blood boiled. He secretly made up his mind that no matter how difficult it was, he must start practicing again, even from scratch.

"What is he doing?" Luo Xingyun sat in the shadow, and the pink lady stood in the sunshine at the door.

"Ge, he's so good. He's practicing." The pink lady smiled and said, "After all, he is a young man. He has a lot of energy in everything he does. I thought that when he woke up, he would make a scene without cultivation. Who knew that he was so calm."

"Hmm, noisy?" Although Luo Xingyun snorted coldly, there was still a little more relief in his words, "It's not caused by others to become like this, isn't it? Who can he blame? It's not bad to know that he is diligent and hard. He is still... He is still my son of Luo Xingyun.

The pink lady was stunned. She looked at Luo Xingyun's back and said, "Well, I..."

"Just serve the young master well. I have lost a son, and I must not lose another." Luo Xingyun interrupted the pink lady lightly.

"Yes!" The pink lady said slowly.

"What is he practicing? Don't tell me that he is still practicing the skills of the Wanjian Villa!" Luo Xingyun added, "That Ji Shangxuan has not been kind to him from beginning to end. How can he teach him real kung fu? Otherwise, with the cultivation and eyesight of the hypocrite, how can't you see the special features of Yeer? You are responsible for teaching him some of the most basic skills.

"Yes!" The pink lady's face returned to calm and bowed down and said, "Master, if there is nothing else, my subordinates will leave!"

"Well, go ahead!" Luo Xingyun paused and said to the pink lady, "Thank you for your hard work."

When the pink lady heard Luo Xingyun's words, her body was slightly shocked, and a red glow appeared on her face, but soon she recovered as before and said with a smile, "Yo, when did the master become polite to me?" After saying that, she turned around and left.

"What?" Jiang Hanye stared at the pink lady standing in front of him with surprised eyes, and the face full of powder was full of serious expression. Jiang Hanye shook his head like a rattle drum and refused repeatedly, "No, no! How can I practice this kind of skill!"

"What is this? Look at me, aren't I fine now?" The pink lady looked indifferent and said slowly, "Now you have to lay the foundation and start from scratch. Since the master said let me take you, I will naturally do my duty!" Come on, be obedient, come and learn this pink magic skill from my sister, which will make you..."

"No, no!" Jiang Hanye shook his head repeatedly. What is that? Red and pink magic skills! As soon as you hear this name, you will know who it is for. Although Jiang Hanye is not an upright man, at least he is a man and must not learn this! Jiang Hanye was determined to refuse.

"Do you really not learn?" The pink lady had no smile on her face. She looked at Jiang Hanye and asked seriously.

"If you really don't learn!" Jiang Hanye answered more seriously.

"Have you thought it over?" The pink lady took a step forward, forced Jiang Hanye, and asked word by word.

"It can't be clearer!" Jiang Hanye replied.

"Well, if anything happens in the future, don't blame my sister!" The pink lady turned around and twisted her seductive waist out of Jiang Hanye's door.

Jiang Hanye looked at the pink lady's back doubtfully and saw her side from the window. She was really angry. In such a long time, Jiang Hanye saw her for the first time. I don't know if she went to Luo Xingyun to complain? Jiang Hanye muttered in his heart.

However, Jiang Hanye underestimated the method of the pink lady.

This afternoon, the pink lady never appeared again, and the whole room was surprisingly quiet. Jiang Hanye was very quiet at first, but it didn't take long for him to stand it. Isn't it * quiet? Usually, the pink lady pedaled for a while and chirping like a lark taking care of her cubs. Sometimes Jiang Hanye really annoyed her. Now she is not here, and she is a little uncomfortable.

However, Jiang Hanye is still measured. He knows that he is in an embarrassing situation, carrying a deep blood grudge and losing his strength. Seeing that he is about to be 15 years old now, one by one, everything forced him to work hard.

Jiang Hanye carefully recalled all the basic training given to him by his second uncle and Tao Bo at Wanjian Villa. From then on, he decided to regain his cultivation and true spirit step by step.

When the pink lady quietly returned to Jiang Hanye's room and peeked through the window, she found Jiang Hanye actually boxing.

Jiang Hanye is now playing Wanshou Fist, which is a boxing method that all disciples of Wanjian Villa have to practice when they enter. At the beginning, he used this Wanshou Fist to become a real warrior from an ignorant boy.

In fact, Jiang Hanye's current mentality is very complicated. For Wanjian Villa, he has both hatred and love. Sometimes he can't even tell which is hate and which is love. At first, when he practiced Wanshouquan, Jiang Hanye could not calm down and practice at all. The past scenes often sneaked into his mind without listening to his command. Sometimes he was a strict second uncle, sometimes he was the ninth brother with turtle hair, sometimes he was a gentle fourth brother with a smile, and sometimes Xiaoyu who laughed and flowers...

As he was fighting, Jiang Hanye suddenly roared and hit his fist hard against the wall. At this time, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He put his face against the wall and cried loudly. Although Jiang Hanye lost his true spirit, the strength he has exercised over the years is still there. Even if it is a discount, how can his fist have two or three hundred pounds of strength? But the wall of the house was hit with all his strength by Jiang Hanye. Except for a loud noise, the lines did not move, which showed how tough it was.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" The pink lady was originally peeking. At this moment, as soon as she saw Jiang Hanye's tendency to self-harm, she hurried in and took Jiang Hanye's arm. She was surprised to find that Jiang Hanye's body was trembling violently.

"Pink!" For some reason, Jiang Hanye, who had always been unwilling to have close contact with this pink lady, actually threw himself into the pink lady's arms. The tears instantly wet the pink lady's chest and printed two different reds.

"Good boy!" The pink lady was stunned first, then stroked Jiang Hanye's hair extremely gently and patted him on the back, as if to coax a baby to sleep. "It's all over, no matter what happened, it's all over, isn't it?"

Jiang Hanye sobbed. After a while, he found that he was lying in the arms of the pink lady, so he hurriedly broke away and wiped his nose and tears with his sleeves.

"Puff!" The pink lady covered her mouth and smiled, "Are you still shy with me? I almost forgot what I came to do. I can tell you that you have to learn this pink magic skill and cloth boots!"