King of Martial Arts

Chapter 104 Black Shadow of Wo Niu Town

The dusk is dark, and it is already early summer. At the northern end of Cangshan Mountain, the signs of summer are already obvious.

The people in Wo Niu Town ate early, and the women took their children to bed, while the men gathered in the only pub and inn in the town to brag about the mountains.

"Well, do you think the world is going to end?" An old man in his sixties said with a cup of tea and squinting his eyes to several of his deskmates.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang, what do you mean by that? If the emperor hears this, why don't you cut off your skull?" Opposite the old man is a middle-aged man of about 40 years old. From his clothes, it can be seen that he has read books for a few years and is a quiet man.

"I think what Mr. Jiang said may be right!" On the left hand side of the middle-aged man, there sat a young man in his twenties, with a nail-sized mole on the corners of his mouth and an inch of black hair hanging on it.

"Yes, I heard that this is the right way, and it's coming to an end!" The old man said.

"Yes, compared with the righteous immortals, the emperor is a ball!" The young man was also fearless. "It is said that the emperor is all the apprentices of the immortal. This time he won the battle, he still relied on the power of the immortals of Wanjian Villa!"

Wuniu Town is based on the Cang Mountain system. They are proud of Wanjian Villa. In the minds of these people, the immortals of Wanjian Villa are much more important than the emperor. Among other things, in this troubled world, Luoshui City and Woniu Town and some surrounding villages have been enjoying too much because of Wanjian Villa. Ping, no wonder these people worship Wanjian Villa so much. After hundreds of mouths and thousands of legends, the battle of Qishan has now spread to the ears of these ordinary people, and the continuous damage of the wings of the right path is also what they are worried about.

"Let's go!" The middle-aged man laughed and said, "The immortals practice on the mountain all day long. How can they care about our business? I heard that their little prince on the mountain was captured!"

Is that right? The little boy is three or four years old, right? The old man hurriedly asked that his original energy was in the world, but now it was quickly transferred to the little boy.

"More than that, he must be seven or eight years old. It is said that he was captured by the people in the devil's way. These devils are really abominable. On the one hand, they caught the attention of the righteous elite in Yongshan, and on the other hand, they cheated and sent someone to arrest the little prince!" The middle-aged man sighed and said, "But although they have captured the little prince, I heard that their shrimp soldiers and crabs will also die in Shouyang Peak. What do you think..."

A table here was gossiping, and the door was knocked open. More than a dozen people in the room were shocked and turned their heads to look at the door, only to see a gust of wind blowing a few fallen leaves outside the door.

"Oh, it's windy. Isn't it going to rain?" The old man known as Mr. Jiang squinted at the door. He sat right in front of the door, so he could see the things at the door most clearly.

"No way!" At this time, the shopkeeper took a lantern to shine outside the door. The moon is bright outside. Where does it look like it's going to rain? The shopkeeper is a man in his fifties, with a kind face and a smile. Probably because of his face, although it is a small town, his business here is still booming.

There is nothing at the door, and the street is deserted. Except for the lights on in his store, other people have turned off the lights.

"Strange!" The shopkeeper rubbed his eyes. When he was about to close the door, he seemed to see a dark shadow passing by and drifting away from mid-air. After seeing the shadow, the shopkeeper suddenly felt cold all over. He quickly closed the door and turned around to say something to the guests when he heard a scream from outside. The scream cut through the night sky and penetrated into everyone's heart.

"What's the sound?" Mr. Jiang's hand trembled, and the cup fell on the table, and the tea was sprinkled on the table.

The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned white and his voice was trembling: "What's wrong? I haven't heard this sound for years! A few years ago, when people ate people in the sad forest, they often heard such a sound..."

At this time, there was another click, which shocked everyone in the room. When they looked back, they saw that the scion was shrinking by the table and fell to the ground in fear.

"I don't know what's going on..." Everyone whispered. They were worried about the young at home and wanted to go home, but they were a little afraid. Just as they were talking, there was a man in the shadow of the corner talking.

"The sky is yellow, I'm afraid there will be demons!" The voice was very old, even older than the old man in his sixties. Everyone looked at it one after another, and the shopkeeper went there with a lantern to shine.

This sound is very strange to them, because they all grew up together. Who doesn't know whose voice is like? Judging from the photo, it turned out to be an unkempt old beggar. His body was smelly and dirty. I don't know when he sneaked in and hid in the shadow of the corner, and no one noticed it.

"Ah, who are you? Get out!" The shopkeeper has always hated beggars and was more afraid that they would stain their shops, so they drove them away.

"Well, forget it, Lao Liu, just let him stay here for a while. It's dark outside. In case something happens when you go out, people will say that we are unkind..." Someone said.

"That doesn't work. I'm afraid he has lice. How bad it is to pass it on to you later!" As soon as the shopkeeper saw the old beggar still stretching his hand to rub the ashes, he felt cautious.

"This shopkeeper, I see that your printing hall is black and your eyebrows are black. I'm afraid you will have a bloody disaster recently!" At this time, the old beggar said, "You should accumulate more virtue. If you accumulate virtue, God will naturally think of your good..."

This is simply moldy. No one wants to listen to it. Not only the shopkeeper, but also the people who just pleaded for him frowned and said, "You old man, why are you so bad? They have taken you in, but you want to hurt them. I don't think anyone can help you!"

"Ha ha, no one can help, it's you!" The old beggar also knew that he was unpopular here, so he stood up and rubbed the dust while staggering out of the door. When he passed by everyone, everyone smelled the strong smell of wine from his body. It turned out that he hid in that corner and didn't know how much wine he had stolen from the store.

The shopkeeper was very angry with him. When he looked at the few wine jars scattered in the corner, he was even more angry and said fiercely, "You old beggar, don't let me see you again, otherwise..."

When the old beggar walked out of the door, he turned around and smiled at the shopkeeper, "You'd better ask for more blessings!" Keep those fierce words and talk to those who hurt you!" After saying that, he looked up at the yellow night sky, shook his head and sighed, and went away by himself.

Although the old beggar was hateful, everyone listened to his words. The sad scream that had just cut through the night sky, and the words said by the old beggar, everyone felt grumpy and uncomfortable.

"Well, it's getting late. It's time for me to go back!" The first person to stand up was a cooly-like man with a naked upper body. His short shirt was on his shoulder, with a cigarette rod in his mouth, lined up Kiriko on the table, and left.

One person left, and the rest of the people got up to settle the bill and left one by one. In less than a moment, the originally lively store suddenly fell empty. The shopkeeper looked at their backs, sighed, and said to himself, "What bad luck!"

This store is not big, so there are not many clerks. In order to save money, the store does not allow those clerks to work at night, so he is left alone at night. His wife and children all lived in the yard behind the store. At this time, it was quiet everywhere. He also felt hair in his heart, so he quickly closed the door, cleaned up the tables, chairs and benches, put those dirty cups, plates and dishes in the basin in the kitchen, and waited for the clerk to wash them tomorrow. After all this was done, he returned to his home from the back door. Medium.

The backyard was also quiet, and there were black lights everywhere. The shopkeeper carried a lantern to illuminate the road. Who knew that an inexplicable wind blew and blew a lantern.

"What bad luck. I met a crazy beggar without talking nonsense, which made my lantern break!" The store quickly put out the candle and walked upstairs in the dark.

This is his own home. Naturally, he is familiar with it. Even in the dark night, he can know where there is a threshold and where there is a pit. However, when the shopkeeper went upstairs, for some reason, his feet suddenly slipped and a dog ate shit. When he got up, he found that his hands and mouth were sticky, slippery, and there was a strong smell of blood.

"It's strange, what the hell is going on?" The shopkeeper was suspicious. He put his hand to his nose and smelled it carefully, "It seems that the smell of pig blood when killing pigs during the Spring Festival is stinky! Strangely, there is no pig slaughter at home. How can there be blood..."

For some reason, his heart jumped and looked at the dark and quiet surroundings, so he opened his mouth and shouted, "Child mother! Mother of the child! Light the lamp for me!"

The daughter-in-law of the store is a very virtuous woman and sleeps very lightly. As usual, let alone shouting loudly, even if she walks a little harder, she will wake up, but this time no one answered.

The small building on the second floor was full of thick darkness. The shopkeeper suddenly felt afraid. He retreated to the stairs and retreated to the yard by the moonlight. The dark room was like a monster's mouth, ready to swallow him into his stomach at any time.

retreating, the shopkeeper suddenly felt that he had hit something, cold and hard. Before he could look back, he felt that his foot had left the ground and his throat was pinched from behind.

"Soul!" A cold and emotionless voice came from behind the store, which was the last voice he had heard in his life.

Puff! A pale hand pinched into the shopkeeper's throat. He tilted his head and died before he could scream.

Behind the shop was a man in a black robe. He took a deep breath and saw a few wisps of blue light coming out of the shopkeeper's nose and ears, and then floated back into the man's nose in black robe.

Jiang Hanye soaked in a large wooden barrel, which was filled with two-thirds of the water, which was hot and steaming. This is not ordinary bath water. The whole room is filled with a strong smell of medicine. The hot soup of this bath is specially burned by the magic doctor for Jiang Hanye.

"What on earth is this?" Jiang Hanye picked up a handful of water, which was clear and clean, and looked the same as ordinary water. This is the third time he has taken a bath here. Every time he enters, he feels that every inch of his skin is shrinking, as if his body is swelling rapidly, but when he comes out, he feels extremely relaxed.

What's more, the magic doctor cooked hot soup on the other side of the house, and every time he had to soak in it for two hours. Although he had to soak until late at night after dinner, he not only felt tired, but felt extremely relaxed and comfortable all over.

"Recently, the true spirit in the sea of Qi has also been much more full. It seems that this magic doctor is indeed worthy of being a magic doctor." Jiang Hanye thought secretly.

"Young master, what do you think has changed?" Just as Jiang Hanye said to himself, the magic doctor walked in with a smile. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and a blue rough cloth apron around his waist. No one would think that he was a doctor, but more like a cook.

"I feel much more comfortable, as if the true qi is also flowing back. Besides, the magic doctor, what's going on? I've been here for three days, but you haven't told me a word. Jiang Hanye asked.

"Ha ha, that's it." Moreover, the magic doctor smiled and said, "This medicinal soup is made by me with seven or 49 cold to poisonous herbs. Its effect is actually to attack poison..."

"Fighting poison with poison? I don't remember that I was poisoned..." Jiang Hanye frowned.

"You have never been poisoned, but you have been poisoned. Those dead souls are not submissive in your body, which often make you diarrhea. Young Lord, I don't know if what I said is right?" Moreover, the magic doctor looked at Jiang Hanye with a smile and reached out to test the water temperature.

"Exactly, I often have inexplicable diarrhea, but it turned out to be..." Jiang Hanye suddenly realized.

"I think there must be something special in your body, that's why you have such a performance." Moreover, the magic doctor did not say it clearly, but Jiang Hanye also knew that he was talking about the broken soul beads.

"Yes, there is a very evil thing in my body - broken soul beads." Jiang Hanye did not hide it. At this time, he also knew what it was to avoid medicine.

"It is exactly this thing. Those souls are usually in the broken soul beads. Originally, this bead can enhance your skills, but because your cultivation is still shallow, you can't control it, but you are tired of it." Ordinary people will be surprised when they hear the three words broken soul beads, but the magic doctor doesn't know what it is. After listening to Jiang Hanye's words, not only is he not surprised, but he becomes more and more calm, which makes Jiang Hanye more and more curious about him.

"So that's it..." Jiang Hanye pondered and raised his head and asked, "Is this medicinal soup to restrain those souls? Or to resist this broken soul bead?"

"Ha ha, the broken soul bead is an ancient murder. Naturally, it is not something that can be resisted by my area. Otherwise, the people of the Kan family would not have avoided the world for this bead. My soup is just to break up those souls and expel them from your body. Moreover, the magic doctor said, "But young master, you have a strange constitution and a perfect fit with this bead. I think that if you can collect these beads in the future, it will definitely help you take charge of the universe, but before that, maybe you will go through some twists and turns."

Jiang Hanye smiled. He didn't care about the so-called ruler of the universe. He was originally a poor boy who cut firewood. What he wants now is to avenge all those who died in vain, and find the giant baby in the black fog. Since he saw the image, the giant baby in the black fog has become his nightmare. Dream.

"I don't know when my true spirit will be fully recovered." Jiang Hanye sighed.

"The recovery of this true spirit still depends on the degree of hard work of the young master." Moreover, the magic doctor said, "Some things are reluctant to come, aren't they?"

Jiang Hanye nodded: "I think this soup has also cooled down. That's all for today?"

"Okay, young master, go back to rest early and don't meditate at night. Now that you are short of qi and blood, you still need to eat more supplements to consolidate your capital." What's more, the magic doctor nodded.

Jiang Hanye said goodbye to the magic doctor and returned to the room alone. I don't know when there was a bowl of lotus seed soup on the table. Touching the edge of the bowl, it was still warm. It seemed that the pink lady had just sent it not long ago. Jiang Hanye smiled. He picked up the lotus seed soup and sipped it slowly. He picked up the book and read it again.

This book is alive. This is the feeling of Jiang Hanye in recent days, because almost every day, the pictures in the book are changing. He now knows why Luo Ri wanted to collect this book as a treasure.

Now the picture is a baby. The baby is not Luo Ri. According to Jiang Hanye's view, the baby in the picture should be himself.

"Strange, can this book predict my past and future?" Jiang Hanye thought secretly while drinking porridge, "If so, wouldn't Luo Ri have known his future long ago?"

The baby grew up happily in a farm yard. Jiang Hanye couldn't help thinking of his adoptive father and mother and two brothers. He didn't know if they were okay under the spring, and whether those villagers who died in vain would hate him for this.

Although they were killed by Wu Dian, Jiang Hanye always vaguely felt in his heart that this matter seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Alas! Revenge, except revenge, everything is illusory!" Jiang Hanye sighed heavily and said to himself.