King of Martial Arts

Chapter 106 The Gate of Hell

After returning from the magic doctor, Jiang Hanye became more interested in the book, and he felt more and more that, as the magic doctor said, it was the book that chose him and Luo Ri. As long as he read it carefully, he would definitely get some inspiration from it.

At night, after practicing, Jiang Hanye sat at the table, approached the light, and looked through pages carefully. After twelve hours, the book changed the picture again. Looking at the old book, Jiang Hanye couldn't believe that this book was such a magical book.

The things on the picture scroll have gone beyond the scope that Jiang Hanye can recall. A snowy mountain, a long valley, shining green light in the valley, and a teenager with long hair is standing at the mouth of the valley with a ruler.

"Isn't this a Brahma ruler? Then this teenager must be me..." Jiang Hanye felt a little surprised as he looked at it. "When did this happen? Why don't I have any impression?

The more he looked down, the more surprised he was. That pile of things, every thing, was actually something that Jiang Hanye had not experienced.

A gust of wind blew in from the window, and the lamp jumped. Jiang Hanye covered the lamp head with his hand, slowly put down the book, and frowned and wondered, "Did I ever have amnesia when I was controlled by the broken soul bead?" Jiang Hanye didn't think about superfluous, because he had had such a situation several times before. Every time he woke up, the enemy was dead, but he didn't know anything.

"But even if it happened when I lost my memory, what about these places? Why is it so strange?" Jiang Hanye frowned and said, "I have never been to these places..." He took stock of the places he had been to in his heart, Wuniu Village, Wuniu Mountain, Wanjian Villa, Woniu Town... The farthest is Mount gui, but no matter where it is, there is no snow mountain...

"Snow mountain?!!!" Suddenly, Jiang Hanye's heart tightened. Isn't Kunlun Mountain, where he is now a snowy mountain covered with snow all year round? Is it possible that what is drawn on this scroll is what is happening now? Or... what will happen to him in the future?

"If so, it's really amazing. Unfortunately, Luo Ri is no longer there, otherwise I really have to inquire about where he got this book..." Jiang Hanye thought excitedly. But he was a little confused. Since this book can reveal a person's past and future, and Luo Ri must have read it, why did he die resolutely?

After thinking about it, there is only one answer. This book is gradual and changes every other day. The only explanation is that soon after Lori got the book, he left Kunlun Mountain and went to the place where he killed him.

"He actually gave me this book..." Jiang Hanye thought of Luo Ri and felt sad. After all, the special relationship between him and Luo Ri, which was closer than his own brothers, made them still have a close connection even after Luo Ri disappeared forever.

Since this book can reveal the past and the future, Jiang Hanye became more and more excited. He thought secretly, "Doesn't I know everything about my future with this book?" So can I avoid bad things that tend to benefit me?

Thinking about it, Jiang Hanye was sleepless. He walked around the room with his hands on his back. For a moment, he didn't know how to hide this book.

"Forget it, no one else can understand the mystery of this book anyway, can it?" Jiang Hanye wanted to hide the book, but whether it was hidden under the bed, the dark compartment of the wardrobe, or in his arms, he thought it was inappropriate. On the contrary, he suddenly remembered that only he and Luo Ri could understand this book, and there was no need to hide it at all, so he laughed dumbly: "Jiang Hanye, Jiang Hanye, Jiang Hanye When did you become such a small-belly person?

Jiang Hanye walked to the window. He wanted to see the bright moon in the mountains, but unfortunately he didn't know where it was in Kunlun Mountain. He didn't see the sun and the moon all year round. Sometimes Jiang Hanye couldn't help but be curious: "People who cultivate the truth, whether it is the right way and magic, use the absorption of the essence of the sun and the moon as a means of purifying themselves. How on earth are they going to practice?"

"Why don't I walk around the places mentioned in this book? But I don't know why that happened?" Jiang Hanye stood in front of the window and blew a cold wind, and his mind suddenly woke up a lot. In fact, he had never known what the purpose of this book was, but he only knew his past and future. What's the use? As the magic doctor said, people's lives are doomed, so what can they do if they know? It's better to face it calmly.

Now Jiang Hanye doesn't think so. His heart pounded, and his chest was suddenly filled with curiosity: "If I go to the place I will go in the future in advance, I don't know what will happen?" Thinking about it, he hurried to the table, picked up the book and thought about it carefully again.

The content of the book is about Jiang Hanye in a snowy mountain canyon. He frowned and meditated. This canyon does not seem to be where he is. Most of it should be in this Kunlun Mountain, but where is it?

"I'd better wait for the opportunity to ask the pink lady!" Jiang Hanye knew that it was useless to think so blindly. After all, in this vast mountains of Kunlun, he was only familiar with this corridor and this stone room.

"What?" While doing needlework, the pink lady said, "Canyon? Let me think about it."

This is a sunny morning. Jiang Hanye has looked up countless times when it is so sunny, but it can't be seen where the sun shines from.

"Yes, a canyon, and you can see a high mountain next to it." Jiang Hanye once again described what he saw in the book to the pink lady.

"Is this canyon? There are too many in Kunlun Mountain, but I don't know which one you want to ask?" The pink lady focuses on her needlework. Sometimes Jiang Hanye really doesn't understand which side is the real face of the pink lady? Is it the hot-tempered and unruly woman, or the woman who is as gentle as water, like a good wife and mother?

"Let me have a look." Jiang Hanye frowned and thought for a moment, then opened the book again and watched it carefully. Twelve hours were about to arrive, and he had to remember this place before that.

"There seems to be a stone tablet, with several big words engraved on the stone tablet..." Because the picture was too vague, Jiang Hanye tried to identify it, but still could only barely see these things.

"What? Stone tablet?" After listening to Jiang Hanye's words, the pink lady raised her head in surprise. Her mouth, which was not much bigger than cherry, opened slightly and stared at Jiang Hanye. After a long time, she asked, "Young master, where did you hear this?"

"From..." Jiang Hanye just wanted to say that it was seen from the book, but he thought that the pink lady could not see those pictures at all. Even if she said it, it was useless. Maybe it would be difficult to explain, so he changed his words and said, "It was Luo Ri who told me." He thought to himself, "This ability was left to me by Lori, so it's equivalent to what he told me, right?"

"Oh..." The pink lady said gently and lowered her head. She could see that when she mentioned Luo Ri, her heart was still very uncomfortable.

"What did he say to you?" The pink lady asked again, which seemed to be inadvertent, but it brought up the memories of the two people about Luo Ri.

Jiang Hanye frowned. Yes, what has he communicated with Luo Ri? In fact, when I think about it, the guy named Luo Ri seems to be sarcastic. What impressed him most about Luo Ri is the lazy voice.

Jiang Hanye recalled it carefully and said, "He told me that he and I were actually alone, and he also told me that I couldn't pass this fifteen years old at all."

Hearing this, the pink lady was shocked again. She looked up at Jiang Hanye and seemed to be unable to believe it: "15 years old? Why? Are you a little over 14 years old this year?

Jiang Hanye nodded. This pink lady was so interesting that she remembered his age so clearly that she didn't know where she heard it from.

"For some special reasons." Jiang Hanye sighed, "What's more, the magic doctor said that in life, everything is doomed..."

"Doomed? That's not necessarily. Didn't you hear a word? It's called Man Dingshengtian..." The pink lady said disdainfully, "That magic doctor doesn't know why he lives all day long..."

"But he is always carefree... Alas, far away, pink girl, where is it?" Jiang Hanye woke up, and his thoughts were driven far away by the pink lady.

"There are many canyons in Kunlun Mountain, and many canyons are related vertically and horizontally, but I only know one canyon with stone tablets." The pink lady hesitated for a moment and whispered.

The pink lady has always been careless and speaks very loudly. It seems that she is so hesitant today, but it is rare. Jiang Hanye always felt that the pink lady didn't seem to want to tell him this, but this aroused his curiosity even more.

"So which canyon is it and where is it?" Jiang Hanye hurriedly asked.

"Gate of Hell." The pink lady spit out four words again.

"Gate of Hell?" Jiang Hanye was stunned. Just hearing the name, he felt cold on his back. Judging from the name, it should be gloomy and horrible, but judging from the things in the picture, the scenery there seemed to be very pleasant.

"Yes, I only know that there is such a place, but I don't know if the canyon you mentioned is the gate of hell." The pink lady said, and she suddenly cried softly. It turned out that she was poked by the tip of the needle. It seemed that she was indeed a little absent-minded. The pink lady simply put down her clothes, stared at Jiang Hanye, and said word by word, "Young master, listen, no matter who told you this, Luo Ri, or anyone else. In short, I don't want you to mention that place again, let alone allow you, understand?"

The pink lady's words were full of domineering, but Jiang Hanye's heart was very warm and moved. He couldn't remember how many years he had heard others talk to him like this. It felt like a loving mother was scolding her son.

However, the pink lady doesn't know enough about Jiang Hanye. His temper is famous for his stubbornness, especially at this age. The more he is not allowed to do it, the more itchy his heart will be.

"What's going on at the age of 15? I also vaguely heard what you said, is it..." The pink lady asked again.

"Nothing, just a little thing." Jiang Hanye said randomly that he didn't want unrelated people to get into this very headache and complicated thing, "Is that hell's door far from here?"

"How big is Kunlun Mountain? How far is the Gate of Hell from here." The pink lady naturally could see Jiang Hanye's thoughts. She said something faintly, then stood up and stretched out. In an instant, she returned to her previous appearance. After pinching Jiang Hanye's tender face, she giggled and went out.

This night, Jiang Hanye couldn't sleep over and over in **, and he also saw the pictures after that. It seemed that something happened to him in the valley. Although it was not a good thing, it didn't seem to be too bad. In this way, Jiang Hanye's heart was even more itchy.

"If I can't find the last fragment before the deadline, everything will be in vain, and the dead will die in vain..." Jiang Hanye thought secretly, "Maybe this is the last place I'm going to go, or maybe the broken soul bead fragments are here?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Hanye could no longer lie down. He jumped up, put on a dress and went out. As he walked, he secretly saved words in his heart. If he was lucky enough to meet Luo Xingyun today, how could he tell this 'father' about it?

Speaking of which, Jiang Hanye may be really lucky today. Before he turned into the corridor of the Blood Demon Hall, he saw a light reflected from the front. The Blood Demon Hall is Luo Xingyun's territory. It seems that he came back today. However, Jiang Hanye took two steps and suddenly heard a quarrel. He couldn't help stopping at the corner and listening to the sound quietly.

"What the hell is going on?" This is the voice of the pink lady. She sounds very impatient and angry, so angry that she even ignores that the other party is the leader.

"This matter is none of your business. If you mind your own business, believe it or not, I won't let you see him in the future?" Luo Xingyun's voice was cold and had no feelings at all, but he was a little tired in the cold. He didn't know what he was busy with these days. Jiang Hanye couldn't remember how many days he hadn't seen him.

"Why is it none of my business? Don't forget..." When the pink lady was angry, her voice was very sharp and penetrating.

"Shut up!" Luo Xingyun interrupted her, "Don't make a basket for me at this critical moment. If you let him know about this, it won't be good for you, understand?" Who is the 'he' in Luo Xingyun's words? The more Jiang Hanye listened, the more curious he became.

"But he is going to that place, which is not a place to stay at all. If something happens, do you still have a chance to go..." The pink lady's voice was also lowered.

"Alas!" Luo Xingyun was speechless for a long time. He sighed and said to the pink lady, "Ok, I know. You go first. I have my own measure in this matter."

The more Jiang Hanye listened, the more he felt something was wrong. There must be something related to him. What on earth is it? He rushed out of the corner and strode to the Blood Demon Hall. He wanted to block the two of them before the pink lady left. He had to ask in person what was related to him.

The door of the Blood Demon Hall is open, and there seems to be no boundary. The lights inside are brilliant, and Luo Xingyun is sitting cross-legged in the shadow of the lamp. There was no decent furniture in the whole Blood Demon Hall. Luo Xingyun sat cross-legged on the futon, just under the statue.

"Are you here?" Luo Xingyun closed his eyes slightly, but as if he saw Jiang Hanye, he slowly asked.

"Hmm!" Jiang Hanye answered and looked around the hall. He wanted to find the pink lady. From here to the corner, there is no other fork in the corner. The pink lady can only turn the corner and pass the place where he came. When she came, Jiang Hanye didn't see the pink lady, which means that she was still here, right? But strangely, Jiang Hanye looked at the whole Blood Demon Hall, but did not find the shadow of the pink lady.

"What are you looking for?" Luo Xingyun said slowly, "Since you're here, come in."

Jiang Hanye raised his foot and walked into the Blood Demon Hall. There were doors on all four walls of the Blood Demon Hall, but those doors fit perfectly with the walls. If it hadn't been for the people who had been mixed here for a long time, they would not have been able to tell which was the wall or the door.

"Where's the pink girl?" Jiang Hanye asked bluntly, "I just heard her voice."

"Pink girl?" Luo Xingyun was stunned. It was probably the first time he heard someone call a pink lady like this. "She went out. Why didn't you see it?"

"Don't lie to me!" Jiang Hanye said, "I didn't see her at all."

"With her cultivation and speed, if she passes by you and doesn't want to be discovered by you, it's too simple." Luo Xingyun said slowly.

Jiang Hanye was stunned. Luo Xingyun was right to say that. He couldn't think of any other words for a moment. Suddenly, he thought of his purpose of coming here, so he said to Luo Xingyun, "I want to ask you a question."

"Ask." Luo Xingyun's voice was full of fatigue and helplessness.

"Did Lori mention to you about the Gate of Hell?" Jiang Hanye asked directly. He knew that Luo Ri was Luo Xingyun's favorite son, and he also knew that he would never be as good as Luo Ri. Although maybe he was also Luo Xingyun's son, he knew that Luo Xingyun would feel very painful when he heard the word Luo Ri, but the more so, the more he wanted to mention it.

"No." This time, Luo Xingyun's reaction was very plain, a little out of Jiang Hanye's expectation.