King of Martial Arts

Chapter 177 Wangjing Town

"How long will it take! Oh, my God! Buddha, true god..." Jin Danzi sat on the ground breathlessly, and white smoke began to come out of his head. From the nightfall, he followed Jiang Hanye into Luoshui City, and now it was the next afternoon, and they still did not clean up the walking corpses here.

All people's true energy is almost exhausted, and the immortals can't be consumed continuously like this. Now Jiang Hanye, Shizhen, Cen Ruoqiu and Jin Danzi are hiding on the second floor of an abandoned restaurant. The walking corpses nearby have been wiped out by them, but they don't know how long it will take to do such a thing.

Jiang Hanye's face also showed fatigue. For the first time in more than five years, he felt so tired. The whole city of Luoshui is full of the smell of burnt and corruption, and the unique death of the walking corpse came from the distance: "Uh! Er..."

Fortunately, there were still some drinks in this restaurant. Shi Zhen carefully went to the kitchen and brought a jar of unknown wine. This kind of wine Jiang couldn't even look at it before, but now as soon as Shi Zhen opened the mud at the mouth of the wine jar, he immediately smelled the aroma of wine.

"Take a bite!" Shi Zhen said with a wry smile.

"Aren't you a Buddhist disciple?" Jiang Hanye took a look at Shizhen and said coldly.

"The wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and it is left in the Buddha's heart." Shi Zhen said with a smile.

Shi Zhen held the wine jar, took a big sip of it, and then handed the jar to Jiang Hanye. Jiang Hanye never drinks a glass of wine with anyone, but now is not the time to pay attention to those things. He took the wine jar, hesitated for a moment, turned the jar around, found a place that Shizhen's mouth had not touched before, took a big sip at his mouth, and then handed the wine jar to Cen Ruoqiu. After Cen Ruoqiu took over the wine jar, he drank it without thinking about it.

"Ah! Good wine!" After drinking, Jin Danzi wiped his mouth and said with a smile.

"It's gone." Jiang Hanye looked at Jin Danzi's blue and red face and frowned.

"How about it?" Shi Zhen asked curiously.

"This guy can't drink. If he drinks, he will be crazy." Jiang Hanye said helplessly that everyone was very tired just now, and for a moment he actually forgot this stubble.

Sure enough, before Jiang Hanye finished speaking, Jin Danzi had thrown away his cane and climbed out from under the table (because of fear before, Jin Danzi had always been hiding under the table) and sang while dancing. Not only that, but he also began to take off his clothes. You should know that Jin Danzi hasn't taken off this robe since the day Jiang Hanye met him.

"Uh..." Shizhen was embarrassed, "So that's it. If I had known it, I would have given him a drink..."

"Forget it, the world has become such a mess. Do you mind doing so much?" If it had been in the past, Jiang Hanye would have come forward to beat Jin Danzi. Today, he is surprisingly tolerant.

"Also, take a rest and restore your strength. We still have a very difficult task to do." Shi Zhen said with a smile.

Cen Ruoqiu's eyes have been staring at the floor. Her beautiful white skirt has been stained with some dark green disgusting mucus because of mana consumption. After all, Cen Ruoqiu is a girl, and girls love beauty. At this moment, she is silently wiping the mucus with a veil. Her eyes flowed like water, making Jiang Hanye dare not look at her more.

"Sister Cen, are you feeling better? If not, you can wait here first, and we..." Shi Zhen saw that Cen Ruoqiu's face didn't look good, so he said.

"What?" Jiang Hanye frowned, "Miss Cen is sick?"

"Well, it's a very strange disease. I often have headaches and dizziness. It was especially serious some time ago." Shi Zhen said with a worried face, "You know, if we practitioners are sick, it will be difficult..."

"It's not a disease." Cen Ruoqiu, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

"What is that?" Jiang Hanye stared at Cen Ruoqiu's face. He vaguely felt that she seemed to have something to say to herself.

"I met an old beggar." Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

Jiang Hanye's heart moved, and his lips moved, but in the end he didn't open his mouth. He didn't want to say some words, and some things he didn't want to know so much. Maybe knowing it would only make people sad.

"Well, let's talk. I'll go to the roof to bask in the sun. There seems to be a good sun today." Shizhen stood up very knowingly, reached out and picked up the golden elixir, who was wearing a pair of trousers and dancing wildly beside him, and suddenly flew out of the window.

"He said, I'm not sick." Cen Ruoqiu said slowly.

"Oh." Jiang Hanye finally said, "It's good if you're not sick. You know, in such a world now, we can't tolerate any mistakes, because we can only rely on ourselves, if we all..."

"Don't you want to know what's wrong with me?" Cen Ruoqiu directly interrupted Jiang Hanye's words and stared into his eyes and asked.

"I'm not very interested in other people's privacy." Jiang Hanye said lightly. He reached out and played with the wine jar, in which there was still a little wine left. The ** was colliding with the pottery jar, making a pleasant and crisp sound.

"He told me that my soul was being taken." Cen Ruoqiu tried to attract Jiang Hanye's attention in the simplest language. Jiang Hanye always looks deep and cold, even when facing her. And Cen Ruoqiu herself is also that kind of girl with strong self-esteem. Jiang Hanye's attitude towards her made her heart feel tingling. Does it have to be like this? Does it have to be like this? Today, Cen Ruoqiu wants to take this opportunity to make a scene.

"What?" Sure enough, Jiang Hanye heard this and looked at her in surprise, "Can you tell me in detail if it's convenient?"

"Do you remember the girl we met in the Western Regions? The old beggar said that she was dead, she was my previous life, and she needed to take back her soul. Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

The surprised expression on Jiang Hanye's face was gradually disappearing. He was confused by what Cen Ruoqiu said. Why was this matter related to Kan Cangyue? Is it actually a relationship between her and Kan Cangyue in the past and present life?

"Did he tell you what to do?" Jiang Hanye asked in silence for a moment.

Cen Ruoqiu shook his head slowly.

At this time, Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu only felt a flash in front of their eyes and a bang. A burden was thrown in and looked at it. It turned out to be Jin Danzi. Then Shi Zhen's figure appeared at the window. He looked at the two people with a joking smile on his face and said, "My good friend is here and ready to go to war."


After walking for a few days, there was a dead look everywhere, and Kan Cangyue was almost unbearable.

"What's going on in this world?" She muttered to herself, "Food is so easy to find, everywhere, but there are not many people alive. Can you tell me what happened?" Kan Cangyue stopped and said to the soul index hovering around her neck.

What can the white snake-like soul index say?

There is a huge city in front of it, called Wangjing, about 400 miles away from Luoshui City in Kyoto. It is located in the southeast of the capital. Kan Cangyue wandered from the Western Regions to Luoshui City, and wandered from Luoshui City to Wangjing. She hardly saw a living person along the way.

"Death is everywhere..." Kan Cangyue muttered, "Is death popular in this world?"

No one answered her.

A town closer to Kan Cangyue than Wangjing is a town that seemed to be very prosperous in the past. The town is also called Wangjing, but it is not Wangjing, but Wangjing Town. Because Wangjing City guards the southeast corner of the capital, its geographical location is very important. It has always been a must-have place for soldiers. Therefore, Wangjing City has a high, wide and strong wall, while Wangjing Town stands at the forefront of Wangjing City, which is also a relatively important military town.

Before approaching Wangjing Town, Kan Cangyue saw several rows of rejected horses. There should have been a team of guards there, but now those guards are lying on the horse and turned into dead bodies - or walking corpses.

Kan Cangyue has known that the walking corpses have an unexpectedly excellent sense of smell, so she was ready when she was about 100 feet away from the entrance of the town. She put on the bow and the arrows glittered on the bow string, and her eyebrows were also full of alert.


The unique sound of the walking corpses appeared. As expected, the first walking corpse appeared. He came out of the house closest to the intersection of the town and smelled while walking, following the smell of Kan Cangyue.

Along the way, Kan Cangyue found a strange problem.

Once she stayed in a private house, and the family finally became a walking corpse. These walking corpses were also attacking her, but when they approached Kan Cangyue, they tried to sniff, and finally gave up and made a very disappointed voice and made a very annoying mechanical expression. Even if they gave up Kan Cangyue, Kan Cangyue still killed one at sight. Her moon god bow seems to be very effective against the walking corpses. As long as she shoots, those walking corpses will immediately disappear.

More walking corpses appeared behind the walking corpse. Gradually, one, two, three... seven or eight, more than a dozen. These walking corpses, er, er, shouted and came out from the mouth of the town that refused the horse and came to meet Kan Cangyue.

Kan Cangyue looked at them and suddenly felt as if she had seen another self. There was a kind of compassion and sadness in her heart, which made her look more haggard and gloomy.

The speed of the walking corpse was very slow at first. When they were about to get close to Kan Cangyue, they suddenly accelerated their speed and rushed to her. Kan Cangyue did not panic. She had nothing to be afraid of. The only reason why she wanted to kill these walking corpses was to give the living people a chance to continue to live.

The first walking corpse was wearing a short shirt. His clothes were quite complete and his body was also strong and tall. He looked like a blacksmith, because he ran out of the blacksmith's shop. The walking corpse ran to Kan Cangyue and suddenly stopped. He tried his best to sniff, made a cackle of disgust, turned around and began to walk to the field beside the road. The walking corpses are moving aimlessly. They will neither feel hungry nor tired. As long as they can still move, they will keep walking. Unless they feel bored, they may lurk in a corner.

Kan Cangyue looked at the back of the walking corpse and suddenly thought, "When he was alive, he may be a very handsome man. Should he have a beautiful wife and lovely children?" She slowly raised her hand, aimed at the walking corpse's vest, and shot the arrow.

With a bang, the walking corpse was shot by an arrow. He struggled and howled and turned into a ball of ashes in front of Kan Cangyue. Maybe they were scared by the screams of the walking corpse, or maybe Kan Cangyue was not attractive at all to the walking corpse at all. In short, the dozen walking corpses behind were stunned and stopped. After a pause, they turned around and scattered in all directions.


After a burst of arrow rain, these walking corpses who ran out of the town were cleaned up by Kan Cangyue. She looked up and looked ahead. The town was not small. If it were normal, there would be at least 3,000 or 5,000 people in the town, which could catch up with a small county. Such a town would not have only a dozen walking corpses.

"Let's meet them." Kan Cangyue said.

Now Kan Cangyue is used to talking to the soul index, which can at least make her feel less lonely.

When she entered the mouth of the town, Kan Cangyue smelled a burning smell, which was mixed with a strong smell of corruption. In addition, she also felt a few strong true qi. When she went inside, Kan Cangyue heard someone talking in the street next to her.

"Haha, I said, eighth brother, is this job actually quite easy..." The voice of an obscene man.

"Well, kill a group of dead people and then burn them." Another said.

"I said, why don't we have some fun!" The third person said.

"Four, there are four people here..." Kan Cangyue felt darkly, and soon she distinguished from this messy true qi that each of the four realms has its own heights and lows, but they are all floating in the three layers of the day after tomorrow.

"Who are they?" Kan Cangyue frowned and said secretly. In fact, Kan Cangyue is very happy no matter who she is, because this is the first time she has heard a living person talking in a few days.


Kan Cangyue faintly heard the sound of the ball turning. She was curious, so she quietly jumped to the roof and observed secretly from a high place.

Four men in red robes were in the street. They laughed and held all kinds of magic weapons in their hands. These people exuded light anger, and their eyes were also red. Kan Cangyue tried to search for her memory, and she recalled that these guys should be from the Blood Demon God.

Although Kan Cangyue would not often go out of the mountain when she was alive, there is a real cultivation spectrum in her family, which records the various cultivation schools in martial arts from ancient times to the present, as well as their respective characteristics. At present, these four people are in line with the characteristics of the Blood Demon Religion: when they go out to carry out on missions, they will take blood-thirsty elixir. This elixir will improve their cultivation in a short period of time, and the medicinal properties will last for three days, and they will return to their original state after three days. After taking bloodthirsty elixir, people will become bloodthirsty and cruel, their pupils will turn red, and they will only listen to the elixir's command.

In the middle of these four Blood Demons, there was a headless walking corpse with a broken arm. His head was on the ground and he was kicked around at the feet of the four people.

"Hahaha, myna, look at him like a pig, so stupid!" A short man laughed and kicked his head away, and the headless walking corpse staggered in the direction of his head flying away.

"Bullshit, you stinky boy, what kind of pig, you are simply insulting the pig. Is he obviously a headless fly?" The fattest person is the so-called myna. He is the most angry. Obviously, he is the little leader of the four people and the highest among them.

The skull rolled on the ground, from east to west, from south to north, the headless walking corpse was like a poor puppy, teased by them. Not far behind the four people, a pile of firewood is burning, and many walking corpses are struggling on the firewood.

"It seems that they used fire to destroy the walking corpses." Kan Cangyue looked at it quietly.

These walking corpses actually can't threaten the practitioners. They can only hurt innocent civilians. At least so far, the walking corpses that Kan Cangyue has come into contact with are like this.

But even if they are walking corpses, they don't have to be insulted like this, right? Kan Cangyue looked at it, and an anger rose in her heart.

"Okay, that's enough!" The eighth brother kicked the head of the walking corpse away, drew an arc on his head, and fell into the fire far away. The walking corpse hurriedly caught up with him, ran all the way, and ran to the fire to pounce on his head. However, could the flame resist? Before long, the walking corpse was full of flames and was about to turn into ashes.

"Okay, let's look separately to see if there are any fish that have leaked the net." The eighth brother ordered.

"Yes!" Several people were about to disperse when suddenly someone felt that the atmosphere here seemed to be wrong. They looked up and saw a woman in white standing quietly on the roof.

Under the gray sky, the woman's complexion was also gray. A gust of wind blew her clothes, and her cloud-like hair also fluttered in the wind. Although the distance was far away and she could not really see her face, the four men felt that she must be a great beauty.

"Yoho! Where did the little girl come from? Is she so afraid of death? The eighth brother smiled ferociously. He put away the axe in his hand and wiped the saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, eighth brother, if you run out of it today, why don't you give her to us!" Another man laughed.

"That's because myna is so righteous that he will definitely not forget our brothers!"

"Hahaha!" Several men smiled presumptuously, and their eyes were like a sharp dagger, peeling off Kan Cangyue's clothes one by one. In their minds, Kan Cangyue was already a naked woman.