King of Martial Arts

Chapter 195 Augusthan

The night is dark and foggy, and the gray yellow of the day is set off by the firelight.

Jiang Hanye held a bowl and chopsticks and ate dinner slowly. Dinner is very simple, rice soup and dried vegetables. When they go out, they can only bring some good things to preserve, and there is really nothing to eat now.

"Lord...Master, didn't you say there were guests coming?" Jin Danzi came to Jiang Hanye with his rice bowl and asked in a low voice, "But it's been a long time. Why haven't you seen him yet?"

"Wow!" Xiaobai also roared twice, as if he was responding to Jin Danzi.

Jiang Hanye said faintly, "Jin Danzi, haven't you learned to wait patiently after living for hundreds of years? I really doubt how you spent more than 100 years when you were locked up by Luo Xingyun. After saying that, Jiang Hanye turned his head and smiled at Jin Danzi. The smile was as dazzling as the bright starlight in the night sky, which made everyone stunned.

Jin Danzi was particularly surprised. The reason why he was surprised was that Jiang Hanye was actually joking with him. This has never happened in many lifetimes. Jiang Hanye's smile made Jin Danzi excited. He came closer to Jiang Hanye and said with a smile, "Master, just smile at you. I don't care about Jin Danzi's broken bones!" The little white hidden in the thick fog grinned. If it could speak, he would probably say, "What a bitch!"

The fog is getting thicker and colder.

According to theory, people who cultivate the truth should not be afraid of the cold and heat, but the coldness on the grassland is piercing, which makes people feel cold from the outside their hearts. Jin Danzi and Linger feel cold and wrap their clothes tightly. That's all right. The key is Jiang Hanye. Now he has reached the middle of the spiritual death period, and he actually feels cold. When he got up, his eyes suddenly changed.


There was a hissing sound of a horse in the thick fog, accompanied by a sound of nose and a crisp horseshoe. These sounds showed that there was only a horse hidden in the thick fog, not a group of horses like before.

A horse? Jiang Hanye knew in his heart that the horse would never be alone unless there was another person on the horse.

The sound of the horse's hoof was getting closer and closer, which soon confirmed Jiang Hanye's speculation: this is a skeleton horse, but even a skeleton is fully equipped, and the golden saddle is even more dazzling in the firelight. On the back of the horse sat a neat-looking general. He was wearing thick armor and a pointed high-top helmet. His whole face was covered by the helmet and could not be seen clearly. Only a long gray beard emerged from under the helmet. Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, Jiang Hanye still saw his hand holding the weapon, which was a skeleton-like arm with no skin and flesh at all, as if the man had been dead for a long time.

There are many such things. Since the outbreak of the plague, there have been many skeletons crawling out of the grave. It was these skeletons that attacked living people that accelerated the spread of the plague.

"Wow, a general!" Jin Danzi jumped up. He was very interested in the past, such as what happened thousands of years ago, such as some barnical history.

"But...but, Elder Jin..." Linger pulled Jin Danzi's arm tremblingly and whispered, "Don't you think he has a good impression on us at all?"

"Good impression? Who will have a good impression on anyone for no reason these days? Look at the master. I guess the whole world owes him two taels of silver!" Jin Danzi, who was fascinated by Jiang Hanye's bright smile, was completely carried away at this time. He touched his goatee and said, "Wow, if these people had returned all the money, it would be enough to prepare a dowry for Linger."

"I, I won't marry!" Although she knew it was a joke, Linger still blushed after hearing this. She muttered, "I will serve you for the rest of my life."

"Yo..." Jin Danzi smiled jokingly and didn't know that he had already been in danger.

The general on the horse's back holds a long knife in his hand, inlaid with eight huge copper rings on the back of the knife. Every step will shake and collide with the footsteps of the skeleton horse, making a tinkling sound. He couldn't help spitting white air out of his mouth. As he approached, Jiang Hanye and others also felt that the cold was getting deeper and deeper.

Although he knew that this person was not simple, Jiang Hanye was still sitting as steady as Mount Tai. However, Xiao Bai couldn't stand it and suddenly rushed out and barked at the skeleton horse. The horse didn't seem to be able to see where Xiaobai was at all. Hearing Xiaobai's barking, it was not affected at all, and its footsteps were still steady. This horse is much better quality than the group of horses seen during the day today. Probably only people who match such horses are still domineering after death. Man, even if he is not a warrior, he is definitely an emperor of a generation.

"You!" The man on horseback stopped the reins when he was about one foot away from Jiang Hanye and pointed a knife at Jiang Hanye and said something. Jiang Hanye couldn't understand, because he spoke Yuanmeng language.

"I know I know!" Jin Danzi was excited at this time. He quickly ran to Jiang Hanye, stood facing him, pretending to be the knife with the chopsticks in his hand, and then pretended to be a horse with a human cane. He pointed to Jiang Hanye and said to the general, "You!"

Jiang Hanye looked at Jin Danzi and then at the general. He suddenly felt that the general in front of him was very much like a person, that is, the resurrected general he met at the 'Ghost Gate'.

"I'm so stupid!" Thinking of this, Jiang Hanye couldn't help scolding himself in his heart, "Since then, I should have been vigilant. Now think about it, isn't that the general the first walking corpse?"

However, now is not the time to scold himself, because there is another enemy standing in front of him, and although this enemy does not exude any murderousness and anger, it gives Jiang Hanye considerable pressure, which makes him feel a little difficult. Among all enemies, except for ghosts, this The man is the only opponent who makes him feel difficult.

"#¥......%¥%..." The man on horseback pointed to Jiang Hanye and said a few words. Naturally, he couldn't understand. Fortunately, there was Jin Danzi.

"Master, he..." After listening to what this person said, Jin Danzi was stunned and speechless for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hanye rarely sees any obstacles that Jin Danzi encounters in terms of language.

"He..." Jin Danzi said him too many times, so he bit his tongue fiercely. He stamped his feet with tears in pain. There was a word on his mouth, but he just couldn't say it.

"Senior..." Linger was originally scared by this man and has been hiding behind Jiang Hanye and Jin Danzi. Now she is also surprised to see Jin Danzi's appearance, "What's wrong with you? Can't you understand what he said? It doesn't matter, the master won't blame you..."

"No... No, he is the famous Yuanmeng Emperor, a generation of proud August Khan!" Jin Danzi finally said it in one breath.

"Agus Khan?" Jiang Hanye was shocked to hear this. He did not believe in Jin Danzi, but in his ears.

Augusthan, everyone knows it in the whole continent of Shenzhou, and even the old and weak women and children in the streets and alleys have heard of him. He is a national hero and an outstanding leader on the Yuanmeng grassland. He led the Yuanmeng iron horse to go north and south to the east and west, and almost set foot on all the territory outside the Chen Dynasty. It can be said that he is invincible. He is known as the eagle on the grassland and Augusthan of a generation.

is such a heroic emperor, but he hates the art of cultivation, which also directly leads to the lack of contact between people in the cultivation world on the Yuanmeng grassland. Everyone is martial, and the whole nation lives on horseback.

Augusthan died about 50 years ago. His age needs to be verified. Some say that he died at the age of 50, and some say that he lived over the age of 70. However, these are not important. The important thing is that he founded the Yuanmeng Empire, unified the nomads who have been wandering on the grassland for thousands of years, reduced the war and strife, and achieved A generation of hegemony. People buried him in Tiandu, which is also the capital of the Yuanmeng Empire and is said to be the closest place to the heart of the gods. In Tiandu City, the highest and most luxurious place is not the palace, but the tomb of Augusthan.

Rumor has it that the tomb of Augustus Khan's mausoleum is as deep as 100 feet, and the tombs are criscrossed all over the earth. The whole tomb road is curved, like a deep labyrinth. Over the years, there have been many masters of gold tomb robbers who want to explore the mausoleum. Unfortunately, they have gone there more times, even if they are lucky enough to come out of the mausoleum. After coming out, people will only say one sentence: "It's so deep!"

If the man in front of him is Augusthan, that is to say, he was not spared. He was infected by the walking plague and broke out of the mausoleum.

In the face of such a king, Jiang Hanye suddenly felt infinite sadness in his heart. He was born in the world like duckweed ants for several years. Look at this August Khan, who was once such a powerful hero when he was alive, but after his death, he was still an ugly withered bone. If it hadn't been for this plague, he would have been buried deep in the ground at this moment. How could there be a day to see the sun again?

Thinking of Luo Xingyun, who had just died, Tao Bo, his former mentor, Xiaoyu lying alone in the ice coffin, and Xiaoyu, who is still missing, Jiang Hanye's heart is full of sadness. When there is sadness in his heart, the best way to relieve him is to get drunk and cry again. Unfortunately, now Jiang Hanye has learned to bury all his feelings in his heart. Even now, his heart is like a sea of rage and sadness, but his face is still as calm as before, and no one can see a trace from his face. A little bit of emotion. Jin Danzi often said some small words behind his back, which was nothing more than that he was inhumane, ruthless and so on, but although those were small words, they were not all wrong.

Jiang Hanye stood up, stared at August Khan, and said calmly, "Jin Danzi."

"There!" Jin Danzi responded quickly.

"Teach him that dust returns to dust and dirt returns to earth. After all, he is a generation of heroes, and I also respect him, so please ask him to come from and go back. The world no longer belongs to him." Jiang Hanye said slowly.

Jin Danzi's face turned pale. Although Augusthan was not a true man, he was also a hero when he was alive. He often galloped and fought among millions of troops without retreating. There was once such a thing: when August Khan led the army to the east, an island country called Dongxi sent a The assassination team composed of three second-level warriors went to assassinate him. At that time, Augusthan happened to have no guards and was under siege. However, in the end, all three died under the sword of Augusthan. At that time, this matter was known by all walks of life and were shocked. You should know that an ordinary person, no matter how good his martial arts are and how strong his physique is, he can't defeat a martial artist. Even if he is a martial artist in the first floor, August Khan is still one against three, and he is still three martial artists in the second level.

At that time, the three supreme factions were all there. They had discussed in private that this August Khan had such a physique and talent. If he could embark on martial arts, I'm afraid that in a few years, there would be one more master in the world. It's a pity!

Jin Danzi stammered forward, coughed twice, and told Augusthan what Jiang Hanye said word for word. Of course, he also added some rhetorical honorifics appropriately so as not to anger the proud son of heaven.

Augusthan sat on the horse, and the knife was on the back of the horse in front of him, quietly listening to Jin Danzi's paraphrase. Although he was neatly dressed and his head was wrapped in a helmet. He could not see his face clearly, but he gave people an extremely serious and solemn feeling. Through the helmet, Jiang Hanye could see Augustus. Sweaty eyes. Those two eyes are obviously not the appearance of ordinary people. There are no black and white eyes, but only a layer of gray light. From the light, Jiang Hanye read sadness and confusion. He has seen such eyes, from the eyes of the resurrected general, and from the eyes of Kan Cangyue, which are for death. Helpless, nostalgia for life.

Augusthan was silent for a long time, and even the horse under his seat stood still, standing there quietly, as if thinking and waiting. August Khan did not speak, and Jiang Hanye was silent. He felt that there was no need to be an enemy of this dead generation.

I don't know how long it took, Augusthan finally opened his mouth. He slowly said a lot of words, then picked up the knife, stood upside down behind, and made a gesture of preparing for war.

"Master, this Augusthan said that he came out of the grave and saw the haze over the Yuanmeng grassland and the sadness of the people. He felt very sorry for everyone. He felt that it was his death that caused such a thing, so he wanted to protect the grassland until he died again. Go. He also said..." Jin Danzi said this, and he hesitated. He hesitated and refused to say the second half of the sentence. Fortunately, this August Khan was very heroic. He refused to take action when the enemy was not ready, even if he launched a huge war. August Khan has always relied on My courage and courage, as well as super cohesion, to lead the army.

"Tay!" Jiang Hanye ordered in a low voice.

"He said that he wants to drive away all the invaders and expand the whole empire. Today... I will take you today..." Jin Danzi stammered.

Jiang Hanye frowned. This Augusthan is still ambitious. Do you want to do something?

"And..." Jin Danzi said again, "He said that the master had what he needed, which was what his friend told him to find out from the master..."

"Is it a ghost again?" Jiang Hanye sneered. He has long known that the ghost is not dead and has been looking for him. Now it can be seen from Augusthan that the ghost has been secretly manipulating all disasters.

Augusthan's car hoofed, and he himself raised his knife and shouted loudly. This sound was like thunder, majestic and bold, as if he wanted to wake up the whole grassland.

Jiang Hanye looked at Augusthan and said, "It seems that this battle is inevitable. In this case, don't blame me for being rude."

Jin Danzi hurriedly relayed Jiang Hanye's words, and then whispered to Jiang Hanye very quickly, "Master, this August Khan was extremely brave, and even more unpredictable after his death. You must be careful and be careful. Linger and I will leave our lives to you!" After saying that, he turned around and took Linger's hand and trotted all the way to watch from afar.

Jiang Hanye rose up, stopped in mid-air, and looked at Augusthan from the air. The khan was constantly surging out with black gas, which soon enveloped him. The big knife in his hand also began to change, becoming golden and dazzling. The skeleton horse's four-shoe ankles began to produce flames, and the light blue flame burned, almost swallowing half of the horse's body, and even Augusthan's boots disappeared in the flames.

Against the backdrop of flames and black gas, the cold iron armor on Augusthan's body can almost reflect the human face. He strangled the reins, shouted, and rushed to Jiang Hanye.

In the face of Augusthan's powerful momentum, Jiang Hanye sacrificed the Brahma ruler without delay. He silently recited the spell. The Brahma ruler drew a cyan arc in the air and hit the horse of war against August Khan. Its speed was as fast as the wind and as thunder.

When Augusthan was alive, he never retreated on the battlefield and always rushed forward. Even the scars on his body were on his chest and never appeared on his back. Now facing Jiang Hanye's Brahma ruler, he still ignored it and hit it with a knife, but when he heard a loud noise, a burning spark broke out when the knife collided with the Brahma ruler, and the whole grassland seemed to tremble.

In this way, Augusthan held a knife and was deadlocked with the Brahma ruler.

"Strange, even if he is Augusthan, even if he is infected with the corpse plague, he is just more powerful than ordinary people. How can he be comparable to my Brahma ruler?" When Jiang Hanye saw this scene, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

With this question, Jiang Hanye couldn't help but begin to observe the armor and weapons in his hand. After careful observation, he was surprised to find that all the weapons and equipment on Augusthan had been spelled and added. Now anyone wearing this body can look like a martial artist. Comparable, of course, all this is only temporary, just like Jin Danzi, leaving the robe staff is almost equivalent to waste wood.

"It must be a ghost." Jiang Hanye said secretly in his heart.