King of Martial Arts

Chapter 197 Peach Blossom Fairy

Jin Danzi has lived for so long and knows what it means to change color for the first time.

The knife in Augusthan's hand is his usual weapon. More than 50 years later, this ordinary knife is still so brilliant in Augusthan's hand, no less than the magic weapon in the hands of any warrior. The knife rotated rapidly in Augusthan's hand, like the strongest hurricane, and everywhere the knife wind swept away, there were inches of weeds cut off.

Jiang Hanye did not use all his strength, because he respected a dead person. Although August Khan was just an emperor of the mortal world, all kinds of feats when he was alive were influenced by Jiang Hanye since he was a child. At that time, every time the villagers mentioned Augustan, their hearts would be furious. At that time, Jiang Hanye was still young. He thought to himself, why was such a hero not born in his country?

Now he really fought face to face with the great hero in his childhood, but he couldn't help but feel infinite sadness in his heart. At this time, he just wanted the dead hero to rest again and return to the place where he originally belonged to him, but so far Jiang Hanye has not come up with any kind of remains that can not hurt Augusthan. And the way to put his soul in peace, because the person in front of him is really doing his best to protect his grassland.

Although Augusthan said that he wanted to get something from Jiang Hanye, he knew that this was just a little trick played by ghosts behind his back. This guy is like this. When he is strong enough, he will personally come out to make trouble for Jiang Hanye and the world. When he is unable to do it, he will make trouble behind his back and instigate others to be his shield.

Augusthan's knife skills are exquisite, splitting up and down, rushing left and right, all showing his elegant demeanor in those years. And because the ghost has tampered with his equipment and weapons, August Khan's current combat effectiveness is comparable to that of Jiang Hanye, and even forced him to retreat many times.

"Master, don't be soft. He doesn't treat us as friends!" Jin Danzi jumped and shouted from afar, "He is dead. It doesn't matter if you beat him back into bone scum, but we are different. He sincerely wants to take us to the funeral!" Think about Linger, she hasn't married yet!" This guy often likes to be backed by Linger.

Although Jin Danzi's words were very rough, his words were not rough, and Jiang Hanye listened to his words.

"Fantian Curse!" Jiang Hanye used the unique move of the Brahma ruler, which is extremely exhausting. Its effect is to make the enemy's hands and feet paralyzed and unable to move. Although it is not a killing move, it is a very strong auxiliary move. The hitter will immediately fall down and unable to move. At this time, even an 80-year-old man with no power to bind chickens can easily kill it. Death.

The Brahma ruler rotated rapidly in the air, emitting a cyan light. In this cyan light, there are thousands of golden rays, like thorns, hitting Augusthan.

Agus Khan raised his horse, as if he also knew that the Brahma curse was not fun. The skeleton horse jumped left and right and dodged. Its body was extremely flexible, but it did not want the light of the Brahma ruler to approach its body. However, how could the Brahma ruler be so easy to avoid? If so, it can't be called an ancient murderer.

The skeleton horse dodged, and the Brahma ruler suddenly changed its appearance. The thousands of rays of light suddenly spread, forming an overwhelming net, buttoning to the person and one horse. Seeing the danger coming, the skull horse who was loyal to the Lord suddenly raised its hoof and roared and tried to run three or five steps (only these three or five steps are already the limit of its struggle to grab the Brahma ruler), and then raised its front hoof and overturned Augusthan on its back to the ground. At this time, the Brahma ruler light approached, and the skeleton horse squeared twice. The tweet fell to the ground.

Augusthan was overturned to the ground by his war horse and rolled on the ground. A carp stood up and looked back, but saw that the war horse had fallen to the ground. Despite Jiang Hanye was still there, he rushed to the front of the war horse and stroked the dead bones on the horse's neck and cried and howled. It can be seen that this man's feelings were deeply. Even Jiang Hanye, as an opponent, was moved by it.

Xiaobai has been fighting in appearance, because Jiang Hanye is not allowed to join. This battle is different from the past. In Jiang Hanye's view, this is a battle between men.

Jiang Hanye frowned, withdrew his Brahma ruler, and looked at the Augusthan without saying a word. Augusthan howled, but it did not give people a ridiculous feeling. He just felt that the hero was late, his ambition was difficult to reward, and it was a tragic scene in the world.

After crying for a moment, August Khan slowly stood up. The armor he wore was made of fine iron and weighed hundreds of pounds. Every step he took, his whole body would make a crashing sound of metal collisions. In addition, all his own domineering from the inside out could almost make a little less determined. The missing person will collapse to the ground involuntarily.

"#¥......%%......&!" Augusthan said something harshly. Although Jiang Hanye couldn't understand what he said, it could be guessed from his tone that Augusthan was very angry and angry.

"Lord...master..." Jin Danzi always automatically and consciously assumed the position of translation at this time. After listening to Augusthan's words, he struggled for a long time before stammering to Jiang Hanye, "He said that he would swallow you alive, use your skin as a war drum, bones as a drum, and your head as a wine cup. Dirty is used to sacrifice to the falcon... Master, he... he is angry!"


The night is long. Even if it is in a fairyland, Cen Ruoqiu can't sleep soundly.

The flower house and grass leaves look like a grass house outside, but the inside is very delicate and exquisite. Each piece of furniture is just right in the place where they should be placed. It is no more or less. It is very comfortable to live in. It is really the place of the immortals.

Lying on ** and smelling the fragrance of flowers outside the window, Cen Ruoqiu first couldn't sleep over and over, and then somehow fell asleep like this. In her sleep, she experienced unprecedented peace and tranquility. Subconsciously, she really wanted to live here all the time.

I don't know how long she slept. Cen Ruoqiu got up. Her spirit was already very full. She looked out of the window, but the sky was still full of stars, and it was still night here.

I couldn't sleep, so I simply went out, took a walk in the yard, enjoyed the flowers, and thought about how to go in the future.

Walking to the yard, Cen Ruoqiu found that there was a light under the kitchen, and he could see a busy figure at the door, as if he were cooking.

"Why, do the immortals also have to cook in the kitchen?" Cen Ruoqiu thought secretly. She was about to quietly walk to the kitchen door when she suddenly heard a soft voice.

"Immortals also have to experience it in person. Do you think you can eat what you conjured with casually?" The voice is full of breath, but there is no lack of gentleness. It is the voice of the peach blossom fairy coming from the kitchen. The kitchen was far away from Cen Ruoqiu, but she heard the sound clearly.

"Fairy..." Cen Ruoqiu walked to the kitchen, stood at the door, and said, "It's so late. Are you still cooking?"

"In this valley of forgetfulness, we have to eat five meals a day." The peach fairy answered without raising her head while being busy.

"Oh, I see." Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

"Why did you get up so early?" The peach blossom fairy is making a kind of pastry. The pastry is petal-shaped, small and exquisite. Although it is still in a steamer, the fragrance has already come to the nose, and the greedy people's stomachs are noisy and drooling.

"Hmm." Cen Ruoqiu nodded and said, "It's not dawn yet, but I feel that I have slept for a long time."

"How long have you been practicing martial arts?" The peach blossom fairy asked while adjusting the fire.

The question of the peach fairy made Cen Ruoqiu feel a little strange and good. How could he ask about the time of cultivation? Although Cen Ruoqiu's impression of the peach blossom fairy is not as good as that of the grass leaf master, she still answered politely: "Go back to the fairy, the little woman has been practicing for 15 years, and the time is still shallow."

In the world of cultivation, Cen Ruoqiu used to be the object of public attention. There are rumors about her intelligence, beauty and dust in all walks of life. There are many people who admire her. However, she is young and old and has a good mentality. Despite this, it is inevitable that she will have some different psychology. Now she has answered the peach fairy like this. Jing is very modest.

"Ha ha, fifteen years..." Peach Blossom Fairy smiled faintly after hearing this. "Five years may be a long time in the world. You must have suffered a lot from practicing with your master. Your qualifications are very good. Even in the fairyland, you are a rare wizard... So, do you think you are really Isn't it great? Do you have the problem of arrogance? Do you think it is your responsibility to save this world?

Every time the peach fairy speaks, her tone is kind and her smile is beautiful, but what she said is always harsh, which is more or less unacceptable to Cen Ruoqiu.

"Fairy, I think you misunderstood." Cen Ruoqiu took a deep breath, suppressed a sense of grievance and anger in his heart, and said, "I never thought how great I was, nor did I feel that I was a wizard, let alone that I had the ability to save the world. I just saw so many unfortunate innocent people, I would have compassion in my heart. This is also a person. In contrast, you are a fairy. As a scattered fairy, you don't care about the world. Even if you live together with heaven and earth, what can you do?

Cen Ruoqiu was outspoken for a moment and did not consider whether the words he said could reach people's ears. After saying it, he thumped in his heart and said secretly, "I'm really stupid and hopeless. If I offend the fairies here, will they still teach me how to deal with the plague?"

Just thinking about this, I heard the peach blossom fairy smile gently. She was really a fairy. Such a gentle smile actually made the room full of fragrance, which was the faint fragrance of peach blossoms, refreshing, even Cen Ruoqiu felt very comfortable in her heart, and then The grievance and depression disappeared in an instant.

"It's strange, so amazing..." Cen Ruoqiu thought to himself.

"You girl is also an outright person..." The peach fairy seemed to see through Cen Ruoqiu's thoughts at a glance. She smiled and said, "If you are hungry, take this peach blossom cake to taste. It tastes good. I usually make it once in half a month. This time it's a coincidence." After saying that, the peach fairy took a piece of cake with chopsticks and put it on the plate and handed it to Cen Ruoqiu.

Cen Ruoqiu took over the cake and said thank you. I don't know what to do.

"Go back and go back to the house to have a rest. The night and day in this emerald world are longer than those on earth. Although they are actually twelve hours, when people live here, all the time is slowed down. One hour is as long as the past three hours, so it's still early. If you can't sleep, you can think about what I said. After saying that, the peach fairy bowed her head and was busy with her snacks.

Back to the guest room, Cen Ruoqiu naturally couldn't sleep. She put the dishes on the table and sat down at the table. The pastry is small and exquisite, white and red, as clear as crystal. When she was in Baihua Valley before, she had never seen such a delicate dessert.

"Think about it..." Cen Ruoqiu frowned, held his cheeks, and said to himself sadly, "I don't agree with everything the Peach Blossom Fairy said. What do you think?"

"Think about it..." The voice of the peach fairy suddenly appeared in Cen Ruoqiu's ear, which shocked her.

"Who?" Cen Ruoqiu stood upright and looked around nervously, but after looking carefully for a long time, there was no peach fairy here. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps and the sound of opening and closing the door in the yard outside. Looking through the window, the peach fairy was walking from the kitchen into the living room with a box of cakes.

"Since it was just the voice of the peach blossom fairy, she must be by my side, but..." Cen Ruoqiu thought about it and was always puzzled. She shook her head fiercely, closed her eyes and began to meditate.

"The world is not my responsibility, and I don't have the ability to save the world..." After thinking about it, the only thing echoed in Cen Ruoqiu's mind was this sentence. Although this is not the original words of the peach blossom fairy, it is the meaning that Cen Ruoqiu understood from her words. Is there any value in thinking about such words?

I don't know how long it took, but Cen Ruoqiu still didn't understand this truth. She stared at the peach cake and suddenly wanted to eat it, so she picked up her chopsticks and twisted the peach cake and put it into her mouth. After a gentle bite, the cake is soft, glutinous and sweet, very refreshing. I don't know what ingredients are added, including the fragrance of glutinous rice, the uniqueness of peach blossoms, and the sweetness of honey...

"It turns out that this delicious food is not a material that can be completed..." Cen Ruoqiu thought to herself, the peach blossom cake only chewed a few times, and then turned into a sweet ** and flowed into her abdomen along her throat. In an instant, Cen Ruoqiu only felt that it was nothing more than the jade in the Yao pool...

"Delicious food can't be done with one material, so if you want to contain this corpse plague, it is naturally not something that a person can do..." Suddenly, this idea popped up in Cen Ruoqiu's mind. She suddenly stood up and walked around the room excitedly. Go, he said secretly, "It turns out that what the Peach Fairy has been saying to me is actually what it means. It's not my responsibility. It doesn't mean that I'm not responsible, but that the world is from all over the world. Naturally, we have to solve the problem together..."

"Have you figured it out? That's good, then, you can go back..." The voice of the peach fairy appeared in Cen Ruoqiu's mind again. She responded in her heart, "Fairy, please forgive the little woman for being ignorant before. Thank you for your advice."

"Ha ha, the world is a person of the world. Remember not to be strong. Strong will not have good results, but will do bad things with good intentions." Peach Fairy said with a smile, "You have a very high understanding. I will give you a book. You have to study well when you go back. Don't delay. In addition, if you want to enter the demon world, you must be fully prepared. I don't know how many friends you have to help, but you must make sure that you have a cultivation in the first infancy, otherwise don't think about it. Entering the demon world. This catastrophe is a catastrophe given to the world by God. Don't try to take any shortcuts. Remember that everything depends on your own strength.

"Yes, the little girl respects the teachings of the fairy." Although the Peach Blossom Fairy was not in front of Cen Ruoqiu, she still saluted deeply and said, "I just don't know how to get out."

"Everything is a dream, it's a dream..." The peach blossom fairy smiled and her voice gradually faded away.

"Fairy, please stay..." Cen Ruoqiu still has a lot to ask the peach fairy in her heart, for example, where her masters and sisters are locked up, whether they are alive or dead, and whether they are also infected with the walking plague. For example, how is Shizhen, who stayed in Xumi Mountain, is in his current situation, for example... There are too many, too many There are too many things to know and too many people to care about, but the voice of the peach fairy has faded after all.

Cen Ruoqiu rushed out and wanted to ask the peach fairy face to face. However, as soon as she stepped out of the threshold, she suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and somehow she fell down softly and fell asleep drowsily.

"Well..." Cen Ruoqiu reluctantly opened his eyes and saw the scenery around him. This is the bridge, the bridge leading to the Hundred Flowers Valley. There is no emerald world or the door of halo in front of him.

"Is all this just a dream for me?" Cen Ruoqiu said stunned, but everything didn't look like a dream, because she clearly smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms from her body. She didn't need rouge gouache, and only her natural body fragrance on her body. So where did this fragrance come from? Now the world is desolate, and there is a smell of rottenness left by walking corpses. This fragrance of peach blossoms is like a gift from the sky. There is only one explanation for its where it came from - the flower house of the peach blossom fairy.

"So it's true, that's great!" Cen Ruoqiu was overjoyed. At this time, her abdomen was no longer so empty. Her stomach was full, full of energy and physical strength. She called out the Hundred Flowers Sword and danced casually. The hundred flowers carried by the Hundred Flowers Sword reflected the space around her like a gorgeous rainbow.

"I have to hurry back, look at the situation in the valley, and then make a determination." Cen Ruoqiu said secretly.


"Uh..." Augusthan's throat made a unique sound of a walking corpse. His armor had been smashed by Jiang Hanye, and the black smoke on the knife gradually faded. The gray light in his eyes was like a flame that was about to burn out and was quietly weakening.

"Jin Danzi!" Jiang Hanye said, "Tell him to stop fighting. Tell him that it is not someone else who made this grassland like this, but the one who woke him up."

"Yes, master!" Jin Danzi responded from afar.

"Come forward!" Jiang Hanye ordered.

Where does Jin Danzi dare to go forward? He trembling and dared not move forward, but Linger pulled his clothes behind her and whispered, "Senior, go quickly. I'll be with you!"

Linger's words gave Jin Danzi strength. He nodded, swallowed his saliva, walked forward with a cane, and walked to Jiang Hanye's side. He stopped, cleared his throat, and talked Jiang Hanye's words to Augusthan, who was about to be defeated, but still refused to defeat.

"Uh..." The spell on Augusthan's body is gradually disappearing, and he will soon become an ordinary walking corpse. At this time, he tilted his head to listen to Jin Danzi. You know that the walking corpse can't speak or understand human language. Now Augusthan's language function is gradually changing. Disappear. Despite this, he still heard Jin Danzi's words. He stood stunned and said a few words.

"Master, he said: Why should I believe you?" Jin Danzi translated.

"I want to find that person and make the world back to its original." Jiang Hanye said, "I don't need others to trust me. I just do it." After saying that, he took the magic weapon and turned around and walked back. Unexpectedly, he didn't fight with Augusthan.

"Lord...master..." Jin Danzi was shocked when he saw this and hurriedly caught up and stammered, "Just don't fight like this? He will become a walking corpse.

"Even if he is a walking corpse, he is always a hero." Jiang Hanye is not going to do anything to this Augusthan. He can't do this.

Looking at Jiang Hanye's back, Augustus stood there in a while. After a moment, he suddenly shouted a few words loudly to Jiang Hanye, and then his hand bones clenched the handle of the knife. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and shot the knife on his head with his backhand.

"Master, he said that if what you said is wrong, he won't let you go!" Jin Danzi hurriedly translated. After hearing this, Jiang Hanye frowned and said nothing.

Jiang Hanye, who was walking in front of him, heard a crack. It was the sound of broken bones. His footsteps did not stop and he did not look back.

Jin Danzi and Linger naturally couldn't help but look at it, and they were shocked.

"Good boy, master, he clicked himself." Jin Danzi hurried a few steps and caught up with Jiang Hanye and said.

"I know that if he doesn't do this, it won't be Augusthan." Jiang Hanye said lightly.