King of Martial Arts

Chapter 208 Dispute

When Jiang Hanye connected with Lei Tian on the opposite side, Cen Ruoqiu, Kan Cangyue and Ji Yuan were nervous on the other side of the river, but their faces had to pretend to be nothing happened. The three of them sprinkled some A Hong's powder on their bodies according to A Hong's instructions, which could make their popularity be demonic. It is covered so that it will not be smelled by other monsters.

"What's going on?" Cen Ruoqiu muttered secretly, "Will you encounter any trouble?"

"What's going on?" Kan Cangyue muttered secretly in her heart, "Is there any trouble?"

The two people coincidentally thought of this problem and heard a familiar echo from the deepest part of their hearts, which surprised them. They looked back at each other together. At the intersection of their eyes, it was estimated that only the two of them could understand the complex meaning and expression.


However, Lei Tian said that when he saw Jiang Hanye pointing to the forest and asking if it was his home, he nodded and said, "Yes, so what?"

"I'm tired and hungry, Lei Tian, can I come to your house?" Jiang Hanye Road.

Lei Tian began to use his crooked brain, and he calculated secretly: "Well, this arrogant guy, I'm going to catch him. Since he asked for this, it's easy to see how I take him back and deal with him! I don't understand politeness at all!" Thinking about it, Lei Tian began to admire himself: "Oh, I'm so smart! That's it!"

When Lei Tian is thinking, his face is not expressionless. He will laugh when he thinks about happy things and cry when he thinks about sad things. Simply put, this goblin is straightforward and everything can be seen from his face.

"Get up and follow me!" Lei Tian coughed and said loudly to Jiang Hanye.

"Oh." Jiang Hanye stood up, patted Xiaobai secretly, signaling him to go back and bring someone over. Xiaobai circled Jiang Hanye twice, licked his palm, and then left.

Xiaobai's unintentional action just left his body odor to Jiang Hanye, which also made Xiao Lei not suspicious. In short, Jiang Hanye was personally brought to the cave by the leader Lei Tian.

The demon forest is very quiet. It seems that all the flowers and trees are living creatures. The living creatures here refer to the fact that they all seem to be alive, like humans and animals, because they even heard their breathing in the cold night.

The scenery in the forest is good, but there are no 'animals'. In fact, the whole demon world is composed of the original mortal animals, so there can be no other animals here. After about half a cup of tea, Jiang Hanye followed Lei Tian to a stone house. This stone house is low and wide, and the whole house is built of big stones. It looks rough in style.

A turtle with a thick turtle shell on its back and a crutch in his hand was standing at the door of the cave to welcome them. When he saw Jiang Hanye, he was obviously stunned and his eyes were strange, but he didn't say much. He just bowed his head to welcome them in.

"Who is this, Commander?" The old turtle walked at the end and asked Lei Tiandao.

"Old turtle, lock him up, this guy dares to disrespect me!" Lei Weather hummed and ordered.

"Yes, Commander!" The old turtle replied.

"Let's see what other goblins do to me!" Lei Tian pointed to the old turtle and said to Jiang Hanye, "Even if you are new here, you have to learn these rules."

Jiang Hanye didn't care about Lei Tian's bluff at all. He had already seen Lei Tian's bluff: he was straightforward and straightforward, but he was not an evil beast.

Just as the old turtle was about to 'detain' Jiang Hanye into the cell, he heard the door thud and thud, and the dog suddenly rushed out and shouted at the door. Lei Tian was not in a hurry to take Jiang Hanye away. He frowned, sighed secretly, and muttered, "Here we are again. What are you urging?" After saying that, he walked to the door dejectedly and didn't let the old turtle open the door.

All this was seen by Jiang Hanye, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart. The commander seemed to be worried.

came in a low-level goblin with a wolf's tail and hairy ears. Looking at its dress, it should be a follower's errands, but somehow, after seeing Lei Tian, the low-level goblin not only did not bow his head respectfully as Lei Tian said, but pushed Lei Tian away. He swaggered into the room and said arrogantly as he walked, "Lei Tian, how's it going? Lord Meng asked me to urge you.

When the word extinction came out of this guy's mouth, Jiang Hanye's heart suddenly jumped. He thought to himself, "Is this man a subordinate of extinction? It really takes no effort!"

"Hmm." This time, Lei Tian's words became less, and he muffled his head and walked to the living room.

The old turtle was busy taking care of the guests, so he hung Jiang Hanye in the yard. Jiang Hanye couldn't help but look around here. It is full of demons, but these demons are very public, and there is a different smell in the publicity. There is no gruring and murderous spirit that those monsters are used to have. It seems that this thunder is not very good.

Let's take a look at the cave made of this stone. Before coming in, Jiang Hanye thought it was just a room. Unexpectedly, it was a courtyard like a courtyard, all of which was built of stones. Flowers and plants were planted in the yard, and even a parrot was raised under the corridor. Unfortunately, the parrot was also a little goblin. His eyes were red, his claws were sharp, and he stood there without moving.

Lei Tian followed the person into the living room. The man was not polite. He went straight to the main seat and sat down, bounced the dust on his legs, and slowly said to Lei Tian, "Lei Tian, how many times have we given you the opportunity to destroy you? You just don't cherish it. With so many goblins in the early world, is it so difficult for you to get some spiritual demon cores?

"Yes." Lei Tian said, "I have done seven or eight for more than three months."

"What? Seven or eight?" The dog leg pretended to be surprised and said, "It's only seven or eight? Your task is 81. How can you do it at this point? I came here with an order today. If I can't get the core of the spirit demon from you, I won't leave!"

Lei Tian frowned and sat down in the guest seat. At this time, the old turtle brought tea. His slow movements made the dog's legs very dissatisfied. After taking the tea, he didn't drink it. A bowl of hot tea splashed on the old turtle's body and cursed in his mouth. He said, "Get out of here, old man, you are so slow, just bring your spiritual demon core to the adults!"

Although Lei Tian and the old turtle don't get along very well with each other, Lei Tian is still not happy to see the dog's legs treating his old servant like this. It's up to the owner to beat the dog. This guy obviously didn't pay attention to Lei Tian, so he couldn't help blushing his face, clenched his fists, and almost almost It broke out.

The old turtle ate this and realized that the master seemed to be angry. He hurriedly smiled and said, "Drink...Drink...I'm really sorry, brother. My hands and feet are slow. Old, the core of the spirit demon is useless. If you think you can take it, take it."

The old turtle was obviously helping Lei Tian relieve the siege, which even Jiang Hanye could see.

"Hmm!" The dog's leg snorted coldly and spat, "Go and make tea. I want good blood tea!"

"Blood tea? No wonder I smelled a strong smell of blood when the old turtle came over just now..." Jiang Hanye said secretly, "It seems that this demon world is not a paradise for goblins and monsters!" Jiang Hanye now understands that perhaps any of the six paths is actually similar to humanity, probably the law of the jungle.

"Okay, I'm going now. Please wait a moment!" The old turtle nodded repeatedly.

Lei Tian doesn't have the same thoughts as Jiang Hanye. How could he know why the old turtle nodded and bowed like this? On the contrary, he saw the old turtle like this and was very angry. When the old turtle came to him, he suddenly kicked him and scolded, "Get out, don't know what to be praised!" Lei Tian's words were obviously not really going to scold the old turtle. He was angry with the dog's leg, but this kick firmly kicked himself. The old turtle couldn't eat this foot. He staggered and fell to the ground, rolled from the living room to the yard with a tea tray, rolled far away, and rolled all the way to the feet of Jiang Hanye. It took me a while to barely get up.

"Hahahaha! If it's really a master, there will be any servants. Look at the cowardice of the two of you... I really don't understand why Lord Demon God still retains your lineage. If I am Lord Meng, I will deal with you directly!" The dog's leg pointed arrogantly to Lei Tian and said.

When Jiang Hanye saw this, he knew in his heart that most of the two people were going to fight. Look at Lei Tian's pig liver face. The blood of the guy's whole body was probably stimulated on his head, and even his eyes were about to come out.

Sure enough, as expected by Jiang Hanye, when Lei Tian heard this dog-legged, he stood up, held a mace in his hand, and asked angrily, "What are you dog slave?"

It may be said that Lei Tian's cultivation may not be very good, but his momentum is very strong. Besides, the strength of the dog's legs is not his opponent at all. Therefore, when Lei Tian stood up, he was still shocked, leaned back, and fell to the ground from the back of the wide chair, muttering. He threw a dog on the ground and ate shit.

Lei Tian was stunned. He stepped forward with a few steps, pulled the dog's leg clothes, lifted him up like an eagle catching a chicken, approached his nose, and stared at him angrily, "What did you just say? Our lineage? Our line was once the best one in the family, if it weren't..." Lei Tian said excitedly. When Jiang Hanye was listening carefully, Lei Tian's words stopped abruptly, as if they had touched the deepest thing in his heart.

"Ah, master!" At this time, the old turtle just came back with a pot of tea. He was immediately scared and incoherent when he saw this in the room. With a crutch in one hand and a tray in the other, he quickly limped in. First, he put down the tea tray, then pulled Lei Tian away, pressed the dog's leg down in the chair, and said in his mouth, "What's this? What did you say? Isn't the flood flooding the Dragon King Temple? Everyone is from our own clan. Why should we fight so much? I can't do it, I can't do it!"

After all, the old turtle is an old man, the so-called 80,000-year-old turtle. I don't know how long the old turtle has lived and served in Lei Tian's house. In short, in Jiang Hanye's eyes, he is an absolutely competent loyal servant, a little too competent.

The dog's leg was so frightened by Lei Tian and was still shocked. The old turtle built a ladder for him, and he went down the ladder and sat on a chair and gasped. Generally speaking, if this dog is more sensible, this matter will be settled. Although Lei Tian is a low-class demon in front of his master, after all, he is also a figure in the clan. Which turn will he, a dog slave, be so ridiculed? But the dog's leg didn't. He calm down a little, took a sip of blood tea, wiped the blood stains on his mouth, patted the table and scolded: "You are immortal, didn't you say you want good blood tea? What kind of shit did you make for me? Isn't it that your master has fallen, and you, a slave, are also out of sight? What kind of person is I? I'm under the door of Lord Mo Meng. It's okay if you see me not kneeling down and kowtling and shouting to the master. How can you give me these goods? I think you're begging me!"

This clearly refers to the mulberry scolding the locust. He pointed to the old turtle's nose and scolded, which means that he didn't want to give Lei Tian face. Lei Tian's anger was arched, and he had just been suppressed. Now that he heard this dog's leg saying this, how could he hold it? He shouted, pulled away the old turtle, and said, "Go to hell. Today, I will never let this dog leave my cave alive!"

Lei Tian is young and vigorous (although he is hundreds of years old, he is also a young descendant in the demon world), and he is also the main family (the cultivation method is also different from slaves). He is very strong. This old turtle is very old and weak. How can he stand his pull? Hearing a swimmer, the old turtle was thrown out by him like a stone egg. He put it on his back and purred on the ground. Now it turned round and couldn't turn over. Finally, Jiang Hanye couldn't see him pull on all four feet and went forward to help him.

After Lei Tian got rid of the old turtle, he picked up the mace and greeted the dog's leg and said angrily, "You dog slave, if Grandpa doesn't let you suffer enough today, you won't remember who I am in the future!"

The dog's leg looked at this posture and said to himself, "It's bad. I'm saying this!" How dare he fight? I can only avoid it desperately.

For a while, Jiang Hanye heard the clattering, roar and crackling sound in the room. Lei Tian chased the dog-legged slave in the living room with a mace, and unexpectedly smashed all his furniture.

"This is really a fool!" Jiang Hanye said secretly.

This time, Lei Tian's anger is indeed coming up. If he doesn't get angry, he probably won't be a male wolf. After the old turtle stood up, he still politely said to Jiang Hanye, "Thank you." Then he shed tears. He couldn't stand up this situation.

The mace in Lei Tian's hand is a thunder attribute. After he sacrificed the mace, there was lightning on the stick. The dog's leg was driven all over the house by Lei Tian. In the end, the furniture was smashed, and he had no place to hide, so he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said hatefully, "Wow, Lei Tian, you forced me today (no) Shame-faced people can always say shameless words, obviously because he provoked others before). Don't blame me for using a unique trick!"

After saying this, the dog leg read a spell and saw a gray light flashing. There was something in his hand, which was shiny, like a goose egg-shaped bronze mirror.

Ah? Dementor?" As soon as the old turtle saw the mirror, he said surprised and worriedly, "It's wrong. Where is my master the opponent of this dementor? That annihilation is really cruel. Why do you use this to deal with your brother?"

Jiang Hanye looked at the old turtle, but it happened that the old turtle was also looking at him with strange eyes and didn't know what he wanted to do.

"What?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"This gentleman, please." The old turtle bowed to Jiang Hanye.

"Hmm?" Jiang Hanye pretended not to know.

"You know your identity. I'm here to ask you to help my master. Although I don't have much ability, I have a pair of eyes. I know what your identity is, but don't worry, as long as you help us, I will definitely keep it secret for you!" The old turtle is threatening him.

Jiang Hanye smiled and said, "I knew you were not simple as soon as I entered the door."

"It's not simple, it's old!" The old turtle still said slowly. Although the room had formed a ball, the little thunder helped Lei Tian. The dog slave held a bronze mirror in his hand and heard a banging sound, and the room soon filled with smoke.

Jiang Hanye looked at the living room and said, "How can I help you?"

"Kill him!" The old turtle said that when he said this, his teeth were rattling. If he hadn't lost a lot of teeth, the sound would have been louder, which showed how much he hated the dog slave.

"Kill?" Jiang Hanye said, "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

"Now, I have to kill him, and then die and don't admit it. Anyway, there are many goblins missing every day in the demon world. There is not much more than him, and there is not much less than him!" The old turtle said, "It's better than him going back and making trouble in front of the clan elders!"

"Good." Jiang Hanye thought for a moment and readily agreed, "I can do you this favor, but you have to do me a favor!"

"Yes, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you." The old turtle replied, "By the way, this dementor is not to absorb people's souls, but to copy. There will be your image in the mirror. He will do whatever you do."