King of Martial Arts

Chapter 218 Cliff Town

The road is khaki. In this yellow world, this khaki road looks a little white. Obviously, it has been walked too many times.

"That's where it should be." Jiang Hanye pointed to the white dirt road in front of him and said to Kan Cangyue.

Kan Cangyue held the moon god bow in her hand and stood side by side with Jiang Hanye in the wilderness, allowing the breeze to blow their clothes. In the moonlight, the two of them seemed to be two sculptures of white jade, which were such a good match.

"I don't know. Let's go and have a look." Kan Cangyue hardly say the word 'should'. Her rationality makes her never say ambiguous words, yes, no, no, know or know, don't know or don't know, right and wrong, black and white are clear, this is Kan Cangyue's life.

From the place where Jiang Hanye and they were, there was a clear view ahead, and the white dirt road seemed to be right in front of them. However, when they walked this road, they found that the distance was not close at all.

From the journey of the wilderness road, Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue frequently encounter coyotes. That kind of coyotes are definitely different from human coyotes. These coyotes have extremely sharp teeth. Their eyes are indifferent, and the gap between their teeth is very large. Even when they hit Jiang Hanye, he I also saw the meat hanging between the coyote's teeth.

"It seems that this place has not been occupied by walking corpses." When Jiang Hanye saw the running coyote, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said to his colleague Kan Cangyue.

"Did you see it?" Kan Cangyue didn't seem to hear Jiang Hanye's words, and she answered the question.

"What?" Jiang Hanye was stunned, and Kan Cangyue often said something that made him confused, such as this time.

"There!" Kan Cangyue raised her hand and pointed to Jiang Hanye in the distance and said, "It's not a starlight there, but a light."

Following the direction of Kan Cangyue's fingers, Jiang Hanye looked carefully and found that there was a place with lights in the darkness of the sky. If you don't distinguish it carefully, people will mistakenly think that it is starlight.

"There is a city." Jiang Hanye said.

"Yes, but it will never be a big city." Kan Cangyue Road.

In fact, Jiang Hanye has always been a very excellent and smart person. His experience in the world has also made him grow a lot, but somehow, when he is with Kan Cangyue, he always feels like an unwise child.

"Why?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Have you ever seen a larger city's outer defense with wooden fences and leather?" Kan Cangyue said, "I think this must be the place we are looking for."

"Sometimes I really admire you." Jiang Hanye looked at her and said, "Now I understand more and more why Luo Ri likes you."

"hehe." Kan Cangyue used a smile to perfunctory the cold night of the river.

This is the first time that Jiang Hanye took the initiative to involve the relationship between Luo Ri and Kan Cangyue in the communication. After saying that, he turned his head and looked at the distant town to change the topic: "Let's go and have a look."

"Hmm." Kan Cangyue said, "You haven't said it yet."

"What did you say?" Jiang Hanye was stunned.

"The reason." Kan Cangyue said.

"Because of your cleverness, because of his cleverness." Jiang Hanye soon understood what Kan Cangyue meant. "Smart people always like to be with smart people. Your intelligence, your appearance and your temperament attracted him, making him like a moth to the fire, knowing what the outcome is and so desperate."

"You will be quite good at it." Kan Cangyue glanced at Jiang Hanye and said, "What about you and Cen Ruoqiu?"

"I have a wife." Jiang Hanye replied, "Because I have a wife, I can't have feelings for anyone else."

"Your wife?" Kan Cangyue frowned, "Is that a wife?"

"I have started, that's my wife. I don't want to talk about this topic anymore." Thinking of Xiaoyu, who was far away in Kunlun Mountain, Jiang Hanye's heart was inexplicably anxious. He hurriedly ended the topic and walked forward.

Jiang Hanye's speed was not slow, and Kan Cangyue did not catch up in time, so they quickly pulled a long distance. Kan Cangyue looked at his back and muttered to herself, "Maybe you don't know what your heart is like yet."


"The cliff town is here." Jiang Hanye lurked in the dry ditch and looked at the inferior door in front of him and said to Kan Cangyue.

This cliffside town is not big. The houses are basically built of civil engineering, and occasionally a few shabby tents can be seen. The whole town is as big as more than a dozen rooms, surrounded by a circle of animal leather and a tall wooden fence. There is an exit in the southeast and northwest, and each exit is guarded by guards. In the town, the tallest building is a watchtower. The light seen before Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue came from this watchtower. There is a big lantern on it.

At the intersection facing Jiang Hanye, there is a wooden sign with the words Cliff Town written on the wooden sign.

"Well, there are guards guarding, which means that this place must also be controlled by the destruction." Kan Cangyue said, "Let's go back first and wait until dawn."

"Well, let's go." Jiang Hanye Road.

The journey back is very simple. Jiang Hanye, Kan Cangyue and Xiaobai can almost say that they have been running all the way. Calculation time is just half a cup of tea. When they returned to the temporary station, they found Ji Yuan and Cen Ruoqiu sitting there waiting for them.

"I just came back? The food is cold. We have eaten. Hurry up and eat it." Cen Ruoqiu looked at Jiang Hanye and said.

"Well, thank you." Jiang Hanye sat down to eat and reported the results of his and Kan Cangyue's investigation.

"That's it. Cliff Town is about 60 miles away from here, just west." Jiang Hanye pointed to the west and said to them.

"Okay, we'll leave early tomorrow morning, fix it there, inquire about the situation, add some supplements, and then go to meet the forgotten lamb!" Ji Yuan stood up and walked far away. It was his turn to be on duty in the first half of the night, and it was Jiang Hanye in the second half of the night.

The night passed quickly.

The morning in the central wilderness was cold. A cold wind wrapped in yellow sand blew around them. Cen Ruoqiu and Ji Yuan got up early, and the four of them packed up and headed west.

The wasteland during the day looks very different from that at night, at least Jiang Hanye thinks so. There are knee-deep weeds in the wilderness. Those grasses are yellow and look like they have no vitality at all. From time to time, they can also see one or two short and fat dead trees in the wasteland, and there will be groups of monsters coiled under the trees, staring at Jiang Hanye and others. Fortunately, these monsters are self-cultivated, so when no one hurts them, they will not take the initiative to hurt others, except for some extremely violent and greedy.

Although they walked, they had arrived outside the cliffside town in less than half an hour. Those who guard the city are also wild boars. These wild boars are fully armed with weapons and check everyone in the past, including Jiang Hanye and others.

"Hight!" A wild boar shouted, "Who are you?" Where did you come from?"

"We are practicing, come here to be sharp." Jiang Hanye replied calmly, and his face was full of calmness, so although the wild boars were almost about to put their noses on him, they could not find any flaws in it, and finally had to be released.

Yabian Town is originally a transportation hub. Monsters everywhere have to pass by, and many Yecha demons will add some necessary supplies here, or sell their useless treasures. Over time, it has become a market.

Because of this, after Jiang Hanye first entered the cliffside town, he was immediately shocked by the lively hawking sound inside. There were so many business people in a place with a bigger palm. Oh, no, it's Yecha. These monsters almost have a pair of wings on their backs, some of which are big and some of which are small, but without exception, when they stand on the ground, the wings are intertwined behind them, and it looks like knowing from behind.

"Let's go to the hotel first." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Hmm." Everyone had no objection to this, so they began to look for the inn.

The inn was quickly found. In the center of the town, there was actually a huge tent with a flag hanging outside the tent, with five big characters written on the pub of the cliffside town.

"It turned out to be a pub, not an inn!" Cen Ruoqiu was a little disappointed.

The pub means that the alcoholics here are very complicated, and it also means that the accommodation conditions will be very poor. Cen Ruoqiu is not afraid of the poor conditions. What she is afraid of is the inconvenience of life, because according to the size of the inn, it seems that the guests here are all sleeping.

"It doesn't matter. We will buy more beds at that time. You two will sleep in the middle, and Ji Yuan and I will sleep on both sides." Jiang Hanye comforted.

"That's all." Cen Ruoqiu said with a wry smile.

"When you go out, you should learn to be comfortable with the situation." Kan Cangyue was the first to enter the pub, but before entering, she looked back at Cen Ruoqiu and left such a sentence.

Kan Cangyue's words made Cen Ruoqiu suddenly feel hot on her cheeks and regretted her pickiness. She thought to herself, "With her point, I'm afraid I can't catch up with her in my life."

The pub is really lively. Many resting night forks are pushing cups and chatting here. There is almost no difference from human pubs. The only difference is that the 'people' here emit their own smells, and even when Jiang Hanye first came in, they mistakenly thought they had broken through. It's in the livestock shed.

"Boss, please order!" As soon as he sat down, Ji Yuan shouted loudly. Although they didn't come here along the way, their quality of life must have dropped a lot than before. Now it's easy to have an inn where they can sit and eat. Not to mention how happy Ji Yuan is.

"It's coming!" The owner of the inn is a goblin, not a Yasha.

In the middle world, the only person who can live here without meeting the requirements of Yasha is the innkeeper. They are responsible for serving the public. Of course, such services have also made them earn a lot of silver cakes. In the demon world, only those goblins who are not doing their jobs will want to make money, while monsters and so on, their main task is to practice, followed by making money, after all, they have to survive.

"Gest, what do you want?" The boss has long ears and looks like a rabbit spirit.

"I'll ask you, is there a guest room now?" Jiang Hanye whispered.

Although Jiang Hanye has tried his best to restrain his voice so that others can't hear it, the rabbit spirit boss still laughed after listening to Jiang Hanye's question. He covered his stomach and pointed to Jiang Hanye's table while laughing and said, "Room? Where do you come from? How can there be guest rooms in the demon world? We only have Datong Shop here.

"He actually asked me for a guest room, it must not be the night fork in the middle world. It doesn't smell like a night fork..." At this time, a good man next to him smelled the smell of Jiang Hanye and said.

"Well, there are still two girls here who are really watery, and I don't know how many years they have practiced to achieve such a level." There are monsters coveted by the beauty of Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue, muttering on the side.

"Forget it. Passing through the door is a guest. It's not easy to live these years. We just need to take good care of our families." Rabbit Jing came forward to round up, because he found that some of the newly seated guests were obviously unhappy.

This unhappy guy is Ji Yuan. He has been clenching his fist secretly, and his body is constantly emitting waves of anger and murder. No wonder the rabbit spirit is afraid.

When the food was served, Jiang Hanye asked inadvertently, "Shopkeeper, do you know where Lord Meng is?"

"Lord Meng?" The shopkeeper looked at Jiang Hanye suspiciously and asked vigilantly, "Why do you ask this? Foreigners!"

Hearing that the rabbit spirit called himself like this, Jiang Hanye naturally did not feel very happy. He curled his lips and said, "We want to be loyal under his command and want to do something."

"Yes, we are going to go to the extermination." Kan Cangyue took over the words and said.

"Oh..." Then the rabbit spirit suddenly realized. He pointed to the east and said to everyone, "If you want to see Lord Destruction, you must cross the Red River, otherwise you will wait to regret it."

"Good!" Jiang Hanye nodded and said, "Thank you very much, big brother." As soon as he held his fist, he made the shopkeeper excited and jumped to do his job. It turned out that in this demon world, unless it was a strong strength, he would not want to enjoy the respect of others in the process of getting along with others. Now the rabbit spirit has enjoyed it.

This pub serves some rough food, such as thick and astringent hard cakes, such as spicy and inferior wine. Like its appearance, it is also a mess inside.

"Alas, eat quickly, eat fast, eat enough and drink enough. We will go to see Lord Meng. Maybe we can be an official and a half, and maybe we can get a few secrets or something." Just as Jiang Hanye was bored eating and drinking, several Yasha-like guys on the table next to them talked excitedly while eating.

"Does Lord Meng really want to accept students?" Yasha, who was obviously like a weasel, said suspiciously, "You know, this is illegal in the demon world. If Lord Extin knows..."

"Cut, so Brother Huang, you are a dead brain..." The previous night fork looked like a fox, and the wings on his back still looked a little tender, very flamboyant, and could not be released freely.

"Oh? Brother Ali, do you have any gossip? Sitting opposite the fox Yecha is a leopard. He has a leopard's head and eyes, which is very terrible. His claws are as big as the two palms of ordinary people, and the wings behind him can be freely hidden. Obviously, he has been doing Yecha for a long time.

"Come here!" The beaver hooked his finger and whispered to them, "I have a childhood guard in Chizhou City. He wrote to tell me a few days ago that the guards in Chizhou City have changed frequently recently, as if there will be a big move, and even the commander has been affected."

"So that's it, I said, why has such a big change in the Chinese world recently..." Huang said thoughtfully.

"But even so, will anyone accept it? Shouldn't there be a charter or something? Lord God..." The leopard frowned.

"Alas, Brother Leopard, you don't understand this... Let me ask you, who is the boss in our demon world?" The beaver looked very old about the world, and whispered with his paws on the table.

"That's needless to say, Lord Demon God!" Leopard and Huang said in one voice.

"Wrong!" Ali shook his head and said, "So, you don't understand!"

"Isn't it Lord Demon God? Who else can that be?" The two were stunned and asked repeatedly.

"Who was born to Lord Demon God and Lord Destruction?" Ali said.

This statement was really a broken story, and even the leopard, who looked very dull, nodded and suddenly realized, " it is..."

"You said it was the old lady..." Huang came closer and said in a low voice.

"Yes! Lord Meng and Lord God Destroyer are the old lady's two biological sons, and she favors Lord Meng. In addition, Lord God Destroyer is very filial, so... Think about it yourself. In fact, that's what it is. To put it bluntly, it's boring. After saying that, Ali drank a glass of wine proudly, touched his mouth, smashed the table and roared, "What about the rabbit, are you drinking or peeing?" Change a bowl for me!"

Jiang Hanye pricked up his ears and heard all the conversations of the night fork over there. It was not only him, but also Kan Cangyue.

"Ha ha, it turns out that the demon world is not exempt from vulgarity." Kan Cangyue laughed.

"What do you think?" Jiang Hanye looked at her and asked, "Should we take a coincidence?"

"Clever is to take it, but you must not rely entirely on speculation." Kan Cangyue Road.

Ji Yuan and Cen Ruoqiu were eating and drinking, but now they suddenly heard their conversation and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, so they looked up at them and asked curiously, "What?"