King of Martial Arts

Chapter 221 Chizhou City 1

The crocodile is very big, at least Jiang Hanye has never seen such a big crocodile in his previous life.

These are two giant crocodiles with green-backed and white belly. Their length has exceeded all the cognition of Jiang Hanye over the years, and even beyond Ji Yuan's cognition. After all, Ji Yuan has lived for more than Jiang Hanye for more than 100 years.

"This is a monster raised by the devil, isn't it?" Cen Ruoqiu took a deep breath. Although she was a warrior and had exceeded her innate realm, she was still a girl anyway. The super-large crocodiles in front of her shocked her.

"Don't move, or you're making trouble for your younger brother!" Ji Yuan whispered to Cen Ruoqiu, and he also noticed that several small crocodiles were quietly approaching around them. Ji Yuan didn't notice that Jiang Hanye unconsciously turned back into a younger brother in his mouth.

"Hmm!" Cen Ruoqiu nodded, and now in her heart, nothing is more important than Jiang Hanye's safety, including her own life and death.

Jiang Hanye's hands were full of sweat, because he saw the shredded meat hanging in the cracks of the crocodile's teeth. No matter what kind of meat it was, the bloody and fresh meat. The crocodiles' eyes flashed with green fierce light, and the breath spewed out of their mouths was rotten, which made Jiang Hanye's mind suddenly drowsy.

"Bad!" He said secretly, "This crocodile will use poison!"

The crocodile did use poison. Jiang Hanye soon stood unsteadily, but he still barely sacrificed the Brahma ruler, which dragged a beautiful black tail and flew from Jiang Hanye's hand to the crocodile on the left. The crocodile's eyes were soon attracted by the Brahma ruler, wagging its tail, rolling up a splash in the air, which splashed everywhere and rushed to the Brahma ruler.

Jiang Hanye didn't worry about anything, because he knew that he was standing behind his companions, and he knew that Kan Cangyue's moon bow had aimed at these ugly crocodiles at this time.

Kan Cangyue did aim at these ugly crocodiles. She just hesitated, because the move she was about to use belonged to the group attack, and this group attack skill did not distinguish the enemy and I had a certain range of attack range. At this time, Jiang Hanye was within this range.

"Let's jump!" Ji Yuan looked at the surrounding environment and suddenly said to Cen Ruoqiu.

"What?" Cen Ruoqiu was stunned, "Jump down?"

"Yes, if we want to cross the river smoothly, if we want to help him." Ji Yuan's eyes fell on Jiang Hanye in the distance. "The cultivation of the little crocodiles here is generally very low. It's not a problem for us to deal with them. I want to get closer to those two crocodiles from the water."

"Hmm!" Cen Ruoqiu also withdrew her heart full of surprise and fear at this time. She calmed down, quickly observed around, and nodded, "Let's go down!"


With two crisp sound of water, Ji Yuan and Cen Ruoqiu jumped off the bridge and immersed themselves in the cold water of the Red River. The river is cold and piercing, which is a little colder than all the cold they have experienced in the past. As soon as they went into the water, before they could meet, Cen Ruoqiu's calf twitched and almost cramped. At this critical moment, she suddenly heard a er sound, which was different from a walking corpse, but also full of death. She turned her head and saw two small crocodiles, which were about the same size as her, and could only be called small crocodiles.

"Brother Ji Yuan, be careful!" Cen Ruoqiu finally saw Ji Yuan. At this time, Ji Yuan was facing her, only about five or six feet apart. He didn't even find that several crocodiles were approaching quickly and quietly behind him, because Ji Yuan's eyes were attracted by the two small crocodiles leaning against Cen Ruoqiu, and he was chanting the spell and intending to attack the two. Crocodile.

The sound in the water is absolutely different from that on the shore, because Cen Ruoqiu found that Ji Yuan seemed to have become dull.

Ah? What?" After Ji Yuan hit the little crocodile, he opened his eyes wide and spit out blisters and asked. He planned to go to the surface of the water to breathe, because he was not a fish after all.

Cen Ruoqiu knew it was too late. One of the crocodiles had quietly lurked up from the deep water area below Ji Yuan and was ready to bite his calf. If it was bitten, I'm afraid it would be more or less lucky.

Cen Ruoqiu did not hesitate at all. At such a time, Ji Yuan was dedicated to helping her. What reason did she not save his life? Cen Ruoqiu offered the Hundred Flowers Sword. The hundred flowers shined in the blood-red river of the red river. When he cut the crocodile, he heard a poof. The crocodile rolled and stirred in the water. Although its skin was very thick, it did not break apart under the action of the Hundred Flowers Sword, this blow was absolutely fatal to it. This can be seen from the crocodile's desperate struggle.

Although the small crocodiles are more for Cen Ruoqiu and Ji Yuan, they are a piece of cake. In contrast, Jiang Hanye's situation is much more difficult.

At this time, Xiaobai was bitten by a crocodile's tail and thrown into the air. Several crocodiles in the water were floating out of the water and opening their mouths to catch the 'sky-down food'. Blood kept dripping from Xiaobai's tail. Although it was in a shadowy state, its blood could not be invisible.

Jiang Hanye touched his forehead. It was blood, Xiao Bai's blood.

"Xiao Bai!" Jiang Hanye suddenly flew up. At the same time, he twisted the spell and cast a frost and cold barrier that had not been used for a long time. Unexpectedly, the frost and cold barrier could still work on him in this demon world.

Jiang Hanye's body was covered with cold light, and those cold light slowly gathered together to form small diamond-shaped ice mirrors. Those ice crystals combined to build a protective barrier like a beehive around the cold night of the river. Jiang Hanye put on this heavy barrier and rushed to Xiaobai. Just here, the crocodile loosened its mouth and Xiaobai was thrown down. Although Xiaobai tried his best to stabilize his body, the severe pain of the wound on his body still affected its balance and speed in a short time. It tilted and fell to the river. Just as it was about to give up its hope of life, a pair of hands held it calmly and powerfully. It was Jiang Hanye.

"Wow!" Xiaobai sounded gratefully at the cold night.

"Hold on." Jiang Hanye took a look at Xiaobai and fell back on the bridge with him.

Jiang Hanye saved Xiaobai. His behavior seemed to anger the crocodiles waiting for a good meal. The crocodiles stirred the water angrily in the water and rushed to the air one by one, as if they were venting their dissatisfaction.

"That's the time!" In the distance, Kan Cangyue looked at the scene. Although she didn't know what Jiang Hanye wrapped around her body, she knew that it was definitely something that could protect Jiang Hanye, so she was relieved.

Kan Cangyue quickly chanted a spell. The arrows on her bow string became brighter and brighter. Finally, at the moment when the spell was finished, a bright light was ejected from the bow string of the moon god, making a loud sound when breaking through the air. The bright light suddenly scattered in mid-air, like a dazzling meteor shower, but the meteor shower scattered from the ground into the air. When it reached the air where Jiang Hanye was, the light was like a big white net and shone on him.

Jiang Hanye just put Xiaobai on the bridge, and suddenly felt that his body was shining, as if it were scattered flowers. Countless milky white and transparent arrows were falling straight from the air, penetrating the bodies of the large and small crocodiles around him. The crocodiles screamed one after another, twisting their bodies in mid-air, falling into the water one after another, splashing more than a foot high.

"It's time!" Jiang Hanye knew that this must be Kan Cangyue's help from behind. He did not hesitate at all. While the two big crocodiles did not recover, he called the Brahma ruler and twisted the spell. The Brahma ruler suddenly turned into a sharp sword. He danced the sharp sword into a wheel, and where the blade pointed, blood suddenly appeared.

After the two big crocodiles were hit by an air arrow and fell, they immediately jumped out of the water with their own cultivation, but they happened to meet the Brahma ruler of Jiang Hanye. Their already injured bodies immediately added new wounds, and they fell into the water again. At this time, a stream of flowers suddenly flashed under the water, and the falling crocodile suddenly fell into another net - it turned out that Ji Yuan and Cen Ruoqiu swam here from the bottom of the water after quickly solved the little crocodiles. The time was no more, just at the end of the battle.


"Alas, I didn't expect that the demon world was full of crises." At the bree of a rock on the shore, Jiang Hanye and others raised a small pile of fire. They had just experienced such a thrilling battle, and they needed a short rest.

"What should we do when the time is over?" Cen Ruoqiu actually didn't rest at all. She put on Jiang Hanye's blanket and couldn't help saying to the bonfire, "I hope our actions will not change."

"Plans always can't keep up with fast changes." Jiang Hanye said, "We need to learn to prepare for the other hand."

"What's the preparation for the other hand?" Ji Yuan stared at Jiang Hanye, "You don't want to do anything stupid, do you?"

Jiang Hanye raised his eyes and stared at Ji Yuan and said coldly, "I have never done anything stupid, except for recognizing the thief as my father at that time!"

Seeing that Ji Yuan and Jiang Hanye fell into a dilemma again, Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue persuaded at the same time, "Okay, don't quarrel. It's all here. What's the point of arguing again?" Cen Ruoqiu said, "Let's think about what to do after entering Chizhou City."

"Or we should also think about what to do if we can't get in." Kan Cangyue said.

Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan stared at each other and suddenly sighed together.

Cen Ruoqiu did not understand Ji Yuan. In fact, not long ago, under the Red River, Ji Yuan once affectionately called Jiang Hanye a little brother. How could he change again in a blink of an eye? It is said that women's hearts are undersea needles. In fact, how many people really know about men's hearts? Maybe even men don't understand themselves...

"That's exactly what I want to say." Jiang Hanye withdrew his eyes from Ji Yuan. As he stroked the little white who was lying at his feet with a tail injury, he stared at the bonfire and said, "Assuming that we can successfully enter Chizhou City from that back door, the first thing we need to do is to find a place to eliminate the blind. In fact, it is not difficult at all, as long as we can follow the servant. All right."

"This is just a hypothesis, but what if the servant broke the appointment? What if we lose it after he enters? What if we can't even get through the door?" Kan Cangyue raised this question very sharply.

"Good question!" Jiang Hanye looked up at Kan Cangyue sitting opposite him and said, "But everything should be considered from several aspects. I will first talk about these two possible coping methods, and then you will also talk about yours. We can synthesize everyone's opinions and then choose the best plan from them."

"Well, I agree with that." Ji Yuan nodded and said, "Let's talk about it first."

"First of all, if we successfully meet that rabbit friend and 'bought' wine, we need more, maybe we can go into the city with him to move more wine, so that we will be half successful." Jiang Hanye said, "With this good beginning, we have to adapt to everything when we enter the city. In short, we have only one goal, to eliminate the source of the plague, find the source of the evil that controls the corpse plague in our world, and do everything we can to destroy it. This is because I am not familiar with the situation in the city, so At present, it is impossible to make a plan at all.

"You are as honest as ever." Ji Yuan smiled. His smile made Jiang Hanye look so familiar. Many years ago, the second brother had such a smile on his face every day.

"So, what if we can't get in?" Cen Ruoqiu frowned and said, "I don't think everything will go so well. From our experience along the way, we can see that this destruction must be prepared and has been planned for a long time, regardless of whether he is targeting us and the world."

Jiang Hanye looked at Cen Ruoqiu and nodded approvingly: "That's why we must be prepared enough, because what Miss Cen said may happen 70% or 80% of what you said. Maybe the servant couldn't come out today, maybe we were late and he couldn't wait to go back, or maybe the rabbit spirit is bragging, and there is no such person at all.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. What should I do if I can't get in?" Ji Yuan interrupted Jiang Hanye's analysis and asked impatiently.

"It's very simple. I have Xiaobai." Jiang Hanye said this and looked at Xiaobai's tail root with some heartache, which was almost bitten off by the crocodile. If it hadn't been for Xiaobai's muscles dozens of times thicker than ordinary people. Although Xiaobai has the ability to heal himself, because the wound is too deep, it has trembled and healed less than half of it.

"Xiao Bai?" Cen Ruoqiu suddenly realized at this time, because she suddenly remembered that Xiaobai seemed to be invisible, which she had seen as early as when they fought side by side to clean up the walking corpses in Luoshui City.

"Yes, I can let Xiaobai go in first to find out the situation, about the city gate, about the city wall, about the defenders, and everything!" Jiang Hanye said, "In fact, I think this method is much more reliable than our rash intrusion."

"Well, I think so too." Kan Cangyue said, "In fact, that's probably the only thing we can do whether we enter the city or not. I think in case Xiaobai also fails, we might as well wait until dawn and secretly observe what kind of people are in and out of the city. Maybe there will be a new turning point at that time."

"Hmm!" Ji Yuan and others nodded, "I agree with this."


A thief's eye, a man in blue servant clothes is standing at the door. He is huge and has a thick tail behind his buttocks. Judging from his ears and hooves, it seems that he is a horse demon. Unfortunately, he can't practice at home. Although he has a head and arms, his lower body is still a horse's body. At this time, the horse demon was carrying two huge bamboo baskets on his back, and bursts of wine kept coming out of the bamboo basket.

"Why hasn't this dead rabbit come yet? Don't make me be found this time!" The horse demon rubbed his hands and stamped his hoofs while looking up at the moonlight from time to time. Time gradually passed, and the time had come.

"If you don't come, I'll go back! But annoying, why should I gamble with the people in the kitchen? Gambling is really harmful. If it weren't for winning back the capital, why would I have to do such a sneaky thing in the middle of the night? Ma Yao muttered and reflected on himself. At this time, he heard a burst of human voices in the distance.

"Have you arrived yet?" A man asked.

"I've arrived, I see the gate." Another person replied.

Ma Yao was first happy and then disappointed. He thought it was the rabbit spirit who came to trade, but he was not familiar with these two voices. Obviously, he was not the one he was waiting for. But at this time, outside Chizhou City, who will come here so boldly? This city gate is relatively hidden. From here, you can cross the river directly from the Red River to the seaside. Basically, no one will know this place except the locals of Chizhou City.

"Hight, who are you? Where did it come from?" Jiang Hanye and others are walking in a hurry. They have seen a solemn castle standing not far ahead. The city built on the mountain is a gate facing the Red River, a heavy and dark gate.

"We are from Boss Rabbit." Ji Yuan replied, "Are you?"

"What about the rabbit essence? Where is he? Unexpectedly, I was late, which made me trembling for half a night in the cold wind. If I saw him, I would definitely not give him a good look!" Although it was in the mountain pass, due to the good moonlight, the horse demon soon saw four people in front of him, two tall and two short, both handsome 'Yasha'.

"He had something to do at home today and temporarily cancelled the deal, but we prefer to drink, so we plan to buy wine instead of him." Jiang Hanye walked in the front, and he stood still and said to Ma Yao.

"What? Cancelled?" After Ma Yao heard this, he looked at Jiang Hanye in disbelief.