King of Martial Arts

Chapter 225 Another Way Out

"Don't panic." Jiang Hanye said, "Step by step, if it really doesn't work, just fight."

Looking at the slight panic on Cen Ruoqiu's face, he had to comfort him like this. In fact, Jiang Hanye has bet all his bets on the lilac, and he bet that the ray demon will not betray himself.

Because most of the buildings in Chizhou City are wooden and stone structures with good sound insulation, they basically can't hear the movement on the first floor attic. Jiang Hanye's four people came in such a nervous situation: "Okay, let's go. If there is any abnormal situation, the monster remember to inform us!"

"Don't worry, walk slowly and come and sit down often when you have time!" Lilac's voice is very loud but extremely enchanting, which makes any male feel itchy when he hears it.

When Jiang Hanye heard the sound, she quietly touched the window and looked out. Sure enough, she saw the team of guards walking out, while Lilac flowers smiled on the steps at the door. When they went away, she took a sip and turned into the room. Not long after, Jiang Hanye heard a knock on the door.

"Little brother, it's me." Lilac said outside the door.

Cen Ruoqiu opened the door and greeted each other. The lilac was not very popular with Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue. She went straight to Jiang Hanye and said with a smile, "Do you see? I told you that no one can stay in this Chizhou city. I will send them away today. Who knows the next time? You'd better make an early plan and leave here."

"Thank you, sister Dingxiang, but several of us are responsible, and we can't leave if the task is not completed." Jiang Hanye arched his hand.

"Well, I've been persuading you since the day you came, and there's nothing I can do if you don't listen." Lilac shook the fan and said helplessly. She suddenly sniffed the room and said, "Well, what smells so good?"

"Ha ha, we just cooked the meal. We were going to have lunch, but it happened that those monsters came to inspect, so it was delayed. If Sister Dingxiang doesn't mind, why don't you eat it with us?" Jiang Hanye exchanged a greeting.

"Good, good!" Lilac said honestly and rudely, "Your craftsmanship is really good, much better than my kitchen!"

Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue looked at each other awkwardly and had to put on her bowls and chopsticks.

Five people and transparent Xiaobai gathered around the low table to eat and drink, and the rise of the lilac flower made Jiang Hanye go downstairs with her to move wine.

"No, do you want some wine? I have it here." Jiang Hanye took out the jar of wine from the universe bag with a smile and put it on the ground and poured a bowl for everyone here. "Come on, it is said that this is the best wine in your demon world. Somehow, I drink it like drinking poison."

"Ha ha, you little guys, you are always echoing!" Lilac took the bowl, poured the wine to the ground, and then stood up and said, "Let's eat my wine..."

After the liquor of lilac flowers was brought up, Jiang Hanye and others knew that there was also delicious wine in the demon world.

"Today, the guest came?" After three rounds of wine, Jiang Hanye asked tentatively.

Kan Cangyue can't eat and drink. She has left the banquet early. Cen Ruoqiu doesn't drink enough, so her face has been red for a long time, lying on the table and she is drowsy. Ji Yuan was drinking alone, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I can see that, little brother, you are drunk without drinking." Lilac's eyes turned red and her face was also blushed. Obviously, she also drank too much. She put a hand on Jiang Hanye's shoulder, approached her, and whispered with a smile, "A guy like you, whether he is a demon, is the body of a dragon and phoenix. How can he betray himself for his thin reputation and bow his knees? After saying that, why on earth did you come here?"

Jiang Hanye replied with a smile, "For the sake of justice."

"Is it fair?" Lixianghua smiled twice, and a sense of helplessness was projected in her eyes. She burped and said, "There is no such thing as justice in the world. As long as the god is destroyed or the demon god, as long as the demon is still his brother..."

"I don't belong to this world." Jiang Hanye said.

"I've seen it for a long time!" Lilac said, "Six reincarnations, you come from the world, don't you?"

"Good eyesight." Jiang Hanye said, "The world has become hell now."

"Human world? Hell? Hey..." Dingxianghua must be completely drunk. She couldn't help burping, looked at Jiang Hanye and said, "Isn't it the case in the demon world?"

"I don't know where this distinguished guest comes from?" Jiang Hanye asked casually while playing with the wine bowl with his hand.

"All right!" Lilac smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Little brother, don't pretend to be crazy in front of your sister. Do you want to know? Later, I'll ask my brother to ask. I heard that he is a very special guest, but this guest has been coming a lot recently. He came here once last year, which made the whole Chizhou city smoky and very annoying.

"Thank you very much." Jiang Hanye said, "If I can succeed this time, I will definitely reward you very much."


"Master, how's it going? Have you seen it?" The old turtle finally brought Lei Tianxuan back, and his long-hanging heart finally landed.

"It's not good!" As soon as Lei Tian entered the door, he scolded and said, "I didn't see the demon god when I went there. It's okay if I didn't see him. Those birds and monsters locked me up. That's right, nothing happened in the early world during my absence, right?" He picked up a bowl of tea on the table and poured it down with his neck up.

"No." The old turtle was on crutches and put a clean dress on his other arm, which was ready to change for Lei Tian.

"I don't know what happened to my brother in the middle world." Lei Tian changed his clothes, sat in the chair and sighed, "This time I was locked up, and I heard a lot. Do you know?"

"Master, please interrupt." When the old turtle heard Lei Tian say this, he bowed and said.

"Say it." Lei Tian glanced at the old turtle. Since Jiang Hanye told him to treat the old turtle well, his attitude towards the old turtle has obviously improved.

"Gongzi and others are indeed trustworthy friends, but we can't put all our hopes on them." The old turtle said, "We must be fully prepared ourselves. Although Mr. Jiang's cultivation is profound, the place they go to is after all the territory of the destroyed Lord Meng, where everything is left to them..."

"You old man, say good for a while, say bad for a while, what on earth do you want me to do?" Thunder roared.

"Master, I don't want anything. I just want my master's waist to stand up." The old turtle said, "The master's last wish was good, but he didn't expect the world to be impermanent, let alone that his brothers' descendants would treat you like this."

"Don't say that, I just hope that the destruction will not harm the demon world, but it's strange that I went to destroy the gods, but they said that he couldn't shut up for a long time." Lei Tian said, "I really hope nothing happens to him, otherwise nothing will end."

"We can only do our best and let God do our best." The old turtle sighed.

Although Lei Tian usually does not treat the old turtle as a serious monster, he can still listen to the old turtle's words at the critical time. In fact, now he is the only one accompanied by the old turtle. Who else can he listen to if he doesn't listen to him?

"Nevertheless, I can't sit back and wait for death, let alone watch my brother die. I said, old turtle, what can you do?" Lei Tian frowned and asked.

"According to the old slave, we might as well accept it." The old turtle said.

"Reverse and submissive??? Are you giving me advice? You are asking me to be a turtle grandson for others!" As soon as Lei Tian heard this, his hot temper came up again, slapped the case, pointed to the old turtle's nose and was about to curse.

"Master, please calm down and listen to me." The old turtle said calmly, "We don't know what the situation is like between the two god-destruction brothers now. There are only two things we can do now: either sit back and wait for death or rise up to resist."

"Then work hard! I want to work hard, and you give me another fire..." Lei Tian was stunned, sat down again, and said helplessly.

"Master, you should also pay attention to the number of methods to resist." The old turtle said, "Now all the family forces in the demon world are the leader of the demon god, and the demon god's younger brother. Whether it is human, material and financial resources, he is far better than us... Even if everyone can't stand his tyrannical rule and wants to rise up and resist, it won't help if there is no careful plan. After all, they have a large number of demon soldiers in their hands..."

"Wait, I see. Do you mean you want me to unite with others?" Lei Tian said.

"Master, you are finally enlightened!" The old turtle looked at Lei Tian and said very seriously, "But not everyone wants to unite. Do you know why the old master left me alone at the beginning?"

Lei Tian said, "I know, he told me when he was still alive that the old turtle is old, homeless, and homeless. Don't drive him away. Although our family is not rich and noble, there is not much more than him, and there is not much less than him. As long as there is a sting, you can give him a pension."

While listening to Lei Tian's words, tears flashed. When Lei Tian said it, he was already full of tears. After sobbing secretly for a moment, he sorted out his mind and said to Lei Tian, "Master, in fact, the old master left me because I was reliable. So this matter tells you that if you choose a companion, you must choose a reliable one.

"Alas, reliable? Now I don't know who can be reliable and who can't be trusted..." Lei Tian said decadently.

"In fact, Mr. Jiang and others are reliable according to the old slaves, but they are alone and afraid of difficulties. Of course, it's good for them to achieve great things. In case they don't, we also have a way out, right? The old turtle said, "There were originally several large families in the demon world. The wolf demon family, that is, our clan, later gained power, and suppressed and supported several other major families, such as eagles, dogs, bears, pigs..., especially the dogs, who were driven to the seaside cliffs by the master and others. It is said that they collectively jumped into the sea. , and then disappeared.

"What are you talking to me about these rotten mills? To put it bluntly, what should I do? Lei Tian said impatiently.

The old turtle sighed slightly and thought to himself, "The master was really wise. Although the master has been 100 years, he is still naive, impatient, reckless and rude. Although he is kind, in this demon world, kindness is the biggest shortcoming... Alas, I don't know if I want to help him today, is right or What's wrong?"

"But with so many families, which one should we choose to unite?" Lei Tian didn't notice the old turtle's mind. He touched his beard, held the chair and meditated.

"The old slave has a suggestion." The old turtle said.

"Say it!" Lei Tiandao.

"We might as well choose the dog family." The old turtle said.

"I said you are really old. Have you forgotten what you just said? The dog clan has disappeared. Lei Tian said, "In my opinion, most of them have been swallowed up by the Black Sea (the Black Sea is the only and largest ocean in the demon world, which is unfathomable. The place outside the coastline ignoring the sea is filled with black fog, which is the forbidden place of the demon world). Shall we go to find a ghost alliance?"

"Ha ha, master, I remember that you used to scold me for being immortal, but now I am going to rely on the old man in front of you." There was a mysterious smile on the face of the old turtle. He looked at Lei Tian and said, "In fact, the dogs have not died. On the contrary, they are now lurking in a secret corner and are slowly recovering."

Lei Tian frowned. As a descendant of the demon god, he also heard a little about the war between the dog clan and the wolf clan thousands of years ago. At that time, the dog clan and the wolf clan were similar in strength. They were unconvinced with each other and often fought with each other. Later, under the leadership of Grandpa Lei Tian, the wolf clan defeated the invaders of the dog clan and defended the territory of the wolf clan. , and since then, it has established the situation of the wolf clan leading the demon world.

"But it is rumored that the dog has..." Lei Tian said.

"Young master, we monsters should believe in our hearts. No matter who says it, it is hearsay and cannot be fully believed. Even our own eyes and ears sometimes deceive us, let alone others? The old turtle said slowly.

"Since you know they are still alive, you must know where they are, right?" Lei Tiandao.

"Well, the old slave does know." The old turtle said, "That's why I hope you can unite with the dog clan to fight against the destruction."

"No, no! In any case, Meng and I are brothers of the same clan. How can we use the hands of others to betray our brothers? I can't do this!" Lei Tian shook his head, "You absolutely can't do it!"

"Young master, we are not betraying, but saving." The old turtle said, "Although the old slave is not a peerless master, at least he has lived for so long, and it is very accurate to see things. If this demon world continues to be tormented by extinction, sooner or later it will perish. At that time, not only our wolf clan, but also the whole demon world will not be spared. What's more, we and the dogs only use each other, not to hand over the country to him.

Lei Tian frowned and thought secretly that he was considering the feasibility of the old turtle's proposal. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the door, followed by a very arrogant voice: "Lei Tian, come out!"

The old turtle and Lei Tian looked at each other and knew in their hearts that most of the people who came were under extermination. That's right, even the two subordinates sent were missing. If they would give up, he would not be exterminated.


"Good news!" Early in the morning, Jiang Hanye was still meditating cross-legged, and he heard a thong footsteps from the stairs and the beautiful and penetrating voice of lilac flowers.

Cen Ruoqiu opened the door, and Dinghua reluctantly smiled at her (she already knew that Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue were girls, so her attitude towards them was always lukewarm). Cen Ruoqiu also smiled faintly and didn't care about it.

Sister Dingxiang? Is there any good news? Jiang Hanye came out of the room and looked at the lilac and asked.

"That guest came to Chizhou City last night and now lives in the post station." Dingxianghua said, "This news is true. The dead horse demon told me. He said that the kitchen has been busy all day today just to entertain him."

"Oh?" Jiang Hanye frowned and said to himself, "After all, the ghost is still coming."

"Can they say who the distinguished guest is?" Cen Ruoqiu was still not sure, although Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan both felt that the man must be a ghost.

"He said, he was a young man with a black and white bar on his face, which looked strange." Dinghua said, "The clothes you are wearing are more gorgeous than those of Master Destruction. They really look like a nobleman, but what other nobles are there in our demon world?" Lilac fell into meditation.

"Thank you, Sister Dingxiang." Jiang Hanye said that he exchanged a wink with Cen Ruoqiu. With the black and white horizontal lines alone, nine out of ten can confirm that the man is a ghost, but what should he do next? Since the ghost has come, it's good to just make a break, but before that, we have to destroy the seeds of the plague. Where can we put that?

"I said, what the hell are you going to do? I tried my best to help you. Now you should tell me the truth, right? Lilac stared at Jiang Hanye and asked.

"To be honest, the purpose of our visit this time is to save the world." Jiang Hanye said, "The world is no longer the world it used to be..." He slowly told Lilac about the corpse plague and ghost life.

Lilac's face turned pale and her lips trembled. Before Jiang Hanye finished speaking, she rushed to ask, "Little brother, do you mean that the dead will be resurrected?"

"Well, yes, the dead resurrect, attack the living, and then turn the living into such a walking corpse." Jiang Hanye said, "There are only 100 people in the world who have survived today."