King of Martial Arts

Chapter 227 Strange Channel

"Where is she going?" Jiang Hanye looked suspiciously at Kan Cangyue's figure not far in front of him. On the one hand, he was worried that she would be found and whether she was sick, and on the other hand, he was curious about what she was going to do when she came out in the middle of the night.

In that alley, there are dilapidated houses on both sides, and some houses don't even have roofs. Because this alley is hidden in a tall building, it would have been impossible for those who came here in person to imagine that there would be such a thatched hut in such a wooden and stone city.

Kan Cangyue went all the way to the end of the alley and turned a corner. Just as she turned around, Jiang Hanye suddenly saw something that seemed to shine with a dark red light on her wrist. Isn't that the magic wand she said she bought from the store during the day?

Kan Cangyue's figure disappeared at the end of the alley. Jiang Hanye was afraid of being lost, so he took a few steps. After coming to the place where she disappeared, he found that Kan Cangyue had turned into a family (or a demon family).

This is the same place as other houses in the alley. There are several thatched huts and a small yard. There is an octagonal well on the left side of the yard. What is different is that although the other courtyards are dilapidated, everyone's door is still closed, but this family is not. The door and door are wide open. It seems to be an abandoned place.

Kan Cangyue, holding the tears she bought during the day, went straight to the well and bent down gently. Probably when she was sleeping, she changed her clothes. Jiang Hanye found that Kan Cangyue was now wearing her original moon-white dress, which wrapped her white jade-like body, which was particularly eye-catching.

"What is she doing here?" Jiang Hanye frowned and stood at the gate of the yard, only a few steps away from Kan Cangyue, but Kan Cangyue seemed to be unaware that he didn't even look back.

Kan Cangyue took out the lover's tears and stared at the dark red stone. Suddenly, she began to meditate something. At first, her voice was extremely low, and Jiang Hanye didn't even feel that she was talking. Later, the voice became louder and louder, similar to that of ordinary people, but Jiang Hanye still couldn't understand what she said.

Kan Cangyue spoke very fast, and it didn't seem to speak human language, but it was like a spell or something. In short, Jiang Hanye saw that with the acceleration of her meditation speed and the passage of time, the ruby began to shine, and a beam of bright red light was projected from the tip of the gem and cast into the octagonal well.

The well is very old, and there is a deep mark on the well platform, which must have been ground by the residents who used to live here over the years. Now the blue-gray well platform was illuminated by red light, emitting a faint and strange light. In that light, Jiang Hanye was surprised to see a scene that he had never thought of. A passage similar to a ladder extended from the well platform to the well.

After the ladder appeared, Kan Cangyue also stopped reciting. She stood up and suddenly turned her head to look at Jiang Hanye without warning and said faintly, "Have you been with me for so long, are you tired?"

"So you always knew that I was behind you?" Jiang Hanye was stunned. He was really a little unpredictable about the girl in front of him, the girl who was said to have fallen in love with him in another world.

"Of course, I'm not deaf and blind." Kan Cangyue turned her eyes back to the well platform and looked at the steps in the illusory red light, "Do you dare to come?"

"Why not?" Jiang Hanye did not hesitate.

"Don't be angry. Maybe it's not a good place to go down here." Kan Cangyue whispered.

"Is that why you bought this lover's tears?" Jiang Hanye frowned and looked at the stairs and said.

"I don't know. When I bought it, I was unconscious and didn't know what I was going to face." Kan Cangyue answered truthfully.

"Maybe this is fate. Will this thing seek its own master like my Brahma ruler?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"I don't know." After Kan Cangyue finished answering, she suddenly raised her foot and walked down.

The steps seemed to be transparent and empty, like a mirage in the air, but Jiang Hanye clearly saw her feet stepping on the steps, which were extremely solid. After a moment of silence, Jiang Hanye also raised his feet and walked down with Kan Cangyue's footsteps.

From the outside, the well is so narrow that it can only allow a seven- or eight-year-old child to pass through. Logically, Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue are absolutely impossible to pass through and enter from here, but they have done it. The passage looked narrow, but it was very spacious, which made Jiang Hanye couldn't help wondering whether his eyes had deceived him or felt that he had deceived him.

After walking for a long time, there is still such a situation on both sides: the well wall of the well is clearly visible, and the mottled traces of years on it are shocking, while Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue are surrounded by warm light and seem to be isolated from the world for a while.

"It's boring to go down. Why don't we guess where this leads to?" Jiang Hanye Road.

Kan Cangyue smiled faintly in front of him and replied, "Well, I guess this leads to the outside of the city."

Almost at the same moment, Jiang Hanye also blurted out: "Outside the city!"

Kan Cangyue stopped. This motion without warning made Jiang Hanye almost hit it. He reluctantly stopped and looked at her with some surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you think so too?" Kan Cangyue stared at him and asked.

"Ha ha, I sincerely hope so." Jiang Hanye said, "If so, then there will be a proper way out after our action, regardless of success or failure."

"So that's it." Kan Cangyue said, "But my intuition tells me that this is indeed the way out of the city."

"Let's go, I think we will know the answer soon." Jiang Hanye Road.

Jiang Hanye is really right, and they will soon know the answer. The seemingly endless ladder gradually became more substantial under the embrace of red light. Suddenly, Jiang Hanye felt a cool and humid wind pouring in front of him. His heart moved and said, "It seems to be the end."

"No, you're wrong." Kan Cangyue said, "It's over."

As soon as Kan Cangyue's voice fell, Jiang Hanye felt that the red light in front of him suddenly disappeared. He fixed his eyes and saw that he was actually at the seaside. In front of him was a surging dark sea, and behind him was a steep mountain range comparable to a cliff. Where is this?

"Black Sea." Jiang Hanye said that he once knew the Black Sea in a chat with lilac flowers, and also knew that this sea was the only and horrible sea in the demon world, because for millions of years, no monster has been able to successfully cross the sea. Opposite the Black Sea is a completely unknown place for the demon world, that is, fishermen who fish by the sea for a living, will only Fishing within ten miles of the sea.

"Hmm." Kan Cangyue nodded, and both of them read the excitement from each other's eyes.

"But why?" After a short period of excitement, Jiang Hanye began to meditate. He looked down at the wand in Kan Cangyue's hand, which was called lover's tears. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Ask." Kan Cangyue rubbed her lover's tears, with an inexplicable expression on her face.

"What is the spell you just read at the well?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"I don't know. When I was meditate, a voice suddenly broke into my ear and read it to me like this." Kan Cangyue Road.

What Kan Cangyue said was mysterious. Jiang Hanye was half skeptical, but he couldn't say anything. He could only nod and said nothing.

The coastline of the Black Sea is very long, and the beach is narrow. From the seaside to the rocks, the distance is only about 100 feet. The white sand on the shore is as white as snow. From time to time, you can see one or two pieces of rotten wood buried in the sand from time to time.

"Go back, so as not to have an accident in the inn." After the two walked along the coastline for a while and thoroughly investigated the nearby topography, Jiang Hanye said.

"Hmm." Kan Cangyue nodded, but soon shook her head again.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hanye asked hurriedly.

"If I say that I forgot how to read the spell, will you want to strangle me?" Kan Cangyue suddenly smiled mischievously at Jiang Hanye. She had never smiled so lightly.

Jiang Hanye was stunned and was thinking about how to answer her. Kan Cangyue smiled again: "It seems that I'm really old. I can't understand it even if I joke with my descendants, alas!"

With this long sigh, Jiang Hanye saw her hair fluttering in the wind, revealing her white jade-like face, which was very charming. His heart suddenly shook at this moment, and he felt a little dizzy.

"Don't worry, I remember the spell, but we did have a problem now. When I came here before, someone seemed to guide me. At that time, although I knew that you were following me, I couldn't look back, because the sound was intermittent, and I couldn't help it. But now it's different. Since we entered the stairs, the sound has disappeared. Where should we go back? Kan Cangyue looked sadly and looked at Jiang Hanye. At this moment, Jiang Hanye suddenly found that this seemingly strong girl was actually just a little woman. She also had weak times and playful times that belonged to her.

"Think about it, what special things or places were there when we first came out?" Jiang Hanye said to Kan Cangyue after pondering for a moment.

"It seems to be everywhere..." Kan Cangyue said. She and Jiang Hanye stood still and looked around and found that it was indeed the same everywhere, with black sea, dark blue sky, cliffs and white sand, and there was nothing strange.

"Wait a minute, since it's the same everywhere, why don't we try it here?" Jiang Hanye said.

"Oh?" Kan Cangyue tilted her head and looked at him, "I didn't expect you to be quite smart... Isn't that why you are homeless everywhere? Ha..."

After saying that, Kan Cangyue gently opened her lips and chanted spells. With the melodious whisper, a dazzling red light was projected from the dark red gem at the tip of the lover's tears. On the white beach, a black dot gradually appeared in the place reflected by the red light. At first, the black dot was only the size of an eye. Slowly, it became bigger and bigger with Kan Cangyue's spell, and finally it was as big as a wellhead.

After the dot turned into a black hole, the beam suddenly intensified. Kan Cangyue also finished the spell and waited. Not long after, a ladder appeared in the beam again.

"It seems so." Kan Cangyue nodded to Jiang Hanye and said.

"Well, let's try this time to see where this spell leads." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Let's go." Kan Cangyue was about to start, but was stopped by Jiang Hanye.

"Let me go first." Jiang Hanye said, and after saying that, he pulled Kan Cangyue behind him, and he stepped on the ladder first.


"hiccup! Come on, little girl, let the old man have a good time!" A hoarse and arrogant voice came from outside.

"No, no!" This is obviously a young female monster.

In fact, after the monsters entered the demon world from the first generation, they have produced many local monsters. After the descendants of these monsters are born, they are the same as civilians and have no skills. They have to go through the cultivation of the future to embark on a fair path. However, not all monsters have the capital to practice, because cultivation requires two crucial conditions. The first is qualification, and the second is money. Neither of these two can achieve a monster, and a monster that cannot be cultivated is at best more powerful and lives longer.

This young girl obviously can't become the kind of monster, because when Jiang Hanye suddenly emerged from the ground, he found that two ferocious monsters with horns and tails behind their buttocks surrounded her drunkenly and blocked her in the corner.

"It turns out that there are also scum in the demon world." After seeing this scene, Jiang Hanye said lightly.

"Hmm?" The two monsters turned around and didn't seem to notice when there were more people behind them. Oh, no, two, because at this time, they watched Kan Cangyue emerge from the ground little by little, which scared them. They were all slightly drunk, but after such a scare, the wine turned into cold sweat and evaporated.

"Ghost!" The two monsters screamed. At this time, Jiang Hanye knew that the monsters in the demon world were also afraid of ghosts.

"Yes, it's a ghost." Jiang Hanye said coldly, and then he noticed that the girl who had been bullied before had fainted.

"Hmm, I'm not afraid!" After experiencing the initial clearance, one of the monsters rolled up his sleeves, pulled out something similar to a machete from behind, and split it according to Jiang Hanye. Just for the guy in his hand, Jiang Hanye knew that he was not a monster in cultivation, because most of the weapons of all monsters in cultivation were similar - magic wands, or something inlaid at the tip of the wand.

"Okay, go, two of them, and two of us, beat them to death!" At this time, the other one also began to howle with the courage of someone.

These two guys are full of alcohol and smell of blood. They don't know what they do or where they come from, but Jiang Hanye knows that they are by no means good people.

Two monsters rushed over to Jiang Hanye with their teeth and claws. He gently pulled his body and pulled his hands, and the two monsters fell and ate shit.

"I don't fight with people who are too different. It's boring." Jiang Hanye said, "But since I bumped into you, I can't watch you do such a dirty thing. Whether it's human or demon, you can be bad, but you can't be bad to women and children.

"Tut! This guy is full of benevolence. Since you are so benevolence, I will ask you what you are doing with this girl!" The monster looked at Kan Cangyue behind Jiang Hanye with drunken eyes. It seemed that it was not until now that he found that the female ghost who came out of the ground was very beautiful and beautiful, so he rose again and touched her with a smile.

"Come on, little lady, touch me, what's the difference between you and the group of mares in Cuihonglou (the largest brothel in Chizhou City)..." The monster spit out dirty words in his mouth.

Although Jiang Hanye didn't know what the Cuihong Building was, he also knew what he meant by what he said, so when the monster just passed him, he suddenly kicked out. The monster flew high like a kite and fell to the ground when it rose more than two feet in the air and fainted. The past.

"Ah, kill... kill the monster!" Another monster couldn't help screaming when he saw his companion's appearance. At this time, he didn't care about eating tofu, but ran out of the alley with his trousers in a panic.

Jiang Hanye frowned and whispered, "I don't want to kill you... You forced me..." Before he finished his words, he heard a bang behind him, and then a shadow flashed over his shoulder, penetrating the monster's head, and then Jiang Hanye watched the monster collapse. It turned into a black smoke.

"Sometimes, you can't be too soft." Kan Cangyue said coldly, "Otherwise, you will hurt yourself."

Jiang Hanye didn't say anything. He didn't know why he became so soft again. Wasn't he a one-eye son who killed people without blinking? Or he has always been like this, but he doesn't know it himself.

Anyway, Jiang Hanye's head was empty at this time, and it took a long time to hear an exclamation: "Ah!"

This is the girl on the ground who woke up. Like lilac, she is a horse demon. It seems that there are more horse demons in this Chizhou city.

"Thank you!" The young hen demon walked to Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue and gave a deep salute, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. It's just a piece of cake." Jiang Hanye said, "You'd better go home quickly."

"Two benefactors, if you don't mind, please leave your name, and I will repay you in Japan." The witch said.

"No, we didn't come here to save you." Kan Cangyue said coldly.