King of Martial Arts

Chapter 323 Death in vain

In the morning, the Hundred Flowers Valley is immersed in the morning light and fog. After a night's sleep, all the plants have a new vitality under the dewdrops, and the leaves are fresh and green, as if they had just been washed with water.

Ten years ago, there was only one sweeper in Baihua Valley, but now there are many villagers in the valley who have come to help. They are the survivors and their descendants who have been favored by the fairies of Baihua Valley. Ten kind people come to work in groups every month without asking for any remuneration. So far, the lovely side of these kind people has been completely presented in the eyes of the warriors of Baihua Valley led by Baiyu cicada.

Today, Mrs. Zhu was responsible for sweeping the backyard. Early in the morning, she ran here with a dustpan and a broom. Sister Zhu worked very hard to clean at first, and it seemed that she was in a good mood, but as she swept, she suddenly found that there was a dark red on the ground near the rockery not far ahead, which made her a little curious.

"Huh? Strangely, there is a bluestone floor nearby. Why is it dark red in front of it? Is it possible that someone sprinkled something on it? Sister Zhu muttered secretly and walked forward.

When Sister Zhu walked around, the scene in front of her really scared her. It turned out that the dark red piece was not something else, but a blood stain that had dried up on the ground.

"Ah! Oh my God! Help!" Sister Zhu immediately opened her throat and shouted. As she shouted, she threw down the broom and dustpan and ran out desperately.


The white jade cicada, who had not been out of the mountain for a long time, stood behind the rockery, and she stared at the two bodies on the ground without saying anything. The two bodies were all disciples of Baihua Valley. One was dressed in red and the other was wearing a yellow skirt. Their magic weapons were scattered nearby, and their swords were well in the scabbard, that is to say, when they met the enemy, they didn't even have a chance to take action.

"To the master!" The white ring eyes are full of tears and their hands are full of blood. Because they are proficient in human structure, Baihua has always been responsible for the responsibility of autopsy in the valley.

"Tell it!" Bai Yu Chan's lips trembled and slowly ordered.

"The two sisters were both alive and cut open and taken away..." Bai Huan said this, as if she couldn't bear to go on.

"Tell it!" At this time, Bai Yuchan's calmness and aura brought a great sense of security to the disciples around him. It seems that Jiang is still old and spicy.

"They were taken away from the women's palace (uterine)!" Bai Huan gritted his teeth and said it with grief and indignation.

"What?" Bai Yu cicada's body was shocked. The organs that the two disciples were killed and taken away were the most precious thing for a woman. Now that the organ has been taken away not only hurt the disciples of Baihua Valley, but also insulting the whole Baihua Valley. No wonder Bai Yucicada is angry.

"Where is Sister Zhu?" Bai Yucicada said.

"" Poor Sister Zhu narrowed her eyes tremblingly and came in from outside the crowd. The hem of her skirt was still wet, and as soon as she walked, she would emit a smell of urine. It seemed that she was very scared in the morning. Sister Zhu came to the scene and did not dare to see the two bodies. She just knelt in front of Bai Yucicada and said, "Sister Zhu, amin woman, see... see... I have seen the white fairy!"

"Don't be polite, just say what you saw today!" Bai Yu cicada said coldly.

"Yes!" Sister Zhu swallowed her saliva, settled her mind, removed the crying in her voice, and then replied, "I got up in the morning to clean up. When I got to the front a little bit, I found that the color here was wrong, so I came over curiously to have a look, and I saw the two fairy aunts..." Because of fear, Mrs. Zhu spoke quickly. After that She closed her eyes tightly and held her breath and dared not move any more.

Bai Yucicada frowned. She waved her hand and said, "Okay, you go first." So when Mrs. Zhu met with an amnesty, she hurriedly kowtowed to thank her and stumbled away from the crowd. Not far away, she heard her vomiting in the flowers.

"Master, let me check!" Cen Ruoqiu stood up and took the initiative to ask for it. She is the most indifferent of the disciples of Baihua Valley. She has never rushed to do anything or hide anything. This time, even Cen Ruoqiu came out, which shows how much this incident has done to Baihua Valley.

Bai Yucicada shook her head gently and said slowly, "First restrain the bodies of Wan'er and Xiang'er, and then talk about other things in the long run. This person dares to hurt my life in the Valley of Flowers. There must be something to hold. We must act cautiously." After the walking plague, Bai Yucicada's character has also changed a little. The biggest thing is that he has become more stable and more careful.


"Invaders, go to hell!" The woman of the demon clan became more and more arrogant. She danced the whip in her hand and formed a dense net beside Jiang Hanye.

For good, after several competitions, Jiang Hanye has gradually figured out her way. The biggest strength of this woman is that she is fast, and it is not exaggerated to use it as fast as the wind.

"No, I can't be led by her by the nose like this." Jiang Hanye secretly said, "Since she is fast, her strength must be worse. I must avoid her front and turn to her blunt place."

Thinking about the establishment, Jiang Hanye began to pay attention to the maneuver rather than just dodging. After eating a few whips of the demon woman, Jiang Hanye really found that the woman's strength was not good. The whip in her hand was very powerful. After observing during this period, Jiang Hanye found that the main body of the whip was made of animal bones, and the specific part should be the spine of some large fierce beast. The whip has undergone special processing and is extremely flexible. No matter how it is bent, it is very comfortable. Jiang Hanye once experienced it himself: once he stood in a very special position, and it should be difficult to attack him from where the demon woman was, but the woman shook the whip and hit him, which made him frustrated. Already.

In addition to the special raw materials, the barbed thorns on the whip are also special. At first, Jiang Hanye thought that those were just ordinary thorns, but later he found that the thorns on the whip were all made of metal, and the weight of those thorns alone was extremely heavy.

Based on the above two points, Jiang Hanye concluded that the weight of the whip was not light. If the demon woman was strong enough, then Jiang Hanye's whole body might be split in half.

"Well, since you are not strong enough, why don't you give me the whip!" Jiang Hanye said secretly that he had made up his mind to take the whip from the demon woman this time and turn it into his own use.


Jiang Hanye ate two more whips, but recently he has learned to be obedient and knows how to avoid the damage caused by the whip to the maximum extent - as long as he moves his body in the direction of the force of the whip, he can ensure that his body will not be harmed to the greatest extent.

Because the whip was too heavy and Jiang Hanye became more and more cunning, the demon woman began to breathe after throwing the two whips just now. Her strength was obviously weak, as Jiang Hanye expected.

This is a good opportunity. Even if it is only for a short moment, Jiang Hanye has to seize it. At the moment when the demon woman stopped to gasp a little, Jiang Hanye gritted his teeth and reached out to hold the end of the whip.

The demon woman felt that the powerful power on the whip was coming. She couldn't help but be stunned. Looking at Jiang Hanye, she seemed to believe her eyes - the whip was full of thorns. How dare he catch it with his bare hands?

The piercing pain came from the palm of Jiang Hanye's hand. Due to too much force, the thorn on the whip has pierced the palm of his hand, but this is also good. He can just take the opportunity to drag the whip over. Compared with the demon woman, Jiang Hanye's strength was obviously much greater. He pulled the whip together with the demon woman with less than 30% of his strength, and while the woman was stunned, Jiang Hanye danced her fiercely as a part of the whip.

Jiang Hanye used the end of the whip as a whip handle, and danced the woman as if she were nothing, and slapped the whip on the rock. Although the demon woman is tough, she is also a flesh and blood body. She dares not bet her life on the rock, so when she can touch the rock, she helplessly gave up the whip in her hand - since she can't grab it, she can only give up, otherwise she will be dumped into meat sauce by Jiang Hanye.

After getting the whip, Jiang Hanye did not hesitate at all. He immediately shook the whip and beat the demon woman. He wanted to make up for the demon woman who had doubled the hardships he had suffered in the past these days.

After losing her weapon, the poor demon woman did not go through two rounds under Jiang Hanye's whip. By the time she was beaten for the second time, she had screamed and died.

Jiang Hanye was afraid that the woman would not die, so he gave her two whips fiercely. It was not until she was motionless that she stopped for a temporary rest.

There is more than the child next to the fire, but strangely, only the previous woman was attacking Jiang Hanye from beginning to end, and the other one has been roasting the fire since then, except for turning his head and looking at him at the beginning. Now that a woman has been eliminated, Jiang Hanye knows that the remaining woman is about to take action.

As expected, after the death of her companion, the woman slowly stood up.

The demon clan is relatively tall, so although he is a woman, he is also as tall as Jiang Hanye. The woman's hands were empty and she had no weapons. Her face was good, but there were strange butterfly-shaped markings on her face, which were right in the middle of her face and covered her nose and cheeks. Despite this, the marking not only did not cause any loss to her beauty, but also added a little ** power to her, a kind of ** power that only men can understand.

Jiang Hanye's right hand was pierced by the whip, and he was already unconscious, just mechanically holding the whip. When he saw your woman stand up and turned around, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

He has never had a fight with this woman, so he doesn't know her strength or her way, so it is necessary to be careful.

"You killed her." The woman suddenly said.

"Hmm." Jiang Hanye licked his thirsty lips and nodded.

"Thank you!" The woman paused and suddenly said.

"Hmm?" Jiang Hanye was stunned. Normally, a companion was killed by the enemy. In any case, her reaction should not be grateful to the enemy.