King of Martial Arts

Chapter 349 Good? Evil?

It has been closed for the third day. For three days, Jiang Hanye has been understanding the essence of the shadow told in the Gude Sutra every day. For a long time, he has not been able to accept the true meaning of the shadow mentioned by Jia Lanye, but for some reason, he gradually found that perhaps the goodness of human nature that he has been familiar with since childhood is not correct.

In the Gudejing, Jia Lanye proposed that human nature is evil, born to be good, and has a desire for ears and eyes, so it is necessary for people with a hegemon to stand up to shock these ordinary people.

"If so, where should the domineering person go? Chizi, born naked, comes to this world without any distractions, how can you say that human nature is evil? Although my heart has been shaken, my heart is still entangled.

In the morning, Jiang Hanye came out of the cave. He stretched his arms and took a deep breath.

The environment of Baihua Valley is beautiful. Even after a catastrophe such as the earthquake, it is still green, with beautiful mountains and rivers and fresh air.

"Alas, I'm not a scholar in the first place. I've been sitting here reading for three days. It's really bad." Jiang Hanye shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At this time, suddenly there was a child's play in the distance.

"Why is there a village near here?" Jiang Hanye frowned. The place he chose is not a remote place, but it is definitely a place that those people can't think of. Imagine who will choose such an open and sunny place during the retreat? At least the vast majority of people choose to stay in a secluded place.

Jiang Hanye jumped forward, jumped on another tree more than ten feet away from the tree, and looked down from the treetops.

In a bush not far from the tree, there are several little foxes playing, and the so-called children's play is made by this group of little foxes.

"Wow, it scared me. It turned out that it was just a group of little monsters in cultivation." Jiang Hanye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know how old these little foxes are, but they don't look very big. They are playing a game of throwing sandbags: a fox stands in the middle, with two foxes on each side, and one sandbag is thrown around, and they lose if they are lost. Children in this kind of game also often go to play, but foxes hold sandbags with their mouths, while people use their hands.

After all, they are monsters. Their skills are flexible. A sandbag is as difficult to distinguish the trajectory and real body like a meteor. If it hadn't been for Jiang Hanye's eyesight, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen that it was a sandbag.

The little foxes had a good time, and Jiang Hanye also had a good time. However, while playing, somehow these little foxes suddenly stopped playing and began to quarrel.

A white-haired little fox pointed to the little fox in the middle angrily and scolded, "If you don't follow the rules, we agreed not to use demon power!" Dad said that he would be caught and killed with demon power outside!"

"Well, there is no one in the field. What if it is used? Is there anyone? There is no one here at all, okay?" The little fox in the middle said unconvincedly.

"Tep about him!" The chestnut little fox was obviously the youngest of the five foxes. He spoke in a milky tone. When he saw that the slightly older fox did not listen to him, he turned to other foxes for help.

Unexpectedly, the other three little foxes did not help him, especially the little fox beside him, suddenly pushed him down and said coldly, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what he said? It's easy for us to sneak out and play for a while. Now no one cares about us, but you're going to have a lot of trouble?

"What's wrong with you? You bullied me, and I'm going to tell your father!" The little chestnut fox rolled up on the ground and ran far away.

Seeing this, I don't know why Jiang Hanye's heart sank. This group of foxes have been able to speak human words, which shows that their parents must be well-cultivated and have been able to transform human shapes, so they can teach their children and women to speak. However, the little fox began to run, but Jiang Hanye's heart was uncomfortable. Somehow, he vaguely felt that something might happen.

Jiang Hanye hesitated for a moment and then chased after him. In order not to scare the snake, he still quietly followed him. However, on a small stone beach not far ahead, Jiang Hanye saw a bloody scene: the four chasing foxes were drinking the blood of the little fox and removing the core of his spirit demon.

"Brother, I'll give you this!" The three little foxes said flatteringly.

The biggest little fox smiled with satisfaction: "Well, that's good. I'll treat you well!"

"But he died, what if his father asks?" A little fox said tremblingly, "His father is very fierce."

"Ferocious? Humph, as long as we say that we haven't seen him." The biggest little fox said, "Besides, human beings are so rampant now that they often hunt us for fur. Even if he is found dead, it's just human beings. What are you afraid of?"

Hearing this little boss's words, the little foxes will also smile: "Brother, you are still smart!"

"So let's go back. It's already dawn. I'm afraid someone will pass by here." The big fox said.

The foxes went away and left Jiang Hanye and sighed: "Although human beings often say that someone is cunning and can be described as a fox, I didn't expect that these young foxes also have such a mind, hateful, killing their compatriots and blaming human beings..."

Jiang Hanye turned his head and took two steps back sullenly. After all, he couldn't bear to let the little chestnut fox die in the wilderness, so he turned back and buried it before leaving at ease.

On the way back, Jiang Hanye couldn't help thinking: "Is sex good or evil? What's the difference between a man and a fox?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Hanye couldn't help recalling a small thing in his childhood. At that time, he was still young, only four or five years old. Because he was a child who was picked up, he was weak. At the age of four or five, he was still the same size as a three or four-year-old child, so there were often some big bad children in the village to bully him.

One day, Jiang Hanye went out to play with his eldest brother. In the process of playing, everyone secretly climbed into the yard of the third uncle's house to pick dates to eat. After being found by the third uncle, all the people pointed to Jiang Hanye and said to the third uncle, "It was Xiaoye who wanted to eat, so we came."

The third uncle believed it, and then took Jiang Hanye back to his adoptive parents and scolded him, and even his brother didn't even speak for him.

"Alas, maybe the true evil of human nature is unknown." Jiang Hanye sighed. Thinking of this, his heart suddenly lit up: "In this case, I won't hit the iron while it's hot. Maybe I will find something different when I go back to Wenshu now!"

Jiang Hanye ran back, tearing through the air like lightning, making a chila sound, and disappeared in the distance in an instant.