King of Martial Arts

Chapter 352 Deep Empty Ring

I don't know how deep the cave is. Jiang Hanye has been at the mouth of this cave for many years. Today, he enters again. His goal is to defeat the demon woman who will cast thorns.

"Are you here again?" As soon as Jiang Hanye appeared in the cave, he heard the woman's cold voice. At the same time, Jiang Hanye also began to make a rustling sound at his feet. He knew that it was the sound of thorns coming out of the ground.

"If I don't come, I'm afraid you don't exist, do you?" Jiang Hanye laughed.

"Well, that's true." The woman was stunned, thought for a moment and nodded and said, "Do you know what I like most about you? That's your honesty, good or bad."

"Is it?" Jiang Hanye said, "Then would you like to listen to me honestly today?"

"What are you talking about?" The woman was stunned again. She looked up and down at Jiang Hanye. Although her appearance was still the same, the man in front of her seemed to have become a little different, which made her feel a little panicked.

"I think you will die in my hands today, do you believe it?" Jiang Hanye said lightly.

The demon woman looked at Jiang Hanye and suddenly laughed. Her smiling flowers trembled and pointed to Jiang Hanye and said, "I just praised you a few words, but you actually became dishonest... Kill me? Do you think you have this ability?

Before the woman's voice fell, Jiang Hanye felt a tingling pain under his feet, and a green shadow flashed. With a crack, the vine wrapped around his feet stretched out a branch to beat him.

"Eacon's little skill!" Jiang Hanye sneered and reached out to grab the vine.

The speed of Jiang Hanye surprised the woman. She jumped back five feet and stared at Jiang Hanye and said, "Well, it's really fast. I didn't expect you to hide from practice after such a long time."

"My sister's kung fu is so good, how can I be a little brother?" Jiang Hanye said, he took a deep breath and held his breath. Suddenly, a boundless darkness spread in his heart. At the same time, the lavender light around him began to deepen. Gradually, the lavender light seemed to penetrate into the vine.

Hearing the scream of the demon woman, the vines under Jiang Hanye's feet seemed to wither, quickly wither, wrinkled into a ball in an instant, and there was a burst of purple smoke.

"Shadow, you actually gave birth to a shadow!" The skin on the surface of the demon woman's body also began to wrinkle like the wrinkled and withered vines. In an instant, she seemed to be 30 years old, and even her voice became hoarse.

"What, is this really surprising?" Jiang Hanye said, "I dream of practicing here in order to naturally become a dark doctor. The shadow is the foundation of the dark doctor. Naturally, it needs to give birth to a shadow..."

"But how long have you been practicing? I have seen countless practitioners. No one can give birth to shadows in the first 50 years of cultivation. You are really the first person!" This time, the demon woman's attitude towards Jiang Hanye has changed significantly. She has always been domineering before, but now she has become a little awe and even scared.

"Thank you for your praise." Jiang Hanye said, "Then you can go at ease now."

"Go? Humph!" The woman sneered and said, "Although you are very powerful, you don't want me to stop like this. It's not that easy to pass me!" A lavender light suddenly burst out all over her body. The nails of her hands grew in an instant, and the sharpness of her nails was not inferior to Xuanyuan Sword in Jiang Hanye.

After breaking free from the thorns, Jiang Hanye caught up with the woman, with his hands turned into claws, and patted down from both sides of her head, but his hands suddenly stopped when he was only half an inch away from the woman's body.

Jiang Hanye was not soft-hearted. The reason why he stopped was that no matter how hard he was now, the woman seemed to have an invisible wall around him, blocking his hand from his body.

"Want to kill me? Not to mention you, even your master had a lot of effort in those years!" The woman sneered, and her hands suddenly lifted up from below. Her nails were as sharp as hooks. If she was scratched, she would definitely pierce her intestines and die of pain.

A trace of fierceness and coldness flashed in the woman's eyes, but Jiang Hanye didn't care. As soon as his hands pulled, the woman didn't even see what he had done, and she felt that her hand no longer seemed to belong to her control, but with a click, her left arm had broken at the elbow, left The small arm of the hand flipped out and bent, and the white bone at the elbow pierced the skin and penetrated it, emitting a dazzling cold light in the dark cave.

"Ah! Damn it!" The woman sweated profusely and almost fell down several times. However, she was finally strong and finally stabilized her body. She just retreated, put her body against the wall and stared at Jiang Hanye and said, "What on earth did you do? How can it get so fast?"

"Ha ha, people will always change." Jiang Hanye shook his hand, and his hands were full of blood, sticky and disgusting.

"No, it's impossible!" The woman shouted in despair.

"Why, do you already know that your death is coming?" Jiang Hanye approached her step by step, "Don't be afraid, I won't torture you, because I'm not your demon clan."

"Oh, do you also know the demon clan?" The woman sneered, "Since you know that I'm a demon, you must know about it, right?" After saying that, Jiang Hanye saw her face wrinkle, and her facial features piled up due to excessive force. Her mouth kept squirming, and a sound like a hell magic sound suddenly filled Jiang Hanye's ears.

Kka! Kaka!

With two subtle clicks, Jiang Hanye was surprised to see that the woman's left arm was pulled off by herself. However, what was more surprising was that after her arm fell, Jiang Hanye saw a small bloody novice slowly growing out of the fracture, which was caused by the regeneration of the bone.

Jiang Hanye knew that it was not good. He wanted to get rid of the woman's arm before she recovered. However, the woman's body was like illusory. As soon as Jiang Hanye arrived in front of her, she clearly felt that she could catch the woman, but the woman suddenly disappeared and appeared elsewhere in an instant. For example, several times, when Jiang Hanye looked at her again, her left hand had completely recovered as before, and even bleeding marks and wounds could not be seen on the broken arm.

"Want to kill me? Ha ha, it's not that easy!" The woman sneered, "Even if you can break my arm ten thousand times, it can be reborn ten thousand times. The mystery of the demon world is far from what you human beings can understand!"

Jiang Hanye's heart sank. According to this woman's words, wouldn't she be able to die? No, there must be something strange in it, and she must have a dead hole!

"What I'm going to do now is to find out her dead hole!" Jiang Hanye said secretly.

Jiang Hanye and the woman's two figures chased in this cave as quickly as thunder. When chasing, Jiang Hanye's speed is obviously much faster than that of that woman, but every time the woman heals the wounds on her body, her speed will break out in an instant and become much faster than Jiang Hanye.

Gradually, Jiang Hanye has almost hurt the woman's whole body, but she has not hurt at all. She always repairs it easily or not easily after saying a spell. After the repair, her speed will be significantly faster, but this explosive power cannot last. After about half a cup of tea, her speed will enter the lowest point.

"Now the head and heart have not been hurt by me, but I don't know if these two fatalities for us are fatal to her?" Jiang Hanye secretly thought that he had found the best time, that is, to cut off the demon woman's head and neck when her speed and physical strength entered the lowest valley.

After another entanglement, Jiang Hanye slapped the woman's head.

"Ha, have you learned to be smart!" When the woman saw Jiang Hanye attacking her head, she couldn't help sneering and said, "It's a pity that you can hit such an important position?"

She saw a smile on Jiang Hanye's face. The smile was as red, but his eyes were as cold as frost. Jiang Hanye's figure shook in front of the demon woman, and his whole body shook like a reflection of the water. The woman was shocked. At this time, she heard Jiang Hanye's voice after herself: "Do you think I'm powerful enough now?"

"What? Phantom?" The demon woman's face suddenly turned pale. She quickly turned around, but how could there be Jiang Hanye behind her?

"Worry!" The demon woman screamed badly and hurriedly turned back. At this moment, she only felt that her neck clicked, and then the severe pain came, but the pain only lasted for a short time, because her head was already in Jiang Hanye's hand.

"I said, I'm almost good enough now." Jiang Hanye held the woman's head in his hand and said lightly.

In view of previous experience, Jiang Hanye now couldn't figure out whether the woman was dead or not, so he waited quietly. Not long after he heard the click, so he knew that the woman began to resurrect.

Because what she lost this time was her head, the woman was like a dead body and fell to the ground motionless before she regained her new head. Jiang Hanye has experience, how can he sit and wait for her to come back to life? So he stepped on her body, reached out to pick up a sharp stone slab and began to cut his heart, which was an organ that Jiang Hanye had never tried before.

When the woman's heart was cut out, Jiang Hanye did not hear the sound of the rebirth of the organ, and the woman naturally did not come back to life, and it wasn't long before her body gradually disappeared in the cave.

"Okay, that's good! So far, you have mastered the essence of the shadow!" The voice that had been guiding Jiang Hanye from beginning to end suddenly appeared, "Below you go behind the fire and see if there is a package there."

"Package?" Jiang Hanye looked around suspiciously. In fact, he had always wanted to get this voice out, but unfortunately it seemed to be just a voice.

"Well, the package." The voice said, "If there is, open it and have a look. The things there are yours."

Jiang Hanye did not respond. In fact, even he did not fully trust this voice in his heart. He told him everything he had experienced over the years. Don't draw conclusions too early.

Crossing the fire by the wall, Jiang Hanye found a square package in the corner of the wall. He bent down and picked up the package. The package was very light and there was no sound.

"Whose package is this?" Jiang Hanye looked up and asked the air.

"A long time ago, the originator of the dark doctor stayed here." The voice said, "This is an overlapping space. Every dark doctor needs to enter here to practice, but not everyone has a chance to find this package. You have found it, which means that you are the destined owner of this package. Now open it and have a look."

Jiang Hanye found a suitable position to sit down, carefully put the package on his lap, and opened it layer by layer. The wrapped fabric feels hard and strong, so even though it has been many years, it is still intact. Most of the packages are clothes. Although I don't know what kind of clothes they are, I can see that they should be extremely protective robes and treasures.

In addition to those clothes, there is an emerald green ring on the most central clothes. This ring emits a blue light in the dim light, but it is mixed with a little dark gold in the blue color. Jiang Hanye couldn't help admiring secretly: "Good things."

"This is naturally a good thing. It is the only ring in the seven worlds that can enhance people's spirit, called the deep ethereal ring. Its producer is the originator of other weapons masters." The voice said.

"Enhance people's spirit?" Jiang Hanye looked at this ring strangely. If you look at it from an ordinary perspective, it is at most a rare treasure, but it only has ornamental value. After saying that sound, it seems that its practicality far exceeds the ornamental.

"You are a beginner in dark medicine. It's okay if you don't understand this. I will explain it to you, but I hope it's only this time, and you will remember it in the future." The voice said, "For a dark doctor, having a strong spirit and psychology is the most important and basic. After so long of practice, you must also have some understanding of the characteristics of the dark doctor. The dark doctor relies on the shadow to survive, and the shadow comes from the human spirit. The spirit of every race and everyone has been doomed since the date of his birth. The human spirit is like water, so everyone's body has a special container for spirit. This container has an upper limit. All people can strengthen their spirit through practice, but it cannot exceed the upper limit. The role of this ring is to enhance the human spirit, which is undoubtedly helping you broaden the capacity of the spirit. Device, don't you need to talk about the rest?"

Jiang Hanye couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this. This is an anti-sky ring, but now it has arrived in his hand.

"You are originally a martial artist, and the martial artist is not suitable for practicing dark medicine, but you are a human being, and among the seven worlds, the human spirit is the strongest, which makes up for the lack of martial artists, so that you can go as far as possible on the road of dark medicine, or even further. Jiang Hanye, remember that since you have embarked on this road, you must not give up!" The voice said.

"Well, I won't." Jiang Hanye said, "So how to use this ring? Can I take it out of this dream?"

"Of course! This package and the things in the package are real, but they are just hidden in this dream with magical power. The voice said, "As for using it, just put it on your finger like other rings. The beauty of it is that only the user can experience it."

"Oh..." Jiang Hanye nodded thoughtfully. He carefully picked up the ethereal ring and looked at it under the firelight. The emerald green in the ring seemed to flow, emitting an indescribable smell. This smell would make people feel drowsy at first, but he got used to it after smelling it for a long time. .

"Put it on." The voice said.

Jiang Hanye put the ring to his left glove, but the ring doesn't seem to fit no matter which finger it is, either too big or too small, or it can't be put in at all. He frowned, changed to his right hand, and began to put it forward from his tail finger. As a result, it was too big on his tail finger and ring finger, and too small on his middle finger and index finger, so he almost gave up.

"Alas, this ring has no fate with me at all, no matter which finger it can't be worn." Jiang Hanye sighed and said.

"Do you only have nine fingers?" The voice asked.

"Since you can't even put your middle finger and index finger on, how can you wear your thumb?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"This is a treasure. Don't look at it with ordinary eyes. Try it first. If it really doesn't work, it proves that you have no fate with it. You can only put this package back in its original position." The voice said.

Jiang Hanye hesitated for a moment. He still put the ring on his right thumb, which surprised him. His thumb was wider than other fingers, but the ring was naturally put on his finger.

"Well, this ring is destined to belong to you." The voice said, "How do you feel now?"

"There is...sleepy..." Jiang Hanye's eyelids fell down in an instant, as if he hadn't slept for a long time, but he was obviously asleep.

Sleepiness came for no reason. Jiang Hanye tried his best to open his eyes. He couldn't sleep here. Who knew what strange and terrible things were in this cave? It must be the role of this ring, Jiang Hanye thought secretly.

He tried his best to take off the ring, but no matter how hard he tried, the ring did not move on his fingers, as if it had taken root.

"Ha ha, don't struggle. This is a necessary process. Go to sleep in peace." That voice laughed.