King of Martial Arts

Chapter 354 Lifelong Mutual License

The mountain stream is flowing slowly, the water quality is clear, and there is a white figure floating in the green water. When he approached, Cen Ruoqiu saw that it was a man at a glance.

"It's a man..." Cen Ruoqiu frowned, but life is still greater than heaven in her heart. After stopping and thinking for a moment again, she resolutely stepped forward and turned over the people in the water.

The water is cold and piercing, but the man's body is as hot as charcoal. As soon as he touched the man, Cen Ruoqiu's heart suddenly hung up. Such a desolate mountain, such a person will never be an ordinary person.


With a splash of water, Cen Ruoqiu saw the man's face clearly. She couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Jiang Hanye?"

As soon as she saw who the person in front of her was, Cen Ruoqiu could no longer care about anything else. She hurriedly brought Jiang Hanye out of the water, even regardless of his burning skin and burned her hand.

"What's wrong with Jiang Hanye? Wake up!" Cen Ruoqiu called his name gently, but Jiang Hanye's eyes were tightly closed and he didn't even breathe.

Cen Ruoqiu decided to take Jiang Hanye away and change places, because she firmly believed that Jiang Hanye would not have an accident easily.

What about Xuanyuan Sword? Xuanyuan Sword..." Cen Ruoqiu knew that Jiang Hanye and Xuanyuan Sword had always been inseparable, so she looked around and finally saw the Xuanyuan Sword lying there quietly under the water. She jumped into the water, resisted the burning pain, and held Jiang Hanye with her sleeves to help her bring up Xuanyuan Sword.


There was a fire burning in the cave, and there were some clothes on the fire. These were Jiang Hanye's clothes, and some of them fell into the water and got soaked. Cen Ruoqiu picked up these clothes along the way, then baked them dry, and prepared to put them on him after Jiang Hanye woke up.

Now Jiang Hanye is lying quietly on the floor, covered with a thin blanket. This cave is the hidden cave mentioned by Cen Ruoqiu before, and I didn't expect it to be of great use so soon.

"Thirry..." Jiang Hanye, who was in a coma, couldn't help muttering. Since Cen Ruoqiu rescued him, he has been repeating the word, and his face has always been as red as a red crab shell.

Cen Ruoqiu looked at him anxiously. There was a stone pit beside her. This was not a real stone pit, but a glance at the spring. The spring water came out of nowhere. It was cold and could just give Jiang Hanye a cold compress.

"Alas, what's going on with you?" Cen Ruoqiu looked at Jiang Hanye and frowned and guessed, "Did you meet that demon clan? Did you have a fight? But why...why are you so naked?"

Now Jiang Hanye is covered with a robe of Cen Ruoqiu, and his own clothes are all soaked.

Apart from Cen Ruoqiu's suffering and how complicated his body is now, just talk about Jiang Hanye. Now Jiang Hanye is having a dream that is not an outside humane dream, a spring dream.

In the dream, a wonderful woman who couldn't see her facial features wrapped around Jiang Hanye like a snake and did as much provocative as possible. Although Jiang Hanye couldn't see the woman's face clearly, his intuition told him that this was definitely a beautiful woman, at least it could provoke him.

The woman's body is as soft as a water snake, boneless, and her skin is delicate and smooth. She touches her hand like silk and satin. She sometimes dances close to Jiang Hanye, sometimes as if she is separated, but her eyes are always charming and enchanting.

Jiang Hanye swallowed a mouthful of water from time to time. At this time, his eyes, mouth and nose were useless, and it seemed that only the most primitive desire dominated him. A voice told him, "Go, go!"

Jiang Hanye wanted to pull the woman, but every time he failed, he wanted to see where he was now, but there was a white fog around him, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Suddenly, a faint voice came from the fog: "Jiang Hanye, what's wrong with you? Are you thirsty?"

The voice was so soft and beautiful. In a trance, Jiang Hanye actually combined the voice with the naked woman in front of him. His throat knot surged up and down and muttered, "I want..." It was at this time that he grabbed the woman dancing like a spiritual snake. He pressed her backhand to the ground, and his hot body was attached to it...

In addition to shock and shock, it is also mixed with shyness.

When Jiang Hanye pulled herself, Cen Ruoqiu's mind was blank. She didn't know what would happen next, but she seemed to vaguely know what would happen.

Jiang Hanye's palm stroked her neck and slid down her long and beautiful neck. At that moment, Cen Ruoqiu trembled all over. This was the first time she had such close contact with the opposite sex since she grew up. She knew that after this day, her virginity would no longer exist. .

"Jiang Hanye..." The moment when Jiang Hanye finally broke through the defense line and pierced her body, Cen Ruoqiu closed her eyes and called his name softly. Pain and multiple emotions such as guilt and joy hit her, which made her not know how to do with herself for a moment.


"Oh..." Jiang Hanye woke up, and he was very surprised by the crackling fire beside him. In his memory, he was originally by the mountain stream, but now he is clearly in a cave.

He sat up, covered with his own robe, and he frowned and looked out. He still remembers that it was the cave that Cen Ruoqiu brought him to, so Cen Ruoqiu was also here? However, Jiang Hanye looked around and did not find any other people here.

Jiang Hanye feels refreshed at this moment, as if he had just slept without any burden. He stood up and got dressed, and suddenly remembered the dream.

"That dream..." Jiang Hanye stretched out his hand and touched it under his crotch. The crotch was clean, but he found dark red blood stains on the ground. Although Jiang Hanye has had no women around him for more than ten years, after all, he is also an adult man. He still knows a little about some things between men and women. He frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly seemed to understand something. His face suddenly changed, complicated and unspeakably.

At this moment, outside the cave, Cen Ruoqiu is hiding behind the rock wall with tears on his face. Originally, she went out to wash up, but when she wanted to come back and continue to take care of Jiang Hanye, she found that he had woken up. Cen Ruoqiu has always admired Jiang Hanye, but this kind of love has been hidden in the dark until recently. Even if Jiang Hanye knew it, the two have never said anything and done.

"It's different..." Cen Ruoqiu shed tears. In fact, she was obviously happy, but tears flowed down involuntarily. She thought of Master, the lovely and respectable master who raised herself up. What if she knew about this? She hasn't married yet, so she lives with a man. What should she do if Jiang Hanye wakes up and remembers this? Countless questions came, and Cen Ruoqiu didn't know how to answer them for a while.

There were heavy footsteps in the cave. This should not be Jiang Hanye's footsteps, but this was clearly Jiang Hanye's footsteps. Cen Ruoqiu quickly wiped her tears and turned around and planned to leave.

"Where are you going?" With one hand on her shoulder, Jiang Hanye's deep voice came from behind. His voice was very beautiful, and today's voice was even better, because it was very gentle.

Cen Ruoqiu did not dare to look back to see Jiang Hanye. She blushed and just said, "I saw that you woke up and wanted to go back to Baihua Valley first."

"Is it?" Jiang Hanye pulled Cen Ruoqiu's shoulder and looked at her fixedly, looking at the girl who had surrendered herself to herself. Oh no, now this should be her own woman. She is so touching and lovely.

"Hmm." Cen Ruoqiu still didn't look up at Jiang Hanye. Her cheeks were red as if they were two burning clouds.

"What happened?" Jiang Hanye is unwilling to linger on this matter, which involves a girl's reputation and responsibility.

"What?" Cen Ruoqiu was shocked. She knew that Jiang Hanye must still remember what happened in her dream. What an embarrassing scene it was. At this moment, how much she wished to have a hole under her feet, so that she could hide quickly and not be so embarrassed.

"I mean, did something finally happen between you and me?" Jiang Hanye raised her chin and looked into her eyes deeply.

Cen Ruoqiu couldn't help looking at Jiang Hanye. In her dark eyes, her eyes were shining like stars, so charming. At this moment, Cen Ruoqiu couldn't stand it anymore. She threw herself into Jiang Hanye's arms and hugged him desperately.

"What should I do? The two of us did bad things. I... I'm sorry to Master. Cen Ruoqiu Dao. She has always been an independent girl, but on this day she completely lost herself.

"hehe." Jiang Hanye hugged Cen Ruoqiu and sighed deeply and contentedly. This is the treasure he has in this world and will be the only treasure. Once upon a time, Jiang Hanye has been wavering between Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue, but now he has the answer in his heart.

"What are you laughing at?" Cen Ruoqiu looked up at him.

"I laugh at you for being stupid. A man and a woman who are not married, and you and I are in love with each other, so there is nothing wrong with others. Isn't it good for us to go to Elder Bai generously and ask her to help us get married? Jiang Hanye looked at Cen Ruoqiu and said seriously.

Cen Ruoqiu was stunned and married? This word has been bad from Bai Yucicada since she was sensible, but now Jiang Hanye told herself to get married? However, before Cen Ruoqiu could react, Jiang Hanye said, "Marry me, okay? We will have a bunch of children and live a happy life. From then on, you will be my world.

Jiang Hanye's eyes told Cen Ruoqiu that he was serious. After hearing this, Cen Ruoqiu's heart was already intoxicated. She was stunned and nodded seriously: "Hmm."

A word 'um' already represents everything. Jiang Hanye was overjoyed. He looked at Cen Ruoqiu with a smile, picked up the tears on her cheek, and then said, "Then don't cry. When I finish the latent training, I will go to senior Bai and propose marriage to her, and then we will choose an auspicious day to get married, okay?"

"Hmm!" Cen Ruoqiu still nodded vigorously, and by this time, she would only nod hard.

This day is so long, but it is so unforgettable. For these two young people who promise each other for life, this day is a day that they will always remember.