King of Martial Arts

Chapter 370 Jail Robbery

Jiang Hanye was woken up from a noisy sound. When he woke up, he was almost dizzy and sweaty. Meng Xiu should avoid being disturbed, especially when he wakes up. This is the case now.

The door was knocked open, and Jin Danzi limmed in. He didn't know what happened. He even ignored the most basic etiquette. Jin Danzi said to Jiang Hanye in panic, "Master, come and have a look. It's not good!"

Jiang Hanye jumped down from ** and almost fell to the ground because of the discomfort caused by being awakened from a dream.

"Master, master!" Seeing Jiang Hanye's appearance, Jin Danzi hurriedly came forward with a staff and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Jiang Hanye waved his hand, "What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?"

"Someone came to rob the prison, and the stinky child was taken away." Jin Danzi said, "There are countless brothers killed and injured outside, so I came to find you."

"Where's Linger?" Jiang Hanye frowned and asked that it was not Linger who came to report that something had happened, but Jin Danzi, which surprised him, and he was also worried about whether something had happened to Linger.

"Linger is helping the magic doctor, because there are too many injured, and the magic doctor can't do it alone." Jin Danzi said.

"Okay, I know." Jiang Hanye hurriedly took a robe and put it on his body, and walked out with Xiao Bai and Jin Danzi.

The corridor outside is full of burning stones, and the walls and pillars are full of splashing blood. There are countless injured people in the yard outside the corridor. Moreover, the magic doctor, Linger and several other female disciples are busy helping the injured.

In the busy and messy crowd, Jiang Hanye saw Song Qingyun at a glance. At this time, he also hung his arms and commanded some high-level disciples to do this and that. It seemed that he, the elder, was very competent.

Seeing all this, Jiang Hanye was not busy doing anything, but quickly walked back in the direction of his own bedroom. Jin Danzi was surprised to see that Jiang Hanye turned around and left without asking questions, but after being stunned, he also hurriedly caught up with him and didn't ask why.

Jiang Hanye hurried to the cupboard, opened the cabinet door and turned out a wooden box from the corner. This is the treasure of the past - the past. Through the past, you can see some past events, things are played one by one, and now the past is just useful.

"Master, what is this?" After seeing the past, Jin Danzi couldn't help it anymore. He was originally a person who likes to nag and ask questions. In addition, the box was so exquisite that it aroused his love, and naturally he couldn't stand it.

"The past." Jiang Hanye took the box and walked to the table under the light.

"In the past? What is that?" Jin Danzi lay on the edge of the table curiously and watched. There were exquisite reliefs and beautiful patterns outside the box of the past.

"You can see the past." Jiang Hanye Road.

"What?" Jin Danzi was shocked, but immediately said excitedly, "That's great. It happens that we haven't caught it, or even see who that guy is. I suspect that he is not alone at all. It must be a group of people, but if a group of people break in, no matter how high their cultivation is, they will always be found by us..." /P>

Jin Danzi nagging, Jiang Hanye did not feel bored, because all his thoughts were in the past. In fact, Jiang Hanye did not deliberately ignore those disciples. It was really because he should not be tired within half an hour. Meng Xiu was forced to interrupt, which caused great damage to his vitality. Now even with such a small wooden box in the past, Jiang Hanye's hands trembled. At this moment, if the enemy sneaks in and is attacked, he will definitely die, and Jiang Hanye can't let anyone know about this matter, so he can only do it silently, leaving many disciples behind him who don't understand.

"In the past, you may not be able to see everything, and until today, it can only see the past of Los Angeles." Jiang Hanye said, "So we still have a try, Jin Danzi, I need your help."

"My help?" Jin Danzi patted his chest and said, "But at the order of the master."

After Jiang Hanye glanced at him, he slowly opened the box and said, "I want you to make sure that no one can approach me within three feet."

"Well, good!" Jin Danzi nodded vigorously and stood beside Jiang Hanye with a human cane in his arms, looking like a guard.

Because this is a treasure exclusive to Luo Ri, and Jiang Hanye has only watched it twice more than ten years ago, he is not sure whether it can inspire the past at this time. But now that Jiang Hanye's cultivation is not the same as before, he decided to give it a try.

When he just walked to the yard, although he only took a look, Jiang Hanye was convinced that the prison robber had left, otherwise Song Qingyun could not have been busy with post-war matters in the yard. Jiang Hanye knew in his heart that if he wanted to find out the whole thing at this time, he had to rely on the past.

"Jin Danzi, what do you think you need to do to remove the mark of a treasure that has recognized the Lord?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Remove it?" Jin Danzi frowned and thought for a moment. His brain is easy to use and he has a large amount of reading, so he can often give Jiang Hanye the best advice at many critical moments.

After thinking for a moment, Jin Danzi said to Jiang Hanye, "There are two methods. The first is that the original owner is dead, and with the passage of time, the treasure will gradually recover to its original state; the second method is more troublesome and needs to be forcibly removed by brute force, but I believe you can do it. Of."

"Is it?" Jiang Hanye's eyes lit up after hearing this, "I don't think it needs so much trouble anymore." After saying that, he urged the true spirit and put his palms around the past. He had seen Luo Xingyun and Pink Lady do this with his own eyes many years ago, so he followed the gourd painting.

Luo Ri has died, and the mark about him in the past has been minimal. As soon as Jiang Hanye urged, the past light ball flashed, and a vague and messy shadow passed by. It didn't take long for the whole light ball to become a white one. Then Jiang Hanye saw Jin Danzi stealing fish in the kitchen in the past, and saw him and Linger. Catching fish outside... The pictures passed by one by one. Finally, at night, a dark shadow passed through the sky, killed two patrol disciples of the Blood Demon God Religion, and sneaked into the Blood Demon God Palace.

The picture was vague at first, but after the shadow entered the Blood Demon Palace, Jiang Hanye found that he was a demon.

"Sure enough, as I expected." Jiang Hanye said angrily, "The whole thing is very related to the demon clan."

"I don't like those guys for a long time." Jin Danzi muttered.

Jiang Hanye looked at him curiously and instinctively felt that something seemed to be wrong, but now most of his attention was on the past, so he did not delve into it.

The demon clan has never been seen before by Jiang Hanye. He is not a demon. The demon clan seemed to carry a poisonous fog. After sneaking into the Blood Demon Palace, the ordinary disciple, who was slightly less cultivated, simply fell to the ground when he was stained. The demon clan entered the no man's land in the heavily guarded blood demon palace, and quickly forced a disciple to take him to the cell, and in an instant left with Ji Mingyu. At this time, Song Qingyun appeared on the screen. He stood in the corridor and frowned at the back of the demon clan and looked at the wounded on the ground. He was probably hesitating whether to save people first or track them first. Of course, he finally chose the former.

"Wow!" Jiang Hanye, who was a little weak, was even more exhausted after this scene. After barely watching it, he stopped and sat on the chair and gasped.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Jin Danzi saw Jiang Hanye put away his magic power and knew that the matter had been completed, so he hurried forward to ask.

"Nothing, over-cultivation, a little tired." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Then I'll go to the magic doctor." Jin Danzi hurried to go out, but was pulled by Jiang Hanye.

"You can't talk about this to anyone. Remember, anyone." Jiang Hanye whispered word by word.

"Oh." Jin Danzi was scared by Jiang Hanye's serious appearance. He nodded repeatedly and was a little at a loss.

"Okay, you go and help me. I'll be right there." Jiang Hanye stood up and put the past back in its original place, while Jin Danzi was ordered to leave.


Blood Demon Temple.

This is the place where people above the elders of the Blood and Demon Sect gather and discuss. It used to be Luo Xingyun's private house and study.

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Hanye looked pale and sat behind his desk and looked at the eight elders he pulled up with one hand.

Among these eight elders, in addition to Song Qingyun's excellent cultivation, others are only second-rate roles in martial arts. After experiencing that big catastrophe, the martial arts as a whole have declined. Only a few people, such as Jiang Hanye, are outstanding and stand out.

"Revelation to the Lord!" An elder came out and arched his hand and said, "I think this matter has nothing to do with the player's villa."

"Yes!" Except for Song Qingyun, others also said, "Since that boy came from Wanjian Villa, this must have been done by the people of Wanjian Villa!"

"Oh? How can you see it?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"It's very simple. We arrested their people and they came to revenge!" Everyone answered one after another.

"Master, I asked to take some disciples to sweep Wanjian Villa!" An elder said fiercely, "When did our Blood Demon God Church suffer such a dumb loss?"

"E Elder Song, what's your opinion?" Jiang Hanye coughed twice and turned to Song Qingyun to ask.

"Master, I believe that in today's world, no one seems to be able to do martial arts today, who can sneak into our blood demon palace without knowing it and ghosts, and kill like no one who moves so quickly and fiercely." Song Qingyun said lightly.

"So..." Jiang Hanye looked at him.

"I think this should be done by the demon clan." Song Qingyun said, "I have seen the power of the demon clan, so I know they have this ability."

"Demon clan? Don't joke!" Most of the elders doubted the existence of the demon clan, so some people questioned, "The existence of the demon clan is a problem..."

"That is, even if it is a demon clan, why do they help Wanjian Villa?" Another elder.

"What everyone says makes sense." Jiang Hanye nodded, "Then I hope we can start from two aspects. A group of people will go to investigate Wanjian Villa. I ask you to visit secretly and have to do it unless you have to. And Elder Song, how about you are specially responsible for the demon clan?

"I obey!" Song Qingyun and seven other elders answered together.