King of Martial Arts

Chapter 376 Conspiracy

"Wow! Whew!"

gasped and gasped violently. I don't know how long Kong has been running like this with his men.

"Woo-woo..." Every hundred miles, there will always be a new group of wolves joining his camp. They first hold their heads high and howling in their own territory, and then rush out of the dark after receiving a response.

These wolves belong to the wolf family. It can be said that Kong commands the wolves of the whole world.

"Quick, come on, you must find Linger before the accident!" The speed of the air is already very fast, but he still dislikes that he is too slow. In two days, they have been running at high speed like this. In the middle, many wolves fell down because of their lack of physical strength, but these have failed to stop the determination of the air.

Kong went all the way from Baihua Valley to the north, following the smell left by Linger. Now he actually found that he was less than 100 miles away from Wanjian Villa.

"It's strange that the smell of Linger will come here!" Kong secretly thought about it, but no matter what, he would not stop tracking, because every time passed, the more dangerous Linger became.

Wanjian Villa has been razed to the ground, and the empty footsteps have ended at the foot of the barren mountain outside the new Wanjian Villa, and the smell of Linger is also interrupted here. There is only one possibility - Linger is here.

"I said, brothers, I'm sorry to trouble you today. Disperse and look for it!" With a wave of Kong's hand, thousands of wolves scattered around. They searched around here according to Kong's instructions and refused to let go of any clues.


"Wow!" Linger's hands and feet were tied, her true anger was sealed, her mouth was blocked, and she shrank in a corner of this broken house. For these days, she has been struggling to escape from the bondage.

There was a slight footsteps outside the door, and Linger immediately stopped struggling and pretended to fall asleep.


The two broken door panels were pushed away, and a long and dark shadow pulled by the sun covered the ground and Linger's body.

There are two people who came. They are both demons. Linger doesn't know these two people. In fact, one of them is the demon master, and the other is broken.

"Your Majesty, I took her as you ordered." The broken intestine pointed to the spirit in the corner and said to the demon master.

The demon master looked at Linger and frowned and said, "Catch her here? Do you have a brain?

When he was stunned, he immediately said coldly, "Your Majesty, are you insulting your broken intestines?"

"broken, don't think that you are one of the top ten killers, and I can't help you!" The demon also said coldly, "After all, you are just a pawn, and I am handsome!"

"Hmm!" Broken intestines, "I didn't do everything according to your instructions?"

"I asked you to take this girl away, but I didn't ask you to bring her here!" The demon master said, "You can take her anywhere, kill her or whatever you want. What I want is to create chaos and create gaps. Now you bring her here. In case the martial arts people find out, won't we fail?"

"Kill one by one!" He clenched his fist and showed contemptuous expression on his face, "Anyway, those warriors in the world are all pig-headed three."

"I advise you not to underestimate the enemy, especially the one named Jiang Hanye." The demon said, "Otherwise, you may die without knowing how you died."

"He can't help it. I made a scene in the Blood Demon Palace and saved the prisoner, but he didn't even show up." Broken heart sneered, "It can be seen that he is an incomniless coward!"

"I won't argue with you about this. I hope you won't meet him when you help me here, otherwise I will have to go back and redeploy people." Demon Lord.

Just as the two of them were talking, a shadow flashed outside.

"Who?" The demon turned his head to look, and the broken intestine looked like the wind. He burst out and came back after a moment.

"No one, it's just a lone wolf." Broken intestine.

"Oh." Mo Zun was relieved and said, "Anyway, you have to be responsible for dealing with this girl. You must not let Jiang Hanye or others find out her existence, do you understand?"

"I know." Broken intestine. He turned his eyes to the blonde and blue-eyed girl who was 'sleeping'. The girl was as beautiful as a white porcelain doll, and it was precisely because of her beauty that she did not kill her at the first time. In other words, he was fascinated by the beauty of Ling'er, especially the big bright lake-blue eyes.

"You'd better really know." The devil stared at the broken intestine.

The affairs of the demon world are also very complicated. As a member of the royal family, the faction he represents is very discording with the demon emperor.

The Killer Hall is a relatively neutral institution and the largest sect in the whole demon world. They do not work for anyone, but only for gold. They work for whoever gives more money, so it usually happens that a killer kills someone, meets a fellow brother who is a bodyguard in someone's house, greets each other and starts fighting. However, although this is the case, Killer Hall also has a purpose, that is, as long as they accept this task, they will try their best to complete it. It is also because of this that they have gained a good reputation for themselves. Of course, this 'good' means that they are worth entrusting.

The father of the demon emperor is the cousin of the demon emperor and the old northwest king. Their family controls the northwest boundary of the whole demon world and used to be very powerful. Broken intestines are the people hired by the father of the Demon Lord to help his son do things, not their domestic slaves, so he does not have much respect for the Demon Lord.

"Have you left any clues?" The demon asked for a pause.

"Well, can't you believe us?" Broken intestines asked rhetorical. He stood in the sunset, holding the ashes on his nails, answering the demon's question casually.

Mo Zun felt a little uncomfortable. He thought to himself, "When we calm down the whole demon world, the first one I want to use to do it is the killer hall!"

Taking a deep breath, the demon master suppressed the unpleasantness in his heart. He stared at the broken intestine: "That's good. Let Jiang Hanye not be able to stand on the martial arts. At the same time, you should also ensure the safety of our children."

"Well, I know." Broken intestines replied.

"Very good. When I go back, I will naturally explain to my father your efforts and do things well. Our northwest royal family will not treat you badly." Demon Lord.

Northwest King Demon Lord, this is the title of Demon Lord and his name. The surnames in the demon world are very messy and slightly different from those in the world. Many people name their families after the place, and some people name their families after the position name that symbolizes identity, such as the Northwest King family.