King of Martial Arts

Chapter 386 Strange Sounds

Tick! Tick!

In the dark and claustrophobic space, there will be bursts of water droplets from time to time.

"Haha!" Someone suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly in the dark, "Little brother, I don't understand until now. Why did you suddenly decide not to resist?"

"Because I saw her eyes." Jiang Hanye replied. Probably yesterday, the public trial in the justice hall turned into a melee. In the melee, Jiang Hanye saw Cen Ruoqiu constantly kowtowing in front of Bai Yucicada, and saw her desperate eyes, and saw her finally leaving.

Although Jiang Hanye didn't know what had happened, she knew that Cen Ruoqiu had given everything for herself, and it was very likely that she had broken up with her master. That was his woman. Jiang Hanye couldn't embarrass his woman, so he decided to give up resistance for the time being. In fact, he was not fighting back, but just dodging.

"She? Do you mean Cen? Ji Yuan said, "What's wrong with her? Oh, I don't know what my white ring girl is doing now?"

"Don't think about this. I don't think Cen Ruoqiu will let us stay here like this." Jiang Hanye Road.

"It's a pity, little brother." Ji Yuan said, "I think you are smart and confused for a while."

"What?" Jiang Hanye sat cross-legged, looking at the direction of Ji Yuan's voice.

"Do you still expect the woman in Baihua Valley to let you go? Let me tell you, I can see through the white jade cicada..." Ji Yuan sighed and said in a tone that saw through the world.

"It's easy to come. By the way, what's the name of this place?" Compared with Ji Yuan's resentment, Jiang Hanye looked particularly calm.

"Refining the Magic Cave." Ji Yuan said angrily, "I don't understand whether they are brains or deliberately. They know that the situation is so bad now, and they still..."

"Actually, you don't have to accompany me to endure this hardship." Jiang Hanye said, "Why didn't you keep silent at that time?"

"Nonsense! You are my little brother!" Ji Yuan was angry, "I just can't see where you are now, otherwise I will definitely beat you up. Did you talk like that? Does it mean that the elder brother has to be silent when he sees his brother being bullied and wronged? I, Ji Yuan, am not the kind of forgetful bastard!"

"Ha ha, second brother, thank you very much!" When Jiang Hanye laughed, his eyes were a little sour.

"Come on, let's think about what we should do now." Ji Yuandao.

"I think there will eventually be a day to solve the problem. I just hope that day won't come too late." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Yes, yes!" Ji Yuan stretched out and yawned for a long time, turned over and lay down. "Stay in this shabby place, and you can only sleep."

In the dark, Ji Yuan's heavy breathing sounded with a little resentment soon came, and Jiang Hanye knew that he fell asleep.

Since they were imprisoned in the magic cave last night, Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan have never closed their eyes or eaten or drank water. Fortunately, they are practitioners. This small hardship is nothing.

"It's so quiet here, I still dream of repairing it." Jiang Hanye said secretly, "Don't waste this quiet environment."

The biggest advantage of dream cultivation is that the human body can get enough rest while practicing, but this dream is somewhat difficult.

Jiang Hanye also stretched out and found a relatively dry and flat place. He lay down on his back, crossed his hands on his chest, and then slowly closed his eyes. Soon he fell asleep.

After entering the dream cave, Jiang Hanye was in a trance. Suddenly, he felt that the world in front of him seemed to shake, not like the shaking of the ground and mountains, but like water ripples. The whole cave rippled like that and returned to normal in an instant.

"Strange, was it just my eye?" Jiang Hanye muttered secretly.

The voice responsible for guiding him did not appear. Maybe he had made it clear last time.

"Who is that... Treeman, where is he?" Jiang Hanye raised his head, and above it was a circular road, separated by the underground river and river valley, and the two sides were only connected by two stone bridges. This valley is like a narrow valley, winding and leading to nowhere. The whole cave looks like a four-way and complex structure.

Jiang Hanye hesitated for a moment. He was considering whether to go from the top or the bottom. Finally, he decided to walk from the bottom and maybe there would be any new discoveries.

The water in the river is very shallow and not too wide, and there is a gravel road winding along the rock wall on each side. Jiang Hanye first walked on the gravel road, but soon he found that the gravel road was not so easy to walk. The stones on the ground were very sharp and stung the soles of his feet.

"Forget it, I'd better walk in the river." Jiang Hanye finally changed his path and walked upstream along the center of the river.

Since killing the turtle king Huayang, Jiang Hanye has had an extra robe on his body. At first glance, this robe seems to have nothing special. However, when you touch it with your hand, you will find that its texture is particularly flexible and seems to be torn no matter how you tear it.

Stepping on the water and making a loud sound of water, Jiang Hanye couldn't help worrying: "Will it cause some unnecessary trouble?" Although he deliberately took light steps, he soon found that no matter how hard he tried, the sound always existed and would not become bigger or smaller, so he finally gave up the idea and turned to walk and concentrate on looking for it.

After the curve ahead, the valley suddenly deepened, and there seemed to be cliffs on both sides, but there were dark holes covering the roof. The cave was gloomy, and there were one or two inexplicable howlings from time to time, causing Jiang Hanye's scalp to numb and goose bumps all over.

At first, Jiang Hanye was worried about whether he would suddenly run out of a crocodile or something while walking, but more than half an hour later, not even a frog appeared in the place he passed. At first, Jiang Hanye felt very lucky, but gradually he didn't think so. He didn't even have a frog. Isn't it too strange?

The next time! Next time!

As I walked, a strange sound suddenly came from the rock walls on both sides, accompanied by a warm wind. The sound sounded like a big pot with a lid that was about to boil in Jiang Hanye, and steam kept rushing out from both sides of the pot.

"Strange, where did that sound come from?" Jiang Hanye looked around and soon found the source of the sound - on the cliff about ten feet high on the ground of the river where he was, there were several huge gaps on each side, and the sound came from that gap.