King of Martial Arts

Chapter 395 Weird White Jade Cicada

"Hey hey..." Ji Yuan's face has been out of control because of paralysis, and his mouth is crooked and drooling, but he still lies on the shoulder of the white ring and said, "Dongpo meat is so delicious!"

Bai Huan looked at him, heartbroken and angry, and said, "You, you have lost to the word 'eat' in your life!"

Jiang Hanye held a torch and walked in front of him to lead the road. Hearing the dialogue between the two, he couldn't help turning back and laughing, "Sister Bai Huan, my second brother probably has such a hobby. In fact, it's not bad, isn't it?"

"Alas, I lost to him." Bai Huan sighed and said, "It's just that I can't escape this time. If I escape, I must rectify his greedy problem. Oh, by the way, why are you all right about the food you ate together? Is it true that what they said is that you are invulnerable?

"Ha ha, it's not invincible. In fact, it has a certain resistance to poisons, but this medicine is very powerful, and now my hands and feet are starting to numb." Jiang Hanye smiled bitterly, "In addition, the second brother just ate more..."

"I'm still greedy!" The white ring sighed again.

"No...don't say bad things about me behind my back!" Ji Yuan is not happy there.

"Bah! Who spoke ill of you behind your back? We said it in front of you, okay?" Bai Huan said angrily.

The three people were so bitter and happy that they tried their best to move forward. Not long after, Jiang Hanye heard a noise from the passage in front of him, including the voice of people and messy footsteps.

Bai Huan's face suddenly changed. She said anxiously, "It's broken. They're here. What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, the soldiers will cover the water." Jiang Hanye said calmly, "Sister Baihuan, give me your second brother and hide yourself!" He thinks it's better not to involve the white ring at such a time.

White ring bit her lip, and she thought about which side she was going to stand on in this matter. In fact, it was very clear that she felt that she needed to stand on the side of Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan, but... She shook her head hard and was still uncertain. At this time, Jiang Hanye had handed her the torch and strode back after carrying Ji Yuan.

Bai Huan looked at Jiang Hanye's back and thought darkly, "What should I do?" If you go forward, you will definitely meet the master, and if you go back, you will die, which is not good for anyone. While struggling, Bai Huan suddenly remembered something. She remembered that when she was a child, when Master took them here to identify the way, she and Bai Rou accidentally lost their way.

"Yes, there is a secret road near here!" Baihuan Road, she began to seriously look for the dark road here. It has been too long, and she doesn't often walk around here, so she has long forgotten where the dark road is. At present, the crowd behind her is getting closer and closer. In a hurry, she has to walk back and walk. Suddenly, she finds a thin stream of water. Flowing from the edge of the rock.

"That's right, there is a secret road going upstream!" Looking at the flowing water, the door of Bai Huan's memory opened at once. Anyway, it's best for her not to show up now.

Jiang Hanye carried the second brother back to the magic cave, put him away, and then said, "Second brother, don't say anything, you know?"

Ji Yuan drooled and said, "You think I'm a fool!"

Jiang Hanye smiled and said, "If our brothers can survive this, I will give you delicious food every day in the future!"

"Okay, that's it. Brother, I rely on you!" Ji Yuan also smiled. His muscles were so paralyzed that he couldn't speak clearly, but he still had a smile on his face, which showed his inner strength.

After Jiang Hanye put Ji Yuan away, he smashed all the food on the ground, and then he also lay in it and made a look of muscle paralysis. He wanted to wait and see what the Bai Yucicada and Ji Mingyu were going to do.

The minibus stood aside. It really didn't understand what the owner and Jiang Hanye wanted to do. It could only scratch its skull with one hand and scratch its buttocks with the other hand. Finally, it decided to do something like it. It ran to the middle of the two people and sat down. It also grinned and made a muscular paralyzed, which almost made Jiang Hanye not hold it. Laugh out loud.

"Go, let's see what Jiang Hanye looks like now, hahahaha!" By this time, someone could be heard laughing arrogantly in the distance.

"The White Valley Lord still has a plan!" Someone else said, "Who would have thought that the medicine could also kill people?"

"It's not!" Bai Yucicada's voice came, "I don't want the lives of the two of them, I just hope our next process will not be too complicated." Her voice was flat and sounded like an elder, but who would have expected that she would do this to others?

After hearing it in the dark, Jiang Hanye couldn't help sighing slightly: "People are separated from the belly, and it is people who eat people, not beasts!"

In a moment, a group of people held torches and reflected the whole magic hole like day. They poured into it from the narrow entrance and looked at the cups and plates on the ground and Jiang and Ji, who were drooling with drooling faces, and some people began to search for Xuanyuan Sword directly.

"Don't move!" Bai Yucicada separated the crowd and walked to the front and said in a low voice, "This Xuanyuan sword has recognized the Lord. It's not small. Don't touch it easily, so as not to hurt your own family!"

"Yes, what the Lord of White Valley said is extremely true!" Immediately someone nodded and responded.

"I don't know what 'tonic' the White Valley owner took for them, and it actually has such a magical effect? It's more poisonous than mine. The one who made this speech is poisonous and old.

"It is our unique secret medicine in Baihua Valley, specializing in treating falls and injuries." Bai Yu cicada smiled. She took two steps forward, looked at Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan, who were suffering on the ground, and said, "After all, you two have evil revenge. Today, I will avenge my sixteenth son for the martial arts in the world!"

Jiang Hanye looked up at her and said, "Bai Yucicada, you have a vicious heart!"

"Vicious?" Bai Yucicada shook her head gently. At this moment, Jiang Hanye suddenly found that there seemed to be a black line looming on her forehead, which was very strange.

"Your men killed my sixteenth son, and you killed your own mother-in-law and mother-in-law. What right does a person like you have to say that others are vicious?" Bai Yucicada said.

Ji Yuan tried his best to climb to Jiang Hanye, but his hands and feet were completely unconscious, so he couldn't control his movements at all. He inadvertently fell on the stone next to him, which was very embarrassed.

"Bai Yucicada, you have a vicious heart. If I guess correctly, you are for my Xuanyuan Sword, right?" Jiang Hanye stared at Bai Yu Chan and said.

"Xuanyuan Sword?" Bai Yucicada shook her head gently, "That's a peerless treasure. It belongs to everyone, not you alone, but if you have to say so, then take it." At this time, Bai Yucicada only felt that there seemed to be a flame in her heart, which was burning, prompting her to kill Jiang Hanye and get the Xuanyuan sword.

Jiang Hanye looked paralyzed on his hands and feet. In fact, he had been secretly ready to fight back. Earlier, he was single-minded to save face for Baihua Valley and Bai Yucicada, so he did not intend to do anything to these people who came to 'judice' him, but today is different. If necessary, he will kill him.

"But we can't get this Xuanyuan sword. What should we do?" Someone raised this very practical and serious question again.

"This is easy to do!" A beard said smartly, "Didn't that Xuanyuan sword recognize the Lord? Isn't it good for us to cut off Jiang Hanye's arm and hold the Xuanyuan sword for us with his own hand?

"Wonderful!" At that moment, many people should be with him, and even Bai Yucicada did not say anything to stop him.

At this moment, Jiang Hanye's heart completely sank to the bottom of the silver sea. He even began to doubt whether what he had done for them from beginning to end was worth it? At this time, he saw someone pulling out a dagger and coming towards him, knowing that these crazy guys were really going to do it.

Ji Yuan looked aside and was anxious. He could only drool and say vague words. Of course, those words were abusive words, but what's the use of this? Instead, the minibus beside him couldn't help jumping between him and Jiang Hanye, and his front paws were clenched like fists. Hehehaha rushed to the people and roared, as if to warn them not to mess around.

There were three people who came forward together. They surrounded Jiang Hanye and squatted down. When they were about to wave their blades and cut them, they saw Jiang Hanye's cold light flashing in his hand. The Xuanyuan sword came out of its sheath and cut off the right hand of the three people.

"Ah!" The three people thought that Jiang Hanye was already the fish on the chopping board and was slaughtered by others, so they had no defense. However, who would have thought that he would suddenly get up and fight back? At this time, the three people rolled around on the ground with their broken wrists in their arms and couldn't help howling.

This magic hole is originally a place to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and the true spirit of people. There is usually nothing wrong with this place, but once the people in it are injured, the horror of the magic cave immediately appears. After howling on the ground for a while, the three people quickly dried up and soon turned into three mummified corpses. The whole body was like being sucked dry by some monster, leaving only an empty skin bag.

This scene happened so suddenly that even Bai Yuxuan and others did not notice it at all. When they came to their senses, the three guys were almost dead.

"Good night, you are so cunning!" Bai Yu cicada said angrily.

"Bai Yucicada, I respect you as an elder, so I have endured it again and again. Who would have expected that you have such evil thoughts for our brothers!" Jiang Hanye stood up, clenched the Xuanyuan sword and looked at Bai Yucicada and said coldly, "You first slandered me and killed your apprentice. I just think it was a misunderstanding, but you actually poisoned us now for this Xuanyuan sword!" Jiang Hanye said and crossed the Xuanyuan sword in front of him.

"Well, this is an ancient treasure, and it shouldn't have fallen into the hands of such evil people like you!" Bai Yucicada said coldly.

"I'm evil? Ha ha! If the righteous people are all like you, then I will admit that I am evil, but this Xuanyuan sword was given to me by my master's wife, and it is mine. If you want to take it from my hand, you have to see if you have this ability!" After saying that, Jiang Hanye was not polite. He stretched out his leg to pick up Ji Yuan, threw him high, then caught him with his hand and gently put it farther behind him. He crossed in front of him with a sword, blocking everyone's way.

"Lord White Valley, this boy is crazy!" Someone encouraged him to say, "Kill him!"

"Yes, kill him. His hand holding the sword is still trembling!"

Jiang Hanye's hands and feet are trembling at this moment, but his condition is obviously much better than Ji Yuan lying on the ground. Bai Yucicada didn't say anything, and those people in the world surrounded them one after another, showed their magic weapons, and surrounded Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan.

Although he was poisoned and paralyzed and trembled, Jiang Hanye was still holding on at this moment. He knew that the faster his blood surged, the faster the poison spread, so he did not dare to be careless. He just held the Xuanyuan sword and did not urge Zhenqi. He wanted to resist by his martial arts alone for a while.

In fact, it was just Jiang Hanye's helpless move in an emergency, but he didn't expect that his helpless move inadvertently made him. This is the magic cave. The magic cave is best at absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and people, so that the people in it unconsciously lose their true qi and energy. The more excited they are, the faster they lose. Those people in martial arts are in this way.

"...out!" Some people couldn't stand it. First, they twisted the spell and urged their magic weapon to circle and cut it to Jiang Hanye's right hand. It was a flying knife, and the cold light on the flying knife shone, which looked particularly dazzling.

This magic cave is not a too narrow place, but there are so many people here, and they are fighting, so it makes this place narrow. Seeing someone's move, Jiang Hanye did not panic. He just held the Xuanyuan sword and tried his best to resist with his physical strength, but when he heard a bang, he actually blocked the man's flying knife.

If Jiang Hanye also urges Zhenqi to resist, then there is nothing to say when he takes this man's move. After all, his cultivation is profound now, and it is difficult to find someone who can be higher than him in martial arts. But now Jiang Hanye does not use Zhenqi, which is very fable to block it.

The man's move also led other people. Everyone was like a mad dog seeing meat bones, scrambling to attack Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan. For a moment, the light in the cave flashed, like a bright starry sky.

Naturally, white jade cicadas are not included among these crazy people. At this time, Bai Yucicada's head was dizzy, and half of his brain was telling her, "Bai Yucicada, kill Jiang Hanye and get the Xuanyuan Sword. You are the first in the world! And isn't it wonderful that there are so many cannon fodder to die for you now?

The other half's brain is painstakingly persuading her: "Bai Yucicada, you are also a master of a generation. You have been famous in martial arts for a long time. How can you do such a dirty thing? If you bully the small with the big and the enemy with more enemies and less, even if you win Jiang Hanye, what face do you have to face your disciples and grandchildren in the future?

Because of these two sounds, Bai Yuchan only felt as if she was stepping on a pile of cotton, with a deep and shallow foot. The magic hole in front of her gradually rotated, like a huge sphere, and she was in the sphere.

I don't know how long it took. A black smoke on Bai Yucicada's face gradually came out of her nostrils, wrapped around her face, and penetrated into her ears. Finally, it disappeared after drawing a black line on her forehead. No one saw this scene, and even Bai Yucicada herself did not know it. At this moment, her head was not dizzy, and the world did not rotate, but her eyes became more fierce and fierce.

Jiang Hanye struggled to resist these guys who had been made crazy by Xuanyuan Sword, calmly and calm. Seeing that these people had begun to sweat and their hands and feet slowed down, he knew that the magic hole was beginning to be powerful.

"Wow! Whew! Something is wrong!" Someone first realized this, stopped, bent down and gasped, "There is something wrong here!"

"There's something wrong here!" Bai Yuchan slowly came forward and looked at them and said, "Because this is the magic hole, every trace of true qi you inspire will be absorbed by it, and your cultivation will be greatly reduced. If you don't fall down, once you make a move, its absorption speed will become faster."

"Lord Baigu, didn't you say it earlier?" Those people were shocked and stopped to look back at Bai Yucicada.

"Ha ha, if I had told you earlier, would you still be so desperate? If you don't work so hard, I'm afraid it will take some effort to kill you!" After Bai Yucicada said this, even she herself was shocked and said secretly, "Why did I say that? What the hell is going on?"

Although he was surprised, Bai Yu Chan's face was as cold as frost. Looking at those people's eyes was like looking at a group of humble ants.

"What a white jade cicada, you have a vicious heart!" The bald monk in the crowd was the first to make trouble. He waved the crescent shovel and rushed to the white jade cicada, "Even if you die, I won't let you go!"


As soon as the bald monk's body rushed out, he immediately met the white light in the hands of the white jade cicada. His whole body flew out like a broken kite and hit the top of the hole with a bang. His whole body was actually pierced into a net by the drooping rock. Blood dripped down, and everyone exclaimed. Hurry to dodge to avoid suffering.

"Bai Yucicada, are you crazy?" People said one after another, "We are here to deal with Jiang Hanye!"

"Yes, of course you are here to deal with Jiang Hanye, but I want to deal with all of you!" The corners of Bai Yucicada's mouth suddenly pulled up, as if an invisible hand was pulling her face.

When Jiang Hanye saw Bai Yucicada's strange appearance, he couldn't help but be stunned: "She is weird!"