Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 10 First Blood

Chapter 10 The First Blood

Before leaving, Zhang Shen took over a material collection task that anyone could accept.

The type and quantity of materials are unlimited. As long as they are considered useful, corresponding contribution points will be obtained.

The direction of the three is the direction they came, and they plan to return to the glass factory.

"According to the information obtained in the past few days, the 'crocodile python' has a lot of valuable things. Whether it is its skin, bone or snake gall, it can be exchanged for a lot of contribution points." Bu Lichen persuaded the two.

"The only thing I'm worried about is that others also think of this and take the lead."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's mainly about practicing this time. You can get the best, and you don't have to care about being taken away." Zhang Shen took out a drawing depicting the nearby geography from his pocket. "Including Peian Village, there are seven villages around the road when we came, and we don't worry about finding a trial place."

"There are several ponds near this Fuxi Village. Well, I'll choose it." Zhang Shen chose a more remote and backward village than Peian Village. Although it can be predicted that there will not be much harvest, it is not too dangerous.

"I think we should go back to the glass factory first." Li Jing never forgets the crocodile python.

The python can change to a large number of contribution points, and contribution points are the only way to enter the Zen Garden. Zhang Shen and dozens of others have tried these days and can't feel any "power of life" at all. However, according to a person who passed by the door when the Zen Garden opened, he really felt some "materials" in the air at that time!

Zen Garden has become the only hope for everyone.

Zhang Shen also had a trace of luck in his heart, so the three of them moved lightly and moved towards the glass factory at full speed.

Probably because it has been cleaned up several times recently, and the three of them did not encounter obstacles along the way.

However, after bypassing Peian Village, just a few minutes away from the glass factory, three wandering figures came into sight.

"There are three zombies. Should we bypass them or kill them?" Zhang Shen asked the two women for their opinions.

"Solve them!" Li Jing's cheeks turned red, which was exciting.

Bu Lichen pulled out a black wooden knife and showed his attitude.

The three people use wooden knives, not that they can't afford steel knives, but that this kind of wooden knives are tougher and lighter. Although they are not sharp enough, they are more suitable for Zhang Shen and others who only touch the knife for three or two days.

The perception range of the primary zombies is between 10 meters and 20 meters. It happens that one of the three zombies is seven or eight meters apart from the other two. After a few soft discussions, Zhang Shen intends to attract it and kill it.

Three large coke bottles open the cap and open them in a row.

Zhang Shen took out a perfume bottle and crawled forward, stopping 30 meters away from the zombie.

In the last three years, without human constraints, weeds grew wildly, and weeds grew half a meter or even one meter high, which can be seen everywhere. After all, Zhang Shen has not received professional training. Although he tried to be careful when moving forward, he still made a lot of noise.

If human beings can easily guess the enemy from the sound of "rustling" and the abnormal fall of the grass tip, so as to be defensive. However, zombies are just a strange monster, unaware of it.

Open the cap of the perfume bottle, and you can faintly see a red.

This is a bottle of blood!

The mouth of this perfume bottle is extremely fine, which prevents the bloody smell from spreading too wide and causing trouble.

holding the blood bottle, Zhang Shen's footsteps were slower and lighter, approaching the zombies step by step.


The zombie seemed to smell something, roared and came this way along the fragrance.

"It's coming!" Li Jing's voice came from the wind chimes hanging in my ear, "Be careful!"

Zhang Shen retreated to the ambush.

This is a circular open space where the weeds are specially clear. Zhang Shen put the blood bottle in the center, next to three bottles of water, and then hides the cat in the grass and makes an aggressive posture. On both sides, Li Jing and Bu Lichen were in line, and wooden knives were in front of them.

The rustling sound of the grass pole being knocked down and the sobbing of the zombies were getting closer and closer. The three held their breath and their hearts quietly accelerated.

Out of the grass, the zombie suddenly accelerated and rushed to the blood bottle!

The three of them stood still. This is a common trick for zombies, and they have already known it.

At the moment when the zombie threw down the blood bottle and landed, Li Jing moved!

Three water ropes shot out of the coke bottle and merged into one to firmly tie the zombies's hands!


The next moment, Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen rushed out at the same time, and the black knife cut into the neck and legs of the zombie respectively.

With the brittleness of the two bones, the zombie's neck and leg bones were broken.

Li Jing gave up the control of the water flow, waved down with a knife, and cut the place where he attacked before Zhang Shen.

Black blood spewed out, the zombie's head was separated, and he couldn't die immediately!

Killed the zombies, but the three did not dare to relax. Instead, they were more vigilant.

After all, the three were unskilled, and the attack was not fierce enough and decisive enough to make the zombies roar half before they died, alarming the other two ends. They were running towards here.

The ambush has lost its meaning. The three gathered the remaining water of the three coke bottles into one bottle as quickly as possible, and then took out three bottles from the backpack placed aside and put them together.

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen stood in front of them left and one right. Li Jing gathered their thoughts, and more than three bottles of water converged into a stream, like a python hovering in front of the three people.

The slightly faster zombie grabbed Zhang Shen, and the other one suddenly jumped half a meter high and rushed to Bu Lichen.

Wh! The water broke through the air like a sharp arrow and hit the flying zombie's chest and knocked it down. The next moment, the water turned into a vine and wrapped around the zomb, binding its upper body and unable to move.

The next moment when the water flowed out, Zhang Shen stepped out one step, and the black knife cut down against the zombies waving their claws.

Zhang Shen specially selected this wooden knife one and a half meters long and finally came into play a role at this moment.

The black knife was longer than his hand and cut on the zombie's shoulder, making him lose his balance and fall to one side.

Brush! Bu Lichen, who practiced the knife method for three days, cut the strongest blow. The blade with the wind roared and cut it on the zombie's neck without any difference. The power gathered at the edge tore open the wrinkled skin, flesh and cut off the zombie's neckbone and separated his head!

The [basic knife skill (fight)] extracted by Bu Lichen is directly imprinted in her consciousness. After three days of hard practice, she has been able to initially exert her due power. At this moment, she is not inferior to the so-called knife master in reality.

This extraordinary blow made Zhang Shen, who wanted to attack immediately, couldn't help but be stunned. Then he reacted and his footsteps changed. The black knife in his hand waved out, drew an arc, and cut off the thigh of the zombie who was tied to move by the water controlled by Li Jing.

The thigh bones are so strong that they can't work with a knife. Instead, they stimulate the zombies to struggle crazily, and the water ropes are stirring.

Bu Lichen's wooden knife full of black blood came again and fell on the zombie's head. However, the previous magic knife seemed to drain her a lot of energy. This knife was weak and only cut one eyeball of the zombie.

Wow!! The zombie roared, and the rope on his body collapsed in an instant and regained his freedom.

The water flow rope was destroyed, Li Jing's mind was damaged, and a slight muffled hum protruded from his lips, and his face turned white.

Breaking free from the bondage, the zombie lying on the ground suddenly supported the ground with his hands, and a hungry tiger pounced on the dizzy Li Jing. It opened its mouth, revealing its yellow sharp teeth and disgusting tongue, splashing saliva, and biting Li Jing's calf.

Da Damn it! Zhang Shen stared angrily, threw away the wooden knife, one flew first, and then fell on the zombie, and one corpse hit the ground heavily at the same time.

It was only half a step away from the food but it was blocked. The zombie turned its head crazily and nibbled, but it was just in vain. Zhang Shen's body was on the back of its back, clasped its claws with both hands and pressed it to the ground.

"I can't control it for long. Do it quickly!" The zombies were very strong, and the resistance from his hands let Zhang Shen know that it could break free from his blockade immediately.

With out his headache, Li Jing picked up the black knife and launched an attack together with the weak Bu Lichen.

Although the strength is not enough, the stormy number makes up for everything.

Just a few tens of seconds, Zhang Shen did not feel any resistance.

The zombie has been hacked to death by two girls.

Confirmed the death of the zombie, the two women sat down on the ground and gasped quickly.

The first time I fought in person, facing the ferocious zombies, and there were some changes in the middle. For a while, Zhang Shen also felt a sense of mental strength.

On the side, two zombies were cut off, and the small half of the head of one was cut to pieces, and the blood, brain plasma, flesh and blood were mixed into a pool, emitting a foul smell.

However, the three did not realize it at all.

After a few minutes, the three people who recovered slightly realized what a bad environment they were in, especially the two women, who surged in their stomachs.

After packing up in a hurry, the three quickly left, found a small mound, and took a secret rest.

During the break, the three began to summarize their combat experience and reflect on their mistakes in the battle.

This is a predetermined step.

It doesn't matter if you are weaker. What you are most afraid of is the desire to become stronger.

In fact, as the first real knife* battle, the performance of the three people was remarkable, with neither much excellence nor any serious mistakes.

"Lichen, what's wrong with your knife? It's so powerful!" After three days of getting along with each other, the quiet change of each other's names also proves that the three people are getting closer and closer.

"I'm not sure. I just felt that there was a flash of inspiration at that moment, and an intuition appeared in my heart, and then I followed that intuition and waved that knife." Bu Lichen knew that although his mind was amazing, it also disrupted the original plan, which almost hurt Li Jing and was a little depressed.

"Look at the status of the characters. You should be able to find something." Although Li Jing was usually careless, he was keenly aware of Bu Lichen's thoughts, grabbed her hand and smiled.

Feeling Li Jing's heart, Bu Lichen was relieved, and then closed his eyes to focus on his thoughts and check his character information.

After a moment, she blinked doubtfully and said, "In my character information, I can't find any other changes except the second area of brain development from 0% to 0.62%!"

Development of the second region of the brain...

No one knows what happened to this so-called "District 2" and whether there is any obvious change. After thinking for a moment, it will be over.

In fact, the second area is an important sign to distinguish between strong and weak in the world!

Even the development and utilization of the second area is directly related to the level of civilization, which is extremely important!


Before preparing to leave again, Li Jing looked at the remaining three bottles of water and six empty coke bottles in the backpacks of the three, and couldn't help feeling serious frustration and frustration.

"Captain, get a cake and comfort my broken little heart."

"It's mud!"