Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 15 Bright Botanical Garden [2/3]

Chapter 15 Guangming Botanical Garden [Please collect, red ticket, click]

"My plan is--

"There is no plan."

Zhang Shen's six people:............

"Don't be impulsive," Luo Fei laughed a few times when he saw that the six people wanted to eat themselves. His originally gloomy and fierce appearance disintegrated instantly and said with a smile, "Listen to my explanation."

The tall and thin Qin Zhengxian pinched his fingers and snapped them: "You only have a chance to say!"

"According to the record in that book and my own inference, zombies will not attack the team with a large number of promotions!"

"For the sake of my life, I can only gather more companions as much as possible. Besides, it's only good for you, isn't it?"

"And," Luo Fei suddenly laughed at himself, "the situation is better than people. Whether it is a high-level human scum or a senior zombie, we are just a deadly ant... In order to survive, in order not to be kneaded by everyone, we must break through this level."

Although he was very unhappy with Luo Fei, as he said, there was no harm to him. Zhang Shen and others thought about it and didn't bother to care about it.

However, the real reason is probably that even if you listen to it for the second time, you will also feel extremely shocked about the "human body transaction".

"Ha, the end of the world!" Suddenly, Bi Luhai sighed, and then the four left.

Shock, anger, sadness, and strong emotions made the three people still have no desire to speak after Xie Dingguo and others left.

As a slightly weak man, Zhang Shen woke up the two women in meditation: "Since you are walking in such a hurry, there are some things that need to be prepared in a hurry. Hurry up and spend all the contribution points before the trading area is completely over and replace them with plant derivatives that may be used on the road!"

Li Jing almost jumped up with a unwilling expression: "It's hard to be more comfortable, but it's...unpleaper!"

"Woman~" Seeing Bu Lichen's equally sad appearance, Zhang Shen sighed in his heart, one by one, dragging the two quickly to the trading area, hoping that those who trade derivative plants can leave later. line...............

The twelfth day, 7:50 a.m.

A group of people gathered near the north gate of Fenghuo Town and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Among them, Xie Dingguo, Bi Luhai, Luo Fei and Qin Zheng were listed first, and the other ten people from the "Li Fish" team, Zheng E and Liu Shujie.

Zheng E, who had always been very calm and steady before, seemed not in a good mood at this time. She kept looking at her watch and looked impatiently: "It's almost eight o'clock. Why hasn't the person you mentioned come yet?! Beacon Town is a long way from Luoxia City. If we delay the time, we will spend the night in the dangerous wilderness!"

Bi Luhai and others were in a bad mood because of Luo Fei's news, but Zheng E behaved "unreasonably". Although the latter could say that he had "saving grace" to himself, their faces suddenly sank. Qin Zhengxian couldn't help stabbing: "Although I haven't been to Luoxia City, I know that there are only six small There is no need to delay the journey for a few minutes, Aunt Zheng. You should be wronged to spend the night in the wilderness!"

Called "Auntie" by a man in her 20s or 30s, Zheng E's face, which looked only in her early 30s, was suddenly covered with clouds, and her cheeks were stained with an angry blush.

When he was about to say something, a voice broke the atmosphere of the dark cloudy scene.

"Sorry, we're late." Running over in a few steps, Zhang Shen scratched his head and was a little embarrassed. He has always been a punctual person and hates waiting for a long time, so he usually arrives more than ten minutes in advance.

This time, he and Luo Fei agreed to meet here at eight o'clock. Although there are still a few minutes left, Zhang Shen felt very guilty and apologized repeatedly when he saw so many people waiting for the three of them. I'm really sorry for oversleeping!"

"Is it you?" A voice of surprise came to Zhang Shen's ears, and he saw that it was actually Zheng E, an acquaintance.

"Aren't you just the seed of life? Why are you in such a hurry?!" Zheng E's expression looked very excited, and there was an implied "fear" that Zhang Shen could not understand.

Afraid? Why? Inexplicable!

he muttered a few words secretly, and Zhang Shen explained a few words casually: "Because we came together, after learning the news that they were leaving today, I wanted to simply forget it together."

Zheng E seemed to be completely addicted to her thoughts and didn't care at all. She just said symbolically "um" and then said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

After saying that, she turned her head and left without even greeting her team members.

"What's wrong with Captain Zheng? It's so strange." Liu Shujie and others looked at each other in consterspect and asked, but the strange performance that the former had never seen made them choose to swallow their doubts into their stomachs and go honestly.

Zhang Shen and the others were not interested in gossiping. They hung their heads and followed Zheng E and others silently on their way.

Time gradually passed in the stuffy head of a group of 17 people.

On the way, there was no pause except for a lunch and occasionally someone to solve the three emergencies.

At 5:30 p.m., everyone entered the boundary of Luoxia City. The tall and towering figure of Luoxia City was like a giant, standing between heaven and earth, silent, overlooking the changes of heaven and earth, the vicissitudes of life, and the red dust rolling.

The "fish" team in front suddenly stopped.

Zheng E, who had not said a word, came to the seven people with a straight face, but there was a strange light in her eyes: "Well, it has entered the warning range of Luoxia City, and there is no problem. We will send it here. You can go the rest of the way by yourself."

After saying that, she may feel that her language was a little too stiff, and she lowered her tone and said, "The warning area of Luoxia City is very safe and there is no danger. It happens that you have been walking for most of the day, and you should be tired. Slowly walk in and take it as a rest."

"Ye, thank you very much." Xie Dingguo nodded politely and said nothing more. The seven people slowed down a little and walked towards the majestic city.

Zheng E was like a javelin on the ground, motionless, and kept looking at the vague figure of seven people entering the city. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. She almost fell to the ground as if she was paralyzed.

"It's safe... Well, ten*, it's because there are too many people to start... I escaped from death, but this time it's their feelings... The kindness of saving my life must be rewarded... What should I do... Oh, by the way... The alien's thing..." muttered for a while with a voice that only I could hear, Zheng E regained some strength and refused the help of her teammates. She slowly stood up in the strange eyes of Liu Shujie and others, turned around and returned to Fenghuo Town.

"Ha, I haven't been at night for a long time." Zheng E looked at the sun that began to droop in the west and smiled, "However, as long as you can get back to the safe beacon town quickly, what is this risk?"

Through the tall and thick gate and entered Luoxia City, the seven people were really relieved.

Finally, escape!

Six people nodded to Luo Fei one after another to express their gratitude, and the latter returned with a relieved smile.

After a short break, the people who wanted to go to the destination were a little dumbfounded: Where should we go?

"How are you guys?" Just as everyone wanted to find someone to ask for directions, the sound of greeting sounded, and a beautiful teenager who made people easily like him appeared in front of the seven people.

"Six adults must have come to Luoxia City to choose the plant control plant of their own life." The teenager's tone was very sure.

Bu Lichen frowned: "You should be responsible for the introduction, but how did you confirm it?"

"That's right, Wu Xiao is your leader." The teenager kept a humble tone, but his face also showed a proud look, "As for how to distinguish whether you are the adults you want to lead--"

Wu Xiao spread out his left palm, and a square transparent stone is emitting light green light: "This is sent by the stew manager of [Bright Botanical Garden]. Only the planter who is short of the last step will cause a reaction."

"You lead the way in front. Let's go." Xie Dingguo pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile and said in a low voice, "Well done, I will say good things for you in front of the stew manager."

Wu Xiao suddenly became excited and bowed repeatedly: "Thank you, my lord, thank you!" Then, as he led the way, he habitually introduced the layout of Xiacheng and the interesting events that happened, hoping to make Zhang Shen and others more satisfied.

"Shut up! Take your way!" Bi Luhai shouted and scolded impatiently. Wu Xiao quickly shut up and looked miserable to lead the way, and dared not make another syllable.

He didn't see it. The eyes of Zhang Shen and the other seven people behind him fell on the square stone held in his left hand. Although they looked different, their eyes were the same - cold!


The pattern of Luoxia City is actually similar to that of Fenghuo Town, but it is more complicated, like tearing down more than a dozen beacon towns into districts, and then mixing them into a pile and spreading them out at will, becoming Luoxia City.

The name of "falling glow" comes from the fact that the city is located on a small plain, and the terrain is high. There are no mountains in the west, and you can see a complete sunset every day.

Luoxia City is very large, but under the leadership of Wu Xiao, seven people came to the destination in less than half an hour--

A six-story hotel specially used to entertain people like Zhang Shen who are waiting for promotion.

When he arrived here, Wu Xiao was replaced. A middle-aged man dressed quite formally with a symbol of the bright botanical garden on his chest came out to receive Zhang Shen and others, probably the "man-in charge" in Wu Xiao's mouth.

"My surname is Chen, and I'm the stew manager here. You can call me Chen's stew." Before the end of the world, Mr. Chen was mostly engaged in hospitality. Even when he spoke, he maintained a standard smile that made people unable to find fault, and every move revealed strictness and precision at every step.

"A few people, this way, please." He took the seven people to a resting hall, and the tea had been prepared for a long time, which made people couldn't help but want to stop and take a nap.

"Do you want to take a night off or enter the botanical garden now?"

"Go in now!" Zhang Shen drank all the light blue tea in one gulp and felt no different from what he usually drank.

"What about the others?" Officer Chen turned a blind eye to Zhang Shen's rudeness and turned his eyes to several others. Except for Li Jing, Bu Lichen's tea drinking movements are quite "professional".

"The same!" The captain's opinion is our opinion!"

"Well, then, there are some things that must be made clear in advance before entering."

"First of all, the entry time is limited to five hours. When the time arrives, please leave consciously."

"Secondly, this is the first time you have entered the Bright Botanical Garden, which is free, but if you want to enter in the future, you will have to pay an equal price."

"Again, the botanical garden is very large, divided into different areas according to the environment, and different plants grow. You'd better keep the general area in mind in advance."

"Finally, the evolutionary potential of plants is different, but don't blindly pursue high potential. Only those who are suitable for themselves with the highest characteristics are the best."

"I wish you all find your own sacred plants!"