Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 37 The Collision of Takiso

Chapter 37 The Collision of Takixiang Town

The wind on the road is the people sent by the city to pick up the five-person team of Blue Phoenix (Captain Blue).

The number of them is not large, only ten, but they are all veteran planters. Everyone has unique skills. Even if they enter a big city like Luoxia City, they can still deserve the title of "master".

However, they still underestimated the deterrent power of death or level 5 zombies.

Even if it is usually a corpse house that doesn't go anywhere in Jinrui Mountain, when the death orders, even the fourth-level zombies in the range dare not listen and hunt them honestly, and even take the lead for fear of being remembered by death. The power of death, even among all five-level zombies, is the top of the world.

Three heads and four-level zombies! Two giant zombies, one ice zombie!

Three zombies suddenly appeared. Lu Chengfeng and Blue Phoenix had little defense. Immediately, three people were seriously injured and two were slightly injured! The giant sword youth in the Blue Phoenix team was easily seriously injured, and Lingyou was slightly injured. Two people in the Lufeng team were seriously injured, and even Lu Chengfeng himself was hit by the ice zombies. Although he later killed a giant zombie with others and also severely damaged the ice zombie, one of his left hands was frozen and was scrapped.

He was forced to be helpless. While riding the wind, he chose to go to Luoxia City and asked Hope City for help. He hoped that the City would notify Luoxia City again and ask them to send someone to pick him up.

This is why Luoxia City is so lively.

Under the operation of some people, Luoxia City issued a temporary public task, which can be picked up by all planters. Moreover, in order to attract more people to participate, the task is extremely rewarding, and everyone even distributes a pair of sunflowers (glow, moonlight), ten explosive cherries, ten explosive peppers and a cold ice mushroom in advance!

In an instant, the whole sunset city boiled.

Hearing the rich and eye-catching reward, Zhang Shen was immediately moved.

"Ouyang, what do you think? Are you interested?" Zhang Shen is very confident in the choice of the two women, but he doesn't know whether Ouyang Tianqi is willing to go. After all, this guy always looks detached, and these external objects may not move him.

Ouyang Tianqi thought for a moment and nodded. In his opinion, killing the natural enemy of human beings such as zombies can naturally be regarded as "guardian".

At the temporary task pick-up point, Zhang Shen and several people took over the task, but considering that there was not much time, Li Jing tried to make a request to reduce the reward of the contribution points after completing the task and replace it with receiving some expendable plants in advance.

It seems that this is not the first time that the clerk has encountered similar requirements and proposed a plan: halve the reward contribution point, and double the explosive cherries and explosive peppers received in advance on the spot, a total of 20 each.

If you know how to count a little, you know that this is a very disadvantageous way. But Zhang Shen and others had no choice but to accept it.

"It's really dark to be so stingy, bullying!" Li Jing was very unhappy, but after thinking about it, he understood who the culprit was. The price will drop to such a low level. It must be that other people engage in vicious competition and break the rules. It's really abominable!"

There is no doubt that many other temporary guardians have received the task and put forward similar requirements, so that the person in charge of the task can find out the truth before they dare to speak like this.

When Zhang Shen came to pick up the task, it was less than half an hour before the final end time.

In the mission requirements, the departure time is 4:30 p.m., which is enough for Zhang Shen and others.

When the departure time came, the vast team went out of the city gate, and the huge scale was shocking.

I learned from the comments of the people next to me that there were more than 300 people this time!

This is more than 300 controlled planters!! Although more than 300 people came to Fenghuo Town last time, but at least 200 of them were ordinary people who could only sense the power of life without condensed life.

Moreover, in this operation, all the five masters of Luoxia City were dispatched!

So many powerful planters attack together, and even the four-level giant zombies have to escape from the wind! Even, as long as the command is right, ordinary five-level zombies dare not go straight to the front!

Due to the rapidly changing battlefield situation, both Luoxia City and Lu Chengfeng could not give an accurate meeting place. Therefore, under the board of Hope City, three places were selected for both sides.

Wunan Town,longxiang Town, and Liwang Village. If the three places are connected in a straight line, the area is more than 100,000 mu. As long as it is not done by Death, it is not a big problem for the convergence of these three places.

Luoxia City is also dozens of miles away from the nearest Takixiang Town, and people dare not delay.

As soon as they went on the road, everyone trotted forward. Become a planter, the power of life is fed back, and the endurance is very strong.

Moreover, in order to prevent blind zombies and mutant beasts from coming to make trouble, the five masters of Luoxia City released their momentum in a high-profile way. The invisible momentum is like a beacon wolf pillar, rising from the ground and going straight to the sky.

So many planters are gathered together, which is simply a huge pillar that even dares to approach a single third-level zombies, so there is almost no obstacle along the way, as long as you concentrate on the road.

It was not until 10 p.m. that everyone entered the boundary of Takixiang Town. This hour is very late for people in this world. Fortunately, the moon is very face-giving tonight, and the silver-white moonlight shines all over the earth, giving everyone a basic light source.

In fact, an hour ago, zombies began to attack the team, probably driven by death. Of course, in the face of such a terrible force, these lifeless guys are naturally crushed to pieces.

Entering the boundary of Takiso Town, everyone officially clashed with the gathered zombies on a large scale.

Pea shooters, explosive cherries, explosive peppers, and nut walls are the standard configuration of all those who can use plant combat, and are also the standard configuration of most plant control therapists.

Deep into the "sphere of influence" of zombies, everyone can be said to have been surrounded by zombies, but the art is bold and doesn't care.

With the five masters as the center, the crowd formed five small battle clusters, and then formed a crude array in the shape of flowers, moving towards the town of Takixiang Town.

Zhang Shen and the four joined the battle array of the ice and fire madmen and became his temporary subordinates and accepted his leadership.

In fact, the five masters are not only fighting alone, and they are not careless about how to command such a large-scale battle.

Ren our bank is very skilled in sending six real subordinates to play roles such as "ten chiefs", and then these "ten chiefs" choose two "chiefs" from the team they are responsible for.

The number of these "shi" and "wu" is not mandatory, as long as there is no blank area in the defense circle. In fact, there are only four of them, Zhang Shen, and he was pushed out to serve as "Wu Chang".

The four briefly discussed a few sentences and decided that Zhang Shen, Ouyang Tianqi and Li Jing would attack. Bu Lichen assisted in destroying the fish that leaked the net and summoning sunflowers to replenish the energy of the other three people.

I have to talk about the original plant of Ouyang Apocalypse - [Dart Flower].

This is also a relatively rare plant, with no leaves, only a half-meter-high green stem and a basin-large flower plate. Twelve dagger-shaped petals grow around the flower plate, which can shoot up to 20 meters and penetrate amazingly. Moreover, these twelve petals can be shot out all at once, forming an unexpectedly powerful attack.

However, the defect of this flower is that the petal regeneration speed is slow, and it can be regenerated in a minute, which is really not suitable for this occasion.

Zhang Shen summoned four pea machine gunners (Li Jing can summon two plants), and Bu Lichen summoned a cherry bomb and was ready to attack the fish that missed the net at any time.

The pea machine gunner "suddenly" sprayed out a dark green energy ball, beating the zombies that rushed back repeatedly until his body was broken and his flesh and blood splashed. Bu Lichen threw out a cherry and pepper from time to time, which not only wiped out one or two zombies that occasionally escaped the dense bullet screen, but also burned the piled zombie bodies and opened a way.

After all, Zhang Shen and others are not fighting a position war, but a sports war.

Every few minutes, the three take turns to summon their plants back, then rush forward a few meters to dozens of meters, summon them again, and continue to attack. And this time of weakening firepower is the time to test Bu Lichen's eyesight and decisiveness. The latter is also unambiguous. Cherry and peppers are thrown out, and the zombies will be blocked from the defense.

In this way, one by little, more than 300 people gradually headed for the town of Takixiang Town. At midnight, the town was already in sight.

Zhang Shen thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but when he saw the tall or strange figures in the town, he knew that the real test had just begun!

From entering the boundary of Takisan Town to reaching the edge of the town, most of the attacks were ordinary zombies, and occasionally some second- and third-level zombies were also solved by the five masters sitting in the center of the town. Without the rush of advanced zombies, Zhang Shen and others are quite reliable, but now, with the five masters alone, they can block the third-level zombies at most, but the second-class zombies rely on Zhang Shen to defend themselves.

"Change a pea machine gunner to a nut wall." Zhang Shen thought for a few seconds and decided to focus on attack, summoning only a nut wall just in case. Zhang Shen has always advocated that attack is the best defense.

Li Jing recalled a machine gunner, and then a yellow light flashed, and a nut wall two meters high and a half meters wide and one and a half meters thick appeared, and appeared horizontally.

"Well done!" Zhang saw this and gave a thumbs up to Li Jing. Ouyang Tianqi was also slightly stunned and showed a look of appreciation.

For combat tactics, Li Jing has the talent to make Zhang Shen ashamed.

"Why not use the giant nut wall?" Bu Lichen was a little puzzled, "Isn't a higher defense better? And as long as you put it horizontally like A Jing just now?"

"In this case, it is more important to maintain a good vision. In fact, if it's not out of psychological factors, I don't want to use the nut wall, because it's really not very useful. Zhang Shen explained. Although he has rarely won strategy games before because of his disability, he still knows some theoretical things.

Bu Lichen looked gloomy. She knows that the so-called psychological factor is actually just to take care of herself and Li Jing, and more importantly for herself.

"Then attack all the plants." Bu Lichen blinked and shook away all the haze, "I believe you can protect our two weak women!"

Hmm! Infected by the emotions in the eyes of the two women, Zhang Zang nodded and asked Li Jing to replace the nut wall with a flame stump.

"Good choice." Ouyang Tianqi nodded for sure, and then pulled out a fine steel sword, danced a few times, and drew a few beautiful arcs in the air. My strength is strong enough to ensure that any ordinary zombies rushing over will not hurt you.

Steel knives are not as good as wooden knives. Ouyang Apocalypse is not simple to play so neatly.

Zhang Shen replaced his machine gunner with an abys cannibal flower, pulled out a wooden knife and stood with Ouyang Tianqi: "In this way, even second-class zombies can't break through our defense."

Kakaka! The abyss cannibal flowers smelled the strong smell of war and blood in the air. She was very excited. With a wave of her hand, she cut out an air blade and cut off an ordinary zombie ten meters away!

The abyss cannibalism and flowers are born for war. In this environment, the combat power is added by one part!