Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 39 Dizziness [Red Ticket]

Chapter 39 Dizziness

I have to say that the people in Luoxia City are lucky.

Originally, according to the previous plan, if you haven't seen the other party after waiting for half an hour in Takiso Town, leave a mark at the place and continue to go to another meeting place.

However, after resting for more than 20 minutes, when Zhang Shen received the departure notice, the road took advantage of the wind and entered the boundary of Takixiang Town.

Lu Chengfeng naturally saw the blood and flesh of zombies covering the ground, so he threw several explosive cherries as signal flares. Such a conspicuous scene can be seen by blind people. Ren Wexing and others immediately led the 20th and 30th people to greet them and welcomed the scarred ten people back to Longxiang Town.

"It's them?!" Zhang Shen and the three saw the five Blue Phoenix from afar, and they really didn't know what kind of expression they should show. After some communication with Ouyang Tianqi, Zhang Shen understood that without the secret help of the five people of Blue Phoenix, it was absolutely impossible for him to successfully arrive at the beacon town with only one death. You know, there were a total of 62 people in Ouyang Tianqi, but only 35 people finally arrived at the nearest human base, and almost half of them died on the road!

Although I don't understand why only my group of "guides" exist, the kindness of Blue Phoenix and others is true and there is no moisture.

"Let's say thank you to them." Li Jing proposed.

Zhang Shen hesitated: "They just escaped from the pursuit of zombies. They were physically and mentally exhausted, and injured several others. Isn't it good to disturb them at this time?"

Bu Lichen showed the smile of the little fox: "The icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow. Even if we can't help, it's still a heart, isn't it? Although we don't covet any substantial rewards, it's good to get some information.

Seeing the poker face, Ouyang Tianqi also nodded in agreement. Although Zhang Shen didn't want to go, he went with them.

Lu Chengfeng is one of the top ten heroes, and there are also his fans among the many planters present. There is an endless stream of people who want to visit him, and they are all excuses to visit him. Under the sign of riding the wind, Ren Wuxing and others had no choice but to return to the villain and act as the door god to block everyone from the door.

Of course, the five Blue Phoenix do not have this treatment. Zhang Shen, who went to visit, saw five people again in a small house. They looked quite miserable. Yi Chao and Zhuang Bofan lay temporarily built with wooden boards and bricks. Zihao's upper body was tightly wrapped in bandages, like a mummy. Only two women, Blue Phoenix and Lingyou, were under the desperate protection of Zihao's three men, but they suffered some minor injuries, their clothes were slightly damaged, and their faces were also a little pale.

When they saw Zhang Shen's four people, all five showed surprised expressions. Although it's just a general glance, with the development of the first area of their brain, they can't forget that they can't do it, but there is still no pressure to maintain the impression for a month.

Zhang Shen knew that he was not this material, and the communication was handed over to Bu Lichen, and this time was no exception.

Bu Lichen did not greet too much, briefly introduced the four of them, and then expressed his sincere thanks to Blue Phoenix, and then asked if there was anything he could help, and if there was, he would do his best to help and so on.

It is said that people are relatively vulnerable when they are sick, and similar when they are injured, even if they have extraordinary power.

Although the five people did not show it clearly, Zhang Shen also captured the gratitude between their eye contact.

Blue Phoenix and others are not planters and do not sense any life force, but as comrades-in-arms, how can Lu Chengfeng forget that naturally sent people to use moonlight sunflowers and glow sunflowers to treat them.

However, because the power they have is in harmony with the rules of the world, although they will not be suppressed by the power of the world because of their special status (guardians of the human race), the healing effect of sunflowers will also be discounted accordingly.

Naturally, they also have corresponding treatment methods, which have been implemented one by one. It's just that the injury is too serious to heal. I can only wait to return to the guardian space for treatment.

"In fact, for us, the best treatment comes from the same place." In order to prevent trouble caused by identity exposure, Blue Phoenix and others are more obscure when talking about things related to guardians.

Bu Lichen's eyes lit up: "My ability to extract is [water healing]. I don't know if it will help you?"


Zihao and several people looked at each other with a surprised look on their faces. This is really an unexpected joy.

"By the way, what level has your [water healing] been cultivated?" Lingyou suddenly remembered something, and his expression of joy disappeared again. "If I remember correctly, your ability to extract is only temporary, and it will be taken back at that time."

"In that case, the level must be very low, and it will have an effect on our injury, but..." Zihao shrugged his shoulders. His words were not finished, but the meaning was very clear, and the low-level [water healing] was basically ineffective.

"Level of cultivation? What do you mean? Li Jing and Bu Lichen looked at each other and said that they didn't understand at all.

Zhang Shenling flashed and asked, "Are the levels you talking about those 'shallow', 'middle level', 'deep' and 'primary control' and so on?"

Zihao and others were surprised again. These newcomers are quite interesting!

Blue Phoenix nodded: "Have you cultivated it to the level of 'primary control'? If that's the case, that level of [water healing] is indeed good for our injury.

Bu Lichen directly proved it with action.

She meditated in her heart, and then her mind moved, and a dark blue water wave appeared out of thin air, covering Zihao's bandage full of dark red spots.

Zihao suddenly showed a relaxed expression, as if he had drunk a glass of ice water on a hot day and his whole body was comfortable.

"How does it work?" Lingyou stared at him with expectation in his eyes. She thought that if it weren't for her, Zhuang Fan and Yi Chao would not have been so seriously injured, so she felt very guilty. If [water healing] was effective, it could at least relieve some of the pain of the two.

"The effect is very good!" Zihao raised his thumbs and grinned at the same time revealing his white and shiny teeth.

The four people in Zhang Shen were a little excited, but the four people who were familiar with Zihao were secretly disappointed. Although Zihao's "very good" evaluation is useful, it is also quite limited.

At the request of Zihao, Bu Lichen released a water wave to everyone. However, when she offered to use the seriously injured Zhuang Fufan again, she was declined, on the grounds that she would save energy for the next return.

At this time, even Zhang Shen, who is the least good at observing words and colors, understands the use of water healing.

"Bear by the way, what do you think of this?" Zhang Shen felt Bu Lichen's disappointment and was a little unconvinced. He made a small cake, and the seductive fragrance immediately made everyone present focus on it.

handed the small cake to the Blue Phoenix, and Zhang Shen explained its role.

Can you replenish your energy? It's still food..." Blue Phoenix swallowed it into his stomach. More than ten seconds later, his face bloomed with an extremely surprised smile: "Although it's a little rude, I still want to trouble you to make as many cakes as possible."

In an instant, Zhang Shen and the four of them felt that the attitude of the Blue Phoenix five had quietly changed a lot.

If it used to be a senior to a junior, it is now an equal generation. Although it is not equal, it is enough. After all, the strength gap between the two is too big.

This is naturally a little snobbish, but it is also "human nature". Although Zhang Shen is a little unhappy in his heart, he can only "play every scene" and make cakes at the same time.

Zhang Shen made a total of 57 cakes and felt a little tired. It's not that he doesn't want to do it anymore, but that the Blue Phoenix five people really can't eat...

Zihao and they were a little full... However, the effect was also quite obvious. The slightly injured Blue Phoenix and Lingyou basically recovered. Zihao also said that their wounds were no longer bleeding and began to recover, and Zhuang Fufan and Yi Chao's waxy faces also showed blood color.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing are quite curious about the "divine effect" of the cake. After all, they usually eat this kind of cake as a snack, and they feel that they are not as good as sunflowers to supplement their energy.

Blue Phoenix explained this.

First of all, there is a conflict of world rules, and Zhang Shen and others do not have enough power to cause conflicts; secondly, cake, as a real food, is conducive to supplementing nutrition and accelerating their own self-healing power after being digested and absorbed by the human body. Yes, the cake actually plays a more "intrusion" role.

As the saying goes: people's hands are short, and people's mouths are soft.

After eating more than 50 cakes, the atmosphere in the room was very harmonious for a while. Bu Lichen and Li Jing also took the opportunity to put forward some common sense of the guardian space and things that newcomers should pay attention to, and Blue Phoenix and others answered them one by one.

On such an occasion, even Ouyang Tianqi couldn't help asking a few questions.


Time passed quietly. It was 1:20 a.m. the next morning, and it was also the last day for Zhang Shen and others to stay in the world.

At the beginning, they arrived at about 11 or 2 a.m., that is to say, many temporary guardians who came to this world could only stay in the world for about ten hours.

Originally, according to the plan at the time, the two sides would immediately retreat to Luoxia City after meeting.

However, the situation has changed, and no one expected that they would all be so seriously injured. Therefore, under the opposition of many people, everyone stayed in Taki for more than 20 minutes!!

During this period, under the "crazy" treatment of sunflowers and other plants with healing ability, the most injured also recovered their walking ability, and Lu Chengfeng, one of the top ten heroes, has completely restored his combat ability.

This result makes those opponents speechless.

"I think this approach is quite problematic." Bu Lichen and Ouyang Tianqi are also one of the opponents.

"In this case, they even chose to delay here for nearly half an hour. I really don't know what's stuffed in their heads?"

"Now the zombies of Lu Chengfeng have basically rushed over, and we have been surrounded and killed in this town."

"Do they think that one more road can deal with so many third-level and fourth-level zombies?"

"And, can't you treat it while retreating?!!"

[PS: Two update starts today!]

[PS2; Please collect red tickets!! Ask for support!!]

[PS3: The top three science fiction games and entering the new book list owe one chapter, and the top 10 chapters of the new book list still owe everyone two chapters. In addition, the new book list enters the third and one chapter, the second and two chapters, and the first and three chapters (subject to this week, not superimposed)]