Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 46 Back to the Real Earth

Nearly half an hour later, Li Jing and Bu Lichen finally came late, with an unfinished look on their faces.

"Have you spent all the time?" The corners of his mouth twitched and cast a looking look.

Li Jing rolled his eyes and said, "How is that possible?! You don't believe us too much, really..."

Bu Lichen also said, "That's it. Captain Zhang, the trust between the team members is the most basic!"

"How much is left?" Zhang Shen didn't say anything, just sneered.

The two women immediately shut up and looked up at the sky.

Zhang Shen:......

"Forget it, I knew..." He shook his head with a wry smile, and Zhang Shen did not investigate too much. As the currency of the guardian space, although the general point is valuable, it involves the exchange of power and has requirements for contributing to the world. Several people have contributed only 20 points to the world, and it is also some things such as "five tiger broken door knives" and "magic entry", which is of great use.

Looking at Zhang Shen's fateful appearance, Li Jing laughed out loud, and then in the inexplicable eyes of the former, the two women laughed one after another.

"What, is there anything on my face? Forget it, I don't understand you. I'm too lazy to waste brain cells. Zhang Shen was confused, and then rolled his eyes and turned around and walked towards the East Avenue. Let's go and gather with the Blue Phoenix.

Behind him, Li Jing, who smiled and blushed, gave Bu Lichen a "still my powerful" look. The latter still smiled with an "admiration" look, but somehow his heart suddenly became more inexplicably sour.

There are two straight avenues on the boundary island, which are cross-shaped, dividing the boundary island into four pieces. At the same time, they lead to four directions: east, west, north and south respectively. There is a huge transmission array at the end of the road. If you want to go to the seven floating continents such as Yanhuang, you can only use the transmission array.

The boundary island is so big that there are no buses and other things. At the same time, it also prohibits flight and auxiliary magic powers such as "royal air" and "divine speed". Its four straight paths and a circular road are naturally extraordinary.

When stepping on the ordinary road, a mysterious feeling naturally rises from the hearts of the four people.

Change the speed freely!

Being on the road, Zhang Shen has obtained such a "divine power" that can freely adjust his speed between 1 and 100,000 times! If you want to go slowly, choose low speed. If you are on your way, just adjust to the top. Zhang Shen and others are just mortal bodies, and their speed is not fast. If those themselves are extremely fast, they will be adjusted to the extreme. As long as they take a step, they will reach the other end of the straight the next moment.

With the support of 100,000 times the speed, it didn't take long for a group of four people to reach the end of the East Avenue. The huge transmission array like the altar came into sight, followed by five people from the Sky Blue team.

The Yanhuang Continent is very vast. Compared with the number of guards living on it, it is inaccessible and desolate. Because "wolves have less meat", every guard can get an independent building with a casual style. Villas, cottages, tall buildings, pyramids, temples, caves... As long as you can think of it, "it" can be done.

This "it" refers to the Gaia will of the Yanhuang Continent. In fact, it is not appropriate to say so, because "it" is more inclined to the main port of mechanical management, which is probably an intelligent robot without a body.

"It" is called "Yanhuang", and the place where it is stored is a large hall called Yanhuang Hall.

Under the leadership of Blue Phoenix and others, Zhang Shen and the four were about to go to the Yanhuang Hall to decide the location and style of their residence.

The Yanhuang Hall is not big, emitting a vicissitudes of time.

The layout of the main hall is similar to that of Taoist temples and temples. It is wide and bright, with nine load-bearing columns on each side, carved with various patterns of runes, and opposite it is a god statue that can't see clearly.

Under the statue, nine futons are lined up.

Under the guidance of Blue Phoenix and several people, Zhang Shen slowly walked to the futon, sat down and closed their eyes.

Immediately, Zhang Shen's consciousness was led to the sky above the Yanhuang continent.

Zhang Shen stepped on the clouds and looked down at the Yanhuang Continent under him. Wherever his eyes turn, an enlarged map will appear in his mind, accompanied by all kinds of information.

In consciousness, it took Zhang Shen more than two hours to choose the location and house style, but in the eyes of Blue Phoenix, he just closed his eyes and then opened them again after more than ten seconds, which was very mysterious.

Zhang Shen chose a place surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the house style is a common wooden and stone building in ancient Xia. At the same time, with the help of Yanhuang, he recorded all the transmission points of the Blue Phoenix five people, as well as Li Jing, Bu Lichen, Ouyang Tianqi, Yanhuang Hall and Wentiancheng (the only city built for defenders in Yanhuang mainland) on his doorstep.

As for going to Jiedao, there are transmission arrays in Yanhuang Hall and Wentian City.

After finishing the accommodation, Zhang Shen and the four people can't wait. Blue Phoenix and others also had the same experience. After a few words of greeting, they parted ways and returned to their respective residences.

The light of the transmission array flashed away, and the next moment, Zhang Shen appeared at his door.

Green mountains, clear water and small buildings have the style of a hermit in the deep mountains.

But at this time, Zhang Shen was no longer in the mood to see his new home, and his mind was filled with an idea--

Go home!

Back to the real earth!

Throw out a drop of blood casually and activate the nearby prohibition (to prevent beasts from breaking in, but also has the function of hiding traces). Zhang Shen entered the transmission array in the courtyard again and meditated "Return to the real earth".

Dazzling light rises to the sky!


Real earth, Xiaguo, in a remote alley near the Wal-Mart supermarket building on Sanyang Road, Z City, Xiangnan Province.

In the shadow of the building, the air was strangely distorted, and then a figure appeared out of thin air.


The stray cat kept making a shrill cry and was scared away by this scene.

"Damn it, this broken cat scared me." The figure muttered, it was Zhang Shen.

A month of living in the end of the world gave Zhang Shen the vigilance that ordinary people do not have.

The moment he appeared, he glanced at everything around him.

"No, no one, everything is normal." Determined the surrounding environment, he focused on himself.

"The clothes are still from 'there', which is incompatible with 'here' and must be replaced, and there are blood stains and other traces on the body, which must be cleaned up immediately... It's not safe to burn them off. It's safer to put them in a shrink hand towel first and bring them back 'there'..."

"There" refers to the apocalyptic world, "here" is naturally the real earth, and "there" is the guardian space.

Zhang Shen's current strength is weak, so it's not too much to be careful.

After confirming the action, Zhang Shen took out the shrinkage hand towel and unfolded it.

Take * and spray some odor-removing ** on his body, and Zhang Shen took out a blank card and printed it on his eyebrows. When the card was removed, a newly released ID card appeared!

ID card, Agricultural Bank card, CCB card, ICBC card... Zhang Shen stopped after making several cards in a row.

It's time to leave!

Finally, Zhang Shen threw three pill-shaped items nearby that could prevent people from using spells such as "Mirror Moon" and "Shadow" to track them, and strode out of the alley.

Within a few steps, Zhang Shen confirmed his position.

"It's far from the site of the car accident, and it seems to have been transmitted immediately." Zhang Shen would like to see the intersection of the car accident, but there are still many things to do before that. And it must have been blocked, and there may even be special personnel stalking. Zhang Shen doesn't want to expose himself.

First of all, he found an ATM and inserted the cards of the three major banks one after another. Naturally, there is no money on the card, and he just turned these cards into "legal accounts". Before leaving the alley, he put a white sticker of about a square centimeter on the card. Although this sticker is small and disposable, it is not cheap. More than a dozen stickers cost hundreds of yuan, which makes him heartbroken, but he can't help but buy it.

The moment the card was read, the three major banks had an additional account named "Wang Lu"!

He forged more than a dozen cards, especially one card in each of the three major banks, and others are not used for the time being as supplies and other "identity" supplies.

Then, he casually found a person who looked more "rich" and borrowed more than 300 soft girl coins for urgent use.

"I will give you back this money a hundred times and a thousand times!" Zhang Shen has made a mark on that person, and as long as he is also in Z City, he can be found.

suppressing his guilt and guilt, Zhang Shen found a small hotel and paid for two days.

Of course, the front desk of that hotel will not know that the moment he swiped the card, Xia's population database added a legal data package, and there was a person named Wang Lu out of thin air.

The preliminary thing will be solved, and the next thing to do is to exchange gold bars for cash.

The style of clothes on the body is strange (blood stains and so on have been solved in the hotel room). Although a "ignorance symbol" is burned so that people don't care, it is a hidden danger after all. After all, even if people don't pay attention to this thing, the machine will not be affected and is likely to be photographed by the camera. Although Zhang Shen is holding the face of "Wang Lu" now, it is still a flaw after all.

He took a bus to a nearby gold shop. When he got off the bus, Zhang Shen specially used a little forgotten water on the driver to blur his memory.

Zhang Shen has never been in such a high-end and elegant place as a gold store before, which is naturally a little restrained. In addition, even if it is a mask after all, Zhang Shen looks a little awkward and uncomfortable.

However, by mistake, when the waiter saw the tooth marks on a gold bar, Zhang Shen's unnaturally was ignored.

Perhaps, in that person's heart, Zhang Shen is either a lucky turtle or a gangster. In short, there is no need to provoke him.

To be cautious, Zhang Shen only exchanged more than 30,000 soft girl coins.

Immediately, it is a big purchase.

Clothes, trousers, shoes, socks, and even hairstyles all changed greatly. It was not until he and the previous "Wang Lu" looked very different that Zhang Shen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the rest can come slowly.

Mobile phone, registered card, anonymous card... I bought two mobile phones, several bearer cards, and two registered cards. Naturally, they belong to China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile...

Returning to the hotel, Zhang Shen changed his identity to "Zhang Shen" and "reissued" the ID card and other documents destroyed in the car accident.

After a few hours, I walked out of the hotel again, found a remote place, changed clothes, changed back to Zhang Shen's identity, and did a series of things.

Finally, the final moment has come.

Zhang Shen pressed the number with a trembling hand.

"Hey, who are you?" The sudden new number made the people on the phone a little confused.

After a month, Zhang Shen almost burst into tears when he heard the familiar voice again.

Press and hold the phone, take a few breaths, and put the phone in your ear again.

"It's me, Mom."

"Oh, why did you change your number?"

"Hey, the card was accidentally lost, so I can only change to a new number."

"Hey, why are you so careless, it's really not easy to worry about..." Although the tone on the other side of the phone is implicitly blamed, it is more worried and caring.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay... I have good news for you. I got a job in a private enterprise and will go to work tomorrow. Next, it may be busy, and there should be fewer phone calls..."

"Have you found a job? That's good, that's good!"


It has been nearly half an hour since I hung up the phone.

It was getting late, and the light of the street lights on the street shone through the window and shone into the hotel room.

Zhang Shen closed his eyes and was silent for a moment to calm down.

Open your eyes again, a little dark red shining, very weird.

[PS: Recently, I saw a little bit of that bullshit "God Hero List" and was thundered to death! Especially the shape of Nezha inside, which is disgusting!!]

[PS2: I am very proficient in collecting]