Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 1: Aliens in the Blood Wasteland

Chapter 1: Aliens in the Blood Wasteland

For the remaining few days, Zhang Shen and the four of them are trying to familiarize themselves with their ability to exchange.

If Bu Lichen's "eight magic powers" want to practice, it needs eight kinds of strange flowers and its own good internal cultivation. "Eight divine power" belongs to the "feminine" vein, and its ability is related to all spirits, so Bu Lichen chose the [Four Seasons qi secret], which is to practice qi. This internal qi formula was originally used to cooperate with the "four-season sword qi". With the help of the spirit of heaven and earth, grass, flowers and leaves cultivation, it is feminine and deep but does not lose its heroic spirit. There is a hint of sharp flow, which can be regarded as a considerable match with the "eight-pin magic power".

As for the strange flowers, "fog alfalfa" can barely be called. Especially after using the "Water of Life", the former has bloomed purple flowers the size of rice grains, and its own ability has been strengthened by nearly 50%! It seems that there is no flower in alfalfa... Well, you don't have to care about these details...)

After exchanging the [Four Seasons qi formula], Bu Lichen used the remaining general points to exchange some auxiliary items such as elixirs, potions, spiritual charms, etc. to build foundation refining, cut tendons and marrow, and accelerate the efficiency of internal qi cultivation, leaving only 393 general points on his body.

At the end of seven days, she has more than 40 years of internal qi cultivation!

However, according to the standard calculation method for energy in the guardian space, considering the strength, density, smooth operation, catalyzing efficiency and other factors of energy, the "energy system" in her body development degree shows 70 cards (fan).

"Card" is a unit of measurement. "Fan" indicates that this is only an ordinary energy and has not yet born "spirituality", that is, Bu Lichen has not yet cultivated to the "spiritual" realm, and is still a "mort".

As for Li Jing, due to the limited contribution of the world, he has only exchanged the most "classical spiritual exercise methods" and the ghost magic spells of No. 50 and below. ( Ghosts are divided into broken paths for the purpose of attack and destruction and bound paths for the purpose of binding and imprisonment. At the same time, she also exchanged some auxiliary items to accelerate spiritual cultivation. Finally, "47 card (fan)" is displayed on Li Jing's ability system.

The relationship between Ouyang Tianqi and Zhang Shen's three team is a little strange, which can barely be regarded as a "reserve team member". The three people are not clear about his cultivation results, but only know that they have exchanged something called [Cankendo].

As for Zhang Shen himself, after exchanging the "basics of alchemy", he also exchanged "scientific side" knowledge such as physics and chemistry (corresponding to the level of ordinary college students), as well as some refined steel, aviation ceramics, tempered glass, resin and other materials.

The four completed their preliminary exchange, and there were still some general points left (the world's contribution cannot be transferred), so they bought a 888 "newcomer gift package" together...

As the second mission world, out of caution, the four unanimously decided to act with the Sky Blue team.

Just in time, in order to strengthen the ability of Blue Phoenix's prophecy, the Sky Blue Team is ready to go to the world of Diablo to communicate with Akala or other "blind eye" church members.

According to Sky Blue's description of the five people and the information obtained by Zhang Shen and others from other sources, Diablo can be regarded as a "semi-open" world, which probably means the so-called "daily mission" world.

The world is very powerful, with hell and heaven. Among them, there are more than 20 powerful demons, demons and angels who have reached the "law" and mastered the power of the law, and both sides have no good intentions towards the human race.

At the same time, the human race here is still quite weak (relatively). According to the theory, the human race in this world should have been extinct long ago. However, the world is very interesting. It is divided into three parts, and it is exactly the same three parts!

The "Third World" is the most powerful world and the existence of heaven and hell, where almost no human beings live.

"Second World" and "First World" are like copies of "Third World", but each "copy" loses most of its energy and is getting weaker and weaker. Angels and demons can't come with ontology at all, but can only come in the form of "separation" (second world) and "projection" (first world). .

The power of the three demon gods and the four demon kings of hell has reached the peak of the world and can no longer exist. Therefore, in order to be stronger, they came up with a way to absorb the emotions of the human race!

Seven sins, seven emotions, this is also the origin of the word [original sin demon king]!

In order to absorb more of the negative emotions of the human race, they ordered their demons to come to the second world and the first world one after another, launching attacks against the human race again and again!

Soon, the human race of the second world was disabled and returned to the first world.

And for some unknown purposes, heaven chose to stand on the side of the human race, which restrained a large part of the power of the demons, so that the human race could continue in the first world.

However, despite this, every few months, countless projected demons in the first world will attack the gathering place of the human race, just like the "mon siege" in online games.

Zhang Shen and others are lucky enough to "catch up" with the devil this time*.

"The most powerful thing in the dark world is only the 'law' realm. Any of the seven forces can completely destroy angels and demons. Are they all idiots and don't do anything with such a big cake?" Bu Lichen raised questions.

Blue Phoenix smiled: "Entering the dark world is limited to the 'spirit' realm."

"This should be for the purpose of 'training'." Yi Chao added, "At the beginning, there were indeed strong defenders of the 'law' realm to enter, beating the seven demon kings so much that they could only hide in the depths of hell and dare not dare to rise, but later it seemed that the 'Supreme Council' negotiated an agreement with the 'Great Will' to prohibit the guardians of the spiritual realm and above from entering the world."

Zihao's eyes showed a trace of envy and longing: "If it hadn't been for this, the human race in the first world would have been more difficult now... Although they are not living a good life now, at least they are still the masters of the first world."


The first world, the blood wasteland.

As its name suggests, this is a vast and desolate area stained with dark red blood.

Looking around, in addition to a few low shrubs that occasionally emerge, there are only lead-gray gravel, dark red land and less than a stubbornly growing weed.

This is a desolate, dead and barren land.

Wandering on it are weak demon projections such as zombies, sunken demons, sunken wizards, hard-haired mice, skeletons, etc.

On this day, somewhere in the blood wasteland.

The breeze swept by, the tip of the grass shook gently, and there was a faint fishy smell in the wind, as usual.

Somewhere in the slightly deeper grass, there is no doubt that it is a hard-haired mouse hidden in it.

Suddenly, the space ripples that are difficult to detect with the naked eye!


A gray mouse with two palms suddenly burst out of the grass. It showed a faint blue spike at the top, as if it had noticed something, made a sharp cry, and fled far away.

However, an invisible air mask suddenly appeared, as if falling from the sky, crushing the mouse and dissipating!

In this invisible and quality mask, there are four people from Zhang Shen and five people from the Sky Blue team.

Before, Zhang Shen and others collected "money" to buy a "thousands of silk" to ensure that nine people appeared together to prevent them from being randomized.

Once and twice, Zhang Shen skillfully concentrated his thoughts on the diamond shield pattern on his left wrist and entered the "conscious space" again.

He has understood that this is not a real space of consciousness, but a mystery temporarily created by the great will, just like the "clear evaluation" of leaving the world.

[No.54034, this is the second world you have experienced, cancel the novice guide]

[Your mission in this world:]

[Compulsory Task: No]

[Ordinary task: repel the demon projection that attacks the gathering place of the human race, and the reward will be distributed according to the completion of the task.]

[Optional guide task 1: Enter the second world, destroy the demon split, and weaken the power of hell demons]

[Optional guide task 2: Enter the third world and completely destroy the demon body]

[You can stay in this world for 15 days, and as soon as the time arrives, it will automatically lead]

[Warning: Powers and props that are incompatible with the laws of this world will be rejected or even destroyed. Please be cautious and bear all the consequences!]

[Do you want to quit?]

checked [Yes], a trance, Zhang Shen's consciousness returned to the mask.

"Second World...Third World... Tut~~ Forget it, I'd better thank you." Thinking of the two optional guiding tasks, Zhang Shen couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth and decisively ignored them.

The world is very big, but the first world is comparable to the earth I live in. It's good to be able to run to Harogas in 15 days, not to mention that I only plan to hang out near Rogge Camp.

As a pink newcomer, it's better to keep a low profile.

Because it is not a newcomer, there is no need to wait until the shield is automatically canceled, and nine people go out one after another. Under normal circumstances, the places where the guards appear are relatively remote, and there are no intelligent creatures or dangers, so there is no need to worry.

Li Jing built a pergola with his hand, looked around, and exclaimed: "Is this a bloody wasteland? It really gives people a depressing feeling!"

The sky, a piece of lead ash, obviously has no clouds, but gives people the illusion of a dark cloud cover, as if it will fall from an infinite high altitude the next moment; the ground is extremely desolate, and the dark red soil is suddenly precipitated by blood, emitting a faint fishy smell, invisibly rendering a tragic and fascinating It's like being in the battlefield of beacon fire.

At the same time, the earth seems to have been exerted with some mysterious power. Zhang Shen was surprised to find that his vision had become very narrow, and his vision, which could be seen clearly from a kilometer away, is now limited to 100 meters!

"Can't you see clearly?" Seeing that Bu Lichen and Li Jing both opened their eyes and looked very hard, and looked at the five members of the Sky Blue Team again, Zhang Shen suddenly understood.

Abyss cannibal flowers, come out!

As soon as the idea moved, a terrible monster came to the bloody wasteland!

[PS: New story opens, please collect it!]