Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 5: Fight Monsters--Upgrade?

Chapter 5: Fight monsters... Upgrade? [ Please collect red tickets!]

The so-called knife (sword light) is actually a special force formed by the highly compressed and condensed knife gas and the knife holder's own understanding of the knife. Different knives have different performances, but they all have the same effect--


Unparalleled sharp!!

Attached to the knife, even a piece of tofu can cut Edelman metal in half!

At the moment when Bu Lichen took out the knife, a light green light flashed at the edge of her wooden knife, making it seem to wax, extremely smooth and emitting strange brilliance.

Facing Zhang Shen's surprised eyes, Bu Lichen was stunned and then laughed and said, "How can it be?"

"I just practiced a set of basic knife skills. How can I reach the level of a sword master?! Besides, even if the realm comes, I don't have such a strong internal energy to condense the knife.

"Light green light? That's what you said. Bu Lichen raised the wooden knife, and the internal gas gushed out from the inner source of Dantian, turning into a wisp of sharpness and attached to the wooden knife in the way recorded in the [Four Seasons Origin Tips]. This is not a knife, but a special operation mode of internal gas in the four seasons.

"However, its function is similar to that of Daoang, and it can also increase the sharpness of weapons."

Bu Lichen scratched on the ground, and the strong soil seemed to encounter the butter of a hot knife. A smooth opening was torn open, and even the gravel was no exception. It was divided into two!

Wow~~~ Li Jing shouted with excitement and a look of admiration.

"Your face..." Zhang Shen was about to praise a few words, but suddenly found that Bu Lichen's face was a little pale, as if he had used too much force.

Sure enough, using this method consumes a lot of internal gas, which is still a big burden for the current Bu Lichen. It can only be used once occasionally and cannot be used as a conventional means.

"Oh, there's still not enough time." Li Jing sighed and felt the same way.

Bu Lichen stretched out her green and jade fingers and rubbed her eyebrows, and then threw a wink at Zhang Shen: "Captain, now it's your turn to perform."

Zhang Shen was full of confidence and took a big step: "Hmm, look at me!"

With the help of cannibal flowers, Zhang Shen soon met the third batch of monsters.

Three-headed sunken demon.

However, when these timid demons saw that the number of Zhang Shen exceeded their own side, they shouted "Lakanixiu" and turned around and ran away!

Although these monsters have short legs and are quite fast, they can run five or six meters in a few blinks.

"I lay in a groove!" Seeing that these sinking demons were so "disgrowful", Zhang Shen raised his eyebrows angrily, took out a pen from his pocket, squatted down, and began to paint the formation at his fastest speed on the ground.

The outermost is a circle, representing the infinite cycle of everything in the world.

Immediately next to the outer circle is a regular hexagon, representing six basic forces or six supreme mysteries in the world.

Inside, a triangle represents the power of the earth.

The basic framework ends, and then the corresponding formula is drawn.

In an instant, thousands of different techniques came to Zhang Shen's mind, which were directly imprinted by the great will.

chose several suitable techniques, and Zhang Shenyun's pen was flying.

The last stroke fell,

Refining into an array——


The current spark flashed (the external manifestation of refining into an array to start), and then two traces appeared on the ground, like two earth dragons, quickly spreading to the three fleeing demons.

Soon, the "ground dragon" caught up with the sinking demon, the ground broke, and the soil shot out, turning into a two-meter-high, one-meter-wide and two-finger thick earth wall, straight in front of the sinking demon!

The three sinking demons couldn't stop their feet, and they hit their heads one after another and hit a bag.

Zhang San painted a "compression" and "condensation" technique, and the hardness of this earth wall is comparable to that of bricks.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the three-headed sinking demon to be dizzy and can't find the north, Zhang Shen drew a formation again.

The basic structure is the same, and it is still the power of the earth, but this time Zhang Shen replaced the operation.

lian into an array, start!

The next moment, three rock thorns shot out from the ground, accurately stabbing the heart of the sinking demon, passing through the chest, stringing them on it, and dying.

"Handsome!" Li Jing completely regarded it as a "performance" and felt that the "effect" was very good. He applauded hard, which made Zhang Shen a little unable to laugh and cry. He turned his eyes to Bu Lichen, hoping to get some serious advice from her.

Bu Lichen thought for a moment and frowned slightly: "Although the speed of drawing into arrays is not slow, you still need to speed up!" In addition, just to solve the three-headed sinking demon, two formations are needed. Isn't it too inefficient?

Bu Lichen really lived up to Zhang Shen's expectations. Two arrows directly hit the red heart and pointed to the weakness of Zhang Shen's alchemy.

With Zhang Shen's current level of alchemy, this step of drawing into a formation cannot be saved. He can only continue to train and speed up the speed of hand and selection. As for another point, there is no big problem. It's purely that he is unskilled.

When he is proficient enough to disassemble and combine techniques freely, he can use only one formation to complete all the actions just now or even more. For example, it is not just a wall, but a fence that surrounds all three sunken demons. At the same time, more than a dozen rock thorns are shot from the ground to tie them into a sieve. Even, if there is a sinking wizard in it, it can react differently to the wizard...

Of course, a refining array is limited to one force.

......... Fight............Monster............upgrade........................

With a certain mastery of each other's strength, the three began a formal upgrade journey of fighting monsters.

The monsters in the bloody land are very weak. Even if the abyss cannibals did not join the battle, they are not the opponents of Zhang Shen and the three. They fell in front of them one after another and became a stepping stone to exercise their ability.

Zhang Shen's destination is an evil cave in the middle of the blood wasteland, in which there is a leader-level demon called "corpses are angry", just to test the exercise results and actual combat ability of the three people.

Due to the limited spiritual/internal qi/spiritual power (using refining into a formation mainly consumes mental power followed by physical strength), after playing a few games, the three will have to rest for a while, adjust their breath and recover, and at the same time stuff low-level elixir and medicine into their mouths that accelerate recovery without pain.

Perhaps in the original world, this kind of recovery elixir is very precious, but this kind of thing is the least valuable in the guardian space. You can buy a bottle (non-exchangeable) at 5 universal points, 10 tablets per bottle. For the guards of Bu Lichen and Li Jing, two elixirs are enough to fill all the consumed internal qi and spiritual power.

Walk and stop. When the evil cave appeared in the sight of the three people, it was already early at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The "Evil Cave" really lives up to its name. Standing at the mouth of the dark cave, you can clearly feel the strong evil breath coming, like a lurking beast, squinting its eyes and hiding in the darkness, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

The three lit torches separately and slowly walked into this deep cave without a trace of light behind the cannibal flowers in the abyss.

At Rogge Camp, Bu Lichen bought a map of the nearby and the approximate distribution of monsters, and knew that there was a monster in the cave that was not found in the bloody wasteland - a huge beast.

Simply put, it is a gorilla polluted by the smell of hell.

This thing looks like King Kong, tall and strong, with rough skin and thick flesh, but very vengeful, which is very difficult to deal with.

At the same time, the skeleton archers in the cave always like to hide in dark and remote corners, corners and stone cracks to put cold arrows. If they are not careful, there will be an extra blood hole in their bodies.

Fortunately, the road in the cave is not easy to walk. There are no high feet or low feet, and there are potholes everywhere. This should be attributed to countless professional ancestors.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, the three officially arrived at the first floor of the cave. Along the way, the abyss cannibal has blocked several cold arrows from the dark for Zhang Shen and the others.

There were many unburned torches on the wall. The three lit them one by one. In an instant, the dark vision became bright, and even the white skeleton of the skeleton of the skeleton archers hiding behind the huge rock.

The three of them were attacked one after another along the way, and the three of them couldn't stand it anymore. Now their eyes opened, and with Zhang San's sneer, they began to revenge without mercy.

The skeleton of the skeleton archer is very fragile. Even if it is just hit with a stone, it will completely fall off two or three times.

Under the revenge of the three, piles of bones soon appeared on the ground.

The evil cave has three layers. The body's fire is due to projection, and its IQ is very low (the skeleton archer's sneak attack is instinct), and it will only foolishly stay in the depths of the third floor.

There are not many kinds of monsters in the cave. In addition to skeletons, they are zombies. In addition, there are countless hard-haired mice and a small number of huge beasts.

The zombies here are different from the bloody wasteland, probably because they are well preserved ( embarrassing). They don't look so disgusting. They probably look similar to those zombies in the last world. Although the defense is higher than the zombies in the bloody wasteland, they are also limited and are not seen by the three people.

down to the second floor, with the low roar, a huge beast appeared in the sight of the three people.

He is more than two meters tall, covered with dirty gray hair, and his facial features shrinking into a ball can only see two dark red rays, full of irritability caused by the pollution of hell.

Even though they had seen many tall second-level and third-level zombies, when the gorilla appeared, Zhang Shen and the others couldn't help smacking their tongues.

lian into an array and start!

The arc flashed, and the ground where the huge beast stood suddenly turned into a swamp, and the hard soil turned into soft mud.

The huge beast suddenly fell into the mud.

I have never encountered such a thing. The huge beast instinctively struggled wildly, but it got deeper and deeper. Soon, the gray-black soft mud spread to its waist and buried its entire lower body.

When the huge beast struggled desperately to roar, Li Jing made a seal while reciting the ghost spell.

"The fourth of breaking the road, Bai Lei!!"

The last syllable fell, and a white thunderbolt ejected from Li Jing's fingertips and accurately fell on the head of the huge beast.

A burning smell came out.


Thunder entered the body, the heat was scorched, the huge beast screamed sadly, and the two strong arms waved wildly.

The vitality of the huge beast was really tenacious. It struggled and roared for more than three minutes before it gradually stopped. Its arms hung weakly, its head tilted, and finally died.

For good, there was only one gorilla nearby, and its dying call did not attract companions, which reduced a lot of trouble for the three.

Entering the third layer, the density of monsters is significantly larger.

Half an hour later, the three cleaned up the other monsters on the third floor, leaving only the body to get angry and an elite zombie and three skeleton archers around it.

Looking at the four little monsters who could not be lured away from the angry side, Zhang Shen frowned.