Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 19: I'm back

Chapter 19: I'm back

The eighth day.

At five o'clock in the morning, the sky began to shine.

Because he was too tired yesterday, Zhang Shen was still sleeping.

Dongdong! Dongdong!!

A sharp knock on the door woke him up.

rubbing his sleepy eyes, yawned and opened the door, and found that Ouyang Tianqi, Bu Lichen and Li Jing were all coming.

"Why do you get up so early? What happened?" Zhang Shen was a little upset when he was woken up, but when he saw this battle, he knew that something urgent must have happened.

Li Jing's expression "I really admire you": "The whole Rogge camp is in trouble. How can you sleep so soundly?"

At this time, Zhang Shen found that there were all kinds of sounds outside, such as running, shouting, screaming and collision, mixed together, which was very harsh.

Moreover, at a glance, oil lamps, torches, magic lamps, and various lighting tools were turned on one after another, shining around like a sunny day.

"It's so noisy... Come in and wait for me." Zhang Shen filled a basin of cold water, soaked his whole head in it, made himself awake, and then washed up as quickly as possible to get everything done.

A few minutes later, Zhang Shen came to the living room again with a dry towel.

"What on earth is going on with such gongs and drums outside? Has the army of hell come here? Zhang Shen wiped his hair with a towel while complaining.

"It's not clear whether the hell army has come or not, but Andalil's army has arrived." Bu Lichen suddenly leaned over and turned his internal air to steam his hair. Zhang Shen glanced at the white gas emerging from his head and said that he had only seen this scene on TV before. He didn't expect that he could experience it one day. Fate was really wonderful.

Li Jing stared and showed his unhungryness without concealment.

Ouyang Tianqi saw all this in his eyes, and his eyes towards Zhang Shen became strange.

"This boy wants to have no appearance, no figure, and can actually make Bu Lichen and Li Jing fall in love with him. It seems that my reserve captain still has some advantages."

"Now, there are many monsters gathered in the bloody wasteland, and they have surrounded the Rogge camp."

"Surrounded?" Zhang Shen frowned, "Did they gather at night? But, no, it's impossible to find such a big movement until now?!"

Li Jing snorted coldly: "Move? You will know what's going on when you see it with your own eyes!"

"I'm afraid it's not good this time. We came at a bad time." Bu Lichen smiled bitterly and laughed at herself, "It won't be that I used up all my good luck when I extracted my ability before, but now my luck is negative."

"Is it really that serious?" Zhang Shen looked at Ouyang Tianqi.

The latter nodded and said, "It's much more serious than you think."

"As for how serious it is, you can see it."

Zhang Shen was a little embarrassed by the words and deeds of the three people. He took a bag of leather paper, walked out of the house, and quickly walked to the city wall.

When he went out, Zhang Shen was surprised to find that a road connecting the north and south of the Rogge camp had been blocked by Roge and civilians were not allowed to enter. On the very bright road, professionals in various forms of equipment or groups of one or two or three or five trot, either to the city walls, or to the north of the area where professional dwells are concentrated.

Look at their expressions, either tighten their faces and expressionless; or they are nervous, panicked and uneasy, they can't see a relaxed face, and even the wild-nervarians feel the ultimate danger.

In addition, Zhang Shen also noticed that three-wheeled and four-wheeled wooden cars were driven by Roge from north to south, surrounded by Roge guards, transporting large boxes one by one in the direction of the city wall.

In residential houses, the lights are on. Through windows equipped with glass or transparent paper, you can see several faces gathered together, casting countless glances, or curious, worried, or afraid.

The monster's siege is not once or twice, but even the residents of Rogge Camp have seen this kind of battle for the first time.

Zhang Shen was infected by the special atmosphere, and his heart began to feel heavy.

It wasn't long before the tall and majestic wall came into view.

The wall is full of people; under the wall, it is even more dark. Rogge and professionals are clearly arranged according to the usual training, while the latter is a mess, three or five groups, chattering, even if you cover your ears, you can hear the loud voice of the barbarians.

The four took out their identity cards and climbed to the wall.

In an instant, Zhang Shen was dumbfounded!

Everything in his sight made him begin to doubt whether he had hallucinations or was in a dream!

At a glance, Zhang Shen's eyes were about to fall out, and his mouth was open enough to be stuffed into an ostrich egg.

What you see is one after another--

Monster phalanx!!

Yes, just like the high-cost ancient war scenes seen on the screen, various monsters form one phalanx after another, densely covered with the whole bloody wasteland!

Take the front sinking Rubik's Cube as an example.

In Zhang Shen's impression, the sinking demon, a short red-skinned demon, keeps shouting "Lakanixiu" and "Lakanixiu" all day long, and it is difficult to stop for a moment like suffering from ADHD. It is a very timid and noisy little monster.

However, everything in front of him slapped him fiercely!

These sinking demons are surrounded by a piece of rotten cloth and look almost exactly like. At this moment, they are standing quietly on the bloody wasteland, their mouths are closed, and their yellow and white tusks turn out of their lips.

The three black sharp horns on their heads are like knives and halberd arrays, emitting cold light, frightening people's souls.

They hold a wooden shield made of several pieces of wood tied together in one hand, and hold the wooden stick with sharp bone fragments at the top in the other hand, like the most strictly trained elite soldiers, maintaining a standard combat posture, standing still, waiting for the moment when the officer gives orders, burning all their strength and launching to Rogge Camp. The endless impact!

Their officer is Lacanixho.

This blue-skinned monster stands in the center of the sinking Rubik's Cube array, which is particularly conspicuous.

Other square arrays, like the sinking magic square array, are simply composed of a monster, and then an elite/leader/leader monster stands in the center, coordinates the whole team and gives orders.

Zhang Shen estimated in his heart that there are tens of thousands of monsters alone, not to mention more monster phalanxes such as skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, fallen Rogge and so on.

Sinking demons, skeletons, zombies, fallen Roge, Orak, the moon family... Many monsters that Zhang Shen knew and formed one dense square array after another, standing quietly in the blood wasteland without making even a little noise.

All this gives people a very strong visual impact and psychological pressure!!

Zhang Shen took a look at Roge and professionals standing on the wall and found that their faces were pale, and some people kept sweating down their foreheads and did not dare to wipe them.

Maybe it was infected by the monsters outside the city wall, and there was also silence on the wall. Everyone unconsciously bit their lips to prevent a syllable from coming out of their mouths, even if their lips had been bitten and the corners of their mouths were stained with blood.

Rogge's equipment is relatively simple, and it can be clearly seen that their clothes have been soaked in cold sweat. When the breeze blows, the cold penetrates directly into the bone marrow through the flesh and blood of the skin, making their spiritual will seem frozen.

Zhang Shen had a straight face. After walking down the wall, he found that his back was cold and wet, his forehead was sweaty, and his hands were wiped on his clothes several times, and he was still slippery.

For the other three, although it was the second time they saw it, the shock and shock of their hearts were still strong. Li Jing's lips clenched, and Bu Lichen's eyebrows were locked. Even Ouyang Tianqi narrowed his eyes, and the exquisite light flashed in it, revealing his uneasibility in his heart.

Recalling the previous conversation with Li Jing, Zhang Shen couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Movement? If those monsters gather with this "quality" and add a dark night, how can the sentries in Rogge Camp feel any movement?!

To be honest, Zhang Shen is a little happy.

If these monsters suddenly launch an attack after encircling Rogge Camp, I'm afraid that the gate may be occupied by a sudden attack. How can everyone be so "leisure"!

After all, according to the news just heard, the battle of the blood camp existed before the light appeared in the sky, and it has existed for at least half an hour!

People with a little common sense know what this siege in ancient wars represent in half an hour.

Perhaps everyone in Rogge Camp would like to thank Andalil. It was because she wanted to fight a war with Rogge Camp that made everyone escape...

In my ears, there was a lot of noise. Zhang Shen, a small team of four, was like a silent movie, dead silence.

Sudly, Ouyang Tianqi's narrowed eyes opened, and the strange light flashed away, breaking the silence.

"I found a problem."

He pointed to his left eye covered by messy hair: "You all know that my eye has a strange ability. When I was watching the second time just now, I found some interesting phenomena.

"Don't talk too hard. Say it quickly."

"There is something wrong with the formation of those monsters in the blood wasteland!"

At the same moment, Akara's small tent.

Akara, Kasha, Kane, Farah, noble representatives, professional representatives... At this moment, all the high-level officials of the Rogge camp are concentrated in the small tent. If Andariel takes them in a pot, the Rogge camp will definitely collapse.

The sage Kane condensed a transparent pattern with magic in front of him, which outlined the formation of countless monsters in the blood camp.

He picked out the sinking square array and enlarged it.

"Take a cursory look, this is an ordinary dense square array, but there is a mystery hidden in it."

"Through similar energy fluctuations, the main array can integrate the power of all individuals in the whole phalanx, attribute it to themselves, and instantly increase their strength hundreds or thousands of times."

"At the same time, it can also produce an invisible power, similar to spiritual oppression."

"If the enemy does not have the corresponding power to offset it, even the courage to fight will be lost over time."

"More than a hundred years ago, this power was called [military power]."

"In fact, this way of fighting was very popular at that time. It was created by church judges and specially designed to fight against hell demons. Hundreds of changes emerged in its heyday. Unfortunately, most of them have been lost so far.

"There is no doubt that this is Andalil's provocation."

"She uses what she learned from human beings to deal with human beings in turn."

"This is her revenge."

[PS: Finally signed the contract... There should be recommendations next week. The days of running naked are so painful and desolate]

[PS2: Signed, it's fat, you can kill, ask for all support]