Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 26: The gate is broken!

Chapter 26: The city gate is broken!

In the world, no, the power of the rune cannon is terrible. However, less than one-fifth of the remaining monster army still rushed up to death tragically, with no intention of weakening the offensive.

Seeing that the size of the monster army on the bloody wasteland was getting smaller and smaller, everyone was secretly relieved.

Time unconsciously turned to 9:30.

The raging Orak in the camp was almost completely destroyed by the exhaustion of Rogge and the professionals, and it was difficult to see.

The whole Rogge camp is lit, but it can't illuminate this dark night, let alone some dark corners even during the day.

Half an hour ago, Zhang Shen had taken back the eye-catching cannibal flowers.

turned a few more times, but there was still no shadow of Orak. His position at this moment is close to the edge of the camp.

"Anyway, it's all here. Let's just take a look at the iron tower full of visual sense."

Thinking about this, Zhang Shen walked to an iron tower nearby.

Because it is a very important building, someone is watching here.

Four mages. However, looking at the childish appearance of three of them, I'm afraid they are all reserves, that is, people who are qualified as mages but have not yet carried out the professional awakening ceremony.

The mage, named Pierre, is a professional who is "retired" (for various reasons to give up the road of continuing to fight monsters and upgrade to save the world) and is obsessed with magic research. Zhang Shen said hello to him, explaining the intention of wanting to "study" the iron tower.

Pieru probably also knew something about the "guardian". He frowned and meditated for a moment and nodded to agree, but he explained in advance that he was only allowed to see and not touch...

Zhang Shen expressed his gratitude and stepped forward a few steps to look carefully.

This thing is about ten meters high and can be regarded as a mini version of buildings such as a telecommunications tower, but the steel covers a wider area. Intuitively speaking, it is a telecommunications tower with a layer of iron water on the outside.

The tower continues the style of the world and depicts a large number of crooked lines. The lines converge, inlaid with colorful gems, diamonds, runes and skeletons. At the top of the tower, replacing the original slender "antenna" is a "perfect" level diamond, shining with a charming luster.

Zhang Shen thought he had no interest in those precious jewelry, but the moment he saw this diamond, he still had an impulse to put it out and stuff it into his pocket...

He swallowed his saliva and suppressed the thoughts in his heart. After satisfying his thirst for knowledge, he planned to leave.

Maybe someone's greedy appearance is too explicit. When he turned around, he found that six undisguised vigilant eyes fell on him, and the remaining two were slightly restrained...

After laughing a few times and thanking Zhang Shen, he could no longer stand the naked suspicious eyes and had to quickly return.

Within a few steps, the earth trembled slightly under his feet!

What's the situation? Zhang Shen was stunned, turned around, and was immediately stunned, with his eyes staring like ox eyes.

The four mages who had been staring at him were shocked by his strange expression and then turned around instinctively - so, four bull-eyed monsters were freshly released...

The tower was originally hidden in an abandoned house with a foundation made of about 20 centimeters of masonry.

However, at this moment, its base is shaking violently and sinking little by little!

The surrounding soil broke and collapsed, and the cracks spread. The whole tower began to tilt to one side, and the sinking speed became faster and faster.

After a brief pause, the three apprentices screamed, and Pieru also looked frightened.

"It's dangerous, why don't you come here quickly!" Seeing that the four of Pierre had a tendency to rush over, Zhang Shen shouted at them as he summoned the abyss cannibal flowers.

Pieru reacted, grabbed one person, roared at them, and quickly retreated.

Immediately, five people saw the tower sink completely, leaving only a huge pothole in place.

Several long black hairy legs poked out of the hole and hooked the ground.

Immediately, several car-sized Orak came out of the hole one after another.

From their white compound eyes, Zhang Shen saw the ferocity that other Aurak did not have!

What he didn't know was that after the complete fall of the tower, five of the other 16 towers also sank one after another!

lian into an array, start!

In the flashing current, a five-meter-high earth wall rises from the ground and surrounds the whole hole and more than a dozen Oraks that have climbed out of it.

The city wall gate of Rogge Camp is actually related to the mage tower.

Therefore, the fall of the six towers affected the central mage tower, which in turn affected the prohibition depicted on the city walls and gates.

Roge and heavy armored infantry who were manipulating crossbows and runes cannons to kill the monsters on the wall, as well as the professionals and Rogges who came after destroying Orak, found that there were suddenly more than a dozen monsters under their eyes!

The body is angry, the tree-headed wooden fist, Bi Xu Boxu... These monster leaders who should have died are on the list!



Moreover, sharp-eyed professionals also find that these guys are a little different from what they usually kill.

This difference is not their flexible eyes and expressions, but something more obvious - body shape!

Take the corpse's fire as an example, this corpse's ignity is 50% larger than the "normal" body!

Not to mention the already thick gorilla tree-headed wooden fist, which looks like a siege beast.

The warning of "enemy attack" has not yet been issued, and many monsters have launched attacks under the instructions of Andalil.

The flame of Bi Xu Boxu, the ice of the ashes, the fiery of the blood bird... The monster with a long-range attack released the strongest blow at the first time and bombarded the thick gate.

Immediately after that, the melee monsters such as tree head wooden fists, corpses are angry, and bonebreakers generally hit the city gate.

These leader monsters are also strong in hell, and they launched several rounds of attacks in the blink of an eye, which was too fast to cover their ears.

hong!! Bang!!


The city gate is broken!!

The moment the city gate fell to the ground, everyone in the tent stood up, surprised, afraid and angry...

The next moment, a gust of wind swept by, and the curtain floated high. Looking again, Cassia had disappeared.

Zhang Shen had just killed most of Olak who climbed to the ground. Suddenly, the strong "anger" and "pain" feelings came through the cannibal flowers that were cutting down, like the torrent of the levee, which made him suddenly lose his mind.

Without his spiritual guidance, half of the rock thorns that formed directly solidified. In addition, the cannibal flowers also stopped attacking because of that emotion, and Pierre and three mage apprentices were almost killed by the rushed Aurak.

Fortunately, the abyss cannibalism was born for war, and the "spiritual attack" had little impact on it, and it soon recovered. The two big knives seemed to vent their anger and instantly cut out more than a dozen red knives, killing Olak on the ground in an instant.

Zhang Shen also reacted, but his heart was full of irritable emotions. Immediately, a refining array started, and the earth shrugged. Unexpectedly, the big hole was buried directly. A large number of Oraks that had not yet climbed out of it were all squeezed to death by heavy soil in an instant.

killed those spiders, and most of Zhang San's violent catharsis and returned to normal.

On the side, seeing that Zhang Shen suddenly blocked the hole where the tower was located, Pierre was about to say something, but Zhang Shen suddenly raised his head and his expression changed greatly.

"Emergency gathering?! Ouyang Apocalypse?!"

A fireworks suddenly rose over the camp, and the meaning of it was very clear.

That was an emergency assembly order for four of them. Four people, four different fireworks, and at present, this one is from Ouyang Tianqi. The cold-faced man actually took the initiative to ignite the assembly order, which was obviously a very important matter of life and death.

Recovering the cannibal flowers, Zhang Shen rushed to that place.

Ouyang Tianqi is near the gate.

I saw the tall and thick city gate fall to the ground, and his face was as cold as him, and he couldn't help showing a look of horror.

The gate was broken, and the first one who rushed in was the eleven-headed demons, including Andariel.

As soon as they entered, they launched a brazen attack on the Roge and professionals gathered around them.

The unreacted people were caught off guard, hundreds of Rogge died on the spot, and the professionals who faced the attack were also beaten to death.

The reality is not comparable to the game. Although the body is digitalized and there is no fatal harm, it will withstand a huge attack in an instant and will fall into a state of inability to fight.

The influx of leaders acted quickly and decisively. In just a few blinks, they fell under the wall and blood flowed into rivers. Even professionals had no time to save themselves under such a stormy attack, and dozens of them died.

And every professional is a valuable asset of the human race!

They were about to carry out a new round of attack, and the terrible pressure was suppressed, accompanied by thunderous shouts.

"Get out of here!!"

Ouyang Apocalypse saw a stream of light falling from the sky, passing through Bi Xubo, who had the widest attack range, into his chest and smashing it!

It was a long gun. After killing Bi Xu Boxu, it was inserted straight on the ground without a crack on the ground, and the future man's strong control of power was vividly revealed.

It's Kasha!

Her long burgundy hair flew, and she was like a burning flame, which shocked the whole audience.

The nine-headed demons who killed crazily in the previous moment stopped and looked at her warily.

Even the tree-headed wooden fist, which is famous for its love for war in hell, dare not move, and his funny eyes are full of fear.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and the situation fell into a strange stalemate.

On this side, it is impossible for Cassia to ignore the lives of so many Rogge and professionals, and such a second-kill blow can only be used when the enemy is unprepared, and now she can't use it.

On the other side of the monster, Andalil did not move, and other leaders and demons did not dare to mess around. Although this is not an ontology, if they come in a special way and are killed, the feeling of death is not fake.

The deadlock was unexpectedly broken.

In the bloody wasteland, tens of thousands of remaining monsters flocked through the city gate.

The two sides launched an attack on each other at the same time!

[PS: There is only one update today]