Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 29: The Correct Way to Open Cute

Chapter 29: The Correct Way to Open Cute

After Andalil was killed, several other leader-level demons were also killed one after another.

Then, there are tens of thousands of ordinary monsters.

The war lasted until noon on the ninth day.

When the sound of "victory" came from Kasha's mouth, the whole camp boiled up.

Although the battle was very tragic, sacrificing thousands of Rogges and even hundreds of professionals, the joy of victory still diluted the sadness, and the whole camp fell into a sea of joy.

In the afternoon, Zhang Shen and several others also went out and felt the festive atmosphere in the camp. The heartfelt smiling faces around also infected the guards, making them more agree with their behavior - although they did not play a role as a mainstay, they also killed several leader-level monsters.

Some people are happy and some people are worried. In addition to the families of the victims, the senior management of the alliance looked at the loss of human and material resources listed in front of them. They also sighed and felt heavy. For more than ten years, the camp has never suffered such a heavy loss in the "monster siege" for more than ten years.

Although it is easy for Roge soldiers to train, the loss of thousands at one time is enough to make the senior officials of the league heartbroken, not to mention hundreds of professionals!

According to the current standards, it will take at least three years of accumulation for this number of professionals to make up for it!

Other material losses, such as gates, towers, houses, etc., are not so important.

"Okay, everyone cheer up."

"It is the greatest victory to be able to defeat Andalil's conspiracy and still stand here."

"Although we have paid a lot, we have shown the power of the human race. I believe that after this war, we will definitely get more." Akala's voice sounded with magical power, making her heavy hearts quiet.

"Yes, believe those guys above, you won't be able to sit still immediately." Farah pulled the sparse beard on her chin and smiled quite strangely, "How can you be worthy of our sacrificed people if you don't take the opportunity to cut a piece of meat!"

Everyone in the tent understood what Farah's "top" means and couldn't help laughing.

"Cough." Kane coughed twice, "Don't be so calm when you are so old." Despite this, Kane couldn't help but feel a faint pleasure in his heart. He knew very well that the means shown by the camp this time would definitely attract the flies. However, if they only want to get it without paying as before, they certainly can't do it, and they don't dare.

Kaxia is very busy. The thousands of Roge who died this time can be said to be her subordinates. She was required to preside over the handling of the incident, the appeasement of her family and the selection and training of a new batch of Rogge.

So, it wasn't long before she came out of the tent.

"Andalil has been planning for so long, but he died like that." Thinking of the detached body, a trace of strangeness appeared on Cassia's face. At the same time, there is still a trace of doubt.

"From the information I have, Andalil can't be so stupid."

"Even if there are more guards and these variables that will frustrate her plan, it will not fall to this point."

"Although everything seems to be fine... but is no problem the biggest problem?"

"It's a little... ridiculous to plan for so long secretly, but it ended up like this?"

"However, I can't figure out what the problem is. It's just that there is something wrong with my intuition.

"Maybe I've been too tired recently."

Shaking his head, as if to throw those complicated thoughts out of his mind, Kasha continued to walk towards her residence, which is also the "office" that handles various affairs.

Just walked in and found a Roge walking around his room with an anxious face.

"Boya, what's the matter?" The Roge in front of her has always been her right-hand man, helping herself deal with complicated affairs. She has a calm personality. What makes her so un calm?

Seeing Cassia, Boya suddenly showed a relieved expression and said excitedly, "Your Excellency, Latis has found it!"

What?! Kasha's body was shocked, and the leaked momentum lifted all the items in the room, and even Boya almost fell down.

"Where is she? Take me there!" Giving Boya an apology look, Kasha immediately grabbed her hand and her voice trembled.

After a while, Katsha saw Latis again.

Tattered clothes, pale and blue face, scarred body, and even a spider leg passing through the chest in the middle of the chest. As soon as Cassia felt it, she knew that Latis had only one breath left.

After she was found, it was obvious that after preliminary care, at least the blood stains on her body were wiped clean, the two ends of the ferocious spider legs were amputated, and the wound was hemostatic.

Kasha carefully sensed Latis's physical condition, and her face became even more gloomy.

"Where did you find her?" Kasha's tone does not have any ups and downs.

"In a cave under an iron tower." Boya answered cautiously. She knows very well Cassia's feelings for Latis, and also respects Cassia very much, so she is more cautious in her language.

"After finding Ladis, we asked the paladin to treat her, and then transferred here to treat the wound."

"There are no high-level paladins in the camp, which is their limit."

"What did they say?"

Boya was silent for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "There is nothing I can do."

There was silence in the room.

"Go out and ask Varif to summon Lu Hain or Harogas and send a few high-level paladins over." Kasha waved her hand and was a little tired between her words.

Boya walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, and still said, "Those paladins said that Latis's body was very strange and rejected the entry of aura, so..."

"I know." Kasha spit out three words and sat in front of the bed, gently stroked Latis's cold skin with an unchanged look.

Kaxia is an Amazon, but she is very strong and powerful.

So, she can feel the foreign body in Latis's abdomen. In addition, she also knew what was in the cave and instantly understood what the hellish foreign body was in Latis's body.

Those foreign bodies sensed the entry of Reiki and instinctively resisted, but also maintained Latis's last trace of vitality. At the same time, because the level of the paladin in the camp is not high and the purity of the aura is not enough, the foreign body has not been destroyed in an instant, thus inadvertently completely destroying Latis...

The strange and coincidental balance allows Latis to appear in front of herself in such a living dead state.

The reason why she asked Boya to summon Valif is just with some weak hope.

Liger is not a professional. No matter what injury he suffers, even if his limb is broken, as long as he pours a bottle of comprehensive recovery medicine, he can return to his peak state. Latis's injury has already entered the door, leaving only a corner of her clothes.

"I will definitely restore your health." Cassia held her cold hand, felt the last trace of temperature in her body, and muttered.

The tenth day.

Although he had a lot of fun yesterday afternoon and night, Zhang Shen still forced himself to get up from **.

After all, I came to this world to practice, and "playing monsters and scoring points" is the king.

Yesterday, the four discussed it. Today, they went around and looked around. If the speed of the monster's "refresh" was not ideal, they would take some time to go to Lu Hain to "brush the monster".

Although it must have also suffered the "ordinary version" of the "mon siege", at least the monster is more powerful, which is just right for the current team with great strength (added by Ouyang Tianqi).

However, before that, let's get the "benefits" first.

The so-called "benefits" are naturally the changes in the previous buried land and the variation of Andariel.

The two intelligences are added together, and Akara promised a skill, and now it's time to get it.

Because these skills are "extracted" from professionals in a special way, in order not to cause too much damage to professionals, they are all low-level skills (that is, skills before level 12), and they will also "clear the level" and must be practiced from scratch.

The four people have discussed yesterday, and the skill to be exchanged this time is the mage's primary skill - [heating].

In this world, the skill of [heating] can increase the magic recovery speed of the mage.

[Heating] belongs to flame magic. After casting [Heating], the mage can sense the heat in the air and absorb it into the body, and then transform it into magical power to strengthen the magic recovery speed in a special way.

However, according to the previous performance of [Flame Fist] on Bu Lichen, after the skills of the dark world are obtained by the guardian, there will inevitably be a corresponding favorable mutation.

For example, from accelerating the recovery speed of magic to accelerating the recovery of any energy.

The [heating] skill obtained by credit is for Li Jing.

At the beginning, she naturally refused and had a resolute attitude.

Half of the credit was obtained by Ouyang Tianqi. How can he accept it so shamelessly?!

Therefore, Ouyang Tianqi did not move with the true qi in his body and cut off the thick wooden table with a sword, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror.

You know, the blade of his rotten sword is full of gaps, and the body of the sword is also full of cracks. Zhang Shen took the same action, and the rotten sword was broken on the spot...

This move proves that he does not rely on Zhenqi to fight at all, and Zhenqi in his body is only an auxiliary to him.

And Bu Lichen already has [Flame Fist], Zhang Shen has no energy in his body, and she is the only one left.

"No! Even so, I can't accept it!" Li Jing's little face turned red, "Even if Ouyang realizes the meaning of the sword and condenses the sword, it still can't last in the early stage. Zhenqi has a great effect on you, and [heating] has a great effect... In short, I won't want it!"

"In addition, don't use any life-saving grace as an excuse! At that time, even if we didn't arrive and there were no monsters in the dark forest, you would be fine!"

Li Jing looked dead and didn't accept it. His red cheeks bulged, which was very cute. Someone was stunned for a moment.

Ouyang Tianqi's eyes were like water, but his thoughts surged and he was a little at a loss.

For a long time, he said, "Even if it's filial piety, how about joining the gang?"

The cold-faced man was cute, and Zhang Shen and his friends were stunned.

[PS: Today's first update, the results are too miserable, ask for all kinds of support]