Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 38: stronghold

Chapter 38: The stronghold

Zhang Shen stayed at home for two days, and then left again at the begging instructions of Zhang's father and mother and returned to Z City.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Shen did not return to the rental house and went directly to the target location previously confirmed through the special contact tool for exchange.

"I found a place in Z City, which is likely to be the stronghold of the so-called 'Dragon Group' in this city." Ouyang Tianqi took out a map of Z city and drew a circle on it with a red pen.

According to his explanation, he wandered around the city yesterday and took a chance. He sensed that there were several breaths of energy fluctuations in a car passing by, so he quietly followed and finally saw the car driving into a mountain.

"The road into the mountain is blocked and guarded, and there are many electronic devices for surveillance and early warning nearby, which are very tight."

"After I slipped in, I found a large villa-like building on the mountain, with more than a dozen special breaths."

"Moreover, I took a look from a distance and found that there were many equipment with extremely high technology in it, which was not simple."

"If there is no accident, it is the stronghold of the special personnel management department in Z City."

"The real information about the car accident should be kept in it."

"Even if they haven't found much, at least we can get more information about the world from that base, the world we live in, which is also beneficial to future actions."

It is rare for Ouyang Tianqi to say so many words at once. In short, he hopes that Zhang Shen and others can agree to the idea of breaking into the base with him to steal confidential information.

Xia Guo has had a saying since ancient times that "the people do not fight with officials", coupled with thousands of years of bureaucratic education that claims to have national characteristics, which is actually extremely deformed, the promoted people are instinctively afraid of eating official food. This kind of abnormal psychology mixed with fear and yearning exists in the hearts of every Xia people and is deeply rooted.

Even if they gain enough power to ignore most of the secular rules, Zhang Shen and the others can't help resisting instinctively.

However, after all, after the experience of two worlds, Zhang Shen immediately suppressed that emotion and replaced it with a perverted pleasure mixed with "hate the rich", "against the government" and "destroying the rules". All three of them are a little eager to try.

So, Ouyang Apocalypse's proposal was unanimously agreed.

After a while, two men and two women came to the vicinity of the destination.

"Zhou Qi" "Ou Hongming" "Li Xiuli" "Chen Li".

For the smooth operation, several people also returned to the guard space to exchange and buy some props to deal with technological equipment. For example, the "electronic bug" that can turn a blind eye to most monitors, the "temperature assimilator" that completely disables infrared devices, the "bionic detection mosquitoes" that are almost the size of sesame grains, special shoes that eliminate footsteps and traces, and instantly crack the real world technology-level passwords variable cards...

The effect of these things looks very amazing, and the technology content is far beyond that of the earth. However, the price is quite cheap, with a lot of piecemeal things, which add up to less than 500 universal points. There is no way. Who made the scientific and technological level of the real earth too low?

This stronghold is not big. Four people spent two days monitoring and found that there were no more than 20 people with special abilities at most. As for why such a small stronghold is so luxurious, occupying a whole mountain, villas, swimming pools, airports and so on, it can only be attributed to the legendary "system".

Finally, at night on the second day of surveillance, according to the "bionic mosquito detection" and the sensing of four people, several people left the stronghold, leaving only six powers left on the surface of the villa.

It's time to act!

According to the previous plan, Zhang Shen and Li Jing responded outside, and Ouyang Tianqi and Bu Lichen entered to steal information.

Ouyang Tianqi is the strongest, and in case it is found that it can be forcibly killed; Bu Lichen has completely refined the "fog alfalfa" in accordance with the [Robbery Flower Spectrum] (she only exchanged the general outline written by Qi Taizu and one of the eight heavenly spectrums) and refined it into the "robbery" department in the eight parts of "God Dream Beast Desire to Robbery Monster", not only With the ability to release fog like fog alfalfa, she also has the ability to "atomize" her body - although it can only be partially atomized at present, it is enough to make most of the attacks that fall on her fail.

In addition, Ouyang Tianqi exchanged the [square-inch sword step], which takes into account both speed and flexibility in the medium and short distance, while Bu Lichen exchanged the control-based [Sunflower Point Acupoint Hand] and the [Water Moon Magic Body Method], which is mainly confused and flexible.

With some equipment aimed at scientific and technological weapons, I believe that even if the two are found to intercept, they can break out.

There is a protective fence at the foot of the mountain and the villa, but it can be directly ignored for Zhang Shen and the four people. In fact, the road into the mountain was guarded, but the four people who almost swaggered in turned a blind eye to it.

About ten minutes along the road to the villa. The villa was surrounded by high iron railings, and it was also wrapped with energized high-voltage wires, and even hung several bird corpses burned into coke.

The only gap in the protective fence is a guard booth with two people on duty. The two wore ordinary doorman clothes, but judging from their momentum and spirit, there was no doubt that they were elite soldiers.

The guard pavilion is connected to a telescopic door, which is higher than the high-pressure barrier on both sides.

Zhang Shen released two big mosquitoes. They vibrated the four pairs of gauze wings behind them at high speed, entered the pavilion where the two were on duty along the gap of the window, quietly fell down, and took a rude bite on their ** skin.

The two mosquitoes carried enough medicine to make the furious beast sleep in an instant, and the two suddenly tilted their heads and fell asleep.

Ouyang Tianqi and Bu Lichen nodded to the two people who were left behind, took out a light blue card, and shook to the card reading area connected to the telescopic door and the column. The flashing red light on it turned green, and the telescopic door retracted back.

The two quickly entered, and then Ouyang Tianqi opened the door of the pavilion and pressed it a few times on the operation board. The telescopic door that had not yet fully retracted suddenly popped out again, and then it was stuck.

I saw the two enter the villa (the four of Zhang Shen could see each other), and Zhang Shen gave instructions to the two flower-footed mosquitoes. Immediately, after being bitten again, the two woke up, but they were confused, as if they were sleepwalking.

On the other side, Ouyang Tianqi and Bu Lichen.

According to the preliminary detection of bionic mosquitoes, the four people knew that some of the rules on the ground of the villa were no different from ordinary luxury villas. Its tricks were hidden in the ground.

Ouyang Tianqi has long branded the map of the villa in his heart, which is more familiar than his home.

Because he is not afraid of the cameras, infrared detection and other gadgets installed in the dark, it is also in a state similar to "stealth". Ouyang Tianqi followed the map in his heart, avoided the people in the villa and came to the elevator entrance to the underground.

This elevator is hidden in a remote and narrow utility room, and ordinary people can't find it at all. And even if you find it, you can't get in.

Previously, through bionic detection of mosquitoes to observe the people in the villa, both of them know the method of entry.

The two took out the light blue card again and stayed for a moment in the four directions of the seemingly ordinary wooden door. Then with the sound of "Z~", a board slowly moved away, revealing a card slot. At the same time, Ouyang Tianqi sensed dozens of attacks aimed at the space in front of the door. As long as there is a mistake in the next action, the two will be beaten into a sieve.

Pointed to by so many attacks, Bu Lichen was a little uncomfortable, but Ouyang Tianqi didn't care. He inserted the card into the card slot, and the blue light flashed a few times without any movement. Bu Lichen breathed a deep sigh of relief and immediately inserted the card.

With a soft sound, accompanied by a heavy sliding sound, the "wooden door" in front of him slowly moved away, revealing an elevator. At this time, Bu Lichen was stunned to find that this was not a wooden door, but an extremely heavy steel plate!

When they entered the elevator, they knew that there were only two floors underground.

According to common sense, the confidentiality level of things on the second level must be higher than that of the first level. The two briefly discussed a few sentences and felt that this information should not be placed on the second level, so they pressed the "-1" button. Because in the hearts of two ordinary people, there must be some taboos such as the specially concealed government organs and those related to special abilities. Only those things are qualified to be placed on the second level.

The two were not unlucky enough to meet the oncoming researchers as soon as they opened the elevator door, and then they were found and exposed in advance.

Ouyang Tianqi took Bu Lichen to hide in a corner, released a few mosquitoes, and drew a map of the whole underground floor. At this time, the two were dumbfounded to find that the area of this floor was terrible, at least as large as two football fields.

Fortunately, there is a house number at the door of each room with a name written on it. With the help of detecting mosquitoes' eyes, it didn't take long for the three characters "data room" to enter the sight of Ouyang Apocalypse, and at the same time, specific lines were depicted.

They wink at Bu Lichen, and the two quickly walked to the data room and arrived smoothly.

At this time, the first trouble appeared!

Somehow, the data room is locked, and it is not an electronic lock, but a common lock that needs to be inserted into the key!

And, there is no doubt that the corresponding key of this lock is by no means the type that ordinary people can buy on the street.

Ouyang Tianqi has been wandering for three years and has lived in a place like Fukou Street for more than ten years. Even if he is not proficient in the basic ability of locking, he still knows something about it. But he took a look and knew that there was something in front of him. Even if he had a full set of tools in his hand, there was nothing he could do about it.

Suddenly, Bu Li's morning light flashed, and a strong white fog gushed out of his fingertips and entered along the lock hole.

After a while, Bu Lichen carefully pulled out the white fog and saw the white fog condensed into the shape of a key.

It's quite complicated!

The two looked at each other in con's face.

Is it true that only violence can be used?