Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 7: Adrian Helmis

Chapter 7: Adrian Helmis

Suddenly fell from the altar to the world. After many elites and dignitaries from all over the world came to *, they were very uncomfortable and did not want to stay in the cramed and depressed room. Although they can get boat tickets, what they hear every day is extremely cruel news. People's hearts are fleshy, and many people are also very uncomfortable and choose to relax.

Arabehan Lincoln is a hero of the liberation of black people, and the Lincoln Memorial itself is also a very famous attraction. Many people choose to come here, and it is full of people every day. If it was put in the past, the person in charge would definitely laugh out of his mouth.

Zhang Shen and four people stepped on the stone steps, passed under the tall columns, and entered the memorial hall. In the middle of them was the marble-carved Lincoln statue. On the wall above the statue, there is an inscription: "Lincoln will be immortal and will always exist in the hearts of the people." On the left is engraved with his re-election speech, and on the right is the famous Gettysburg speech.

Lincoln sat on the chair and quietly watched people coming and going. In the passage of time between night and day, looking at the country he devoted his life to became strange and prosperous little by little.

I just don't know, did he expect everything today? However, even if he is born again, he will be at a loss.

"Mr. Lincoln, if it were you, would there be any way to deal with everything today?" A whisper came from the mouth of a man beside Zhang Shen.

Zhang looked at it. It was a black American, dressed very formally, with deep eyebrows, showing strong sadness and depression. He looked up at the statue of Lincoln with a headline on his forehead. The slightly pale and weak face, the messy scum that has not been cleaned up for a while, coupled with the fatigue and depression that has been under great pressure for a long time, makes people suddenly feel pity.

The man noticed the sight from Zhang Shen, turned around, was suddenly stunned, and then thought of something. His eyes darked and returned with a kind smile.

Before Zhang Shen, Walter Stuart's face had been exposed to the FBI. At this time, he was also facing a black face, which was estimated to be very coincidentally similar to an acquaintance of that person.

"Adrien Helmris." Adrian suppressed his confused thoughts and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Dorek Kakarot."

Adrien was a little surprised by Zhang Shen's calm performance, and then laughed at himself and left it behind.

"Mr. Kakarot..."

"Just call me Dorek." Zhang Shen's eyes jumped and felt as if he had become some strange creature with a tail.

"These three are my friends. Martha, Dania, Wood."

The five people greeted each other and walked out of the memorial hall and came to the pillar.

"What do you think of the current situation?" Adrian suddenly said something.

Huh?! Zhang Shen and the four exchanged obscure eyes and were happy. Listening to Adrian's tone, it seemed that it was still a big fish?

"My luck is not extremely bad." Ignoring Bu Lichen's strong luck, someone shamelessly attributed it to himself.

"Do you mean the situation... the United States or the world?"

"Is there any difference between the United States or the whole world?" Adrian's words were full of irony.

He didn't seem to expect any profound answers from Zhang Shen's population, and continued to ask himself: "You say that for us human beings, we die ignorantly, or do you know that everything is coming in despair? How about suffering and stepping into death?"

On the way here, Ouyang Tianqi also had a better understanding of the "truth" of the world. Hearing this, they were immediately silent.

After hearing the broadcast, Zhang Shen has been thinking about this question. However, this is a dead knot without an answer.

When something called "civilization" first appeared in human minds, it was everyone's instinct to pursue the truth. Especially in recent hundreds of years, the word "freedom" has taken root in most people's hearts. The pursuit of "freedom" is largely the exploration of the truth of the world.

However, if you know in advance that the "truth" is so cruel and desperate, will anyone want to know?

This is an unsolved problem. After all, time cannot be turned back.

However, for the people of this world, in the final analysis, the source of all tragedies is the overwhelming G8 record on October 1.

And there is no doubt that it has nothing to do with the traitor!!

"Betrayer~~~" For a while, Zhang Shen was full of hatred for the existence that had never seen but only heard a large number of rumors.

"This is my business card. If there is any trouble, I can still help." Perhaps Zhang Shen's "appearance" at this time and the atmosphere of this trip to the Lincoln Memorial evoke some emotions of Adrian. He took out a business card and slightly hinted at his "energy" in *.

And in fact, it is true. With his current "status", he is indeed qualified to say such domineering words.

"Isn't it still not?" Captain, do you want to do it?" Zhang Shen's ears came from Ouyang Tianqi's urging and questioning.

"Of course!!"

Zhang San knows that the more guards control the high-level of the world, the smoother the next action will be. And the starting point of everyone's actions is to save more human beings, which is beneficial to the whole human beings.

Moreover, the control methods used by the guards are relatively mild, not the way to completely erase their own will and will not hurt the fundamentals. For example, a golden lotus flower hidden in the palm of Zhang Shen at this time has the function of "duization", which makes the person become a devout Buddhist. Although he will listen to the words of the person who refines the lotus, his own will and wisdom does not affect him.

Zhang Shen was about to start when he suddenly heard a scream, and the strong smell of blood came.

"Someone has an accident!" He is seriously injured. Don't touch him!" Call an ambulance, call an ambulance!" No, the street is so congested now, and the ambulance is too slow! Is there a doctor at the scene? Or those who know how to give first aid!" Me! I'm a doctor, let me come!" I'm also a surgeon. Let me in!"

Just now, someone had an accident and was seriously injured. However, the people here are worthy of being high-quality elites. They did not panic at all and carried out first aid in an orderly manner.

Unfortunately, the man was seriously injured. When Zhang Shen and the five people walked over, the man had stopped breathing. Next to the body, a mother and daughter hugged their heads and cried, tearing their hearts, which made people sigh.

From the whispered conversation of others, Zhang Shen learned that when the man went down the stone steps, he suddenly stepped on the air, and then his head just hit the edge of the stone brick, hit a hole in his head, and died in less than a minute.

The security personnel immediately arrived and took the deceased away, leaving only a large red blood stain, stained on the bright ground, which was particularly dazzling.

The people around are scattered, as if they want to stay away from this unlucky place.

", what's going on..." Adrian looked at the dry blood stains on the ground and muttered. His face was very ugly, and his eyes were full of confusion and uneasiness.

"Another one?" Ouyang Tianqi's pupils shrank and asked, "Adrien, have there been many similar things recently?"

Adrian nodded and his eyes were a little empty: "I saw several times."

"Every death seems a little inexplicable. Although it can be explained by coincidence, when the number of coincidences increases, it is not a coincidence.

Li Jingxiu frowned slightly: "I remember that many similar events have been reported on the radio, and they have happened all over the country. Moreover, Doomsday Shinrikyo also took the opportunity to declare that this is the arrival of the devil or something..."

Adrien pulled the corners of his mouth: "Devil? It's all the delusion of a completely desperate poor man.

Adrian, who received quality education since he was a child, did not care about ghosts, but Zhang Shen and the four were extremely cautious about this matter. Linking the ink black gas column seen by Ouyang Tianqi before and Tianluozi's "the death of the country will be evil", it is obvious that these inexplicable deaths are by no means so simple.

"Actually, in the end, we are just poor people who hold the last glimmer of hope." Suddenly, he laughed at himself.

"Gentlemen, I have something to do, so I will leave first. Have a good time, everyone. Goodbye." After saying that, he began to leave.


"Huh, what else...uh~~" was suddenly stopped by Zhang Shen. Adrian turned around and saw a golden Buddha light shooting out of Zhang Shen's hand, divided into two strands, and fell into his eyes, condensing into two extremely small "wan" characters.

After being stunned for a moment, Adrian shook his head hard and asked confusedly, "Dorek, what happened to me just now?"

"You're probably too tired. I suggest you go home and have a good rest."

"I seem to have seen a golden light from your hand just now..."

"Golden light? In my hand?" Zhang Shen spread out his hands and looked strange, "Adrien, it seems that you are really too tired and have hallucinations in your eyes. Again, I seriously suggest that you stop the work at hand and have a good rest for a few days.

"Look at the mirror, that tired look... By the way, how long has it been since you had a serious rest?"

The words of Zhang Shen's concern moved Adrian for a while. What's more, he still held a familiar face, which made the latter feel more intimate and immediately left some golden things behind.

"Thank you, I know."

"I will pay attention and go back and have a good rest." After thinking about it, I haven't slept well for more than half a month. Even if you fall asleep, you will wake up in a nightmare.

As for the content of the nightmare... Even during the day, Adrian's hair is still creepy in retrospect.

"Adrien, why did you suddenly look so ugly?"

"It's okay. I just suddenly remembered bad memories."

"Well, goodbye, my dear friend." Adrian suppressed those horrible scenes to the depths of his memory, waved to the four of them with a smile, and his figure gradually disappeared.