Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 26: Snab [bye]

Chapter 26: Snab

was "inflicated" by Zhang Shen, and Taipu and others were also attacked by "Death".

Grace took back the bright flame that had burned the car that had rushed towards him and others into a pool of iron water, frowned and said to others, "If it doesn't go on like this, we have limited strength and can't consume those things at all."

"However, they are invisible and can't capture their tracks by any means, let alone attack. We have tried so many times, but we are completely useless, but we can't do it. Several people laughed bitterly.

While several people were talking, a missile with a chaotic trajectory quietly flew over, was shot down by a short spear by Buddy, and exploded in the air. However, the impact caused by its explosion broke a long metal rod. One end of the long pole fell on the wire, and the other end fell accurately towards Muti Shayov.

"What a troublesome thing." Yanbei looked at it and held a Chinese chess board in his left hand. Looking forward, a strange energy surged. He saw that the long metal pole seemed to be forceful to fold from it and bend over, and could no longer cause any harm to Mutishawoff.

Because of the large number of people, the frequency of "death" attacks suffered by Taipu and others is far away from Zhang Shen and others, and have "accumulated" considerable experience - although this is not what they want, they also know how to deal with the unscrupulous attack of "death", so after detecting the arrival of "death" at the beginning, they found a In a relatively empty place.

However, despite this, the "Death" still launched attacks in various incredible ways, making them extremely depressed.

Everyone thought about several ways to deal with it, but they were overthrown by others one by one, which didn't work at all.

Loden loved the Hulk since he was a child. After entering the guardian space, he tried his best to turn himself into a similar existence - but similar, there can't be exactly the same thing in the world.

His genes have changed, and he can transform into a giant with green skin like Hulk, but this copycat version of the "Hulk" is different from the original. His strength does not rely on anger to change, but through burning a special biological energy that exists in the body.

Compared with the original version, which has almost no upper limit but is also very unstable. Although this method cannot be "explosive", it is better than being able to control it perfectly. There are two ways, which one is excellent, but with the great backing of space, there is no doubt that the road Lowden has chosen so far can go further.

In order not to attract too much attention from the Los Angeles government - it is impossible not to attract attention at all, after all, it is so lively here - Loden inspired the illusion on his body, and the hugeness itself only showed a degree of more than two meters.

He punched a sewer manhole cover that knew how to "fly", and kicked a stone the size of a fist that might pose a threat to pieces. The eyebrow bones of his eyebrows contracted in the middle, and a low voice sounded: "Do you want to consider my proposal that day?"

"You mean to contact Stephen and others, control a few pilots, and fly to Qing by yourself?"

"But didn't you say that the defense power of the big plane is too weak? What if it is bombarded by the Los Angeles government?"

"However, then again, now Los Angeles is in a mess. As long as you spend some blood money at the beginning to cover the movement of the plane's take-off, it is really possible to succeed..." Someone thought about it and was a little moved.

"Well... For the sake of safety, I'd better contact Stephen and others first... The price to hide most of the movement of the airport is not a little bit..."

"Good, that's the decision!"

"Death" has no independent will, thought and wisdom. It only follows a certain procedure - the program left by the traitor - and the priority to attack is naturally a large group of defenders. Secondly, if the number of people is the same, it will choose a stronger attack...

This is also one of the important reasons why Zhang Shen and the four of them have been able to live until now.

More than 20 avenues have been sealed, and Zhang Shen's goal has been half - the sound of gunfire and shouts in his ear has weakened a lot, the Los Angeles government has gradually taken control of the situation, and the crazy people can't see the enemy, and the frenzy that fills their hearts has weakened slightly - that's enough.

Zhang and his party retreated into a supermarket. Of course, the materials inside, especially daily necessities and food supplies, were completely "transferred", and the supermarket was in a mess.

Zhang Shen made dozens of big hands with alchemy, cleaned up everything in his eyes, and carefully tore off all the lines he could see and threw them away from afar.

It was about the previous "big move" CD for a long time, or most of the "energy" involved by Stephen Taip and others. The four people hid in this small supermarket and rested for more than ten minutes. If it hadn't been for the "small trouble" that came every few minutes, Zhang Shen felt that the four were left behind by those things. Forgot...

Bu Lichen and Li Jing strongly criticized his idea.

The abyss cannibals and even green onions have also been released. The former has been holding back for a long time, and as soon as it comes out, it keeps screaming, like a loyal dog's leg surrounding the four people, most of which the "small troubles" are solved by it; as for the latter, it still silently floats on Li Jing's shoulder, with green green leaves slowly Slowly swing.

Zhang Shen and the three noticed that compared with the "growth body", their hearts were a little bigger, and there was a thin light flowing around them, giving people a wonderful feeling of "floating immortality" and "remainland independence".

Although Li Jing didn't say anything, it can also be seen from her eyes looking at Lianxincong that Lianxincong should be about to complete the final "accumulation" and enter the "mature body".

In Li Jing's eyes, expectation, excitement and tension...

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen have asked her, but the latter always cares about him and changes the topic clumsily. They don't say much, just silently wait for the day when their hearts are completely "mature".

Outside the supermarket, the wind and rain are still the same, and the ears are full of roaring cold wind and torrential rain.

Sud of a sudden, there are some other sounds mixed in the wind and rain!

is the sound of footsteps!

There are also the sound of locomotives running and the sound of tires running over the ground and other noises.

Someone is approaching. And it is a large army with orderly training.

In today's Los Angeles, only the government and military consortium in Los Angeles have this power and the power to mobilize this power to do such a boring thing at this time.

In fact, after detecting that the four Zhang Shen had stopped blocking the road, the upper level of Los Angeles immediately decided to send elite troops to "capture the four of them".

At present, the most elite in Los Angeles is the Cobra Commando, which is a special force specially responsible for protecting the upper level of both the military and government. It can be seen that the upper level of Los Angeles is also really "blooded". It is said that this unit, in the special forces around the world, is second only to the British Bell Griss and the Qing City Management Brigade...

No one can compare with the perception of "killing" and "hostile" as cannibalism. While Zhang Shen and others were still vigilant about the "death", it found the invading enemy and informed Zhang Shen through spiritual contact.

"Please pay attention, there is trouble, and there are still a lot of them."

Li Jing condensed the "water mirror floating shadow", and what was displayed on it made Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen suddenly frown.

"Los Angeles military... What on earth are these bastard heads in!" He made such a great "contribution" to the "prosperity and stability" of Los Angeles, but was stabbed by his own people, and Zhang Shen couldn't help cursing.

"It must be that the ability we showed aroused their ideas... Isn't that what we all play in the movies?" Bu Lichen's expression was a little strange, probably because he didn't expect to become the "protagonist" one day.

"If you are caught, will you be used for a horrible experiment like human centipede?" Li Jing's little face turned white. This guy was obviously very scared, but he had to watch all kinds of ghost horror movies...

"How can it be so heavy... By the way, the point you are paying attention to is not a problem~~" Zhang Shen was very speechless.

Ouyang Tianqi bent the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

The army approached, but several people laughed and didn't pay attention to the troops outside at all.

Although the four are indeed not opponents of a well-trained, cooperative and well-equipped special forces, with the assistance of various miscellaneous props, any one of Zhang Shen's four-person team can play with a force in applause.

In fact, along the way, Zhang Shen and the four of them have done the matter of "taking the head of the enemy general among thousands of troops" many times.

In this ** naked world, the demons in many people's hearts are released, and all kinds of cruel means are outrageous. Except for Ouyang Tianqi, the other three of Zhang Shen and his party will kill him at any cost once they know the existence of such a person!

This is also one of the reasons why it took them so long to arrive in Los Angeles.

Looking at the mirror, the Cobra troops were about to completely surround the supermarket. Bu Lichen asked, "Captain, leave directly or give them some color?"

Looking at the two women eager to try, Zhang Shen smiled bitterly and was about to refuse. Suddenly, an idea came out!

"Captain, you are so obscene~~" Li Jing joked.

"Cough~~Don't care about the details..." Zhang Shen coughed a few times, "I just came up with an idea..."


"What do you think?"

"Not bad!" Agree!" Bu Lichen and Li Jing looked at each other and raised their hands in approval.

"What about Ouyang Tianqi?"

"It's worth a try."

"Very good, that's the decision."

"Guys, the work has started."