Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 33: Lightning Roasted Octopus [, Bye!!]

Chapter 33: Lightning Roasted Octopus

The "insidious and cunning" of the big octopus stunned everyone for a moment.

Won, is this still an "octopus"?!

The corners of Zhang Shen's eyes jumped straight and felt as if he had fallen into a big pit, with two words clearly written on it - idiot...

Seeing the death of two teammates, Rachel and Qatar's eyes were about to burst. Even the two injured who were trying to adjust their breath could not care about their own injuries and rushed to the big octopus, which showed a weak state.

In the face of the furious attack of the four Rachel, the big octopus, whose strength was greatly reduced, could not be taught. It was quite difficult to teach, and two tentacles were cut off after a few breaths.

The angry Rachels suddenly used the life-saving means at the bottom of the box. As soon as they increased and decreased, they saw that the big octopus was about to be killed by them on the spot.

"The big octopus is about to be killed. Captain, it seems that we are all in vain." Li Jing's voice sounded in Zhang Shen's ear, "What should I do now?"


Zhang Shen was about to speak when Ouyang Tianqi's voice sounded in the ears of the three people, and his tone was unprecedentedly cold and urgent.

After a brief pause, Bu Lichen took out the small airship in the universal capsule without saying a word.

This is an eggplant-shaped water-air dual-use aircraft, using a blue ** energy that I don't know what it is, and there is no backup - Zhang Shen and others think that this is disgusting - because of this, I chose to take a Boeing plane to cross the Pacific Ocean, but this happened. What a thing.

For good, most of the journey has passed, and now I can only pray that the full energy can support the Qing Dynasty.

The four people quickly entered the aircraft and started it through the stupid operation above. With a slight hum, the airship suspended, and several cyan light columns were sprayed out of the suspected jet mouth.

The big movement on Zhang Shen's side made Taipu and others look sideways and puzzled.

Even the four Rachels, who were trying their best to kill the big octopus, also paid some attention to this side, and their forces were reduced by one point, which gave the big octopus a little chance to breathe.

When the eggplant-shaped airship flies higher and higher and is about to fly to a height of 100 meters, it will change and regenerate!

The sea burst, as if a series of mine arrays had been detonated in an instant, and more than a dozen high-pressure water columns rose to the sky!

Fortunately, this airship is small, and its automatic driving is quite flexible. It dodged left and dodged, floated up and down, and finally avoided this water column jungle dangerously.

As the water column appeared in everyone's sight, there were blue and black tentacles!


I don't know when there were four big octopus!!

Moreover, in the sea as far as you can see, pieces of silver-gray fins are exposed to the sea and swim irregularly.

Although you can't see the situation under the sea, this shape is clearly the shark's fin!

It seems that immediately behind the swordfish is the sharks!

However, this thing is not as capable of gliding and impacting like swordfish. How about sharks that can only swim in the water take a group of guards?

Soon, the sharks gave the answer.

In the sound of seawater splashing, beautiful sharks jumped out of the sea like a dolphin version, jumped dozens of meters out of the water, and launched a brazen attack on Taipu and others!

Looking at the two rows of white teeth, people are unwilling to try how much biting power these sharks jumping into the sky have left!

This unscientific world...

Everyone was powerless to complain and silently ran away in the direction of the Qing Dynasty, and the soldiers were divided into four ways.

The airship of Zhang Shen's four people was targeted by a big octopus.

For this prey, it is chasing it. Perhaps, the only fortunate thing is that the sharks do not seem to have chased. It is probably because the airships flew too high to completely exceed their jumping limit.

No matter how unscientific it is, it is still necessary to respect the physical structure of the shark.

This big octopus is almost exactly the same as its predecessors, except for being slightly smaller.

It also has the ability to control water. Every time it touches and swings, a high-pressure water column rushes out of the sea and crashes into the airship.

I don't know what the structure of this airship is. It looks very high-tech, but it is not common (?) The energy mask can only constantly dodge the high-pressure water column released by the big octopus, which seems a little awkward.

Although Zhang Shen's alchemy told him that the shell alloy of the airship was very hard, Zhang Shen had no intention of experimenting in the face of the unscientific big octopus's unscientific attack.

When the two were about to leave the dark cloud range, the thunder and lightning that had been diving for a period of time appeared again!

The way of appearance is too high-profile.

In the dark clouds that did not move at the previous moment, there was a sudden silver light, ablazing white, bright eyes.

The next moment, hundreds of silver and white thunder rushed out of the dark clouds, like a thorn cage, straight to the airship!

"Ha, I've been guarding against your move for a long time! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhang Shen sneered, and the four of them moved in an orderly manner.

Bu Lichen activated three boundary defense symbols in a row - this is all the property of Zhang Shen's team. The light flashed, and the three layers of defense were set layer by layer, which set the airship tightly.

The remnant sword of Ouyang Apocalypse came out of its sheath and swept it. In the confusion of the sword light, an obvious sword mark appeared on the top of the airship, surrounding it.

There was a roar, and the top of the airship moved backwards, making it vibrate violently.

The sword of Ouyang Tianqi actually divided the airship into two!

Li Jing has already taken action. Under her full control, she grabbed the "control" of part of the sea water from the home of the big octopus. Three long but small finger-thick columns of water suddenly rose from the sea and rose hundreds of meters, a little higher than the airship.

"Refining into an array, start!!"

Zhang Shen pressed his hands on the long-drawn refining array and added the last remaining two intact sages stones to it. Suddenly, the bloody thunder and lightning danced wildly and spread around.

Zhang Shen's goal is the top of the airship that was cut off from the main body by Ouyang Tianqi's sword!

With the violent consumption of mental power, the top forged by the alloy quickly squirmed, and then, as if it had been thrown into an ironmaking furnace, turned into ** and flowed to the three slender water columns made by Li Jing.

The three water columns made by Li Jing are hollow!

"Iron water" touched the column of water, and it penetrated into it, fell into the empty heart in the center, and filled it.

The thunder and lightning roared and fell on the three layers of spiritual light, and only three soft "poops" were heard one after another, and the defense shield broke one after another.

At this time, the "combation" of "iron water" and water column has been completed!

Li Jing gave up control of the sea water, and the water splashed everywhere for a while.

Zhang Shen's spirit poured out and completed the last step.

"Iron water" condenses and turns into steel alloy again.

So, three lightning rods were formed!

Even if it is done by Death, thunder and lightning still have to abide by the basic rules of the world.

For example, it will be attracted by a lightning rod!

In an instant, the thunder seemed to pause and stagnate slightly.

Then, more than 90% of the lightning fell on three lightning rods. For a while, the sky and the earth were clear.

And the root of the three lightning rods is not far from the big octopus!

So, it was tragic.

While sweeping away the thunder and lightning of the fish that leaked into the net, Zhang Shen and the four of them leisurely looked at the big octopus below full of pain, black smoke all over their bodies, and even smelled the fragrance of barbecue octopus.

"It's a pity that there are no spices, tut." Li Jing stretched out his pink tongue and licked his lips, looking eager and regretful.

Zhang Shen flicked her smooth forehead angrily: "Don't let the villain get ambition. It's better to leave quickly, so as not to be happy and sad~~" I don't know when the relationship between the two became much closer, at least both sides were unaware of such an intimate little action.

"Captain, please stop talking." Bu Lichen glanced at him and increased the speed of the airship by two levels. The speed of the latter is divided into five grades. At present, it is only the third level, because its top has been cut off. If it is not broken, it will be Amitabha. How dare to mess around again.

Out of the "d Dark Cloud Area", the sad wind and rain dissipated for a moment, replaced by a refreshing and cool sea breeze full of the smell of the sea. Through the big hole overhead, you can also see the deep sky and the bright starry sky.

It seemed that he changed the world in an instant and came to heaven from hell. This beautiful feeling made Zhang Shen and the other three immediately intoxicated.

Ouyang Tianqi looked up at the sky, his calm eyes rippled, and his expression became soft.

On the other side, compared with Zhang Shen's "leisure", Taipu and others look a little embarrassed.

The five Stephens rode a Pegasus, only ten meters away from the sea.

So, when the sharks showed unscientific jumping power, these five Pegasus became victims.

Stefan and others decisively abandoned them for their own safety, making the latter all food for sharks.

As an "old bird" that has been fooling around in the defenders for a long time, naturally there will not be only one kind of flying "prop" of Pegasus. After using these Pegasus to block the disaster for himself, one person took out a flying blanket and took everyone to fly quickly in the direction of Qing, far away from this place of right and wrong.

As mentioned above, "Death" will follow a procedure set by a traitor. At the same time, when facing two or more groups of defenders, it will give priority to assigning "forces" to the strong.

Faced with the joint attack of lightning, big octopus and sharks, Stephen and others had to use the life-saving means at the bottom of the box.

Even so, in the end, at the cost of all serious injuries and several precious treasures, they were able to kill the big octopus chasing themselves and others and leave the "black cloud area".

Lachel's four people were seriously injured, and the two seriously injured forcibly launched a move regardless of the injury, resulting in injuries, almost half disabled.

What killed them was a large octopus, a large group of sharks and some other scattered marine creatures. After paying almost all the precious props that they had finally accumulated, the four people struggled to kill the big octopus and most of the marine life and escaped.

And the hardest thing is six people in Taipu.

As the strongest and largest party, they have been treated well.

Two big octopus - one is intact and the other is seriously injured.

There is no shark. It is a whale that replaces the "cute" shark!

And the most ferocious killer whale!!

What's more shameless is that this damn killer whale will fucking attack!!!

At the critical moment of life and death, Taipu endured physical pain and gave Lowen an extremely precious and expensive medicine - "the sigh of the goddess of life", which made the latter instantly resurrect with blood and demons.


After a hard battle, the six people of Taipu still killed three unscientific creatures.

The staff has not been reduced, but all of them are seriously injured, and they are still the kind that lack arms and legs.

Once Loden died, he lay dead again - half of his body was bitten off by the killer whale...

However, it has not been digested...


[PS: This chapter is an addition of a thousand collections]

[PS2: Spit blood for collection!! If it used to be an acknowledgment for me, it now involves a very realistic survival issue...】

[PS3: Reader, please collect!!!!]

[PS3: By the way, I forgot to say something very important. Writing novels means a lot to me (it's definitely not about money), and I will never be an eunuch! Although the working hours are very long, I would rather sleep less than break the update!!]