Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 50: Ark Enhancement Plan [Monday]

Chapter 50: Ark Enhancement Scheme

Zhang Shen's "enhancement" is complex and simple.

The main body of Ark 01 is a huge amount of steel. Although half of them are various alloys, which occupy the absolute dominance and are still ordinary steel.

From iron ore to molded steel, no matter how many processes go through and how many times it is repeatedly melted and condensed, steel will inevitably contain impurities under current technical conditions. These impurities, which come from raw materials or residual elements in the manufacturing process, can only be minimized but cannot be completely eliminated. For example, hydrogen will lead to the embrittlement of steel, nitrogen will reduce the ductility and toughness of molded steel, etc.

Due to the large number of lines inside the ark, coupled with Zhang Shen's unfamiliarity with it, and the time factors that pressed everyone's hearts, Zhang Shen's strengthening is actually only for the outer armor of the ark, trying to improve its hardness, toughness, ductility and other performance, making it the first to protect the ark and hundreds of thousands of survivors inside. It is also the strongest line of defense.

After a moment of meditation, Zhang Shen gave two plans.

One, compression!

In ancient times, craftsmen who forged weapons would forge over and over again in order to enhance the power of weapons, so there are words "hundred forging" and "thousand forging". After hundreds and thousands of forgings and burning the impurities, a large piece of iron will become extremely dense, leaving only a small point, not to mention others, at least the increase in hardness is calculated in multiples.

The first option "compression" given by Zhang Shen is roughly similar to this method.

He took a two-finger thick iron plate of about five square meters and made a demonstration for Adrian and Deman.

Taking out the pen, Zhang Shen drew a refined array on this iron plate.

symbolizes the endless circle of all things;

symbolizes the world's six supreme mysterious hexagons;

The diamond symbolizing "flame" and the triangle symbolizing "earth" overlap;

So far, the basic structure of refining into an array has been completed.

The intention of Zhang Shen's formation is to refine the impurities in steel to make it more dense and improve the performance of steel. Because now he has not reached the atomic level of operational ability - which has a lot to do with the strength of mental strength (soul), and there is no sage stone in his hand at this moment (Sa Riva's semi-finished product dares not be afraid of going something goes well). The degree of "compression" is limited, but he thinks it is enough for the ark to resist possible impact. .

Because it was only a simple "compression purification", Zhang Shen extracted three or five reaction techniques from the memory, split them and combined them, evolved into a compound technique, added them to the refining array, and repeated them more than a dozen times, filling almost all the space.

With his hands on the cold iron plate, Zhang Shen said silently in his heart:

lian into an array and start!!

The white current is like a python, hissing, and quickly spreading the whole iron plate, as if scanning.

This steel plate is also to be applied to the ark. Regarding the survival of human civilization, countries have used the highest level of forging technology throughout the whole process, and has given the highest attention for fear of any quality problems. Therefore, the steel plate under Zhang Shen is of quite high quality, which is enough to withstand the impact of two cars driving at full speed.

However, even so, in the refining process of Zhang Shen's alchemy, it still has undergone very obvious changes!

At the beginning, countless small holes that seemed to be enlarged pores appeared on the surface of the steel plate one after another, which made the people present suddenly have goose bumps. Fortunately, there was no dense phobia...

Then, it was like being drenched with sulfuric acid. On the surface of the steel plate, gray-white bubbles came out of the previous hole, like a large number of small crabs hidden in it. The bubbles kept rolling one after another, and the fine sound of "poof" fluctuated.

Deman noticed that each of the exploded bubbles would take away a little impurities of different colors.

After a few minutes, when there were no more bubbles in the air hole, the original bubble fragments gradually dried up and turned into a disgusting "dead skin"-like thing, sticking to the surface of the steel plate.


Zhang Shen took a long breath, took his hands off the steel plate, and wiped the hair and sweat that quietly came out of his forehead.

He lifted a hard shell from the steel plate with his hand!

"This is the impurities in steel??!" Adrian's mouth was so wide that he could stuff a duck egg, and his face was incredible. Even if his eyes sank because of fatigue, his eyes were about to fall out at this moment.

Deman's four people have a good eye. After comparing the thickness of the steel plate before and after refining, they found that it has thinned about two or three nails. Although it is not much, considering its own quality and the thickness of the outer armor of the ark, if this result is grafted to the ark, it will be quite considerable!

"Can you apply this method directly to the ark?" Adrian knew as much about the ark as the designer or builder. After a brief pause, he came to his senses and began to think about the practicality of this method.

"Although the outer armor of the ark is also assembled, it is a whole. If your method can only strengthen it one part by one, it will affect its overall balance. This is not good."

As a ship, if even the basic balance is lost, no matter how powerful the outer armor is, it will be nothing more than a lump of iron, and the water will sink directly.

Zhang Shen frowned and thought about it for a moment and replied, "You can rest assured that according to the volume of the ark, refining it into an array can cover it at once, which will not cause imbalance caused by uneven thickness of armor. However, in this way, if you want to refine the same amount of impurities, I'm afraid you can't do your best and try a few more times.

"How long will it take to use this ability, plus a break in the middle."

"Draw into an array, start, control, rest to restore mental strength..." Zhang Shen calculated in his heart and gave a reply that made the latter frown. On average, it takes half an hour at a time, and the number of uses is between 10 and 15 times a day.

"It's too slow!" Adrian clenched his fist with regret, "What about another way?"

Another plan given by Zhang Shen is the opposite of this--


In the previous scheme, after refining, the outer armor will become thinner, but on the contrary, this scheme will make it thicker.

Generally speaking, the higher the density of an object, the stronger it is and the harder it is. For ordinary people, steel is a very hard object, and the density is also quite high - at least the gap between the surface is almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, for Zhang Shen, who uses his spiritual power to view everything, the common steel is simply a big sieve, which is covered with mesh, and I'm afraid that pouring a basin of water will leak out from the other end...

Although the steel used to make the ark is of much better quality, it can still "see" the dense small holes!

Therefore, in his second plan, these holes should be blocked!

What should be used to fill in the block??

Naturally, it is also steel!!

During the implementation process, Zhang participated in refining other steel into "iron water" made of countless particles, controlled these "iron water" with mental microoperation, penetrated into those holes, and "blocked" them.

In short, the other steel plate is put on the outer armor of the ark and integrates the two!

Compared with the former, the advantage of this method is that it is simple and fast, and the disadvantage is that it will greatly increase the weight of the ark. At the same time, using mental strength for micro-operation is also a big challenge for Zhang Shen. Overall, the efficiency is indeed better than the first one, but it is also relatively limited and not obvious.

At first glance, this method is better than the first one, but it has a fatal flaw.

The power of the Ark engine has been limited, and the burden of external armor of nearly double the weight has been suddenly increased. Can the Ark withstand it?!

Although Adrian knows the structure of the Ark very well, he dares not interfere in this kind of professional thing, let alone make a decision now.

"Yes, isn't there still a palace!" Suddenly, Adrian raised his eyebrows and his eyes sparkled. He remembered his strange good friend, Gong Yu, the minister of the [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology].

"It's right to ask him about this kind of thing."

Adrian is very confident in Gong Yu and has even reached the level of unconditional trust. This is not only because the latter showed the knowledge and ability of any scientist in Zhuo Minggu in electronic technology, but also the inexplicable "instinct" and "intuition" that emerged in his heart.

As a rigorous scientist, Adrian has never been very interested in "intuition" and "instinct". However, when all this happened to him, and in such a special external environment, he still chose to believe it without hesitation!

"Well, I don't dare to jump to conclusions now. I need to consult a professional, but I can only... Er, it's 7:23 p.m., and I'll reply to you by 10 a.m. tomorrow at the latest, how about that?" Adrian glanced at the time display on his watch, and the expression on his face returned to the seriousness of this period.

"No problem." Zhang Shen was also infected by his emotional expression. Zheng said, "I'll wait for your notice."

"This is my business card. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything." Adrian valued Zhang Shen's alchemy very much, and his intuition would have a great effect on the survival of Noah's Ark for the whole human civilization. He took out a golden card from his pocket and handed it to him.

By the way, Zhuoming Valley has its own independent communication system, and almost everyone has their own communication number. However, shortly after Zhuominggu was built, the signal resources are limited, so it is divided into classes, and the signal resources that advanced numbers can enjoy are of higher quality.

In short, the "privileged number" has an unmatched advantage in grabbing signals...

Adrian's number undoubtedly belongs to the top level. Although Zhang Shen and other guards also belong to the first step, they are relatively at the bottom.

After saying goodbye to Adrian, Zhang Shen, led by Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu, came to the house divided for themselves, a house with three bedrooms and one living room.

confirmed the "value" of Zhang Shen, and the tone of the two quietly eased a lot.

After a while of greeting, the two left.

However, Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu had just left for a few minutes, and another visitor came.

An unexpected guy.