Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 60: The Sorrow of the Soul - Death! [ Please subscribe to the collection]

Chapter 60: The Sorrow of the Soul... Death!

United States,*.

Nolan J. Rust, the new pope of the Doomsday Truth* district.

At this moment, he is standing at the top of the former White House, and the two emotions of sadness and solemnity are perfectly intertwined on his face.

Around the White House, tens of thousands of people stood quietly, with their hands in their hearts and looked up at him.

Farther away from the White House, there are hundreds of thousands of believers doing the same thing, looking this way.

It is reasonable that the U.S. government will definitely intervene in such a large-scale gathering, but at this moment, not only no one has come forward. On the contrary, a considerable number of the government and military personnel who stayed in * also joined the Doomsday Truth Church and joined the "sacrifice" held at this moment.

As for the other part, on the one hand, they dare not care about it. On the other hand, they are already difficult to protect themselves. Many people are desperate. How can they have the heart to care about these things!

Everyone knows about global earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

* The ground also has one bottomless deep trench crack after another, and the bright high-rise buildings in the past have all turned into tofu dregs projects, like sand castles on the beach, tilting, collapsing and collapsing!

Looking up, the sky was dyed red. That's the firelight formed by countless volcanic eruptions. That's the declaration of the end of the world, the cry of heaven, and the blood of billions of creatures!

Even if someone beside him was smashed into a pool of meat sauce by something falling from the sky, no one cared.

Everyone looked in the direction of the White House, and their eyes were numb and dead gray... In that gray indifference, in the infinite depths of their eyes, a fire of hatred burned silently.

That is the life's disgust for death, but also the hatred for destruction, the love for the world, and the deep unwillingness and anger!

This is a flame ignited by resentment.

Noran looked around, the volcano erupted, the earth cracked, the buildings collapsed, and countless people cried desperately and fled in vain. They still could not escape this disaster of extinction.

Everything in the sight was so miserable that people couldn't bear to look at it. However, Nolan did not change his look at all.

He took out a dagger from his arms and pushed it to his throat.

"The supreme nothingness, the darkness of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I, your devout believer, Nolan J. Rust, followed in your footsteps today."

"Curse the world."

"We will have eternal peace."

With a few simple prayers, Nolan calmly sent his hands forward--

With the sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh and cutting the trachea, hot blood gushed out!

"Damn...ha...fate..." The vitality gradually lost with the splashing blood, and Nolan's indifferent face restored some human emotions. Suddenly, hot tears came out of his eyes. He wanted to cry, but he had lost his strength.

"In the darkness of the early Yuan Dynasty, your devout believers offer everything here to you and pray for eternal peace."

"I wish I would never wake up and sleep in the bottomless abyss from now on."

"Curse the world and destroy it with me."



chanting the voice of the moment, one after another doomsday believers have used various sharp weapons to separate their throats, allowing blood to surge like springs and splash wet all over.

The earth is torn, the buildings collapse, and the loud sound can't cover the last spiritual sound of millions of creatures in this life. * It's like a meteor falling into the sky, shining the last and most dazzling light in life!

The sound of millions of lives turned into invisible pillars of light and rose to the sky, making the world tremble!!

In an instant, the earth that collapsed seemed to be stagnant, and the irreversible momentum stopped for one millionth of a second!

This is the final struggle of this world under the guidance of the simple consciousness of unwillingness to destroy it.

After all, it's just a struggle.

The cracks of the earth are getting deeper and deeper, and the violent earthquakes trigger huge waves. They spread all the way from the Atlantic Ocean and landed on the land, sweeping all the civilizations that human beings were proud of in the past, swept into the deep ocean, and buried in the eternal darkness and cold.

The earth is like a porcelain that is not sure about the heat. Cracks burst, and there is no way to reverse the collapse of the rock layer, and it will definitely go to break!

No one knows that these people who committed suicide and were buried into the eternal abyss together with *. In the depths of everyone's heart, there was a little invisible fire from the body and shot out.

Every light is lit, but the size of soybeans, the color is like ink, and it is so dark that it makes people palpitate.

Following the "guide" in the dark, these black fires gathered together and swayed towards the destination.

Their destination is--

Zhuo Minggu!!


The same thing, New York, Manhattan, Paris, Moscow, Brazil, Shanghai, Bangkok... All over the world, as long as there is doomsday truth and doomsday truth believers, it is "in full swing"...

No one knows how many of the nearly 10 billion people choose to end their lives in this way.

100,000, millions, tens of millions, billions...

Countless black light spots converge into a burning black ocean, passing through the space where illusory and reality are intertwined, flying to the destination, the only remaining hope of mankind - Zhuo Ming Valley.

A huge skull phantom appeared over the dark flames.

It is the "death" that Zhang Shen and other guards have been looking for but cannot be obtained!

This is the secret hand left by the traitor.

"Death" has never really existed!

It is condensed by the deepest darkness that brings together the depths of all human hearts in the world!

The traitor takes advantage of the world's antipathy to the instinct of life in a different world to take a little darkness in everyone's heart and evolve into this endless pursuit of defenders and will eventually drag the world into the eternal abyss of death!!

.........sp... cut......... line......

Hot tears suddenly rolled down from Adrian's eyes and couldn't stop.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?" The border city Sayer looked at Adrian's tears, and his heart was also in terrible pain. He hurriedly took out his handkerchief and was about to wipe it for him.

"It's okay. I'll do it myself." Adrian wiped his handkerchief hard, but he couldn't wipe it clean. Every time he wiped off a drop, more tears rolled down. Adrian, who was well aware of this situation, had no choice but to bite the tip of his tongue fiercely and suppress the sadness that came from the depths of his heart with the help of severe pain.

Border city Shaye took the handkerchief soaked with tears from Adrian, and then suddenly realized his behavior just now, and his face suddenly turned red and at a loss. She has been suppressing her feelings for Adrian and dare not show it, burdening the latter, and her personality is also relatively introverted and shy. She didn't expect to do such a "bold" thing today!

In fact, not only the border city of Saye, but also everyone else - the people in the world have quietly increased their perception of Adrian several times! If a man is already familiar with him, he will treat him as a best friend, a good brother, and a woman will also regard him as a person who can rely on his trust and give him a sense of security like a family.

At the same time, their degree of "convinced" to Adrian quietly soared by more than ten times and dozens of times, just like Taizu and the Red Guards in those years, almost blindly worshipped!

This made Adrian's plan go much better.

.........sp... cut......... line......

Ark 06, *.

When Zhang Shen and the other three rushed to the place where Ouyang Tianqi was originally imprisoned, only an empty cell came into sight.

"There is still the smell of Ouyang here, which is very strong. It should have been transferred for a short time." Bu Lichen's [Eight Magic] cultivation to the peak can command the world's creatures and dead. For the breath, "There is also a strong but somewhat weak breath, probably the general Jin Sanjin who escaped from death."

At the beginning, the obscene and fat uncle's version of Jin Sanqi's existence is really not high. If he hasn't deliberately paid attention to it, not only Bu Lichen, Zhang Shen and all other defenders below the "spiritual" realm are not impressed.

"Damn it!" Zhang Shen frowned, his eyes were gloomy, his fists clenched, and the powerlessness in his heart gave him a roaring impulse.


The excited mood affected the physical and mental injury, and Zhang Shen's face flashed with pain and he couldn't stop coughing.

"Captain, what should we do next?" Li Jing patted him on the back, "Let me see, just give it back! Since they arrested our people, we will use the people on this ship as a bargaining chip to force them to return Ouyang!"

Li Jing's words made Zhang Sanbu Lichen suddenly stunned.

This fierce and indifferent words really comes from the mouth of Li Jing, who is derail, playful and kind-hearted?!

"What's the matter? Why do you look at me like this?" Li Jing blinked, and his delicate little face was full of confusion.

Wow~~ It seems to be an illusion, and Li Jing is still there. Most of what she said just now was unintentional.

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen looked at each other and saw relief and happiness in each other's eyes.

The two have been carefully maintaining Li Jing's innocence and purity, and they don't want these beautiful emotions to be destroyed.

This thought is as firm as the mutual trust and protection desire of the three people.

However, the two did not see that a strange gray light flashed away on the crystal white stem of the heart on Li Jing's shoulder.

"Is there any problem with this?" Li Jing tilted his head, giving people a feeling that he didn't wake up.

"There are some things that others can do, but we can't do." Bu Lichen squeezed her lips and smiled, and found that her belief was quietly strengthened a little, and the connection with the fog alfalfa was also close, and she could already integrate the second plant.

Zhang Shen's eyes flashed: "But they don't know that we won't do this!"

"Judging from the behavior of Kim San, he value the * people on this ship very much."

"I don't believe that he can watch a boat of people die!"