Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 66: We mermaids have power

Chapter 66: We mermaids have power

The upper body is human and the lower body is fish.

The coldness of men and the charm of women, both of whom have long wavy sea-blue hair. The former is a colorful trident in his hand, while the latter is a four-stringed instrument similar to a pipa.

Tang Tian's Mermaid Legion!

At a glance, no more, no less, exactly 30,000.

When the mermaid warrior saw Tang Tian, they lowered their arrogant heads and paid tribute to him.

In the induction of Jin San and Sam, the strength of these people's fish is not bad. In terms of the comprehensive strength of energy, the average level of each is 200 cards (fan), which is really not bad.

This discovery made the two sigh with joy and even more afraid of Tang Tian!

Tang Tian seemed to enjoy this moment very much, and there seemed to be two flames burning in his eyes, dazzling.

"Go, flatten it for me!!" Shaking his arm with great momentum, Tang Tian pointed to somewhere and issued a loud order.

The direction of the fingertips is the terrible huge wave.

Mermaids, in the world, are almost all "sons of the ocean", which are representative magical creatures in the ocean. They have noble blood and talent. It is completely instinctive to control the ocean currents. The ocean and even any water are their home field.

Obviously, Tang Tian had long expected this scene, * such a mermaid army, just to restrain this wanton and destructive crazy tsunami.

In dozens of expectant eyes, the mermaid army arranged in a circle is like an arrow from the string, galloping towards the huge waves at a high speed of 70 yards.

The current is very urgent, and there is a hidden crisis, but in front of the mermaid, it seems that the owner's cat becomes extremely docile, and even takes the initiative to separate and give way to the sky.

The mermaid army finally faced the huge wave.

With the order of the strongest mermaid, the mermaid army made a move!

The female mermaid holds the instrument in one hand, puts her other hand on the string, and gently plucks--


Sound waves beyond the range of human hearing spread outward, instantly touching the huge waves, and then "integrate" into it!

The galloping waves suddenly paused for one millionth of a second!!

Then, it seemed to have bought a kidney 5 man. Its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced and its height was rapidly reduced. When it reached less than 100 meters in front of the Mermaid Legion, it had become a 500-meter-level "small spray"!

The male mermaid made a throwing javelin action, and more than 10,000 tridents were thrown out and fell into the still surging waves.

The huge waves that were about to destroy the world at the moment before were simply a sand castle piled up on the beach, which suddenly collapsed!!

This amazing scene made the guards on the arks couldn't help cheering and felt that they had seen the dawn of life again.

"It's simply... awesome!" Zhang Shen smirthed his lips, with all kinds of envy and hatred. This should be a high-level * technology... If I can control life refining (non-human refining), maybe I can refine similar life forms... In that way, I won't be so embarrassed in the future..."

Tang Tian's arbitrary and his powerlessness in the face of Jin San, two completely different feelings echoed in Zhang Shen's mind, making him start thinking about something other than "orthodox" alchemy.

In front of the talent and extraordinary power of the Mermaid Legion, the huge waves collapsed, and a disaster that could destroy the last hope of mankind quietly disappeared.

Controlling the current has become the instinct of mermaids. Where they stand, the sea is incredibly calm and truly becomes a "mirror".

The wonderful performance of Tang Tian and his mermaid army is amazing. However, after a short period of joy, everyone held their breath again and stared at the movement in the distance.

Everyone knows the means of "death" and is more than that!

"Death" really lived up to everyone's "expectations"! Soon, another wave of waves came.

It is not high, but more than 400 meters, far less than the wave just now.

However, the expressions of Jin San, Sam and Tang Tian became serious one after another!

Few other guards may see it, but the three can see it clearly. This wave combines special forces that do not belong to this world and should not be underestimated!

Just like a warcraft rabbit in the magic world with the lowest level and can only spray water arrows, it can easily kill the beasts at the forefront of the ordinary world, integrating special forces. This wave of waves is enough to destroy mountains and rocks and turn the earth upside down!

This is the real test facing the Mermaid Legion!

It seems that he received some orders from Tang Tian. Suddenly, the magnificent fighting spirit rose from the sky of the mermaid army and went straight to the sky, almost condensed into substance. Even if he was in the ark, he could clearly feel the hero who fought all over the world.

Stimulated by this momentum, the abyss cannibal appeared automatically, shouted, and the ferocious appearance stunned the few ordinary people here... Zhang Shen was speechless for a while, smiled awkwardly in the face of everyone's ridiculing eyes, and had to blur their memories.

shouted slogans that no one could understand, and the mermaid army attacked the huge waves.

At first glance, it seemed that the dragonfly shook the tree. However, in the process of sprinting, some people found that the breath of 30,000 fish gradually merged into one, and the spirit had undergone an indescribable and wonderful change.

Just when the distance between the two was less than 50 meters, the sea around the mermaid army suddenly "boiled" and flew into the air, condensing into a very large seawater mermaid.

This mermaid has three heads and six arms, three faces, one man and one woman are blurred, and six arms hold two tridents and a musical instrument. It plucked the strings and condensed into a substantial sound wave like a huge wave. The Milky Way rolled down, poured down from the nine heavens, and rushed to the huge wave.

The invisible sound waves hit the tangible waves, causing a earth-shaking explosion!


After a brief loss of sound, a mushroom cloud appeared in Zhang Shen's sight as if it were a nuclear bomb explosion, but it was made of blue water.

The impact of the explosion made a huge pit appear on the sea. Around the pit, rows of sea waves surged and converged into waves, surging in all directions.

Many gloomy mermaid giants danced with the other four arms of the trident. Suddenly, a pair of scissors seemed to appear on the sea, cutting out several cracks like the surging sea tide.

These trench-like cracks are like wounds that break arteries and "bleed" while leaking most of the power of the tide, which can no longer cause any harm to the ark group!

Another wave of "Death" offensive was disintegrated, and the Mermaid Legion also paid a huge price. When the mermaid colossus disappeared, Zhang Shen was stunned to find that thousands of mermaids had disappeared silently. Obviously, there was no cost to take this blow.

In the next few hours, "Death" launched more than a dozen attacks in a row, which were blocked by the mermaid army under Tang Tian and did not cause damage to 18 arks.

The time interval between each wave of attacks is getting longer and longer, but the "attack power" has not increased much, which is clearly a manifestation of the lack of "death" skills.

At the end of another wave of attacks, the mermaid army under Tang Tian's command has less than 20,000 left, more than 13,000!

Obviously, Tang Tian does not spread the impact on all fish individuals, but on the contrary, he uses the amount of damage to ensure that every remaining mermaid maintains its peak combat effectiveness at all times.

"It's not good." While waiting for the next wave of shock, Ouyang Tianqi suddenly opened his mouth. After the treatment of Sam's guardian and hours of breath adjustment, his injury has completely healed.

"Well, what do you mean?" Three people are puzzled. Judging from the current situation, even if "Death" has no means, it is not as strong as every wave of tsunami now. In a vast ocean, what else can be compared with the power of the sea itself?

"Ouyang, what did you see?" The careful Bu Lichen found that there were some subtle changes in Ouyang Apocalypse, who met the three of them again. For example, his left eye.

In the past, his left eye was covered with bangs. Unless he lifted his bangs, he could not find anything abnormal at all. At most, he felt that this person was playing cool and was indeed quite cold.

But now, even with that layer of bangs, Bu Lichen can still "see" its existence, just like a dark black dot suddenly added to a gray canvas, which makes people have to pay attention!

Ouyang Apocalypse was silent for a moment and nodded.

After recovering from the injury, he also found his own changes.

In addition to the all-round strengthening, he found that the world in front of him suddenly became "clear" in his own eyes!

That feeling is completely the difference between 480P and 1080P!

In addition, the magic power of your left eye, which is only occasionally effective, is more likely to start, and you can see something inexplicable from time to time.

Just now, a picture suddenly appeared in his eyes--

The mermaid under Tang Tian's command is dead and injured! He and Jin Sanqi were also seriously injured and unsustainable! Eighteen arks, only five are left, and they are hitting a peak of ice and snow!

He was about to say the picture he saw, but at the moment he opened his mouth, his body stiffened: "Nothing, it's just a bad feeling. Please be careful."

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen and Li Jing both saw that his words were insincere and looked at each other, and their eyes were a little more solemn.

"The aircraft sent by Tang Tian is still there, and there is still some energy left... If the sky doesn't work, we can only think of other ways..."

"Captain, do you remember the sandstorm? Maybe we can do it again to make a thick enough hockey..."

Time, minute by minute.

It's already night. Most of the people on the ark have already fallen asleep relaxed, with the joy of immortality, and their hearts are full of expectations for future life. Even if they are worried, they still have a sweet smile on their faces.

Under the influence of such a gentle and quiet environment, the guards who have been nervous for a long time can't help feeling a little sleepy.

At the top of Ark 01, Jin San and Tang Tiansam's expression suddenly became ugly!